I Became A Playwright In Medieval Fantasy

Chapter 30

After meeting with Professor Gabi as Phantom, I found myself alone at my desk, refining what was initially a brainstorming-level idea.

Thanks to the excessive drinking from the previous night, I was suffering from a significant hangover.

“Ugh, my head hurts.”

‘What was I thinking? Who drinks that much strong alcohol?’

I had accepted the role of the protagonist through the professor’s “introduction.”

I had decided to receive guidance at the Geloroushina Theater Company until the playwright Phantom’s script was completed.

To that end, the professor treated me to some elven-style alcohol for my hard work, but I ended up consuming too much and faced the consequences.

‘But it was surprisingly tasty.’

Could it be because it was wine made from the World Tree’s elves?

Although it was potent, the aftertaste was clean and the flavor was superb. I also appreciated that my body didn’t reek of alcohol after drinking it.

Moreover, thinking about the guaranteed A+ made me thrilled and I eagerly downed the “FREE booze someone bought for me!” only to pay the price now.

Today was a precious weekend for the academy students. My roommate Maurice had already gone out on a date with his girlfriend.

So here I was, miserably tapping my pen while experiencing a strong urge to be lazy.

After all, if I intended to make Xiang Yu the protagonist, there would be an avalanche of parts to chop and adapt.

“Haah, this…”

Once I actually started writing, I found adapting it was more of a headache than during the times of Admiral Yi Sun-sin or Julius Caesar, huh?

The heroes of the War of Chu and Han, Xiang Yu and Liu Bang, were literally “Chinese” heroic figures.

To the Chinese, who have a surplus of population, it might not stir much feeling even if tens of thousands die like cattle.

They could dress up the ruthless pursuit of self-interest, sacrificing honor and kinship for victory as cleverness.

…But the perspective from a medieval fantasy world is entirely different.

‘Let’s boldly revise the overly shabby or cruel parts.’

If the audience can’t empathize with the protagonist’s actions, that’s a no-go.

Moreover, the political background of the character Xiang Yu was also problematic.

During his life, he exhibited a transcendent trajectory that far surpassed Cao Cao from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Wasn’t it Xiang Yu as a child who blurted out while watching the procession of the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty?

[I will definitely kill that guy and take that position!]

‘No matter the exotic concept of the work, a mere noble saying that to an emperor can’t go unpunished.’

Furthermore, Xiang Yu resorted to killing his own lord, the King of Chu, because he found him annoying, making it a clear act of treason. If the protagonist pulls such stunts, the theater inside might go upside down, no?

Hence, I decided to drastically amend the background setting of the Chu-Han contention.

The unifying Qin Empire would be reduced to a singular, kingdom-level plight of destruction against which they stand alone.

I scrapped the character of the King of Chu and instead rooted Xiang Yu and Liu Bang as royal descendants of a nation that perished due to Qin’s ruin.

A royal of a fallen nation seeking to avenge their country and reclaim the throne?

That provides a solid character motivation, while avoiding inevitable political friction.

Moreover, I intended to painstakingly refine other elements that would only resonate within “China,” adjusting them to align with more universal values.

Well, that’s all fine and dandy…

“Aaargh, the headache!”

The Chu-Han contention is such an expansive and intricate subject that handling it is quite tricky. Combined with this hangover bomb, I felt like my skull was about to crack.

‘Philosopher’s Stone, help me out. How about speeding up my writing process and reducing brain power consumption in a second?’

Just as I was struggling over how to structure the plot seamlessly…

Knock, knock, knock!


Suddenly, someone knocked on the dorm room door.

Maurice wouldn’t be back from his date for a while. If he had come back, he would’ve unlocked the door himself.

“I’m coming! Just a moment!”

I quickly stuffed the notes I had been scribbling into the drawer.

Then I approached the door and clicked the lock open…

“Eh? Senior?”

“Hello, Balthazar! I hope I’m not interrupting you when you’re busy?”

…I was soon faced with Senior Rosalyn Wenford, who stood blankly at the entrance.

Our reliable Senior Rosalyn. When she entered the boys’ dorm during Admiral Lee’s tenure, it looks like she has no qualms crossing lines of discipline anymore?

“By the way, how’s it going, Balthazar? How’s the protagonist acting in the new work by Phantom Writer?”

“Yeah. It’s going somewhat okay.”


Senior Rosalyn asked while pouring me a cup of fragrant tea.

In response, I could only manage an awkward smile.

In truth, when accepting the protagonist role for [The Hegemon-King Li's Consort], I had one condition.

I asked them to keep the identity of the protagonist actor, Balthazar Arture, a complete secret from the outside.

After all, I planned to disguise myself as an eastern-style elven warrior, so it wouldn’t be easy to discern my identity just by looking at my face.

‘I’m already living a double life, so I don’t want any unnecessary attention, or it’ll be a hassle.’

Only three people knew about my secret as the protagonist of Phantom’s new work.

Professor Gabi, who scouted me, my roommate Maurice,

…And Rosalyn, who is the second closest to Maurice in the academy.

“I came to cheer you on, but you look completely pale, you know?”

Rosalyn approached and sat next to me with her teacup in hand, looking at me with a pitying gaze.

“I guess you were pretty nervous, huh? The burden of collaborating with a genius must’ve been tough on you, right?”

Nah, not really.

The pale complexion speaks of a hangover, not any kind of pressure. I’m practically the literary giant here, so what’s there to feel burdensome about?

Yet, I couldn’t just spill, “I am Phantom.”

“Haha, well, you could say so. Don’t worry too much. Thanks for the tea.”

I sipped the tea Rosalyn made, mumbled a vague response.
The subtle fragrance spread in my mouth, making my brain feel a bit clearer.

…However, the effects of overindulging in strong alcohol hadn’t faded completely.


“Balthazar? Are you alright?”

“I-I’m fine. Just a slight headache…”

“A headache?”

Why isn’t there any effective hangover remedy in this world? Because of that, I’ve been dealing with a throbbing head!

“A headache like that means you might be overdoing it, you know? Have you rested properly, Balthazar?”

“Eh, senior. I assure you, I’m really fine! Don’t mind me too much. It’s probably nothing.”


Rosalyn, who’s been peering at me with a noticeably wrecked complexion and even a headache, looked on.

She probably couldn’t tell that I was suffering from a hangover since there wasn’t any smell of alcohol on me.

She seems to think I’m stressed and suffering because of my role in Phantom’s work.

Then she said something all of a sudden.

“Is it tough for you, Balthazar?”


She pulled me closer and let me rest on her knee as a pillow.

Looking down at me with a tender smile, she softly stroked my disheveled hair and whispered.

“Just relax and rest for a bit, even if it’s just for a moment. Don’t worry about anything.”

“Umm, Senior? I’m really fine. You don’t need to do this…”

“No matter what you were trying to do, if your mind is filled with anxiety and impatience, you won’t accomplish anything. Just listen to me this time, alright?”


At this point, it felt awkward to confess that I had overindulged.

The plush sensation against my thighs through her wrinkled skirt. While not as good as a princess, Rosalyn also had quite the figure.

If anything, her broad “mind” made it hard to see her face even when I lay down and looked up.

Plus, with the subtle fragrance of roses wafting around, I could easily drift into sleep as if getting an aroma therapy session.

We had gotten closer recently, but this was the first time I experienced such overt skinship.

“Rosalyn, Senior? Is it alright for you to treat a mere junior this well? I think the senior boys might get jealous.”

“Hmph. I told you before, right? If those petty boys want to be jealous, let them.”

Lullaby sounds. Like cradling a baby, she stroked my forehead.

She whispered to me, looking at me with a nurturing green gaze.

“And you’re not just a mere junior, but my benefactor? I’m still thankful to you, Balthazar.”

…Benefactor, huh.

“By the way, Rosalyn, don’t you want to know Phantom’s identity? Other students seem to be quite curious about it.”

She regards Phantom as her benefactor and is filled with all sorts of fantasies about him.

But it was strange how she didn’t seem all that eager to uncover his identity.

Whenever Phantom is mentioned, it feels like her eyes become dangerous, worrying that she might turn yandere someday.

“Of course I’m curious.”

Rosalyn chuckled lightly and answered.

“But I don’t want to force my way into finding out.”

“Hmm? Really?”

“Well, Phantom is just Phantom.”

She smiled warmly and gently poked my forehead. She continued to pat my head affectionately.

“I think just knowing that is enough as a fan of that person. No matter who’s hiding behind the mask, it won’t change the value of the works he creates.”


“Ha ha, what’s that look for?”


Suddenly, I had a thought.

Wu Hee, who supported the Hegemon-King Xiang Yu from behind.

Perhaps she was exactly like this.

And as my thoughts reached that far…

“Thank you, Senior. Thanks to you, I can finally think more clearly.”

…A clear and obvious answer on how to structure the play emerged.

In 1994, the masterpiece blockbuster film [The Hegemon-King Li's Consort] made an appearance.

Divided into part one and part two, it dramatically depicted Xiang Yu’s prime and downfall.

It suddenly came to mind.

A few days later, in front of the Geloroushina Theater Company.

Today, after work, the crowd gathered to watch [Chaplin's Comedy] once again came to a halt.

“Huh? What’s that?”

“A painting? But the style looks unfamiliar?”

After collaborating with Phantom, the theater’s main entrance, which always had just Chaplin’s posters, now displayed an Eastern-style beautiful watercolor painting.

An elven warrior riding a jet-black stallion, holding a single sword.

It was a war scene with thousands of troops rushing in, centered around him.

However, the spectacle that drew attention didn’t end there.

“Are those elves?”

“It looks like nobles regularly visit the acrobat group, but what are they doing in front of Geloroushina?”

As acrobats performed their tricks, musicians playing drums and flutes entertained the audience.

The musicians, dressed in elven attire, had taken their place at the theater’s entrance with their instruments.

As the audience gathered and focused on the moment, a loud announcement was made.


Thud, thud, thud-!!


“Wow, what’s going on? What’s today?”

As drums were beaten and guzhengs were played, an impromptu concert erupted.

Before the unexpected visual feast, the elf musicians began singing in unison.

[Bravery stands tall against the raging waves, the blood boiling in my chest burns hotter than the red sun~♬]

[With iron-like courage, and bones of steel, my grand aspirations shining far and wide!~]

The theme song from the Hong Kong martial arts film, [Once Upon a Time in China], resounded loudly, sung in a Chinese style that Phantom had recreated with Professor Gabi.

[I will strive with all my heart to become a strong man~♪]

[As a man, I must always grow stronger, and a passionate youth shines brighter than the sun~♩]

Although it’s the theme for the martial arts master Wong Fei-hung, it doesn’t sound out of place when applied to the historical figure, Xiang Yu.

Finally, as the musicians finished their chorus, they altered their melody and continued the accompaniment.

And in the next moment:
Whizz! Boom, kaboom! Bang bang bang!

Behind the musicians, flames erupted, bursting in the air in sequence.

“Oh my!”

“Goodness! What is that? So pretty!”

“Wow! Is that a magical firework show?”

Colorful fireworks lit up the darkening sky at sunset.

The red and blue dragons twisted around, competing for the bright flaming sun.

As the fireworks gradually settled, the actors of Geloroushina appeared in a puff of smoke like a magic show.

“Next weekend! The Phantom Writer’s new work, [The Hegemon-King Li's Consort] Part One will be performed!”

An actor dressed in Eastern style shouted so everyone could hear.

“In collaboration with the elven acrobatic troupe, this special performance is divided into two parts! This play will only run for a short period of time! Don’t miss this chance and be sure to come to Geloroushina!”

“Phantom Writer’s new work?! Limited time at Geloroushina?!”

“Gyaaah! Next week! Next weekend, you say? Why are you telling me this now?!”

“Right! How on earth are we supposed to wait until then?!”

Originally, a performance is a product, but at the same time, it can also be used as a promotional tool.

This was the moment Phantom’s strategies, utilizing modern marketing techniques, hit the mark beautifully.

The crowd had already forgotten they were there to watch [Chaplin's Comedy], too busy being excited about the new work announcement.

As the days passed, everyone’s anticipation heightened toward that much-anticipated weekend.

At the capital’s Geloroushina Theater Company, the curtain rose magnificently for [The Hegemon-King Li's Consort] Part One.

“So, how do you feel, Balthazar? Living a trinity of identity as playwright and actor, both secretly?”

“Shut up. What do you think?”

Maurice teased me in his usual sly tone.

I could only respond with a slightly furrowed brow.

The first act of [The Hegemon-King Li's Consort] handled Xiang Yu’s prime with a martial arts-style approach.

The intent of having done so worked perfectly.

Thanks to that, the rating war that had been buzzing for a while calmed down in an instant.

…But, a completely different problem arose.

“A soaring jump! Aaaah-!!”

“Get back! Watch me show off my lightness skill, whoaa-!!”

Students who could no longer differentiate fiction from reality began to swell in numbers around the academy, thinking of going for it.

Crazy bastards.

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