I Became A Playwright In Medieval Fantasy

Chapter 33

“But no matter how sharp it is, a sword is just a simple tool. Depending on the purpose for which it is wielded, it can become a bloodthirsty Bloodthirsty Sword or a Holy Sword that protects the world.”

An old woman, who had been grimly giggling while repeating stories whose meanings were unclear.

With her wrinkled hands reading Maya’s palm, she earnestly warned,

“So if you don’t want to walk the path of a cruel beast, you should pay attention to the precious connection that will soon be coming your way. Kiheehee!”

The path of a cruel beast?

“If I can gain power, then I can walk that path.”

Xiang Yu, from Phantom’s play, was just like her.

The villainous Qin dynasty, which exterminated the six Elf kingdoms and monopolized the power of the world. Didn’t he lose his beloved uncle, Xiang Liang, to their clutches and cry out in anguish?

But Xiang Yu avenged his uncle with just one sword.

He punished the enemies who killed his uncle, toppled the foe Qin in one sweep, smashed those who resisted, and even drove the cowardly rival Liu Bang all the way to Pingshu.

“So I no longer need boring teachers like Fan Zheng.”

Thinking as he looked at Fan Zheng, Xiang Yu’s advisor and de facto teacher.

He kept saying, “You can’t govern the world with just force,” which reminded him of someone.

The sad gaze of the mentor who always dissuaded his student by saying, “You can’t survive the world with just power.”

“You were wrong. The world is all about power.”

Hidden beneath the tattered robe was the Protagonist of the Sword badge made of the same Orichalcum material as Phantom the playwright.

Muttering as he grasped the badge engraved with the motto “Evil Equals Cutting,”

Xiang Yu had power, and thus no one could defy his decisions.

Even if he went around appointing fiefs as he pleased, what could the eighteen petty lords do?

Even if he commanded that the treacherous Pingshu perish, would the tiny fish dare to retort?

And it was the mighty power he had earned himself that had elevated Maya from a frail child to the position of the Protagonist of the Sword today.

“I will absolutely walk the path of a hegemon like Xiang Yu.”

Wiping away the dirty blood on his face, Maya vowed.

So, I will never lose anything again.

No matter what happens, absolutely not.


“Okay, next! Please come in quickly!”

Today, Geloroushina is scheduled to perform The Hegemon-King Li’s Consort as soon as the protagonist arrives.

There’s an open audition being held under the direction of Isabella, the theater company manager.

A little while ago, Phantom the playwright brought in the completed script of the second half of The Hegemon-King Li’s Consort.

This is to cast the actress for the lead role of Woo Hee, who will play a significant part.

…And I, Phantom, was also present as one of the audition judges.

“Originally, kunqu opera zones were off-limits to female actors.”

However, this isn’t real kunqu opera; it’s just a fantasy play with kunqu elements. If anything, it’s more similar to Puccini’s Turandot or Madama Butterfly.

So there’s no reason we can’t use female actors.

Honestly, I don’t want to shoot a romance with a male actor who looks like a courtesan.

“Thank you for your effort. We’ll notify you of the results later. Ugh…”

I stretched my stiff joints as I sent the 17th participant off.

The reason we’re looking for an actress for Woo Hee from outside is simple.

“You know, Phantom the playwright? The actress for Woo Hee needs to be more than just a good actress.”

Professor Gabi, who along with Phantom and Isabella is a judge, pointed out with her brow furrowed over her eye patch.

“As the lead in The Hegemon-King Li’s Consort, she also needs to handle the Given Song smoothly. Someone who has the trifecta of appearance, acting ability, and singing talent must take on the role.”

“Of course. I fully understand, Professor.”

In history, Woo Hee, Xiang Yu’s lover, is really a minor character with little significance.

Since the action is focused in the first half, they didn’t mention her to avoid cluttering the plot.

It’s better to introduce her more in the second half, which handles the protagonist’s downfall.

The problem is, finding a candidate who can portray the heroine Woo Hee like a pearl in mud is akin to plucking a star from the sky.

There are quite a few audition participants with lovely faces. Simultaneously, there are quite a few with decent acting skills.

But no candidate demonstrating great singing talent has appeared so far.

“Hmm, since it’s come to this, why not have you take on the role of Woo Hee, Professor? With your beauty and youthful appearance as an elf, I think it would work well.”

Isabella, wafting air using a rather expensive fan, looked quite posh lately, probably because they were striking gold with The Hegemon-King Li’s Consort.

This play had garnered overwhelming popularity compared to any previous work performed at Geloroushina.

However, Professor Gabi smiled and turned down Isabella’s suggestion.

“As you can see, I’m one-eyed and one-armed. It would be difficult for someone like me to take on the role of the heroine.”

“Uh, um…”

Isabella made a troubled face, glancing at the professor’s waving sleeve.

She seemed genuinely worried about potentially offending someone with a disability.

Of course, the professor was generally cool, so she wouldn’t mind too much.

“Okay, next! Participant 18, please come in!”

With a cheerful expression, the professor called for the next in line.

At her summon, a woman entered with a shuffling gait.

And the moment she lifted her head to see the participant’s face…



Both Gabi and I were taken by surprise simultaneously.

“Are you the Duchess Rosalyn Wenford from the third year?”

“Y-Yes! That’s me, Professor Gabi!”

The one who appeared holding number 18 was none other than Senior Rosalyn.

Seeing her smiling nervously, the professor asked,

“Nice to meet you. I haven’t had you in my class, have I? But what brings you to Geloroushina Theater?”

“Ah, yes! Actually, I came because I wanted to see Phantom the playwright’s… audition!”

Even while speaking, her green eyes kept flickering towards me.

Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her breathing seemed strained.

She clearly rushed over after hearing the news that Phantom was one of the judges.

“U-Um, excuse me, are you really Phantom the playwright?”

“Y-Yes, that’s correct?”

“I-I-I can’t believe it’s really you…!!”

Senior Rosalyn, trembling as if she had stepped out naked on a winter day, squeaked.

“S-So, I’m a huge fan! I’ve been following your works since Admiral Lee’s time!”

“Aha. I see. Thank you, Lady Wenford.”

“Um, um, I want to say something to Phan—Phantom the playwright… because of you, our family… um…”

At this rate, she’d faint from hyperventilation at any moment.

Her eyes were spinning as if caught in a confusion spell, and her lips kept stuttering as her thoughts wanted to escape.

At that moment, Professor Gabi intervened to settle the situation.

“Alright, that’s enough. I understand the situation, Wenford student. Now let’s get started without delay. Please read page 24, the scene where Woo Hee encourages Xiang Yu to battle.”

“Ah! Y-Yes! Page 24, page 24…”

It was pitiful to see how evident her tension was in each of her actions.

Having the esteemed playwright Phantom right in front of her was significantly influencing her performance.

As I expected, Senior Rosalyn couldn’t quite showcase her true worth.

“The, the hegemon. You’re off to battle today… I-I’m s-so filled with dread…”

“Rosalyn student? Shall we calm down a bit? From your voice, I can tell you would do quite well if you didn’t show so much tension?”

Speaking kindly like one would to a child, the professor encouraged.

Senior Rosalyn nodded and attempted to continue acting, but sadly, the situation didn’t change.

“Ah, I’m so sorry! I’ll do it again. Um, I mean, I, uh… for the safety of the hegemon, I’m praying earnestly… earnestly…”

“Haah, enough. That’s all for now.”

Eventually, Isabella, the theater company manager, made a direct cut signal.

She looked at the Duchess Wenford with exasperated eyes and said,

“You said we’re calling you Lady Wenford? I’m sorry, but this is a place to select actors, not a court social circle. It’s troublesome if you come with no serious intention, even if you are a duchess.”


At Isabella’s reprimand, Senior Rosalyn’s face turned as red as a tomato.

And the next moment…

“I-I-I’m so sorry-!!”

Screaming in a high pitch, she buried her face in the script, embarrassed over how to cope.

“I-I didn’t mean to disturb the audition! I just really wanted to meet you, Phantom the playwright… I’m truly sorry!”

Oh dear, our poor Senior Rosalyn.

Honestly, she must be capable of acting; her usual kind yet audacious demeanor is completely different from now.

She simply got overly excited in front of Phantom.

Maybe after this, I could comfort her with a personal autographed copy?

“Yes, well, I understand.”

Isabella accepted Senior’s apology with a rather begrudging expression.

Perhaps she had a slight headache as she rubbed her temples and gestured.

“Anyway, thank you for your efforts, Lady Wenford. That’s all for now. Now let’s bring in the next participant…”

Right at that moment.

“Wait a moment.”

After Senior raised her voice, Professor Gabi, who had been gazing intently, lifted her arm and directed towards her.

“Wenford student? Sorry, but could you please take a long note? Like the do you would for piano playing.”

“Okay? Aah, a~!”

“Now raise it a step to re.”


“One more step. This time to mi.”


Just like vocalists auditioning, they repeated the same tests.

How many times did they test Senior’s vocal range?

Suddenly, a satisfied smile spread across Professor Gabi’s lips.

“Phantom the playwright? Isabella lady?”

She turned to us, speaking with confidence.

“It seems that for the role of Woo Hee, it should definitely be taken by the Wenford student.”

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