I Became A Playwright In Medieval Fantasy

Chapter 46

After the underground organization of Demon Worshippers was exposed thanks to Phantom’s Cthulhu Mythos, the Holy Empire swiftly mobilized all available state power to successfully eliminate the networks that had spread throughout the country.

The traitors who had hidden to escape persecution maintained consistent communication among themselves. Through severe torture and sharp interrogations, they managed to track down their locations.

…And this good news quickly reached the Papal Office, the headquarters of the Heavenly Church.

“Demon Worshippers were hiding so secretly? That could have been a big deal.”

One member of the Conclave, the Papal Office’s highest decision-making body, Cardinal Bethelio, deeply exhaled, his heart pounding as always due to his austere faith.

“I’ve heard that all of this is thanks to the Sword Protagonist. It seems they were able to ensnare the Demon Race collaborators thanks to his efforts.”

Professor Abraham, a middle-aged academic who brought the news, added while the cardinal earnestly made the sign of the cross.

He specialized in researching ancient evils within the Heavenly Church of the Papal Office and was an esteemed scholar and enthusiastic explorer in the field of theosophy, which delves into the hellish demons and the hidden mysteries of the world.

“The Sword Protagonist? Oh, could it be the Sword Protagonist being referred to?”

Cardinal Bethelio asked, envisioning the blue-haired, yellow-eyed half-elf girl.

“I’ve heard she suddenly stopped her wandering and is considering entering the Academy. It seems she contributed to identifying traitors while staying in the Capital.”

The authority to recommend a Sword Protagonist had historically been granted only to high-ranking officials of the Papal Office. And Bethelio himself had formally recommended the half-elf Maya as the Sword Protagonist, hadn’t he?

If she ever made a significant achievement, it would surely give Bethelio a sense of pride as well.

“No, it’s due to the new work written by the Pen’s Protagonist.”

But Professor Abraham shook his head vigorously.

“They say he masterfully expressed the dangers of ancient demons, raising people’s awareness. The Empire is also planning to commend him for his contributions.”

“A play? Has the Pen’s Protagonist written a play about demons?”

“It’s a puppet show titled Cthulhu Mythos. They say that after watching it, the people awakened to the fear of demons and spontaneously began to monitor suspicious individuals, eventually catching them.”

“Really? Wow! That’s truly a divine intervention! If it hadn’t been for that coincidence, it could have resulted in a catastrophe.”

“…Excuse me, Your Eminence. Do you truly believe that this series of events is mere coincidence?”

“Hm? What do you mean?”

“The investigation found that the depictions of demons in the play are of such a level that they cannot be created merely from imagination. Phantom adamantly denies it, but it’s as if he had actually seen the demons in question.”

Is it impossible to create such detailed depictions in Cthulhu Mythos solely through creativity? Bethelio frowned at the weighty statement from the demon scholar.

“What do you want to say, Professor Abraham? Keep in mind that the opponent is the Sword Protagonist recommended by the Saint.”

“Please don’t be held back by preconceived notions. No matter how great an author is, do you really believe that an ordinary playwright could express the existence of evil so well?”


As Professor Abraham finished speaking and presented several reports, Bethelio’s serious expression deepened as he scanned the contents.

Analyzing the connection between Cthulhu Mythos and the ancient evils followed by the actual demon worshippers revealed far too many meticulous details to merely consider it an act of fiction or scholarly knowledge.

“Moreover, there are rumors circulating about the man named Howard Lovecraft appearing in Cthulhu Mythos. It’s said that he is not a fictional character but the one who taught Phantom the forms and records of the demons.”

As Abraham continued to gaze at the cardinal after reading the report, he added,

“Of course, since it’s just a rumor, we cannot discern the truth. However, it’s a claim that cannot be easily dismissed in this case, right?”

“Then what’s the conclusion?”

“It’s simple, Your Eminence.”

With a deep breath, Professor Abraham cleared his throat and soon revealed his thoughts very seriously.

“…The great author Phantom may perhaps be a messenger sent by the Heavenly God who has traversed the realm of dreams.”

The realm of dreams.

A legendary otherworld existing between the material and immaterial planes.

It is said that only angels and humans who have received God’s permission can traverse this mystical world.

It was a space somewhat similar to a kind of purgatory that the clergy of the Heavenly Church believed in.

“I do not believe that the Phantom Writer lied to us. From his perspective, it could have genuinely been a product of his imagination. But what if it wasn’t the case?”


“The realm of dreams is a place where only a select few can set foot. It generally opens up only when the Heavenly God gives a revelation. However, those who have traveled there usually have all memories sealed, resulting in total forgetfulness, except for the faint images left behind by the Heavenly God for His ‘revelation.’”

“You can’t be serious? Are you implying that Phantom writing Cthulhu Mythos and discovering the organization of Demon Worshippers was all according to the Heavenly God’s plan? Then that secluded prophet, Lovecraft, too?”

“I believe that he is likely a sage who actually met him in the dream realm. While Phantom sees it as just a mere fantasy.”

Professor Abraham tossed the theory that linked Howard Lovecraft, who created the time-space explorer ‘Randolph Carter’ as his persona, to both Lovecraft and Phantom.

It was an absurd misunderstanding, one that had no basis in reality.

However, the title of ‘Pen’s Protagonist’ certainly provided enough convincing power.

Furthermore, hadn’t the Saint also testified that she saw an unusual hue in Phantom’s soul?

And when it reached the point that all of this was the work of the Heavenly God…

“You underestimated the danger just because it remained hidden. Truly foolish. This must be the way the Heavenly God admonished us through Phantom.”

Bethelio bowed his head deeply, beginning a desperate reflection.

After a while of pounding his chest, exclaiming, ‘It’s my fault! My fault!’ he turned to the professor and said,

“We must prepare to prevent the same catastrophe from happening again. We never know when the poison of Demon Worship will spread again.”

“I agree, Your Eminence. There are many mysteries in this continent that go beyond our understanding. If someone were to misuse them, terrible things could occur.”

Indeed, even the demon worshippers recently apprehended showed similar behavioral patterns.

They sought out ancient ruins or idols of unknown origin and attempted wicked rituals using them.

While they managed to avoid crisis this time through Phantom’s wits, there was no guarantee that the same fortune would repeat forever.

“Is there no effective means, Abraham? Something to quickly deal with similar dangers?”

“I have been pondering that very matter. How about we create a plan like this?”

Just then, Professor Abraham presented the next report as if he had been waiting for this moment.

Reading it, Bethelio murmured with interest.

“A foundation? The establishment of a foundation supported by the Papal Office to isolate mysterious and surreal phenomena associated with demons?”

“It seems appropriate to establish it as a research team under the Papal Office’s Inquisition department. They can focus solely on their explorations while being protected by the Inquisition. If we cut off the roots of the danger in advance, we wouldn’t have to worry about the future, right?”

“Hmm, indeed… that’s not a bad idea.”

With dangerous precedents already set, the Conclave wouldn’t veto this proposal.

A group consisting of inquisitors, demon scholars, clergy, and other specialists working together to prevent the continent’s dangers was essential for today’s world.

“Good. Let’s hasten the gathering. We need to quickly proceed with discussions regarding the establishment of this ‘foundation.’”

Handing back the report that Abraham had provided, Bethelio smiled with satisfaction.

He entrusted Professor Abraham with preparing the presentation for the Conclave and asked,

“What should we name this foundation? We can’t just call it ‘the Foundation.’”

“Hmm, the name of the foundation. As for naming…?”

For a moment, Cardinal Bethelio mulled over the question, then Abraham’s eyes sparkled.

“…The Lovecraft Foundation.”

Breaking the short silence, Abraham proposed what he deemed fitting.

As he fidgeted with his rosary, he solemnly spoke.

“How about naming it after Howard Lovecraft, the sage from the realm of dreams who warned Phantom about the stirring of evil?”

…Thus, discussions began within the Papal Office regarding the birth of a new department influenced by Cthulhu Mythos.

A fantasy isekai version was to be uniquely arranged.

A department adhering to the principles of securing/isolation/protection against grotesque phenomena just like the SCP Foundation.


At a similar time, in a hidden underground laboratory east of the Capital.

There, the elimination of the remnants of the Demon Worshippers was underway.

Crack! Squelch!
Creak! Aaargh!!

“What are these things?!”

“Undead? Demon? Or just meat chunks sewn together?”

The central soldiers gaped in horror at the atrocious appearance of the enemies.

Leading them, a young knight shouted with a disapproving glare.

“Whether they are undead or demons, they’re all enemies! Don’t be afraid, attack! I’ll take the lead!”


With a flourish, a bluish flame flickered ominously from the knight’s sword as he boldly stepped forward.

The soldiers, inspired by the spell reminiscent of the Hegemon-King Li’s Consort, exclaimed in admiration,

“Ooh, is that…?!”

“The fruit of the Magic Swordsman project carried out by the royal family!”

The project initiated by Sir Wenford, the Minister of the Army, was yielding results, albeit slowly.

Although they had failed to cultivate Magic Swordsmen akin to the Hegemon, they had succeeded in developing ‘enhanced soldiers’ through the application of magic.

The young knight Kyle, serving with the guard, was one of the first 30 born from this project.

While he may not match the Hegemon Xiang Yu, he ranked among the top tier compared to his peers in terms of skill.

“The demon worshippers we’ve caught so far are mostly small fry! The real big fish is that man known as the Doctor! Be careful, we don’t know what cunning schemes he might be plotting!”

A century ago, the Empire waged a massive purge against the Demon Worshippers who threatened the survival of humanity.

Taking advantage of the world’s chaos, the corrupt sought to open the gates of hell and resurrect the Demon Lord.

They swept through society, hacking at the toxic weeds that had infiltrated everywhere.

And now that the war had ended, demon worship was considered a distant past.

It was merely regarded as a tragic past that had been cut down by the collaboration of the Church and the government.

Yet while everyone was complacent, the underground factions secretly bolstered their power, trying to incite chaos.

They had maintained a tight communication network to carry out espionage activities for the Demon Race.

“Hey! Sir Kyle! Over there!”

A soldier shouted, pointing in one direction with alarm.

What stood there was a large door to what looked like a significant research facility.

And from inside…

“Help me! Please save me! Aaargh!”

The desperate scream of a woman echoed out.

“Someone is alive!”

“Quickly! Rescue her before she’s killed by the monsters!”

“Get out of the way! You’re in the way!”


In a moment of bewilderment, the confused soldiers shouted, while the Magic Swordsman Kyle dashed through the hallway and kicked the research room door open.

What met his eyes was the shocking scene within.

Madly drawn black magic circles all around,

An alchemical formation inscribed in seemingly purposeless shapes.

Human organs and bloody chunks scattered everywhere.

And in the center of the room, a woman with light green hair, tied to an operating table and struggling…

…and an old, shabby man standing before her holding a saw and a meat cleaver.

“Help me! This madman is trying to kill me!”

Screamed the green-haired woman seeing the approach of the man wielding a saw.

Looking into her tear-filled, radiant eyes, Kyle erupted with justifiable anger.

“Are you Doctor Ephraim? You’ve kidnapped innocent people, turning them into tools for human experimentation?”

The person revealed during the interrogation of previously captured demon worshippers was Doctor Ephraim.

He was said to have close ties with the northern Demon Race and was revered even among the Demon Worshippers.

Possessing exceptional intelligence and exquisite alchemical abilities that even the Demon Lord holds in high regard.

But the mystery surrounding his identity and how he morphed into such a horrifying man remained shrouded in secrecy.

“Ugh, heehee… Kihihih!”

The bespectacled old man let out bizarre giggles, completely ignoring what Kyle was saying with an indifferent demeanor.

“Drop your weapons and surrender now, Doctor! Then I will spare your life!”

Holding his blazing sword aloft, Kyle warned.

This was no lie on his part.

Originally, the orders he received were to capture this ‘Doctor’ alive.

The primary purpose was to interrogate him for important information without leaving any stone unturned.

…However, circumstances did not align with Kyle’s wishes.


The very next moment, the Doctor erupted with a disturbing sound and lunged at him. Despite his elderly body, he moved with the agility of a predator pouncing on its prey.


The madman charged him with a murderous spirit, wielding his blades fiercely.

Avoiding the lethal strikes, Kyle was forced to swing his own sword in self-defense…

Thud! Clatter…

…Ultimately, with a clean slicing sound, the Doctor’s head rolled across the floor, resulting in the sad end of the wicked alchemist due to Kyle’s counterattack.

“Damn it!”

Kyle cursed as he glared at the severed head that had rolled at his feet.

Ultimately, the capture operation had gone awry, but it was already spilt milk.

First, he decided to rescue the individual tied to that table.

“Are you alright, miss?”

“Wuu…! Thank you! Thank you for saving me, Knight!”

As he used a dagger to cut her bindings, tears welled up in the eyes of the woman who stood up, wiping her tears.

She appeared to be in her early to mid-twenties, with blood-stained light green hair.

“I thought I was going to die at the hands of that mad alchemist. He kept me bound, saying he would conduct an experiment of immortality…”

“Don’t worry. You’re safe now.”

He wrapped a warm cloak around the terrified woman.

Then, with the gentlest tone he could manage, he began to inquire about her identity.

“I am Kyle, a Magic Swordsman affiliated with the Empire’s Army Department. What is your name?”

“M-my name is Derby.”

“You’re Miss Derby then. I’m glad you’re safe. We’ll complete a simple investigation and get you back home, so don’t worry.”

“Really? Ah, I thought I’d never return home. My parents will be so happy.”

The woman, regaining her smile, sparkled with her verdant eyes as she looked back at him.

Accepting Kyle’s escort, she staggered to her feet, looking relieved.

As he patted her shoulder kindly, the Magic Swordsman signaled to his soldiers waiting behind him.

Following his command, the subordinates moved forward to lead ‘Derby’ out of the blood-soaked research room.


Meanwhile, after the surroundings had been organized, Kyle looked down at the corpse of the ‘Doctor’ with a throbbing headache.

With this turn of events, the connections between the Doctor and the Demon Race, along with the secrets they exchanged, would be lost in the void.

In conclusion, there was only one choice remaining.

“…Collect all materials left in the research room!”

Kyle declared solemnly to his remaining subordinates.

“We need to understand what the Doctor was researching, how it relates to the Demon Worshippers, and why the Demon Race allied with him!”

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