I Became Jörmungandr In A Fantasy World

Chapter 18


The frontline was hell.

Surrounding the massive wall, demon beasts rushed in incessantly.

Argemiach furrowed his brow as he surveyed the battlefield.

“This isn’t easy…”

The number of enemies was staggering.

Moreover, the west was notoriously known for having the lowest and weakest section of the wall.

This was not a suitable condition to hold back such a multitude of demon beasts. Furthermore, the sheer overwhelming numbers caused swarms of insect-like demon beasts to trample over one another, forging a path from the forest.

“Did they deliberately target the forest…?”

The solitary hero in his troop was observant.

Though lacking in other areas, he was unparalleled when it came to gauging enemy numbers and positioning, which made Argemiach trust him completely.

However, his vantage point was relatively high, leaving him vulnerable in the dense and thick forest.

Yet, Argemiach didn’t dwell on that too much.

After all, the demon beasts charged straight ahead, and it took a long detour through the forest to reach the wall from the portal.

It was quite unusual that such a large force had suddenly been gathered to assault the forest.

It felt as if someone controlling them was lurking behind.

Argemiach activated the hero’s ability.

His power was to connect communication with everyone linked to him simultaneously.

Outstanding individuals at each troop center received the link, forming a vast web of connections.

– “300 meters ahead! They’re building a massive wall!”
– “Fire magic to bring down the wall!”
– “To the right! The wall is about to collapse! We will retreat the frontline slightly!”

The massive shouts and cries echoed.

Their desperate roars were relayed through the linked connection.

Argemiach gritted his teeth and supported the firepower with his magic.

‘…We’re lacking in numbers.’

There were just too many enemies.

To block such a force, the wall in the west was far too low.

Right now, they were desperately preventing the wall from being breached through their connections, but that was only a matter of time.

If this continued for hours or even days with reinforcements, any small mistake from someone could create a gap, leading to countless lives being isolated and slaughtered from behind.

A decision had to be made.

– “Everyone, retreat! Fall back to the rear wall, Jistra! Set up timed explosive magic at the path leading to the wall!”

The command was swift.

They would abandon the front gate.

With that absolute order, they had to maintain the frontline until the very end while forsaking the front wall, Cartel.

They drank potions they had saved to allow the front troops to withdraw momentarily.

Although the potions caused horrific strain on their bodies, that didn’t matter at this moment. Surviving was the priority. So they temporarily pushed back the overwhelming force, then began to retreat simultaneously.

– “Maintain formation!!”

While everyone on the frontline was pulling back at once, the gap was noticed, and the insect beasts surged in even fiercer, quickly scaling the wall.

The front wall was soon engulfed by a wave of black. To make matters worse, the insects took to the sky, hurling their fluid-filled bodies at the retreating soldiers.

Occasionally, the mages’ spells hit them, but against such an overwhelming force, the frontline was quickly pushed back.

The insects shrieked as they pierced the retreating soldiers’ bodies with their stingers. In an instant, something was injected, causing the soldiers’ bodies to crumble.

Argemiach grimaced at the brutal scene but kept his eyes locked on the unfolding chaos, timing his move.

“Just a little more…”

In preparation for when the most vulnerable section of the wall in the west would be breached, a plethora of magic stones had been buried along the route from Wall Cartel to Jistra.

Special runes were inscribed on them. If someone inscribed with the ability to utilize those runes focused their mind, it would create an overwhelming explosion in an instant.

This was the reason why the western wall was notably weak and also the reason for the complexity of the path leading to Jistra, making it difficult to reach if one strayed from the designated route.

The moment the enemies meandered and their numbers groundswell, he aimed to wipe them out with overwhelming firepower.

And now, the enemies stood on top of the magic stones.

“Just a bit longer…”

It was still too early.

The green fluids sprayed by the insects shrieked as they rushed towards the soldiers, their grotesque compound eyes darting around in search of targets.

Then, at the very moment the fur-covered leg of the foremost insect brushed against the ground…


As he activated the rune.


A gigantic flash swept across the battlefield.

For an instant, no sound could be heard on the field.

In the endless brightness of the silence, a massive explosion followed.


The overwhelming sound shattered the battlefield.

At that moment, a gap opened in the endless tide of insects that had been surging forth.

Although it was still far from enough to deal with the unending numbers that would follow, all forces had ample time to retreat to the Wall Jistra.

Once they had retreated to the Wall Jistra, Argemiach stood atop the wall, gazing out over the battlefield.

What had once been a complex forest now lay transformed into an uneven plain. In the distance, albeit slowly, their forces could be seen gathering.

As the remnants of mana from the magic stone’s explosion filled the air, the countless enemy forces continued to surge forth.

Just how long could they hold out?

One hour? Two hours? A day? Three days?

He didn’t know.

But one thing was certain:

They could not hold back that entire force.

They were all human.

Inevitably, they needed rest, sleep, and moments to catch their breath.

Because they were human, it was impossible for them to withstand that overwhelming force.

Even if they maintained the battlefront through sheer firepower, it would be a very temporary solution.

The endlessly surging army would eventually eat away at their morale and spirit, devouring all the walls.

Argemiach’s complexion darkened.

He could not ask for support elsewhere.

For thousands of years, the portal connecting to the Demon Realm had existed only in this one location.

Moreover, it was also difficult to erect walls late based on the portals that had emerged endlessly; other battlegrounds were not in good shape either.

To make matters worse, recent relations between nations had been tense, often leading to conflicts, making it even harder to expect support.

Above all, if such a vast army enveloped the walls in this manner, the chances of the support troops reaching them would be severely diminished.
The wave of enemy forces surged in an instant.

As Argemiach gazed at the endless black tide filling the horizon, he let out a deep sigh.

“Is this it…?”

Though he didn’t voice it out loud, everyone on the battlefield thought the same.

The enemy’s forces stretched far beyond the western front. Although their numbers were fewer compared to those in the west, they seemed intent on cutting off the supply lines to drown those atop the wall.

Could they possibly deal with such an immense army?

He was skeptical.

Where did it all go wrong?

Was it when he hadn’t taken the retreat of the demon beasts seriously?

When the number of approaching demon beasts had begun to dwindle, and they were merely dealing with those sporadically spotted in the forest?

Or perhaps it was all his fault to begin with.

He should have been colder, more vigilant, and more fearful.

Anyone else might make mistakes as humans. But he could not afford to make a mistake.

“Hah, who would’ve thought that the demons, rushing in like they had empty heads, would start using their brains?”

He had only known them to use their heads when biting down on something or letting out their disgusting cries.

“Let’s give it a shot.”

It wasn’t time to give up just yet.

Even if everyone on this battlefield threw in the towel, he could not.

That was his duty as the one who led them, and it was the repayment for the trust they had placed in him with their lives.

Just as Argemiach was about to reassure the soldiers and prepare to defend the wall…


In an instant, shadows fell over the once brilliantly lit battlefield.

At first, he thought it was merely clouds obscuring the sun.

But if that were the case, shadows wouldn’t fall over every part of his sight.

However, it felt strange.

It was too dark for just clouds.

As if the sun had been swallowed by something enormous.

Argemiach unconsciously looked up.

And what he saw sent a chill through him.

The vast sky split right and left, enclosing the battlefield in an enormous, endless grip.

A presence that was infinitely ruinous and infinitely silent.

A colossal being, gracefully floating with its long body, observed the battlefield with an incomparably calm gaze.

More specifically, it watched the ceaseless tide of demon beasts approaching.


As he spoke those words, in an instant, all the insects that had filled the battlefield vanished.

Without leaving a trace.

And when he regained his senses, the battlefield was cloaked in a tranquil silence.

The overwhelming army of insects had disappeared, along with the colossal presence that had once filled the horizon.

Argemiach wondered if he was dreaming.

“Hey… slap me.”

“Uh… okay.”


“…That hurt.”

Argemiach stared blankly up at the sky.

It felt as though he had been bewitched by a god.

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