I Became Jörmungandr In A Fantasy World

Chapter 33

In this world, there exists the concept of plausibility.

Nothing suddenly appears without reason. Everything that comes into existence has its own purpose and meaning, and must accept the fate and mission that come with it.

This world is one intricately woven fabric of fate.

It is not just a simple planet. The mere existence of a planet as large as the sun capable of supporting life doesn’t make sense. With such size, its environment would vary drastically due to its immense mass.

It’s not an environment where plants can grow nonchalantly, nor where life can proliferate freely.

Thus, the world where plausibility was born came to be.

The birth of the Goddess and the Demon God is also an act of plausibility. They were born to transform a lifeless planet into an environment where living beings could thrive.

The Goddess brings life and compassion.
The Demon God brings death and destruction.

Their natural opposition, stemming from their distinct missions, was simply the way of fate.

The two gods wielded the plausibility they could control.

The Demon God commanded destruction and the demise of fate.
The Goddess fostered creation and the birth of fate.

With their differing plausibilities, they crafted their own worlds.

It was only natural that the Demon God coveted the Goddess’s human realm. He was destined from birth to lead the world to destruction and ruin.

The Demon God was powerful. If he fought alone, he could easily trample the Goddess with one hand.

He was bestowed with the power of annihilation. For one who desires the extinction of all living things, the Goddess, with her blessings of life and compassion, could not overcome him in battle.

Thus, she created offspring. Infusing the barren earth with life energy, she brought forth numerous creatures, who would naturally rise as her champions against the Demon God.

Of course, the Goddess had no such intentions.

It was simply the fate that arose, for her creations had to defeat the Demon God to survive.

If one were to delineate the two, the Demon God stood as an overwhelmingly powerful individual, while the Goddess thrived in harmony with all beings.

Therefore, she bore the Mark of the Goddess. She chose many of her created children to share her power with, granting them the potential to break through the limits of existence.

At first, she hesitated to use the Mark.

However, when the Demon God began his serious invasion of the human realm, it was impossible for her to endure alone any longer.

She became the orchestrator of the world created by the Demon God and the Goddess.

The fact that those two dragons turned against her was extremely critical.

If it were up to her, she would have liked to confront the Demon God directly, but… already having suffered great wounds from sealing the two dragons in the deepest fissures of the planet, she had no means to contain the Demon God.

If the Demon God were to manifest directly in the human realm…

It was certain that a calamity would descend that she could not prevent alone. Still, the reason the Demon God did not directly invade the human realm was due to a lack of plausibility for such an invasion.

Indeed, the fate laid down by the world was to govern the realms against each other.

Although the Demon God had a fate of destruction and ruin, the penalties for interfering directly in other worlds had been reduced.

If the primordial god were to manifest directly, even with reduced penalties, it would certainly come with enormous consequences. Moreover, simply his manifestation would grant the Goddess ‘plausibility,’ meaning that even if he appeared, the Goddess would likely be able to stave him off.

Thus, he commanded an invasion of the Demon Realm. If the lands of the human realm gradually became tainted by demons, and if over half of the human realm fell to this corruption, it would naturally provide a plausibility for the Demon God to manifest.

Since the moment the Demon Realm invaded the human realm, the Goddess had already begun to envision a distant future.

Surely, at this rate, the human realm would fall to the Demon Realm.

No matter how many Solitary Heroes were born, the number of those who could be reborn as gods among them would be quite scarce.

Thousands of years. Possibly even hundreds of thousands of years could pass without anyone ascending to godhood.

Thus, the Goddess contemplated. Even if it meant twisting all the plausibility given to her, she wished to create an ‘overwhelming’ being to protect this world.

“Are you saying… it will be Lord Jörmungandr?”

[Indeed. That child is… destined for an extremely brilliant future.]

A being from mythology, Jörmungandr.

The colossal serpent that encircled the world, a monster that could even devour gods.

Originally, he was supposed to be a horrifying monster that merely aimed to consume the world. But the Goddess used most of her plausibility to alter his fate.

[To protect the world… and to be reborn as a true god.]

The plausibility she bestowed upon him completely turned around the fate of Jörmungandr, who was destined to become merely a monster.

He could meld with the world and bring about a cataclysm, achieving true divine status rather than just being a simple monster.


[The world he was originally born into was far too small to contain him.]

The original mythological Jörmungandr had not achieved complete growth. One of Jörmungandr’s traits was that he grew in proportion to the world he was born into.

This is why Jörmungandr’s size was such that it wrapped around the Earth and came to a halt.

However, this world is different. The size of this planet is on a whole different level than Earth, filled with mana, divine power, and various energies that continually challenge the limits of living beings.

Therefore, Jörmungandr was destined to surpass the limits of the gigantic serpent from mythology.

[Although the world’s plausibility crumbled to give birth to that child, many other gods have also come forth.]

Naturally, numerous gods were drawn to the tremendous flow of Jörmungandr’s destiny.

For instance, Fenrir and other divine beasts had originated in this way. Mythical beings that would not ordinarily be born in this world came into existence to align with the twisted plausibility that Jörmungandr’s birth created.


Princess Eliserde could only stare in awe. She felt as if she had stumbled upon a secret that no one else in the world knew, and a lingering doubt arose—was it really okay to know this much?

Noticing her bewilderment, the Goddess gently crinkled her eyes, reassuringly.

[Hehe, don’t worry. You are the Saintess of my extraordinary child after all.]

“So, is the reason you brought me here… because I am Lord Jörmungandr’s Saintess?”

[Of course, that’s part of it… As a mother, I was also curious about what kind of daughter-in-law I would have.]

“Ah… da… daughter… daughter-in-law?!”

The sudden statement made Princess Eliserde’s face flush bright red.

D-daughter-in-law, you say? It was as if she was being called Lord Jörmungandr’s wife.

[Oh my, didn’t you know? Normally, a Saintess and a divine being would have their souls bound together. In a way, it’s an even more significant contract than marriage.]

“Ah, ah… am I, am I Lord Jörmungandr’s…?”

Eliserde’s eyes spun in confusion.

W-well, yes. Lord Jörmungandr is incredibly impressive and magnificent, but…

Various realistic concerns began to bubble up.

“I… I have a shorter lifespan compared to Lord Jörmungandr…”

That’s right. Setting aside all other issues, she was human.

Compared to Lord Jörmungandr, who has no limits on his lifespan as a god, she was a human who would struggle to live even a hundred years.

For him, a moment might be a mere blink of an eye, but for Eliserde, it could very well be her entire lifetime. If she were to grow old…

Her head began to droop.

In response, the Goddess tilted her head in confusion.

[Hmm? Didn’t Jörmungandr tell you? As a Saintess, even if you want to die, you can’t!]


[Being a Saintess means your soul is intertwined with the god. Naturally, you will accept divinity. You may not become a full Saintess, but you will become a being equivalent to one. If my child desires it, you won’t age or be bound by the limits of your lifespan.]

Becoming a Saintess means…

That was what it implied. It meant surrendering everything to the god.

Of course, if the god doesn’t permit it, even a Saintess wouldn’t face death.

Eliserde’s face brightened at those words.

She wouldn’t have to worry about getting old and ugly anymore, which was a huge relief.

The Goddess looked at the cheerful Eliserde and gently patted her shoulder.

[So, let’s do a good job, shall we? I’d like to see my grandchildren too.]


Eliserde’s face turned crimson.

H-how could she say such scandalous things?

At the same time, a question arose in her mind. Wasn’t the Goddess the mother of all creatures in this world? Logically, there should be many grandchildren…

[I told you, right? That child was born from the pain of my own birthing. While other children are born naturally from spreading divine energy across the world… Jörmungandr needed an extraordinary amount of life force to be born, unable to come about through mere powers… I had to grow him right in my womb.]

And that method was…

To directly nurture him within her own womb.


Eliserde was left speechless.

Overwhelmed by so much confusing information, she felt like her mind might just short-circuit.

“So, um… Goddess…?”

[It’s called virgin conception, you know? I may look this way, but I’ve never had relations with anyone before!]

Eliserde gave up trying to think.

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