I Became Popular After Participating In Escape Games

Chapter 15

Chapter 14: B+ Grade

In horror movies, resurrection is often more terrifying than death.

The log has not a single word since then, and it is also a symbol of ominous.

The good news is that the progress of the task is 50%, and the prompt pops up, and you have completed the “Find the use of the blue liquid and the relevant background story” section. Everyone also found a map of the Holy Feather Laboratory in the reference room. With the map, the goal is much clearer, and there is no need to search like a headless fly like before.

The bad news is that they found from the data that there are quite a large number of experimental bodies of God’s blood stored in the Holy Feather laboratory, and it is still unclear where the experimental bodies are located.

“Stay alert and pay attention to safety.” Chu Xian said.

They left the reference room and headed towards the power distribution room.

The Lights of the Holy Feather Laboratory are bright at this time, and it is obviously still operating. When it comes to ‘shutdown”, the first reaction is to power off.

The corridor was quiet and empty, and they reached the power distribution room unimpeded.

Qin Zhenyun and Chu Xian are studying how to cut off the power, and others are paying attention.

Xie Baoqing asked: “Is it really enough to shut down the laboratory? If so, it is too simple at present…”

With the knife in his hand, Lu Tingliu said lightly and casually: “Unless there is an artificial intelligence like Resident Evil, then you have to destroy the intelligent core and so on.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Chu Xian cut off the power supply, and the entire laboratory suddenly went dark.

Two seconds later, the lights dimmed again.

Chu Xian said: “It may be that the emergency power supply is activated.”

“Where’s the emergency power?”

“Look for it.”

“There are no other power rooms on the map.”

Chu Xian and Jiang Luo were both calm, but a few newcomers became anxious, and it was always easy to make people uneasy when things changed.

Lu Tingliu pointed to a point on the map: “Go and see here?”

The location she refers to is the only ‘special research room” in the entire Holy Feather Laboratory.

All the information does not record what is inside, it is very mysterious.

“Or go here,” Jiang Luo leaned over, “the person in charge of the office. It sounds like the responsibility on the shoulders is very heavy, maybe there is information on emergency power supply.”

Chu Xian was not at ease: “Maybe I should go to the reference room again to see if there is any relevant information.”

Lu Tingliu glanced at the phone and said, “It’s half past ten.”

Song He was shocked: “Has it been so long?”

“Hurry up and take a gamble?” Jiang Luo said, “A B-level mission against this background is bound to have a fight, so dare to rush to Teacher Chu.”

Lu Yishan is a contracted anchor of Snowcat TV, who is responsible for selecting suitable game copies for live broadcast commentary. The basic contract salary is only 2,000 yuan. To really make money, it depends on the popularity commission and gift sharing. However, Snowcat is only a small platform, and the resources are fed to a few top anchors. Lu Yishan often works hard for a month, and the salary is in the early 2000s, and there is no five insurances and one housing fund.

For popularity and money, generally small anchors will choose to broadcast a copy of a god-level player to make a little of the popularity of the god-level player. Lu Yishan also tried it, but there were too many live broadcast rooms explaining the dungeons of god-level players.

After thinking about it, Lu Yishan felt that he still had to show his uniqueness. In the end, he set his sights on the “newcomer copy”.

Rookie dungeons have always had a certain audience, but due to the large number of dungeons, and the difficulty is generally not high, the quality and fun are not as guaranteed as the advanced player dungeons, and sometimes they must be supported by excellent anchors, but If the anchor is good enough, it will be more profitable to talk about the famous mid-level player dungeon than the rookie dungeon.

So there are not many anchors explaining the newcomers, which also means that there will be a fixed audience for the newcomers. Lu Yishan decided to start his live broadcast career from the rookie copy, which proved to be a wise choice.

In the newcomer’s dungeon commentary, his sharp tongue, accurate prediction and ruthless ridicule are all very exciting, and he soon became famous.

Looking at the newcomer’s book, what many people are looking for is the sense of superiority that “you can’t do it so simple, you are trash, I will definitely do it”.

Lu Yishan’s live commentary is scratching the itch, and the heat is rubbing up.

This evening, after the broadcast, Lu Yishan entered the game lobby to find a new rookie book.

Because newcomers are simple, they usually end quickly, sometimes Lu Yishan can talk about two things a day.

The default live broadcast lobby of “Game” is not like the layout of ordinary live broadcast sites, but is a neat row of square screens. You can choose to filter to watch the game copy live broadcast or the player in the upper left corner. Single-player live broadcast; there is a search box in the upper right corner to search for the player’s name and copy number. Instance numbers are all randomly generated five-digit numbers.

Lu Yishan watched it for a long time in the live broadcast hall, but couldn’t find a suitable one. Suddenly I remembered that someone lost a copy number during the live broadcast in the afternoon and said, “This is a bit interesting, I want to see the explanation of the feather fan”.

His ID on Snowcat TV is “Yu Fan Lunjin”.

Lu Yishan looked back at the historical barrage in the live broadcast room and found the copy number: 13972.

The name of this game copy is “Escape from Signing In”, there are 12 newcomer teams, currently two teams are one activity point. The time flow inside and outside the game is the same. The game lasts for seven days. Lu Yishan took some time to review the content of the previous days at double speed. After mastering the core information, he decisively selected the team that was doing the B+ task and started the broadcast.

Other squads are either sleeping or being chased by zombies, no fun.

“Good evening everyone, welcome to the newcomer’s live room of Yu Fan Lunjin, are you ready for snacks and drinks? Today’s selection is the game copy numbered 13972, the new book, this copy and reality The time is at the same speed, so almost four days have passed, so I will summarize it for everyone…”

He cuts the shot while summarizing. Like him, the small anchors who live broadcast “games” are all narrating and directing. If they are good at grasping the timing, the directing and broadcasting are very promising in today’s market.

After a brief summary, Lu Yishan said: “Because this newcomer is relatively large, there are twelve teams, so “Game” gives each team’s perspective, the one I chose is Mr. Chu Xianchu lead the team. Everyone should be familiar with Mr. Chu. We have seen him lead the team in the last game. Currently, he is working with Jiang Luo’s team on B+-level side quests. They are exploring a secret biological laboratory… B+ appears in the newcomer. Level quests are rare. The last time something like this happened was half a year ago, when the entire rookie was almost wiped out, but the only surviving rookie became Duerhai, one of our seven gods today. ”

The barrage floated past: “Wow, does Brother Yu mean that this book will also be trance-level?”

Lu Yishan smiled slightly: “I think the possibility of annihilation is relatively high. They are now choosing to go to the chief’s office or the special research room, but the information we can see from God’s perspective is that this There are ghosts in both rooms – not only that, but behind every door in this laboratory, there are monsters.”

Barrage: “Chu Xian evolves 4, Jiang Luo evolves 3, the ghosts of the new people can still be dealt with.”

Lu Yishan said leisurely: “If you look back, you can see that the basic cards they brought are almost all move cards. High school girls don’t know what to do with their legs, but they seem to be very weak. The upper limit of how difficult it is to get started with the move cards is low, and whoever takes the cannon fodder, the psychological quality of the male and female high school students is extremely poor, and they all rely on their teammates to get them. That beautiful fan Mao looks alright, but he’s already mixed up with Jiang Luo in an insane recklessness, which is incomparable to Du Erhai’s quality back then.”

Chu Xian thought about it for a while. They had turned over everything that could be turned over in the reference room before, and several safes had been pried. The reference room is full of experimental research materials. laboratory power supply.

“Then go to the office of the person in charge.” After careful consideration, Chu Xian thought that the danger of the special research room was too great.

The office of the person in charge is opposite to the personnel, finance, and administration. One office is larger than those three.

You also need to swipe your iris fingerprint to choose one of three, but after Song He opened the door to kill, no one chose to immediately step up and try to open the door.

Song He touched the bandage on his chest, the wound was treated in time, but it was still very painful.

He moved away from the door in silence.

Several people were silent for a while, and finally Chu Xian said, “I’ll open.”

He stood sideways next to the fingerprint validator, holding the gun in his left hand and putting his right into the machine.

“Authentication successful.”

As the electronic sound fell, the dark brown door slowly slid open.

Everyone held their breath.

One, two, three.

For three seconds, no monsters jumped out.

Lu Tingliu’s hand holding the knife also loosened subconsciously, she walked carefully to the door to check the situation inside, and was suddenly stunned.

The live broadcast room cuts to Lu Tingliu’s perspective, and the barrage is completely crazy.

“What is this???”

“That’s disgusting.”

“Is it the ghost in this book? Is it disgusting?”

There is a desk in the office of the person in charge, with a coffee table and sofa beside the desk. All sit “people”.

They are half-rotted, with tiny wings on their backs, and their skin is bumpy and covered with dirty feathers. Their eyes were stiff. When they saw Lu Tingliu, the man in the lead moved his mouth and said, “Who are you?”

While talking, maggots fell from their cheeks.

The barrage ushered in a small round of explosions: “Mom help, the end of watching the game live at night is to shrink in the quilt and dare not go out to the bathroom!”

“Rich, strong, democratic, free and harmonious…”

“Suddenly the fried chicken in my hand is not fragrant…”

“Hey hey, the barbecue in my hand is more fragrant.”

“This scene, dinner!”

Lu Tingliu felt as if her feet were nailed to the ground and couldn’t move for a while, so she calmly replied, “I’m an employee of Sun Umbrella.”

“Which institution?”

“Galaxy Tech.”

“Galaxy technology?” The monster in the house whispered. “Isn’t Galaxy Technology dead?” “Old Wang killed his wife and daughter before he died.” “Where are the employees?” “Oops, the laboratory was exposed!” “Who betrayed us?” “Where are the guards? ?” “Start the plan first!”


“Warning, an intruder is found in the A3 area, and the experimental guard team is dispatched.”

Lu Tingliu’s ears suddenly burst into buzzing, her headache was splitting, her whole face wrinkled. But at the same time, the sudden pain also freed her from being locked in. She turned around to avoid the sight of the ghost in the office, and found that Chu Xian, Jiang Luo and others behind her couldn’t move, their eyes fixed on the ghost.

Jiang Luo’s eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, the capillaries around the eyes were ruptured, and thin blood flowed out. Black and white feathers.

Others are in a similar situation.

Xie Baoqing struggled to open her mouth to say something, tears of fear mixed with blood, she couldn’t make a sound.

Their spirits are dropping.

Guards are coming.

Pollution is difficult to break through.

Lu Yishan shook her head regretfully: “The risk factor of B+ is still triggered, and the two teams will be destroyed. However, the pink hair seems to have a certain immunity to pollution, and some cards will come with a bit of this. The positive effect is relatively useful in the early stage of the player. Unfortunately, this immunity cannot deal with the whole six ghosts here.”

Lu Tingliu avoided the sight of the ghost and closed the office door manually.

The door is closed, but it is not locked. If a ghost wants to come out, just pull it gently.

After cutting off the meeting point of sight, the others did not break free from the contaminated state immediately.

The guards have appeared, Lu Tingliu sighed, and she is a husband.

Personality switch, killer Lucy!

She flinched without fear, smiled happily, rushed to the “experimental guards” who looked weird, and swung the Hanzo sword high.

A total of eight guards came, and Lu Tingliu shared forty-eight knives.

The barrage screamed for her.

However, the door of the office was slammed open mercilessly by the ghosts inside, and the two leader captains were attacked first. Both stats and spirits have dropped to endangered numbers.

There was only one thought in their minds: run.

“Run—!” Chu Xian shouted hoarsely.

Jiang Luo rolled on the spot to avoid another batch of thorns, Song He’s legs were soft and rolled, and a ghost rushed out of the office, its forelimbs like hands and claws thorns Towards Xie Baoqing’s chest, Qin Zhenyun rushed over to block, “Puchi”, it was the sound of flesh and blood being penetrated.

Chu Xian rushed over, was stabbed in the shoulder by another ghost’s bone knife, and flew into the corridor ceiling.

Finally, Lu Tingliu, Lu Xi’s personality has nearly eight minutes of duration, she can! Lu Tingliu’s long knife slashed towards the bone knife connecting Chu Xian and the ghost!


In the blink of an eye, the Hanzo knife was covered with cracks.

This is B+.

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