I Became the Childhood Friend of the Northern Duchess

Chapter 44: On The Way To The Ball (2)

Translator : Idris

Even though there was a dimension stone, it took quite a while to reach the capital city, Hildeck, from Hespania, which was located almost at the end of the north.

That's why they set off ahead with a considerable amount of time, but because their steps were delayed in the middle, it was just a day before the ball was to be held when the trio arrived at the Hilldeck.

As the capital of the empire, Hildeck was a city that truly showed the peak state of prosperity.

Even Ariel, who usually doesn't say empty words, expressed the development of Hildeck, saying something around the corner, ‘Something changes every time I come here.'

“It feels different from Hespania though'.”

If Hespania is a city full of tall, thin spire-like buildings, Hildeck has many buildings that are wide and flat.

To put it a little differently, if Hespania has an atmosphere like a lofty fortress built on a frozen land, Hildeck feels like a bustling city nestled on a rich plain.

Ariel also agreed with his words, so she shook her head slightly to express her affirmation.

However, the place, which she felt most comfortable with, is Hespania, her hometown.

It isn't because she is the heir to the family that ruled the place, but Hespania's unique, sticky atmosphere is what she really liked.

"Yeah? Even though this is the capital, the security is surprisingly not very good.”

"I heard that Hespania has good security.”

No matter how much they lived a slightly affluent life thanks to the symbol of dominance, the northern region indeed was a barren land.

That is why many people think that the residents there are not friendly and criminal acts such as looting and robbery are rampant, but Hespania was surprisingly the opposite.

Basically, it may be because the Robeheim family stepped forward to cut off the shoots of such criminals, but more importantly, just because it is a barren environment, the sense of solidarity among the people there is very high.

And thanks to this, the citizens' awareness of things like criminal accusations was superior to that of Hildeck in the capital city.

“I have heard from my mother. Hildeck is a bustling metropolis on the outside, but on the inside, it's a place where many pus have rotted away.”

“Well, in a place like this, the gap between the rich and the poor is rather wide.”

In addition, because of many blind spots, security is likely to be loose.

Edgar also nodded slightly as if he finally understood, and admired the panoramic view of Hildeck spacing out of the carriage.

Every place must have its own hardships.

There is no need to go through black-and-white logic to say which is right and wrong.

The carriage, which ran without rest, was able to reach the imperial palace located at the end of HilDeck.

When Edgar saw it, even though the castle of the Robeheim family was jaw-dropping enough, he wondered if the imperial palace could be even grander? Just looking out of the wagon, its splendor was extraordinary.

‘I'll get lost at this rate.'

At least it doesn't seem like a good place to live.

Even the surname of the Robeheime family took a considerable amount of time to get used to.

It seems that there is a considerable gap between aesthetics and practicality. In a place like this, even if someone gave him money and asked to stay, it seemed like he would seriously shudder to the bones and sprint off to run.

“Stop the wagon and identify yourself!”

Arriving at the gate to enter the imperial palace, the loud voice of the guards could be heard through the carriage.

Originally, in most cases, a servant comes forward to reveal the identity on behalf of the owner, but Ariel stepped out and told the two to stay there.

Following this, Shuri tried to step out, but Edgar stopped her and went with Ariel himself.

As befits an imperial guard, the uniform he was wearing was quite different.

With a sturdy build and strong eyes, it seemed that he was no ordinary soldier. Maybe a member of the Knight.

“This is Ariel Robeheim. The purpose is to attend the debut banquet tomorrow.”

Ariel revealed her identity and the reason for her stay here in a cold tone.

Still cold to a person on the invitation screen.

It was to the point that even Edgar's hamstrings were numb as he watched from the side.

“You are the daughter of the Robeheim family. I was rude. ”

At first, a girl he hadn't seen before stood in front of him, so he was in a position that was difficult for him to look over.

When the guard, who was disciplined with military discipline, quickly bowed again with courtesy, Ariel replied in a nonchalant tone without even looking at him properly.

“I don’t need an apology. Because it is what you are supposed to do anyway.”

Not a word more, not a word less.

The guard's expression hardened for an instant at the tone that was too businesslike for a 15-year-old girl to utter.

It wasn't that he was in a bad mood, it was that he felt like gasping at the strange sense of heterogeneity.

“Can I get in when I’m done checking?”

“Ah, yes. But you cannot bring a wagon in.”

“… Are there any rules like that? So annoying.”

Ariel clicked her tongue lightly, but she didn't complain anymore because it was a part that was understandable to a certain extent.

Ladies from various families will come from all over the place, but to accommodate all of their wagons, the inside of the imperial palace will become complicated.

20 or 30 the amount is unknown, but more than that would be too much.

In the end, after calling Shuri in the carriage and leaving the rest to the coachman, the three of them entered the palace together.

On the way, the guard asked if he needed a guide, but Ariel dismissed it by saying that she had been here before.

“Wow… !”

“How to say, the only word that comes to mind is amazing.”

Even from the outside, the splendor was extraordinary, but when she went inside, their jaws dropped.

In particular, the beautifully decorated landscaping made Edgar and Shuri unable to keep their mouths shut.

However, Ariel, who had already visited her a few times, seemed to have lost interest.

She just saw the two people's faces light up, and she too felt better for no reason. She just smiled accordingly.

“Would you like to look around a bit more? We have plenty of time anyway.”

Until tomorrow, when she had a ball, she was free to visit.

If they don't have much interest in the imperial palace, taking a look around the city would be fine too.

However, the two of them shook their heads resolutely at Ariel's words.

Although the imperial palace was mighty, that was all, and they had no intention of spending more time looking around.

The reason they came here in the first place was to assist Ariel, not for tourism purposes.

Due to the two people's euphemistic refusal, they eventually headed straight to the annex where the ball was to be held.

Even though it was an outbuilding, it boasted an enormous size equivalent to a fairly modest castle, but Ariel had a plain expression on her face.

"Oh, aren't you Miss Robeheim?"


As they were walking down the street to the annex in the distance, suddenly a man walked from the opposite side and pretended to know Ariel.

But Ariel only had a small impression of this orange-headed man.

He seemed a little older than the two, at least not in Ariel's memory.

"I saw you once the other day, and I don't know if you remember. I am Diliart of the Belus family."

"This is Ariel Robeheim."

Ariel replied with the thought of just saying hello and passing by because she isn't someone who is interested in anything.

Diliart reached out his hand, but without even holding it, she scanned him from top to bottom as if asking if he had anything else to say.

‘I hope he's done.'

In the first place, she didn't like this person from the beginning.

The main reason is that, even though Edgar was standing behind her like Shuri did, just by taking into account that he is a man accompanying her to attend her debutante ball like this, his position is already very clear.

Nevertheless, the fact that the man did not even greet Edgar was tantamount to completely ignoring him.

"He must be a servant next to you. The Robeheim family seems to have importance for their entourage."


In a roundabout way, Diliart asks the question, as if Edgar is a companion who seemed to be only an attendant, let alone an aristocrat.

At that moment, a rock was thrown with a splash on the lake in Ariel's heart, which had been quiet.


"…What? What do you mean, hey? You're talking about me……?”

"Yes, you. Delius or Villiers. I've been holding back on your annoyance for a while, so what? Attendant?"

Nominally, Edgar accompanied her as an attendant, but Edgar's appearance or his bearings did not seem to match with a simple attendant anywhere.

In addition, if a Young Miss, who will participate in the debutante ball, came with another man next to her, anyone would be able to notice the companion's status only if their eyes do not have a hole.

Nevertheless, she couldn't let go of the remarks that blatantly disparaged her childhood friend.

If it weren't for Helena's message not to cause an accident, he would have thrown a fireball in that face right away.

"Sue, you must not have been an attendant. This is a big mistake. I'm sure that's …….”

Diliart took a step back and hurriedly handed over an apology.

However, even his apology felt very dissatisfying in Ariel's eyes.

He is just spouting nonsense. At this point, his lying ability is just a state of art.

Even if she can't kick, she thinks it'll be a relief to put one in that face, so she swung her fist without hesitation.


Her left hand was blocked by something.

When she turned her head, Edgar was looking at her with a frown on his face.

“Ariel, what are you doing?”

“Leave me. No matter which family this kid came from, he cursed at you. Do you think I'll just leave it alone?"

“From this person’s point of view, it was confusing. He apologized, so don't make a fuss about it anymore."

Edgar, of course, knew that this man had made such remarks to blatantly discredit him.

He was, after all, not that slow-witted.

However, there is nothing good about making many enemies.

Even if she was the heir to one of the three most powerful families in the empire.

Besides, if she had to use her hand in this situation, and if rumors spread among the people, in the end, only the news that she had swung her hand on another person. would be spread.

Edgar didn't want that situation.

He is grateful that she was angry at whoever knows which family's kid for insulting him, but at times like this it was best for her to keep her head cool.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear anything and move on. Now that we've received an apology, we'll be tired of talking any more.”

“Please, thank you. I didn't know that you were a close friend of the Young Miss. I'll make sure to remember you next time and greet you properly."

Apparently, that kid had been keeping an eye on Ariel.

Even in the midst of coming out in a low profile like this, Edgar did not dare to point out the relationship as a friend, nor did he want such a next time meeting either.

That was only more uncomfortable for Edgar, but he couldn't argue with the kid in this current situation, so he decided to break up.




“Oh, hey… Did you call him my friend?”


After finishing the conversation, they turned around and were about to go back to each other's way, when Ariel suddenly called and stopped Diliot.

Dilliot, who turned around with a puzzled expression, tilted his head.

Could it be that they weren't friends?

Then siblings? The Robeheim family only has one child.

Maybe it was because the image of Diliot, who only blinked blindly, was funny.

Ariel, who smiled at him while raising the corner of her mouth, put her arm between Edgar's.

This is the so-called arm in arm.

“It’s too bad. This is my lover, not a friend.”

“I, …Lover … !?”

The boy widened his eyes at the words that came out of her mouth, but Ariel left the surprised opponent behind, and took her steps with a brief ‘Enough'.

The news that the one and only daughter of the Robeheime family had a fiance hadn't reached anywhere, so he must have felt like the world had collapsed by now.

Meanwhile, Edgar, who was watching Ariel from the side, laughed.

Knowing that Diliart was watching this situation, he didn't untie their arms at the end, which made the blushing ears visible.

She's a guy who always likes to pretend to be strong.

But she is cute in that way.

But the expression "cool" will suit her today.

So, while Edgar was heading to the annex, he didn't ask her if she was okay.

He thought it would be better to leave her alone for a day or so, since his friend seems to be in a good mood for today.

[T: Ahhhhhhhh! This is very shocking! but… .do you guys expects something even more shocking and juicy moments that this?🤯 ?]

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