I Became the Fiancé of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 48 – Social gathering (3)

48 – Social gathering (3)

[Physis's POV]

“… …That's not... Where did I go wrong?”

Adilun continued to mutter and play with the pen. A crackling sound echoed through the workshop, and I just watched her in awe.

Her hair, tied up in a ponytail, wavy, and the fine hairs on the nape of her neck looked very attractive.

To the extent that if I were a vampire, I would want to bite her at once.

Adilun began to imagine the spell, madly engrossed in it, as if she forgot to pay attention to anything else once she started concentrating.

As a stranger to magic, of course, I couldn’t figure out what she was doing, but at least I could tell that what she was doing wasn’t normal.

'A magic that had only briefly appeared before. If that magic was complete, well... What will happen?' I asked myself while watching her.

I put my hand on my chin and continued to look at her.

Just looking at her made me feel satisfied. And one more thought came to me suddenly.

'Do I really have to swear at someone like her? Even though it’s what she wants… … I-I just didn’t like it.'

By hearing my swear words, she would inevitably be hurt. She would say 'I’m fine', but I couldn’t help but worry. 

She was a kind person. Otherwise, there was no way the maids and servants would have followed her like that.

I felt like I should give it some thought. For example, ignoring her coldly… …Is a little better way to do it. 

'I’ll have to talk with her.'

After a considerable amount of time had passed, Adilun stretched and turned her attention to me for a moment.

“Haa… … ! Hey Physis. Have you been here just watching me all along?”

“Yes. There is nothing to do, and the books here are not things I would understand from looking at them.”

“Uh, um. Then you can just leave.”

“Fine. Actually, it wasn’t that boring.”

“Yes? why?”

“Having your hair tied up suits you very well. I just looked at them, what more do I need?”

I answered honestly.

“Oh, don’t keep saying things like that. It's just embarrassing…!! …”

“By the way, Adilun.”


“There is something I want to say about the social gathering, no matter how I look at it… … Well, I’m a bit reluctant to treat you like I used to.”

“I already told you... I’m fine. Having been treated like that for a year already by you, it can be said that I have developed some kind of immunity.”

Adilun didn’t seem to take it seriously, but we wouldn’t know until it actually happened. 

Originally, human psychology is extremely complicated, and there are times when people have doubts even though they know that it just acting.

“Still, that’s a bit… …”

“I’m really fine, don’t worry.”

“I will have to think more... By the way, are you done with your magic plan?”

“Yes. It’s almost done, but I plan to try this later. It’s not urgent right now.”


“Well, then… … I’m going to get hungry soon, so let’s go get something to eat.”

Adilun said so and rose from her seat.

She still had her hair tied up.

* * *

[Adilun's POV]

Time passed quickly, and the day the social gathering was held arrived. We headed straight to Daevaton.

Daevaton wasn’t that wealthy, so they couldn’t install a teleportation gate, and because of that, we had no choice but to ride in a wagon.

I looked at Physis, who was sitting next to me in the wagon, with a somewhat nervous attitude. He, too, had a hardened face. Was it because of nervousness, or was it because he felt complicated as he was trying to treat me like he used to?

In fact, there was a reason why I was trying to make him insult me like before.

This was my last test for him. Apart from the promise, a final test to get rid of the uneasiness that lingers inside me.

If he… … If there was a sign of guilt when he said harsh words to me this time, I would no longer feel insecure about him.

'Please. I hope...'

Every single day after shedding my scale, I was honestly really happy.

Physis was always kind to me and listened to everything even when I was capricious and foolish.

I hoped that his heart was sincere, and I wished that this life would not end.

I felt really sorry for him, but I had no choice but to test him on my own.

'Later, I must apologize to him.'

Physis continued to fret. But I was rather relieved by that appearance.

“Calm down, Physis. As I said, I’m fine.”

“Ah, sorry to upset you, Adilun. I keep thinking about the past… …”

I held his hand silently.

“It’s okay. It’s acting anyway. So don’t worry too much. Instead, be sure to identify those who are against me, including Selina.”

“… … Alright.”

'Have you calmed down for a while?'

He looked out the window with a much calmer expression.

“Hey, I see Daevaton Castle.”

“It’s a solid-looking castle.”

“I guess so. There are quite a few monsters nearby… … If they don’t build a strong fortress, they will have to fall under the threat of monsters.”

“Should we do it as soon as we get off the wagon?”

“No. Rather than that, let’s make our position official first… …You’re gossiping about me, you have to decide how to do it so that I can fit in there.”

“Haa. For now, I will try.”

He sighed, clutching his head as if in pain.

I looked at him and smiled a bit bitterly. I made him do terrible things to me.

But what was this little anxiety? If I had accepted his attitude, it would have been a little more comfortable.

But to do that, I wasn’t sure about myself. A person’s mind easily changed. A very small insecurity remaining in me could eventually prevent me from accepting him.

So I decided to walk the thorny path.

I didn't know what will be at the end of that thorny road, but at least my heart will be relieved.

Now, there was not much time life before the play begins.

* * *

[Physis's POV]

Arriving at Daevaton Castle, I got off the carriage. Then I reached out to Adilun from outside the carriage.

She took my hand and came out, and soon she was revealed, adorned to the fullest with vivid beauty.

Dark blue hair resembling the night sky in a ponytail fluttered, and the bluish-white horns curled on top of her head made her look unapproachable.

The clothes were also made by the artisans of Rodenov with great care and were so beautiful, that even I, who didn't know much about women’s clothes, couldn't help but admire them.

Like the color of the scales she wore before, the bluish-white dress was somewhat bold, revealing her shoulders, but a dark blue shawl was wrapped around it to cover the boldness.

Also, a noble silver tiara nestled atop her head, between horns, as if to prove she was the heir to the mighty Duchy of Rodenov.

Originally, only the daughters of dukes or princesses, the highest rank among nobles, could wear the tiara, so this tiara was a symbol of her authority here.

After I couldn’t take my eyes off her for a while, she urged me on with a soft smile.

“Am I that pretty?”


Seriously, I had no choice but to say that. Then, as if she was happy with that, she gave me another dazzling smile and took my hand, and led me.

“Come on, let’s go quickly, Physis. The play has to start soon.”

“Maybe… … There will be an uproar.”

“Yes? For what?”

“You’ll find out when you get in.”

This… … Today, my teeth were likely to be significantly damaged.

If she and I acted as planned and approached them, there would surely be some unscrupulous people who would try to approach Adilun.


Our plan was as follows.

First, in the banquet hall, she and I, who had the highest rank, would have our first dance.

After that, while I was away for a while… … Adilun would secretly spread gossip about me to other princesses that treated me harshly.

Though Adilun stubbornly refused. She thought it would make it easier for me to gossip about her, so in the end, I had to accept it.

We stood side by side in front of the door. The attendants guarding the door of the banquet hall began to widen their eyes as they looked at Adilun and me.

When they saw the horns on her head, they realized that she was Adilun, and opened the door.

A call was soon heard.

“Rodenov’s rightful heir! Princess Adilun Rodenov and Ortaire’s second son, Sir Physis Ortaire, winner of the National Day Hunting Competition and Jousting tournament, is entering!”

Finally, the door opened.

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