I Became the Fiancé of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 73: Return (1)

Chapter 73: Return (1)

*This is a brief explanation for underage readers.

Currently, Physis and Adilun have spent a month in Ortaire and were now heading to Rodenov today.

* * *

[Physis' POV]

After a night filled with ecstasy, morning finally arrived.

Indulged in love, we tidied up the room messy room. In fact, there wasn’t much I did. With one gesture from Adilun, the room that had been covered with our bodily fluids became tidy all at once, as if time had turned back.


"Uh, I'm tired."

"You've worked hard."


I embraced Adilun gently, noticing her exhaustion from maintaining the barrier throughout the previous night. I tenderly kissed her on neck, and slightly sucked on it, leaving a deep imprint, as she had left her stamp on me.

Now our bodies were covered in all kinds of red lip-shaped marks. Perhaps... if someone saw them, they would think we had been passionately working really hard...

"Shouldn't we cover these marks?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

When I suggested covering the marks, Adilun responded as if asking why we should.

"Well, if they know that you haven't been in your room until this hour, the servants will definitely figure it out. Where did you go? And the door that won't open."

Her slightly smiling face was irresistibly charming, like a fox.

"Maybe rumors will spread everywhere. Haha."

As I said that, I couldn't help but notice her extremely satisfied and somewhat possessive expression. Honestly, I still felt a burning sensation.

But I had to be patient.

I never imagined I could have such patience. After all, I didn't cross the final line.

Instead, I gave her a strong embrace.

"Do you regret it?"

Adilun gently chuckled and asked me a question.

"...Yes. Maybe..."

"Hehe. Actually, I didn't completely disregard that possibility. I hope you'll be even more obsessed with me, so you won't pay attention to other bitches. That's what I want. So they won't catch your eye."

"I don't have any intention of looking at anyone else anyway."

"Yes, I won't either. But... you never know what will happen in the human mind."

Her anxious words reminded me that the things I had said over the past year had diminished her self-esteem. Yes, it was my fault.

Although she had a certain confidence in me to some extent, it seemed that she was developing such anxiety that I might abandon her if a woman, more attractive than her appeared.

As our bodies intertwined, that tendency seemed to grow even stronger.

"Don't worry. I will never abandon you. No matter what woman comes... There will be no one else to look at except you.”

As I confidently spoke those words, Adilun erased her anxiety and smiled.

"I believe you. But... I don't like other women looking at you. I even have a selfish thought that I wish you didn't go anywhere in Rodenov and just stayed with me."

"If Adilun wants, I won't attend any gatherings or banquets in the future."

Adilun shook her head at my words.

"I can't do that. It's just my selfishness... You must have your own things to do. It would be impossible for you to follow me every time. You have your own life."

"It won't happen very often. So don't worry too much. For me, you are always my top priority."

"Yes, I will. But can you start using informal language now? You did that last night too."

"Why? Don't you like it?"

"I wouldn't mind. In fact, I like it. Ah, Physis."


Adilun wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. It was a loving kiss that barely touched and lingered, filled with affection.

“I forgot. Good morning. And are we going to do this kiss thing every day?”


At her response, my heart fluttered with the intense affection I felt from her. Her words... gradually started to make me feel restless. Would I be able to endure for the long period of six months?

"Well, shall we start getting ready to go out? I'm hungry too. Oh, but first, I need to wash up. Actually, I can solve it with a cleaning spell... but I just want to take a bath."

“Shall we go in together?”


When I hinted with a smile, she just blushed.




Eventually, even in the bathroom, we passionately explored each other. And when we finally dressed and stepped out of the room, it was already late afternoon.

So… … Everyone in Ortaire came to know about the relationship we had established.

Usually, during that time, I would have been in the training grounds. But I wasn't even in my room, nor was there any trace of me leaving.

Naturally, the attention of the servants shifted toward Adilun's room... which was firmly locked.

Realizing what had happened, the servants and maids reported it to the head maid and the butler, and the whole family came to know about it.

So now, I...

“Oh my goodness.”

I couldn’t help but receive the exciting gazes of my family. My mother covered her one cheek with her hand and her eyes were shining brightly, and the expressions of my older brother and father didn't seem displeased too.

Adilun, on the other hand, simply had a smile on her face, whether she spoke or not.

The reason why my mother exclaimed like that was actually quite simple.

Even if she had known only the fact that we had entered a relationship, she would have looked at us with a proud smile. But since Adilun and I had reddened necks, the exclamation naturally came out.

After all, we were in a situation where two people who had been unable to get their hands on each other had finally overlapped their bodies.

“Shouldn’t we really speed up the ceremony, my dear?”

"Cough. Since the two of them have said they're not ready yet, let's wait a little longer."

My father coughed and spoke.

Honestly, it wasn't really awkward or anything. We were already engaged... and it was possible for something like this to happen.

However, the gazes of my family members, who looked at me with interest, felt somewhat unfamiliar.

It was as if… … Should I say that they were like people who show interest in an unexpected romance?

"Well, the two of them also need time. Isn't it natural that the period before marriage is the most passionate?"

It was a bit absurd to see my older brother openly saying such things even though he had never dated a woman.

"So, how many children are you thinking of, Adilun?"

“uh… … That. I think it’s still a little too early for a child.”

"I see. Well, I guess that's understandable. You're about to become the Duchess of Rodenov... But still, the sooner you have a successor, the better, right?"

"Ahaha. Y-yes, that's true."

Adilun, who just moments ago had a somewhat confident expression, became visibly flustered when the topic of children came up. Well, it was true that we coveted each other's bodies, but we didn't cross that line...

The topic of children seemed a bit distant for Adilun as well.

"Anyway, I hope both of you are careful today, and if there's good news, I hope you'll let us know soon."

In response to my mother's gentle smile, we both just nodded.


As soon as the slightly late afternoon meal was over, we immediately packed our belongings and arrived at the teleportation gate that would take us to Rodenov.

The people of Ortaire bid farewell to Adilun with a slightly regretful expression. If it was for me, I could understand it, but Adilun definitely seemed to have gained quite a favorable impression from the people of Ortaire

“Please come back soon, princess!”

"I will. Take care, everyone. I will definitely come back next time."

Adilun waved to them and then firmly held my hand as we stepped onto the teleportation gate.

When I opened my eyes, the climate that had been gently breezy instantly transformed into a cold blizzard.

A feeling of coldness filled my lungs. But it wasn't unpleasant.


However, since Adilun seemed a bit cold, I wrapped my coat around her shoulders.

“Ah, thank you.”

"It's nothing, really."

Actually, Adilun might not have needed this coat. She was skilled in magic, after all. She could easily use a spell to maintain her body temperature.

However, I hoped that she wouldn't feel cold, even for that brief moment when she used magic.

Although she was originally able to withstand the cold, staying in the warm climate of Ortaire for a month might have weakened her resistance to the cold.

Perhaps she understood my intention, as Adilun's expression was tinted with gratitude.

“Shall we go?”


Then, I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, got out of the teleport gate of Caltix Fortress, and headed towards Caltix Castle.

The scenery of Rodenov seen in a month did not change in particular.

It was a land of eternal winter, where the snow never ceased.

"Is it because it's been a while? I thought I wouldn't need to use magic, but it seems like I have to. Ugh, it's a bit cold."

"Do it quickly. I don't want you to catch a cold."

"Hehe. But catching a cold wouldn't be so bad if it means you'll be by my side all day."


"Even if I don't catch a cold, You will still be by your side all the time, right?"

"Well, that's true, but... even if you won't catch a cold I will be with you, so don't have such thoughts for no reason. It worries me."

“Yes. I understand. Oh, but since we're in Rodenov after a long time, can we just walk instead of taking a carriage? I'll use a spell to maintain our body temperature."

"Sure. If that's what you want."

-Tap, Tap.

The sound of our footsteps crunching the piled-up snow resonated vividly in our ears. We matched our steps with each other and walked harmoniously towards the Caltix Castle.

As I glanced back slightly, a row of footprints came into view.

I smiled as I looked at those footprints. The closely aligned pairs of footprints seemed to reflect the closeness between me and Adilun.

"Huh? Why are you smiling like that?"

Adilun asked, curious about my expression, but I shook my head.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just... because I like this walk."

"Hehe. I like it too. Maybe it's because this is where I was born and raised? Just walking along the snowy path... it feels welcoming. Did you feel the same way when you walked in Ortaire ?"

"Yes. It might have been similar."

"But from now on, I hope you consider Rodenov as your home like Ortaire."

I could sense her hope in those words.

"I will. This place... is where we'll live together from now on."


Adilun nodded and hooked her arm around mine. A faint fragrance filled the air, and the warmth emanating from her gentle body was comforting.

As we continued walking, we soon arrived at the Calixis Castle.

Even though it had only been a month since I last saw it, instead of feeling overwhelmed by the grandeur of the building, there was a sense of longing. Without any disturbance... it was truly a peaceful homecoming.

--- End OF The Chapter ---

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