I Became the Fiancé of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 75: Tempered (1)

Chapter 75: Tempered (1)[Physis’ POV]  The invasion of demons was approaching. Just that the fact alone had my nerves on edge.   It was time to start preparing. The time had come for me to improve my skill to the limit.   The colossal demon king, born and nurtured on people’s evil spirits, would unleash his power. But in my current state, I couldn’t immediately confront the one who was forming his forces.   He was born fully developed, possessing immense strength.   A being who leads the army of monsters with the strength he has had since birth. Therefore, it was extremely dangerous. It was not for no reason that he dealt a devastating blow to Rodenov in the original story.   In the original story, it was mentioned that he was destroyed due to Adilun’s large-scale magic, the Star of Hope. As a result, my task, in the end, was simple: to buy time until the Star of Hope was completed.   However, with my current level of skill, I couldn’t even fight an equal battle with him. I was in a difficult situation in many ways. I didn’t expect that the monster’s attack would happen so quickly.   If anything, there was a sense of being slightly ahead. Could it be because of my presence? Because Adilun’s shedding has accelerated?   Whatever the case may be... I had to find a way to overcome this situation.   Of course, it wasn’t entirely hopeless.   The strength of that being remained consistent. In other words, he didn’t grow any stronger.   If I had retained the strength from my previous life, what would it have been like? There would have been no need to think about it. I would have just gone and snapped his neck.   But now, I had a weak body. Though I was stronger than any knight in Rodenov... it was still not enough to cut that guy’s neck.   ‘I have to maximize my strength to be on an equal footing.’   ‘How can I achieve that? No, there’s no time to ponder over such things.’   ‘Given the circumstances, I’ll have to buy some time.’   Just as I was about to get up from my seat...   - knock knock.   ...I heard the sound of someone knocking on the door.   “Physis? It’s me.”   It was Adilun.   “Come in.”   I opened the door, and Adilun looked at me with a slightly gloomy expression.   “You heard the news, right?”   “Monsters?”   “Yes…”   It seemed that Adilun was genuinely saddened by the fact that our peaceful everyday life was shattered.   “As soon as Sir Lucas returns, we will form a subjugation party, but there is a high possibility that you will be included in the subjugation party as well.”   “I already heard that from Your Excellency. I’ll probably be in charge of the knights’ training for the time being.”   At my words, Adilun nodded.   “And... I’m also planning to join that subjugation party.”   “What?”   I was taken aback by her response.  Adilun was going to join the subjugation party right away? “Wouldn’t that be dangerous? I know you’re good at magic, but… … but you never know what might happen in the subjugation party.”   “That’s exactly why I want to go. I can’t just sit still when I don’t even know what might happen to you. Besides, I am the successor of Rodenov, so I should excel in the appropriate field. It’s a decision made by my parents, and I’m determined to abide by it.”   Something felt twisted. That was the only way I could describe it. Adilun wasn’t originally supposed to be part of the subjugation party. This was the time when she should be diligently researching magic in her Magic Workshop to complete the Star of Hope...   ‘Indeed, my existence must have created various variables.’   From what I briefly looked into last time, it seemed that the conception of the Star of Hope ended earlier than expected after her transformation. Could it be the aftermath?   Of course, Adilun’s magical abilities were remarkable, and her inclusion in the subjugation party would significantly enhance our power. She might be able to restrain the advancing monsters to some extent.   However, I didn’t feel comfortable about it. I didn’t like the fact that she might face threats.   I always wished for her safety. But that couldn’t be the case. She had to move forward.   In the end, all I could do... was to protect her to the best of my abilities.   “...It’s going to be dangerous.”   “I know that much. But I don’t want you getting hurt when I’m not there. I’m good at healing magic too. You saw it last time.”   “I don’t want to see you get hurt either. I just wish you could stay safe. But... that’s ultimately my own selfishness. You have to become the rightful successor of Rodenov and prove yourself with great achievements.”   “...Yes.”   “I know, but it’s inevitable to feel anxious. The battlefield is where countless variables come into play. You could be injured in a surprise attack, or even lose your life if you make a slight mistake.”   “I know. I’m anxious too. I don’t want to see you get hurt or... die.”   Adilun hesitated for a moment at the mention of death, and her expression grew visibly uneasy. She too was beginning to realize what lies ahead of us, what challenges we would have to face.   No matter how powerful the magic she possessed, no matter how strong her abilities were... the variables presented by the battlefield could never be fully controlled.   But we couldn’t continue to be consumed by anxiety indefinitely. It would be better to do something, even if it’s just a little. For now, I needed to reassure Adilun and also regain control over my own emotions.   “Will you come over here for a moment?”   Adilun approached me as I spoke, and I pulled her into a tight embrace.   “This is an inevitable event. Eventually, we’ll have to face threats no matter what. Maybe we’ll encounter such threats throughout our lives. So... I will protect you. To ensure that no threat comes your way.”   “Me too, I will protect you too. Using the current anxiety as a driving force, I will strive for both of us to stay safe.”   “Yes. Thank you.”   She also hugged me tightly and said those words.   We stayed like that for a while, feeling each other’s warmth.   * * *[Adilun’s POV]  It was a warm embrace. In his arms holding me, I felt surprisingly secure. Little by little, the uneasiness that penetrates my heart faded… … replaced by resolute determination.   Yes, being afraid won’t change anything.   If I was afraid of Physis dying, then I had to make sure he doesn’t. I would use my magic, which I was good at, in times like this. And he won’t die easily. Because he is also very strong.   Nestled in his embrace, I heard the sound of his heartbeat.   -Thump. Thump.   Slowly, my heartbeat and his aligned... and the anxiety completely disappeared. “I’m fine now.”   After saying that, I released myself from his embrace.   “Yes.”   He smiled without saying anything.   It was a smile infused with words like “no need to worry.” I returned the same smile to him.   “Adilun.”   “Yes.”   “I need your help.”   “What help?”   “Starting from tomorrow, I’ll be in charge of the knights’ training. The knights of Rodenov are formidable troops, but the monsters are fierce and go beyond common sense. That’s why we need to strengthen the knights’ capabilities.”   “Yes.”   “To do that, we must increase their mana reserves and improve their stamina. Increasing stamina can be easily achieved under my guidance, but it’s not the same for mana.”   I immediately understood his intention.   “You’re asking me to increase the mana concentration within the training grounds.”   “Exactly. There’s a greater need for both me and the knights to become stronger. When they have the will and train their bodies to the extreme, mana accumulates in response to that will. However, if the surrounding mana concentration is high, the efficiency increases.”   “I know. It’s already incorporated as one of the training methods for the knights, right?”   “Yes. So it would be great if you could install magic circles to increase the mana concentration.”   It wasn’t a difficult task. Perhaps it was in my bloodline. There would be no one in the empire who could surpass my aptitude for mana.   “I understand. It’s a simple task. But...”   However, since it was a bit of laborious work, I wanted to ask him for a well-deserved reward.   “What will I get in return?”   “Is there anything you want? I’ll listen to anything.”   “Then... kiss me.”   I smiled lightly as I looked at him. I wanted to alleviate his anxiety, even if only a little. Even if I wanted to forcibly eliminate the anxiety, it wouldn’t go away as I wished.   “Gladly.”   He pulled me by the neck. Our lips meet, overlapping and intertwining tongues without keeping count of how many times they’ve intertwined.   Some slightly indecent sounds echoed in his room, but we paid no attention to it. I hoped that the heart of coveting each other would soon be the main driving force to fight in the future… … I longed for his affection.   How long we have been like this? We kissed until our lips tingled, and when we opened our mouths, I saw a silvery thread connected from his tongue to mine detached, and his eyes looking at me.   It was a gaze filled with determination. Perhaps my eyes weren’t much different from his.   “Let’s stay strong for each other.”   “Yes, you too.”   “Then I’ll go practice magic starting now. The magic I was planning last time, remember?”   “Yes.”   “I have to complete it. I’ll fulfill your request first tomorrow.”   “Thank you, Adilun. Thank you for relying on a fool like me.”   “I’m the one... who should thank you for being by my side, Physis.”   We embraced briefly and then separated. Just as I was about to leave his room, Physis suddenly grabbed my arm and gave me a short, intense kiss.   “Mmm... Ahh...”   “This is the end of today’s quota. Practice diligently and stay strong.”   “....Yes!”   Indeed, the person he was now was someone I couldn’t possibly hate.  

--- End OF The Chapter ---

[ TL: Hey,  everyone! Taylor here. Just wanted to share a good news with you all: Dragon Emperors can now read 10 chapters ahead of the release!!

I know it's a little late in the story, but I still wanted to give some extra privilege to the Emperor tier cause one incredible reader, Austin, who has been steadfastly supporting me on that noble Emperor tier. It genuinely caught me by surprise, but in the best way possible. So, Austin, this one's for you! Thank you for being a shining example of generosity and encouragement.

Of course, it's not just about one person; it's about the entire community that's come together to support this passion project of mine. Each and every one of you has played a vital role in making it possible for me to keep translating with a heart full of joy and without any worries.

So here's to all of you - thank you from the bottom of my heart! Let's keep this adventure going, and I hope you all enjoy the upcoming chapters as much as I've enjoyed bringing them to life.

Join Patreon to support the translation and to read up to 10 chapters ahead of the release: https://www.patreon.com/taylor007  

Happy Reading,

Taylor ]

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