I Became the Fiancé of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 91: Travel and crossing the line (1)

Chapter 91: Travel and crossing the line (1)

[Physis’ POV]

That day, we fell asleep in each other’s arms, exhausted, without forming any special bond.

Perhaps our greatest problem was the lack of energy. Just confronting the future Adilun and realizing the truth had drained much of our strength.

Even though the moment I had ardently wished for had come, we just fall asleep.

There would be many opportunities, so there was no need to rush.

Maybe it was time for a trip. Since I had decided to travel south with Adilun, this might be a good chance.

The next morning, as soon as I woke up, I spoke to Adilun.



“Do you remember the promise we made in Ortaire?”

“The honeymoon promise, about going to the sea?”


“Why all of a sudden? We still have some time until the wedding.”

“I was just thinking, instead of a honeymoon, how about we take a trip just the two of us.”

At my words, Adilun smiled slyly.

“Hehe, I’d love that. I’ve actually always wanted to travel just with you, without anyone else.”

“Then when would you like to go?”

“The sooner the better. Now that we’re on the topic, shall we prepare and leave tomorrow?”



“Alright, then.”

“We’ll see the sea... and many amazing things. And...”

For a moment, Adilun blushed and then continued,

“We could... take the step we couldn’t before?”

Her shy proposal was so cute. Seeing her embarrassed about a topic that had once tempted me so much made me want to hug her right away.


“But I think my parents might be surprised to see that I have scales again...”

“Can you tell me why the scales returned?”

“It’s a dragon trait. Didn’t I ever say that the scale is like a magical organ?”


“These scales are because of the new awakening.”

“Because of new awakening?”

“Yes. You can think of these scales as magic organs which temporally store and harness the mana in the process of awakening.”

“I see...”

“By any chance? Does it gross you out?”

“What? No way. It just feels mysterious.”

“I’m relieved. I thought you might dislike it...”

“Didn’t I tell you? I liked you even when you were covered in scales.”


Adilun’s face turned a deep shade of red.

I couldn’t resist any longer.

I grabbed her face. For a moment, I felt the smooth sensation from the tiny scales on her cheek. The feel of her soft cheeks and the scales between felt mysterious. Somehow, it made me feel like I had fallen for a mysterious being.


I pressed my lips against Adilun’s, who was taken aback by my sudden approach.


A tingling sensation raced from the tip of my tongue to my brain. After defeating the Demon King, and being unable to engage in intimate moments for quite some time... I was starved.

Perhaps Adilun felt the same, her initial surprise melting into the kiss. Only after satiating our mutual yearning did we draw apart.

“Haah. Let’s get ready, quickly.”

Adilun said abruptly with a flustered expression. I nodded in agreement. Whether it was a trip or anything else, I wanted to go somewhere where it was just the two of us... and make love to her.

I wanted to cross the line we hadn’t crossed before.





We quickly finished our preparations. Having defeated the Demon King and completing the subsequent tasks, we discreetly spoke to Duke Johannes and Lady Claudia during breakfast.

“Um, Your Excellency.”

“Yes? What is it?”

“Now that most of our major tasks are over, Adilun and I were hoping to take a trip... Would that be alright?”

“A trip?”

“Yes. We made a promise in Ortaire to someday travel to the sea. With the Demon King matter settled and Adilun’s heirship lessons temporarily halted, it seems like the perfect time...”

“Go ahead. There isn’t anything pressing for Adilun in the near future... and there’s no issue with just a few days of travel. But do inform me about one thing.”

“What might that be?”

“When do you plan to get married? I’d appreciate a definite date.”

“Ah, well...”

Before I could answer, Adilun, who had been listening quietly, spoke up.

“We’re thinking of preparing for the wedding as soon as we return.”

“...Is that so?”

“Yes. There’s no point in delaying it further.”

“You’ve made a wise decision. In any case, there shouldn’t be any issues, so go and enjoy.”

“Thank you, Father.”

“It’s nothing. It’s the least I can offer, especially after the challenges you both faced during the northern monster invasion.”

“Ah, Adilun.”

Suddenly, the Duchess Claudia spoke.

“Yes, mother?”

“I’ll be looking forward to some good news.”

In an instant, a small cough escaped me. It seemed the two were aware of the nature of our trip. Given the frequent acts of affection we’ve shared in the castle, they probably knew it was about time.


Adilun, with her cheeks painted a shade of rose, quickly finished her meal, and together, we practically fled the scene.





Just like that, the preparations for the journey began. In fact, there wasn’t much to prepare. All we needed were a few sets of clothes to wear and some money for expenses.

Moreover, both of us weren’t lacking in strength, so even if we faced any unexpected circumstances, we could easily overcome them. Additionally, in terms of our status, there weren’t many people above us, so the preparation for the trip concluded quite smoothly.

“We’re finally done. Hehe.”

Adilun smiled slyly and said.

“Yes. I think finishing quickly was partly thanks to the space magic.”

“I’ve recently gained insight into it. I’m glad it was helpful.”

Ever since merging with her future self, Adilun had acquired a proficiency in space magic. It simplified packing, letting her just stow belongings in a magically created pocket dimension.

Looking at Adilun, who was smiling innocently at me, I felt closer to her than before. Perhaps because we started speaking informally.

“You know, hearing you talk informally feels strange and new.”

“Hm? Why? Don’t you like it? Should I go back to being formal? If you don’t like it, I will.”

Adilun carefully gauged my reaction. I gave a slight smile and shook my head.

“No. I like the informality. It feels more intimate. After all, there’s only a one-year age difference between us.”

“Hehe, really? To be honest, after merging with my future self, I started speaking informally without even realizing it. I didn’t plan on it initially, but now it feels more natural.”

“It’s probably influenced by the longer life your future self has lived. After all, you are the same person. You’re bound to have the same characteristics. It feels even better, actually.”


“More than anything, I never knew you had such a playful personality. I think the merging might have released some suppressed tendencies from within you. Just like... the time you seduced me. I felt you were quite bold then.”

As I slightly blushed and spoke, Adilun’s face also reddened, perhaps recalling that moment.

“It... it does seem that way. Ever since we merged, I’ve begun to feel a strange sense of liberation…”

“Even so, I’d appreciate it if you showed this side of yourself only in front of me. I’d prefer you to remain composed around others.”

“Ahaha, what’s this? Are you perhaps jealous?”

“Maybe. Most people would be smitten by you. Remember during the last gathering, there were so many pests trying to approach you?”

“Yes, but don’t worry. I have no intention of showing this side to anyone but you.”

“Good. Now that our bags are packed, shall we set off?”

“Yes. Let’s. Honestly... I can’t hold back any longer.”

Her words carried an undeniable heat. Likewise, a passionate desire was evident in her eyes. Who could see that and not have their heart race?

Observing my own mirrored desire in her gaze, an overwhelming urge consumed me. Now, all barriers have crumbled, and only the act of becoming one remained.

“I feel the same way. Honestly, I wonder if you realize how much I’ve held back since the last time.”

“I know. Back then, you were frustrated for not being able to have me.”

“This time, I truly won’t be able to resist.”

“Hehe, I knew you’d say that, so I’ve been building up my stamina.”

“Even so, it won’t be enough. I won’t stop, even if you ask me to.”

In response to my whispered words, Adilun looked at me with slightly moistened eyes, as if she was growing even more excited.

“…Haaa. I wish you’d be even more like that.”

With her quickened breath, she whispered in my ear, and my excitement began to escalate. I wanted to tear off her clothes and take her right then and there... but just a few more hours of patience would suffice.

Still, the foremost concern was embarking on our trip. I took a moment to compose myself and laid out our exact plans to her.

“First off, we need to decide on our destination. The place with the sea is the southern in Magnolia. Fortunately, it’s where the teleportation gate is located. We can list our purpose of visit as tourism, and we’ll find a decent place to stay once we arrive. Did you bring the items to prove our identities?”

“I’ve got everything.”

But the suppressed excitement wasn’t something that could easily be concealed. Both for her and me. Maybe going straight to the beach as soon as we arrive might be... a bit too ambitious. Anyway, we had already informed Duke Johannes about our travel dates... All that remained was to make the most of it.

With hearts full of anticipation, both of us moved toward the teleportation gate.

--- End OF The Chapter ---

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