I Became the Fiancé of a Dragon in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 96: Marriage (2)

Chapter 96: Marriage (2)

[Physis’ POV]

After the wedding date was set, we were incredibly busy.

Inside Rodenov, preparations began for my wedding with Adilun. We went through the ceremonial procedures, changing what needed to be changed and pushing forward with the rest.

We started with small details like the menu for the wedding, then moved onto bigger decisions like the location and the guest list.

We even sent out invitations to the northern nobles we had met in the past. Regardless of whether we had a good or bad relationship, they were significant figures in the North, people we would inevitably have to deal with as future leaders of Rodenov. So, despite our reservations, we had no choice but to invite them.

People like Selina Idenea, and William Devarton, who had been a thorn in my side.

We also sent out invitations to those who could be called friends, like Isla Isvante and Princess Lobelia.

For some reason, Adilun insisted on inviting Aristata Glosuna. Seeing her strong determination, I simply nodded in agreement.

In truth, I didn’t really have anyone I could call a friend.

In any case, after sending out the invitations, we immediately headed to Ortaire. I couldn’t just send an invitation to my parents and leave it at that.

“Will we be back soon?”

“You never know, so we should pack. Who knows what whims my mother might have.”

“I see.”

We could have simply announced the marriage and returned, but I was certain my parents would want to talk more to Adilun and me. In the end, we headed to Ortaire with a considerable amount of luggage.

“Welcome back.”

My father, mother, and brother greeted us with happy faces.

Especially since this was our first visit since the monster subjugation, the color had returned to my parents’ faces.

“So, it’s been a while. Has the issue in the North been resolved?”

“Yes, the North is currently stable. What about Tallet-ram? Any signs of an attack?”

What I was concerned about was a possible invasion from Tallet-ram, an eastern nation. But this was different from the issues we had previously faced.

“Don’t worry. As long as I’m here, they can’t cross into our territory. Also, for some reason, there’s been less pressure from the central region recently.”

“From the central region?”

“Yes. Apparently, Princess Lobelia has been making some power moves... Especially, there are rumors that the daughter of Crocus Glosuna has rebelled against Crocus himself. I’m not exactly sure what’s going on, but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to spill over to our end. They appear to be busy with their own affairs. So naturally, with less pressure from the center, I can focus entirely on the east, making it impossible for them to invade.”

“I see...”

This, too, was unexpected. The central region? What could have happened there? Was Adilun’s insistence on inviting Aristata related to this?

Perhaps there were stories involving her in events I was unaware of, events that Adilun had experienced before her time-travel.

Regardless, when we told them we would be getting married next month, both my parents visibly lit up with joy.

“Finally getting married, huh.”

Their faces were a mix of myriad emotions. Both my mother and father looked at me with such faces. Well, it was only natural. Their troublesome son was finally settling down, and the sentiment was undoubtedly overwhelming for them.

“Brother, you should also be getting married soon.”

“When the time comes, I will.”

“Lately, I’ve been worried because of Huian; he just doesn’t show any interest in women.”

“Ah, Father, I’ll find a suitable woman and marry when the time is right.”

“Who is this ‘suitable woman’? You don’t have anyone you can’t tell me about, do you?”

“No, not at all. I just want to focus on my work a bit more for now.”

My brother, who still had no romantic partner to speak of, said he was buried in his work. My parents found this both frustrating and worrying, but my brother seemed irritated by their concern. I wondered if he was seeing someone he hadn’t told us about.

Regardless, the conversation about us continued. My mother was particularly pleased to see Adilun casually referring to me in an informal tone, signaling that our relationship had deepened.

When asked about our plans for children, we cautiously responded that there would probably be quite a few. My mother said she was happy just to know that.

“Anyway, you both have been through a lot, and I hope only good things are in store for you from now on. Marriage is essentially about moving forward in mutual trust... So don’t create reasons to doubt each other, and don’t test each other either. That’s the way to make it last.”


“Just remember that. Considering how you two have been, there’s probably no need to worry too much... But still, some couples do grow apart right after marriage.”


“Anyway, since you’ve come to Ortaire, why not stay for about three days? There’s much I want to discuss, and I’m also curious about what happened in the North.”

At my mother’s words, we both nodded. We had already anticipated this.

I thought to myself how wise it had been to pack our belongings in advance.





There was no need to separate rooms, so Adilun settled right into mine.

“Phew. Now that I’ve shared everything, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Ah, things have been so busy lately.”

“It can’t be helped. Marriage naturally requires a lot of effort.”

“Hehe, right?”

“Yeah. Oh, Adilun.”


“I wanted to ask... what was the reason you insisted on inviting Princess Aristata? Is it related to what we heard today?”

“Ah, that. Before I experienced the time-travel, the North was annihilated, and the only person who reached out to me was her. I was cautious at first when I knew nothing... but now that I know everything, there’s no reason to be cautious anymore.”


“Yes. If the North had been in good shape, she would somehow be able to turn the tide and oust her father from the family. But the North was annihilated, and everything moved too quickly, and she couldn’t stop her rampaging father.”

“So that happened.”

“Yes. That’s why I intend to maintain a close relationship with her this time too. The events currently unfolding in the Central region are likely being led by Aristata and Princess Lobelia. Especially now that the North is in good shape... Aristata would have been the right person to scheme with. The person who was there for me when I lost everything is someone I can’t afford to lose.”

“I see.”

I simply nodded. I couldn’t dare to imagine the kind of pain she had gone through, but if someone had reached out to her during that time, she couldn’t simply ignore them, not even if time had reversed.

“So, how about... we spend some time just the two of us today?”

At Adilun’s subtle temptation, I nodded. We had been too busy preparing for our wedding recently to be intimate. My body was already craving touch, so I easily agreed to her suggestion.

“Then, shall we make the most of today?”

As Adilun casually spoke, I pressed my lips to hers as a starting point. A passionate exploration of each other had now become a familiar act for us.

For the record... we had entered at lunchtime and didn’t come out until it was time for dinner. Of course, thanks to Adilun’s time magic, it was as if two days had passed.

...I had a thought that it might not be long after our marriage that Adilun’s belly might be swollen.





During dinner, the conversation still revolved around us. Particularly, the fact that Adilun and I had defeated the Demon King caught even my father by surprise.

And it was no small feat—this was the Demon King. The East was not devoid of monsters, and the Demon King stood as the pinnacle among them.

At my young age of only twenty-one, the Demon King wasn’t something that should be easily dealt with. My father offered his praises for my astonishing accomplishment.

In any case, many more stories followed, and the dinner gathering wrapped up in a warm and harmonious atmosphere.

Returning to the room, I briefly excused myself to Adilun and went to find my mother.

I had a personal favor to ask.

“Hmm? Physis? What brings you here?”

My mother, leisurely enjoying the night view in the garden, looked at me with a hint of curiosity.

“Ah, well, there’s something I’d like to ask of you.”

“A favor? That’s unexpected. What is it?”

“I’d like to be introduced to a skilled jeweler, if you know one.”

“A jeweler? Ah.”


My mother seemed to grasp my intent immediately and looked at me with a gentle smile.

“Of course. You’re getting married, so you’ll need to prepare wedding rings.”

“To be frank, I have an abysmal eye for jewelry, so I’ll definitely need your help, Mother. So, would it be alright if we go look at some jewelry tomorrow?”

“Absolutely. Are you planning a proposal?”


“Hehe, Adilun will be delighted. I hope it will be a romantic proposal. For a woman, it’s an incredibly meaningful and unforgettable day.”

“...I’ll do my best.”

“My son, who used to be so aggressive, has changed like this. Truly, it’s something to be seen in a new light. Now, you even know how to take care of your wife.”


I could only respond with an awkward smile.

My mother warmly gazed at me before giving her definitive answer.

“Alright. Let’s go out for a bit tomorrow. I know a jeweler I exclusively work with; I’m sure they can craft something exquisite.”


“You should go now. Oh, one more thing.”


“Keep this a secret from Adilun, alright? Surprises always make it more touching.”

“Of course. Even if I’m a bit clueless, I know that much.”

“That’s all I needed to hear.”

Expressing my gratitude to my mother, I returned to my room.

--- End OF The Chapter ---

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