I Became the Finance Director of an Academy on the Verge of Bankruptcy

Chapter 15

The air in the meeting room was heavy, gulp.

It was a result of the Headmistress’s commanding presence, but also reflected the atmosphere within the actual meeting room.

Especially towards Professor Alon.

“Uh, Headmistress? 40% of the investment…? gasp

“Of course, the Finance Director’s request remains unchanged. The deadline is in the next 30 years, no need for an increase in percentage, but the donation will be under Professor Alon’s name.”

“It’s not just that! 40% of all the investment is just…!! screams

That’s a bit too much… right? sweat

Barely holding back his words, Professor Alon looked at the Headmistress with desperate eyes, as if pleading for her to say it was all a joke and that 40% wasn’t the plan.

But that was not going to happen. After all, the Headmistress was currently making a V with her fingers under the table.

The Headmistress played her part. Now it was my turn.

“Professor Alon, is there a problem?”

“Um, Finance Director! I need to say something—”

“40% is a bargain, Professor Alon.”

“Finance Director!”

“The Headmistress’s time is, of course, precious. Especially since she’s preparing to handle the invasion of Illusion Monsters during the Entrance Ceremony, which means she’s sacrificing other engagements.”

“Well, that…”

“You know very well who will be attending the Grandis Academy’s Entrance Ceremony. The Royal Education Minister, other public academy heads, heads of major guilds, high nobility, and even several distinguished guests from the Empire and neighboring kingdoms will be coming. The Headmistress is sacrificing her time to assist you.”


“You knew that when you made your proposal, right? You wanted to showcase Illusion Magic in front of all those distinguished guests.”

The 40% ratio may seem outrageous. People could question why the Headmistress is taking so much of the academy’s investment funds.

In fact, I once prevented the Headmistress from stepping forward in the research of Professor Circe’s hair loss treatment. It was to preserve her authority, and the situation now wasn’t much different, so why did we bring in the Headmistress this time?

It’s simple. The justification was on our side.

“With only a week left until the Entrance Ceremony, all events are already in rehearsal, and all purchases and preparations are complete, focusing solely on approvals. In such a situation, Professor Alon requested an event for his department. An event, no less than the spectacular invasion of Illusion Monsters at the end of the Entrance Ceremony.”

“I… I proposed 20% because I was very aware of that! I already spoke with the Academic and Planning Directors first…!!”

“And that’s exactly why you were turned down and came to me. You didn’t even discuss the critical safety issues of the new students with the Chief of the First Guard in advance, did you?”

“I thought it would be okay even if it passed afterward…”

“What? Hey, if you’re going to hold the title of a professor, you should really start thinking! We’re already busy enough as it is!!”

“Chief of the First Guard, please remain calm.”


It’s understandable for the Chief of the Guard to be angry. With nobles and distinguished guests coming from all over the kingdom and even foreign lands, they have to be extra vigilant, and suddenly adding on a large event makes it naturally frustrating.

They’ll have to deploy more personnel to prevent chaos among new students, increase the risk of potential accidents, and indeed, there’s not enough time for proper practice. From the Chief’s perspective, Professor Alon is bound to look like a fool.

But it couldn’t be helped.

‘Even though he’s a professor, in the end, he’s just a specialist in his field.’

Researching magic and planning events are completely different areas. We do these things every year, so we know reality well, but professors are a different story. How many professors really care about the preparations for the Entrance Ceremony in the first place?

Just as I was ignorant of Professor Circe’s research process and achievements, professors are similarly unaware of our work. It’s natural since we operate in different fields.

That’s why the staff of the Academic and Planning departments turned down Professor Alon’s proposal by pushing it onto the Finance Director, but Professor Alon came to me directly and made this situation escalate.

Was it because Professor Alon was oblivious?

‘No way.’

Ultimately, he is a professor. If he is appointed as a professor at the kingdom’s top academy, he cannot be foolish.

It’s true that he didn’t know the process of organizing and executing an event well, but seeing the attitudes of the Academic and Planning Directors, it is apparent that he realized there would be substantial issues with this event.

Yet, Professor Alon kept pushing. The reason was obvious.

‘There’s no money.’

It is true that as Professor Alon asserts, Illusion Magic is expected to become more useful in the future. But that’s a matter for the future, especially in the Empire, which is a magical powerhouse.

Currently, Illusion Magic started as the barbarian’s shamanistic arts and is still looked down upon. The only academy in the kingdom where an Illusion Magic department exists is Grandis Academy. Case closed.

Let alone, the Illusion Magic department hasn’t produced any tangible results. With only three professors, the least compared to other departments, their research papers are mediocre and their achievements are so few that counting them is faster from behind the scenes.

I read the detailed budget allocation report for the field of magic before the meeting, and naturally, the budget allocated to the Illusion Magic department was pitifully low. To be blunt, it wouldn’t be odd for them to get shut down immediately, let alone see a future.

Sure, Professor Alon is neither clueless nor truly foolish.

He was just desperate. Desperate to strongly imprint Illusion Magic in the minds of distinguished guests and new students.

‘He probably cares more than I do?’

Though the academy has three years left before bankruptcy, the Illusion Magic department could find itself shut down as early as next year.

Ultimately, Professor Alon risked the future of his department, and the Headmistress and I merely demanded a fair price in exchange for accepting that risk.

“Professor Alon.”


“If you’re truly hesitant, you can withdraw your proposal right now.”


“But it doesn’t seem like you intend to do that.”

The Headmistress is clearly sincere about her students and education and treats the faculty well, but that doesn’t mean her consideration is unconditional.

On the contrary, she has mercilessly cut out faculty or departments that haven’t produced proper results or have had poor teaching evaluations for several consecutive years. Her absolute authority stemmed from such powerful actions.

Students can be inept; they can learn from now on.

But educators must never be incompetent. That is the Headmistress’s philosophy.

“I have chosen to use my time to accept Professor Alon’s unreasonable proposal, convened a departmental meeting, and agreed to allow it as long as I only accept the conditions despite the opposition from the other directors.”


“And that’s where the 40% comes in. Professor Alon, do you still think that’s an unreasonable percentage?”

That was the final ultimatum.

The Academic Director, Planning Director, and Chief of the First Guard are still looking at Professor Alon discontentedly. If his proposal passes, that adds work to them that didn’t exist before.

I was neutral at this point. Financially speaking, the benefits outweighed the losses. If the proposal passed, I’d go meet with Risha and other bribers immediately.

And the Headmistress… well, as always, she merely cast a cold glare.

With his head bowed in contemplation, Professor Alon finally said,

“…40%, a 30-year deadline, and under my name for the donation.”


“I’ll accept all of them.”

In the end, he threw in the towel. Wait, since his proposal passed, shouldn’t he be raising both hands instead of waving a white flag?

40% is indeed a painful ratio, but instead, the Illusion Magic department gained an opportunity no other department could obtain. If things go well, it could mean a huge influx of investment.

A merchant would surely jump for joy, but he was an academic. Perhaps because of that, he wore a distressed expression over the 40% in the contract right now.

If it were me, I’d bow in gratitude and throw in all my available money to prepare for making the best illusion.

Is this too much of a Finance Director’s way of thinking?

“Thank you for your hard work, Finance Director!”

“Oh, Planning Director.”

“I really didn’t expect it to reach the Finance Director after being turned down, so… my bad.”

As the meeting concluded and everyone began to rise, the squinty-eyed Planning Director approached me first.

Planning Director, huh.

“To apologize, I’ll treat you to dinner soon—”

“Regardless, this year’s department budget remains the same.”


“Planning Director?”

“Haha, it’s nothing! You truly are sharp when it comes to work!”

Looks like this is how he acts.

This isn’t too unpleasant as it’s ultimately for his department anyway.

“Planning Director, don’t you think the Finance Director is feeling uncomfortable?”

“Academic Director… um. That’s…”

“And even though we are the same rank, the Finance Department is directly under the Headmistress, so use the correct title.”

“…Understood. I apologize, Finance Director.”

“I don’t mind. You may leave first.”


As the Planning Director grumbled lightly before leaving, I found myself meeting the stern-faced Academic Director next.

“Finance Director, be cautious moving forward. Your actions reflect the Headmistress’s reputation.”

“I will keep that in mind, Academic Director.”

“As a close associate, you must work diligently. Unlike those young ones… tch.”

“But I’m the youngest here.”

“You are directly picked by the Headmistress, so you are naturally different from the young ones these days. You’ve proven yourself with actual results.”

“Thank you.”

“Regardless, the Headmistress must have had her discernment in this matter. Keep it up.”

“I will.”

The Academic Director’s nickname circulating among the staff is the Headmistress’s disciple.

He has worked the longest aside from the Headmistress and holds high authority, but he is a stubborn old-timer as well.

During my early days as Finance Director, 40% of my stress came from him. Those memories are still quite vivid.

Let’s see how things roll in the departmental budget allocation meeting.

After the Academic Director left, I locked eyes with the Chief of the First Guard.


He turned coolly away and stormed out. I feel like ripping that helmet right off.

Does he really act so prickly just because I saw his face under that helmet back in school?

I’m glad I’m a big-hearted person. I drew one more line with the Chief of the First Guard in my mind, so if he pulls that once more, it’ll be budget cuts for him!

So while everyone left the meeting room, I feigned waiting and stayed back.

“Finance Director! Were you waiting for me?”

“I spoke with the other directors, so I’m fine.”

As I had a meeting with the Headmistress who left first, of course.

Since the Headmistress left silently, the other directors couldn’t very well exit too. I imagined she would wait a little and casually return to the meeting room.

Unlike the cool demeanor during the meeting, the Headmistress was now smiling brightly.

“This should help the finances quite a bit, right?”

“That is, if the Illusion Magic department receives proper investment… Even in the worst-case scenario, it’ll still be a significant amount. But Headmistress, are you okay? The time to speak with the distinguished guests…”

“Oh, those kids? I’m fine. They all show a level of respect when I’m present.”

That’s right. Regardless of who they are, the Headmistress is the oldest one among them, right?

Once you hit Rank 8, aging becomes irrelevant and the Headmistress has reached well into the three digits. Can you even consider her human at that point?

I was surprised last year because she seemed so youthful, but it looks like those distinguished guests don’t seem like a big deal in front of her.

“Honestly, I’m more concerned about the students’ safety.”

“Yes? Didn’t you decide to take action yourself?”

“Of course, I can ensure their physical safety, but even seeing Illusion Monsters like the Manticore could cause mental distress, right? Should I inform the church…?”

Surely, if a massive monster suddenly attacked, some students could potentially be traumatized.

But that part… well, it’s… unavoidable…


Wait a minute.


“Huh? Finance Director! That’s the expression!”


“When the Finance Director comes up with a good plan, he always has that wicked look on his face! Indeed, it’s the Finance Director; you must have a plan!”


I felt a bit offended, but anyway.

“I have a good idea.”

If mental shock is the issues at hand, then it’s simple to avoid being shocked by the Manticore’s invasion.


“—Thus, as proud students of Grandis Academy, we hold our dignity…”

The Entrance Ceremony of Grandis Academy.

A certain female student entering the Martial Arts department was nervously taking deep breaths in the middle of the ceremony.

“Oh my, I can’t believe I’m really entering Grandis Academy!”

Though she was called a genius back in her hometown, she had not thought she would actually be accepted.

Grandis Academy, the kingdom’s top academy, comparable to the Imperial Royal Academy.

Though it was a close call, she managed to get accepted, and with a proud expression, she couldn’t hold back her smile.

“Right, now’s the time…!!”

“Uh, hey. Since we’re sitting next to each other by coincidence, how about we introduce ourselves? I’m Mina!”

“…Ruth Spero.”

“Ruth, huh! Since we’re sitting here, you’re also a Martial Arts student, right?!”


“Then we’re classmates! I hope we can take classes together!”

“…That’s likely to happen.”

“Huh? Ruth?”

“It’s nothing.”

Despite being somewhat gruff, there was still a sense of warmth emanating from the male student.

With a good intuition about having found a friend on the first day, Mina sneaked a glance around before quietly whispering to Ruth.

“By the way, did you get the inside scoop?”

“…Inside scoop?”

“Don’t you know? This is really top-secret info! I’ll share it just for you, since you’re my first friend!”

It was a top-secret piece of information obtained by spending half of the allowance sent by her parents back home.

Mina looked at Ruth with a sense of duty.

“Something really big is supposed to happen at the end of this Entrance Ceremony! Handling it will count towards evaluations, so we’ve got to stay calm!”


“This is a special heads-up… um?”

grumble, grumble, grumble.

Excitedly sharing the vital information with Ruth, Mina suddenly felt a vibration, raising her head.

The vibe grew louder, shaking the entire auditorium.

As if to signal something ominous…

“Ruth, could it be—”


Right after, one wall of the auditorium blew open, revealing something enormous amidst the smoke.

A creature with a lion’s head, bat-like wings, and a scorpion’s tail.

A massive monster, the Manticore, that could fill the entire auditorium.

Yet, Mina wasn’t shocked or flustered at all. She had already received the top-secret info.

‘So this is the big event!’

Of course, it couldn’t be real; they must have some tricks up their sleeves. And if she could remain calm and fight even in the face of a sudden Manticore invasion, she would surely be evaluated highly.

Determined, Mina stood up confidently.

“It’s finally here!”

“Just as the info said!”

“It’s worth the price!… Huh?”

“What, what’s going on? Why is everyone standing up…?”

For some reason, nearly all the students at the Entrance Ceremony, excluding a select few, stood up and faced the Manticore without a hint of surprise.


Mina couldn’t comprehend the situation at all.

The other students, who rose from their seats, exchanged confused glances, and amid them…


Only Ruth Spero whispered the name of someone quietly.

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