I Became the Finance Director of an Academy on the Verge of Bankruptcy

Chapter 17

“Was that… Sword Aura just now?”

“Rank 6? A powerhouse like that is just a freshman? Could that student be…?”

“Shh! There was a talk from the Claudia family. Let’s not discuss it any further.”

“It’s true that there was an agreement with Claudia, but that was when his powers were to be restricted. Yet here he is, clearly displaying Sword Aura at the Entrance Ceremony?”

“Isn’t this different from what was promised?”

After the protagonist cleaved the Manticore with his Sword Aura.

Upon entering the VIP room with the Headmistress, it was already noisy inside.

The topic of conversation, of course, was the protagonist’s Sword Aura displayed at the end.

To be precise, it was due to the exhibition of power that exceeded the ‘previously discussed terms.’

“This has become a troublesome matter.”

The backdoor deal involving the protagonist and Lisha Claudia regarding his admission.

The academy had allowed the protagonist’s entrance in exchange for the noble Claudia family to suppress the discontent among the nobles.

That was the least bad option the Claudia family, who were at a disadvantage against the youngest knight, Lisha, could take.

But there was one prerequisite.

“Seal the Sword Aura, and only use one arm in duels.”

What? Just exert a power that’s a few ranks below? Such restrictions mean absolutely nothing. Asking me to only use the strength I had in high school would be quite difficult, and in a tight situation, I might just use more strength.

Thus, the academy and Claudia restricted only the Sword Aura and one arm. Telling a swordsman not to use one arm and not to use the Sword Aura, which separates Rank 5 and Rank 6, is indeed a very powerful restriction.

The problem is, even with those restrictions, the protagonist is still the strongest freshman.

That said, given the exceptional level of restrictions, Claudia should have smoothened things over nicely with the other nobles.

But to break that openly on the stage of the Entrance Ceremony…

As expected, as soon as I and the Headmistress entered the VIP room, the gazes of the guests turned toward us.

“Headmistress! That new student used Sword Aura. Is that okay? If it keeps going like this, there’s no meaning to competition!”

“Even with restrictions, a Rank 6 is still a Rank 6. They could be the commander of the knights in our territory right away. Accepting such a powerhouse as a freshman…”

“Have you received a clear promise to uphold those restrictions? There should at least be a solid punishment or exemplary precedent for this matter!”

The guests expressed their doubts to the Headmistress.

The Headmistress had only one response to this.

“I do not dismiss students seeking to learn. That has always been the principle I’ve upheld while running Grandis Academy for decades. Are you suggesting otherwise?”


“… Hmm.”

“No, that’s not what I meant…”

Just shamelessly making her case.

It was true that there was a backdoor deal between the academy and the Claudia family regarding the protagonist’s admission, but that was unrelated to the Headmistress. Official announcements denoted that, and considering the Headmistress’s character, it made sense for the guests to think that way.

History didn’t lack examples of a Rank 6 freshman at the academy, and officially, the Headmistress had simply recognized the protagonist’s passion and allowed his admission.

No one could imagine that the academy, facing the crisis of bankruptcy three years later, would prompt the Headmistress to adjust her beliefs just because of some Finance Director.

The Headmistress had been dignified, honest, and steadfast for decades. Such a path had prevented the guests from opposing her words in any way.

…Honestly, it’s largely because the Headmistress is an overwhelming powerhouse. There’s no guarantee you won’t get slapped if you say something wrong, right?

“What? One rookie in the Blue House can’t say anything to the president just because of a broken promise?”

Anyway, as the Headmistress stepped up, the guests’ gazes naturally turned to me, who was standing behind, the practical man and clear underdog.

No one among them didn’t know my face. Even though I had taken office last year, I was ‘that’ Headmistress’s closest aide, so they knew even more.

Facing their fierce eyes demanding an explanation, I simply said, “As the Finance Director, I’d appreciate it if all complaints and inquiries were directed to the Student Affairs.”

I passed the buck.

Why? Because it’s not my area, obviously.

What I needed to think about was the repair cost for the walls the protagonist kept breaking, not how to respond to complaints about breaking restrictions.

Above all, the guests never mentioned the illicit deal with the Claudia family in front of the Headmistress. Knowing she absolutely hates such backdoor dealings, it was only natural for them to make that choice.

In the end, it was true that there had been a backdoor deal led by the Headmistress and me, but the guests couldn’t outright mention it. They surely wouldn’t want to turn the Claudia family into enemies over such a matter.

More importantly, the protagonist’s admission itself posed no official problem. So what happens now?

“The only ones who will suffer will be Student Affairs, who know nothing about the backdoor deals.”

If they cannot complain to the parties involved, the Claudia family, then the only one left is Student Affairs.

I felt a slight twinge of guilt, but still, hang in there. Isn’t that Student Affairs’s job?

Above all, if we trace the true cause, it lies with the protagonist who recklessly used Sword Aura. I only did what I had to as a working adult.

Instead, I secretly concluded that Student Affairs should receive a little convenience in the upcoming departmental budget allocation.

“Well then, I’ll take my leave for now.”

I bowed to the Headmistress and the guests and quickly exited the VIP room.

It was burdensome to be in the presence of high-ranking individuals.

And I had someone I needed to meet.


“R-Ruth! What was that back there!?”

“…It’s nothing much.”

“Nothing much!? That was Sword Aura! You’re the infamous new student!”


“There were rumors that a Rank 6 would become our classmates! I never believed it, but here you are in the flesh!!”


“A Rank 6 is stronger than our village lord’s knight commander! You’re truly amazing!”

With his sword sheathed and an indifferent expression, Ruth faced Mina, who was nearly bouncing off the walls.

Praising Ruth sincerely, Mina’s eyes sparkled.

Meanwhile, Ruth could hear the comments of the others nearby.

“What? He’s really Rank 6…? It wasn’t just a rumor?”

“Did you see that? Sword Aura! Damn it, why is such a monster coming to the academy?”

“Isn’t he a nuisance? With that beast around, competing for the top is impossible. His reputation will overshadow all of us.”

“Pity the youngest daughter of the Claudia family and the youngest knight.”

“He’s probably not satisfied with being called a genius and came here to steal all the spotlight. What’s he lacking at age 6?”

Jealousy, envy, suspicion.

While entirely different categories like administration and magical students viewed Ruth as an impressive or fascinating entity, most martial arts freshmen regarded Ruth negatively.

A Rank 6 could easily command a knights’ unit in any territory, and with such strength and at a similar or younger age than them…

Students knocking on the doors of Grandis Academy, aside from the administrative field, which mostly consists of commoners, are those with ambitions or goals.

They are nobles, called geniuses, and the promising. Students who choose Grandis Academy as the stage to elevate their names and give their all.

But Ruth, being Rank 6, represents a barrier that cannot be reached by any effort or talent. Even if Ruth was merely a disguised instructor and not actually a freshman, the other students would have accepted it without question.

If Ruth was a noble or a previously renowned genius, it might be different.

But Ruth came from a fallen noble family, his name not known at all. Naturally, he would attract gazes of jealousy.

However, not everyone felt that way.

“You’re really strong, Ruth.”

“… Claudia.”

“It’s an honor that a Rank 6 knows my name.”

Among them, some felt curiosity towards Ruth’s existence, looked at him with amiable eyes, or completely hid their intentions, considering it an opportunity.

Lisha Claudia, who tied her blonde hair in a ponytail and approached him with a bright smile, was one of the latter.

‘Where the heck did this guy come from…?’

Of course, it was true that thanks to Ruth, she avoided a chance to compete 1-on-1 with the youngest knight. Even if she can’t be top-ranking, it would at least be perceived as a loss to an ‘unexpected 6th Rank monster.’

However, that aside, it was undeniable that Lisha’s pride, believing she was a genius, had taken a significant blow.

Despite her annoyance, Lisha was certain that among her peers, only the youngest knight could compare or be better than her, and Ruth’s existence was exceedingly bothersome.

Yet, she couldn’t show such feelings.

Even though Lisha was a martial artist, she was also a noble lady.

“Although I wield a spear and you wield a sword, our specialties may differ, but since we are both in martial arts and will be seeing each other often for the next three years, let’s get along well!”

With a smile full of goodwill and the hand of a noble lady reaching out first.

Despite being the one who would be most negatively affected by Ruth’s presence, she showed a willingness to acknowledge the other.

“Truly, the Claudia family is as expected.”

“It’s too bad that someone like that suddenly enrolled…”

“Lisha, you’ll major in spear techniques, right? I wield a spear too; can we get closer?”

In the gathering of all the freshmen at the Entrance Ceremony, especially with most gazes concentrated on Ruth due to his recent display of Sword Aura.

Lisha’s reputation was naturally climbing.

‘I’m not sure why he used Sword Aura when we agreed not to, but… Regardless, even being a Rank 6, he’s ultimately a fallen noble. If I treat him well now, he might come to the Claudia family after graduation.’

If that ever happens, Ruth would become Lisha’s most reliable ally.

It’s true that those with higher ranks get treated better. Yet, that doesn’t put them on par with nobles at all.

Of course, there exists a case where a commoner could make even the king obsequious, like the Headmistress, but that’s because she’s an outlier, an 8th Rank. There’s no way this Ruth would be 8th Rank.

Thus, while Lisha clicked her tongue internally but perfectly acted her smile to extend her hand to Ruth.


‘… Huh?’

As Ruth did not take her handshake and merely stared at her hand.

Lisha became flustered, awkwardly.

“Why isn’t he taking my handshake!? How could this be!?”

Lisha, the noble daughter of the Claudia family, had extended her hand. Of course, he should respond by saying, ‘Nice to meet you,’ right?

It wouldn’t be expected to bow or kneel, but at least acknowledging with a handshake was basic etiquette.

Is he perhaps ignoring me because I’m not the same rank?

Five seconds, ten seconds, twenty seconds passed without Ruth accepting the handshake, and Lisha’s smiling expression started to crack.

“What’s up with him? Why is he like this?”

“Is he trying to ignore noble Lisha just because he’s Rank 6?”

“What a rude guy…”

The students’ atmosphere began to grow increasingly hostile as time passed.

Just then, _clap clap_ sounded.

“Alright, students? Please return to your seats. We need to continue with the Entrance Ceremony.”

“Huh, huh?”

“Headmistress’s closing remarks will take place shortly. The staff will be tidying the scattered chairs, so please find your places!”

“Right. Were we still in the middle of the Entrance Ceremony? Let’s return for now.”

“Wait, didn’t I feel like I saw that person somewhere? At the waiting dorm for successful candidates…?”

“I think he looked like a faculty member; we might’ve just glanced at him. Let’s hurry.”

With the clapping and a voice of a man, the students began to hurry back to their seats.

Lisha, Ruth, and Mina, who had been anxiously caught up in the ambiguous situation, turned their heads toward the man who had suddenly intervened.

“Finance Director…?”

“Lady Lisha, pleased to meet you for the first time. I am Adam Keynes, the Finance Director of Grandis Academy. I always express my gratitude for the hard work of the Claudia family and the Duke.”

“Oh… um, yes, right. We’re meeting for the first time.”

In front of the familiar face, Lisha was momentarily at a loss for words but quickly responded with a flustered greeting to Adam, who perfectly handled the customs of ‘first meeting.’

Even though Ruth had yet to accept her handshake, this provided a natural way to part ways. Glancing at Ruth for a moment, Lisha again turned back to him with a bright smile.

“It seems like you were embarrassed. Next time we meet, please take my handshake, okay?”


‘… Can you at least respond properly? It’s so annoying.’

With Ruth still not giving a single answer, Lisha, whose evaluation had dropped to or even below that of the youngest knight, muttered curses under her breath.

At that moment, Ruth quietly observed Adam, who had interjected.

“Standing behind you is Mina Glicen, correct?”

“Uh, um? Do you know my name?”

“I have heard that the Glicen Baron family adopted a talented girl, giving her their surname. I look forward to your future.”

“Thank you! U-uh, Finance… Director?”

“Adam Keynes. You likely won’t need to remember my name during your academy life, so you don’t have to worry.”

“No! I’ll definitely greet you next time! So, Ruth? Let’s go back to our seats…!”

“Oh, Mina, I’m sorry, but I need to have a brief chat with Ruth.”



As Adam smiled wryly and pointed at the sword mark left by Ruth, Mina’s face turned pale as she turned to Ruth.

Her face, pure in its innocence, revealed her inner feelings clearly.

“Ruth, what will you do…?”

“Don’t worry, Mina. There won’t be anything wrong with a student. Grandis Academy always prioritizes its students.”


After soothing Mina, Adam saw her off, and Mina turned back to Ruth several times before finally returning to her spot.

As the students returned to their seats amid the commotion in the hall.

“Ruth Spero?”

“… Yes.”

“May I have a moment to talk with you?”


The Finance Director of the academy and the novice student faced each other.

For some reason, Ruth, who hadn’t replied to Lisha, nodded in response to Adam.

And Adam was…

…Glaring at Ruth with a powerful emotion in his eyes.

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