I Became the Finance Director of an Academy on the Verge of Bankruptcy

Chapter 32

There is a phenomenon commonly referred to as the 5 stages of death, or the 5 stages of acceptance.

When someone suddenly finds themselves stranded on a deserted island after a terminal declaration or an exam, it’s said that they go through a total of 5 stages.

First is denial.

“No way! You’re joking, right?”

“Just this to live for a week?! All that’s inside is some useless tools and water?”

“Surely there’s been a mistake? The boat must be coming back right now. I mean, even survival has to make sense, right?”

Second is anger.

“Is this even real!? Send me back right now!”

“How am I supposed to survive here for a week! There’s no dormitory or dining hall!”

“Is it okay to pull this kind of bullshit under the guise of an exam!?”

Third is bargaining.

“I’ll take a low score; just let me take the original exam, please!”

“I can’t survive like this! Give me something more!”

“Do you have any idea who my parents are!? Do you?!”

“Are you more impressive than the Headmistress? Are you a member of royalty or something?”


Fourth is depression.

“Hey, stop getting mad! What if the Headmistress or Exam Supervisor hears you!”

“What the hell, is this really happening……? Really, I’m supposed to survive on a deserted island?”

“Wh-what do I do…….”

And finally,

“Ugh, screw it, I don’t care. Let’s move.”

“What? Are you really going to do it?”

“I’ve been screaming and whining here for an hour. If they’re not coming back by now, it’s obvious. Plus, isn’t this actually an opportunity?”


“Can you easily give up on the midterm exam? It’s one of the most important tests of the whole year. Those who are whining like that will just end up as mats for the rest of us.”

“……You’re right?”

“I’m also from a noble background, so it’s a bit annoying, but I was bound to be low-ranked anyway. I’ll use this chance to get a good score.”

“Y-yeah! Let’s go!”

“Let’s do something!”

Acceptance, they just embrace it.

After a moment of howling at the absurdity of the situation, students capable of entering Grandis Academy are no ordinary folks. Most of them, upon realizing the reality, either cursed the academy or, surprisingly, sought to seize the opportunity and scattered.

Those who applied to form teams wore the badges handed out earlier, while individuals quickly formed alliances or simply ventured into the jungle alone.

The Ruftlagina Archipelago was quite hot, and apart from the endless beach where the students disembarked, only a dense jungle was visible.

All students, except for a tiny minority who gave up in extreme circumstances, began to move in their own ways.

Only then did the students realize why teams were structured to have one martial artist, one magic user, and one administrator.

“L-let’s head into the jungle.”

“Millia? Is there a reason?”

“Ruth will be fine, but me and the princess won’t last long under this blazing sun. If we sweat too much…….”

“Ah, I see.”

Usually, those studying martial arts or magic came from well-off families or nobility, or they had significant talent.

Thus, the proportion of noble students in martial arts and magic was quite high, while in contrast, the administrative field was overwhelmingly commoners.

Commoners generally had more survival knowledge than nobles.

Of course, there were no commoners with perfect survival knowledge for a deserted island, but they would definitely be better off than just three nobles together.

Ruth also seemed to have some knowledge and added something.

“We have to be careful about dehydration. While the survival kit has water, it’s only enough to last a week if consumed minimally.”

“Looks like the academy might’ve put some thought into it. Since there are plenty of noble kids like me, they figured at least water should be provided.”

“………It might be a bit different.”


“It’s not because they’re considering us; it’s probably quite difficult to find or scarce drinking water on this island.”

“Ah, that really seems to be the case. It’s probably tough to have enough water for over 200 people for an entire week, huh? Back in my village, our well would often run dry, so we had to conserve….”

“Alright, let’s keep that in mind, and first, let’s head into the jungle to avoid the sunlight. It’s really been quite hot since earlier. But before that.”



“Shouldn’t we read the rules first? They said they’d put them in the sky, right?”

It would indeed be hard to read all the rules in the sky once they entered the dense jungle.

After nodding in agreement with Beatrice’s suggestion, Ruth and Millia began reading the sky’s rules.

[Midterm Exam: Desert Island Survival Rules]

<1. Rely on the encyclopedia inside the survival kit. Not all plants and animals existing on the deserted island are edible.>

<2. Acts of violence among students, including looting and eliminating competitors, are forbidden. This purely assesses survival and hunting skills.>

<3. Exam supervisors and professors are generally outside the island or at the periphery, while autonomous golems monitor the jungle.>

<4. If you can’t endure any longer, please come to the beach and write "SOS" or shout for help. Immediate disqualification will occur, and you’ll be moved to a nearby port city.>

<5. Survival items are hidden throughout the island. Make good use of them.>

<6. Keep an eye on the sky. There might be something besides the rules.>

“……I get all that, but what’s with the third? Why are autonomous golems only in the jungle……….”

“R-Ruth. I think I…have an idea.”

“Millia? Is there a reason?”

“T-there are baths…restrooms too, so…if it’s autonomous golems, they have no intelligence and only follow commands….right?”



Only then did Beatrice sense that this survival exam might not be as easy as she thought.

It seemed that merely having desire or enthusiasm wouldn’t guarantee survival, and many might give up for the sake of human dignity.

The women’s gazes naturally turned to their only male team member.

“……Ruth? Your eyes seem to be shaking.”

“Ah, it’s nothing.”

“Ruth, please don’t tell me you’re peeking or…….”

“That’ll absolutely never happen! Right! Since our genders are different, we definitely need to wash separately, um.”

“That goes without saying. What were you thinking……?”

Though he seemed flustered, Ruth quickly found a solution.

The two women shot icy glares at him.

Especially in Beatrice’s eyes, Ruth’s evaluation dropped a notch.

‘By the way, surviving for a week……’

For someone who had lived as a princess, that would probably be very tough. Just thinking about bathrooms or washing makes her feel overwhelmed already.


‘Adam must be suffering right now.’

If one thinks about it, by having midterms conducted this way, wouldn’t it reduce the work of the finance director?

Adam likely didn’t propose to run the exam this way, nor would it have been accepted just like that, so this survival exam had probably been planned long ago.

Even if she struggled greatly for a week.

‘I will definitely pull through.’

Since she couldn’t work in her royal status, Beatrice realized this after having disguised herself with transformation magic and working part-time.

She had realized how absurd her words had been when she said she’d earn money to buy artifacts. Adam had probably advised her to buy artifacts with the precious metals he had brought along.

Having taken her noble status for granted, she had assumed the wealth that came with it. The money earned through hard work was simply too little.

Yet even so, those few coins felt heavier than the box of precious metals.

Beatrice was aiming for a scholarship along with her part-time salary.

‘I hope that bribe I sent last time was used well?’

If they could make Adam happier like that. If she could help him, who was not being treated properly.

She could hopefully rescue Adam from that vile Headmistress who works people to death!

‘I must take Adam back with me when I return home.’

Aside from being the one who solved her chronic condition, Adam’s abilities were outstanding. No matter how hard he studied, in just a year he was already the finance director of such a gigantic academy. If he helped her properly, he would also be of great assistance when she returned home.

Of course, he wouldn’t let her stay in a luxurious room and pay her generously while making her work by passing around military awakening drugs.

In Beatrice’s mind, the Headmistress was the richest in the kingdom, but also a miserly and greedy figure, while Adam was a poor victim working under such a cruel being without proper treatment.

She had already forgotten that the origin of the method Adam had mentioned to cure her chronic condition was the Headmistress.

People tend to trust those who help them and show them ways over someone they’ve never properly met. In reality, if one were to look at the truth, it was Adam who had shared the method, not the Headmistress.

Anyway, with plans to earn a scholarship with top grades and give it to Adam to curry favor with him, Beatrice said,

“Then, let’s go!”



No matter how tough or difficult the exam may be, she had plenty of motivation to do her best.

A week of survival on a deserted island.

Day 1, begins.


Three days after the exam started. So, the third day of rest.

This is hella comfortable.

“Headmistress, how do you find the coconut?”

“It’s pretty nice? The hole’s a bit rough, but it’s sweet and good.”

“Exactly. I wonder who the heck made these holes out of resentment.”

Caressing the rough hole, of which I had no clue about the reason, I happily munched on a coconut given to us by Circe, the queen of forced smiles on the first day.

Of course, it wasn’t the coconut I had asked for back then; it turned out to be delicious, so I asked her to prepare them every morning.

The Headmistress, who seemed to be a bit sulky at first, started eagerly eating once I tried the coconut.

The house we have is somewhat tight for staying inside all day. So, as I lay on the hammock for too long, the sunlight was quite strong.

“Headmistress, can I have more, please?”

“Leave it to me!”


The Headmistress unleashed ki and spread out like a parasol. Is this thing invincible or what?

From the very first day, my cheeks were a bit wet when I woke up, but I figured it was just because I drooled while sleeping.

After having had a good sleep for the first time in ages and waking up in a relaxed manner while eating sweet coconut like this, I have to say:

“This is it.”


“I work to enjoy a life like this for the rest of my life.”

Once I get through this bankruptcy crisis, I can totally live like this every day. I’ll hire lots of finance department staff to push all the work onto them. I deserve to play around and rest.

If this intention is fundamentally flawed as a working adult, then so be it; but honestly, when I think about the current work intensity and problems to resolve, isn’t it a justifiable reward?

I exchanged approving glances with the Headmistress, who chuckled.

“Of course. You’ll be able to enjoy a comfortable life for the rest of your life.”

“As expected, the Headmistress is the best boss.”

“Hehe, although I know it’s flattery, hearing it from the finance director does make me smile. I’m the worst boss there could be to you, finance director.”


“It’s fine. Talking about it on the rooftop made me feel relieved. To be honest, I’m not that smart of a person.”


“I’m confident in swinging my arms and legs, and while it’s a bit about that, I can kill people too… but living life like that meant I didn’t think much. Thinking back, I was really foolish back then. Since such a person founded the academy, well, it’s just reaping what I sow.”


“But still, I have a thankful finance director supporting me, so I’ll work even harder to go from the worst to the best.”

Thanks to that well-rounded self-awareness, it’s a relief that she realized it herself. It would be pretty hard to say something like that directly even if I were her.

Anyway, enough of that talk, let’s enjoy this moment.

Having just about finished the coconut, should I call Circe one more time? Just when I was pondering this.



“Was that just a tremor……?”

Though this island belongs to the Ruftlagina Archipelago, it should be a fair distance away from the island where students are taking the exam.

Yet, sensing a really faint vibration, both the Headmistress and I got up from the hammock.

Woom! Woom!

“Huh? The communication magic tool…….”

Reporting, Mr. Finance Director! This is the Exam Supervisor Dalcoon! You said to contact you right away if an unforeseen situation arose!

“This is Adam Keynes, the Finance Director. Dalcoon Exam Supervisor, what’s going on?”

There’s a problem on Island 4!

Island 4? That’s where Circe is!

Please don’t tell me those troublemakers are at it again?

“Please provide details, Dalcoon Exam Supervisor.”

I just arrived and I’m hurriedly trying to assess the situation, but from what I saw…!

“From what you saw…?”

There’s a gigantic shockwave in the center of the island, and the trees are being uprooted!


It’s not a natural phenomenon, and I suspect it’s a student fight! Also, gauging the size of the magic or ki, it seems at least 5th rank students are clashing!

Fights among students are prohibited by the rules. But right now, it’s not about the rules.

The important issue here is that Dalcoon has identified it as a battle between students of at least 5th rank.

And on Island 4, there are only three students assigned who meet that criteria.

‘Even Beatrice, who can barely be considered 5th rank.’

The youngest knight on the verge of 5th rank, and……

“Ruth Spero….”

“Finance Director, shall we move?”

“……I think we should.”

Normally, such matters could be handled by the professors and exam supervisors, but if Ruth is involved, things are different.

Despite the limitations, they are well above 6th rank, stronger than most exam supervisors and have outright violated those limitations during the entrance ceremony.

Still, since I included a clause that if they cause financial damage while breaking the rules, I would handle the situation, prioritizing clarification of the circumstances was paramount.

‘Though it might also be the youngest knight or Beatrice causing trouble.’

Whether it’s the notorious Demolisher who kept breaking costly practice swords or the somewhat rehabilitated one with an illustrious destructive history, any one of them could easily get into trouble.

“Please lead the way, Headmistress.”

“Leave it to me!”


With the sound of a powerful explosion, as the Headmistress took me in her arms and jumped with incredible force, I let out a sigh.

‘Guess I won’t be able to relax after all.’

But at least it is a relief that I have been able to take a break for a few days. Let’s resolve this quickly and return to rest.

By the way, there are no practice swords, walls, or buildings here—what the heck is going on……?

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