I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 1

This is an age of rites and music in ruins…

"I swear I will give up the Fiefdom for the rest of my life, not marrying, not having children, but allegiance to my king, Even in old age, crippled or broken down...the end of one's life, until death."

The Knight kneels, with a pure white cape, draped over his shoulders, and an enamel sheen glazes the white scale armor. Complex in carving but simple in pattern, pure and alive like a white world covered with the first snow.

Aegon the Conqueror placed Blackfyre(1) on the Knight's shoulder with a satisfied and relaxed smile on his face, "I accept your oath that from this moment onwards the seven of you will be mine for life, partner."

Blackfyre, (P.S: a two-handed sword forged in Valyria steel, the ancestral sword for House Targaryen)

Both the monarch and the Knight fulfill their oath.

The first generation of Kingsguard, died in battle to protect King Aegon, and the rest served the King honorably until the end of their lives.

Time flashes, nearly 300 years have passed, and generations of Kingsguard have put on white capes representing glory. Among them, there have been Legendary characters like Dragonrider Aemon and Duncan the Tall, as well as many lovers and illegitimate children. The scum like Lucamore the Lusty, who cuckolded the King to who he swore allegiance…

Their deeds, whether good or bad, were recorded in detail in one Book – the "White Book". When the White Book turns to Jaime Lannister's page, the White Cloak's past glory and disgrace come to an abrupt end in this brief moment.

The 16-year-old White Cloak had an inexplicable smile on his lips, ignored the King's struggles and cried, grabbed his head full of silver hair, and cut open his blue-veined neck with a golden sword… The blood of the fiery 'Dragon' flows like a poisonous snake beneath the Iron Throne, and the history of the White Cloak comes to an end – In name only.

This time, the oath was broken without any punishment, and with this precedent, Pandora's Box was quietly opened to the Westeros lords, and countless traditions that were regarded as absolute rules in the past were cast aside. The Game of Thrones seems to have become a squabble.

Bannermen's loyalty to the Lord, the monarch's responsibilities and obligations to his subjects, the ancient guest right, the sacred covenant…

Fortunately, far from the Sunset Kingdoms (Westeros), The Dothraki Sea, the ancient rules are still held sacred…well, at least a widowed Khaleesi doesn't have to die and can go to Vaes Dothrak as a housemaid.

"My God, how did I become a pregnant mother of Dragons who is ten months into pregnancy?"

A 26-year-old surgical Medical College graduate, Wakes up crossing into a 14-year-old pregnant Maiden, Daenerys Targaryen.

No matter what identity or name was held in the past, it doesn't make much sense at this time.

She became…Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Great "Song of Ice and Fire" Khaleesi of the Grass Sea, Chain Breaker, Queen of Meereen, Princess of Dragonstone, The Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, Mhysa, Silver Queen…

Well, as she is now there are at most "Stormborn" and Khaleesi of Horselord Drogo, two titles.

"Mother of Dragons" is still early, the most terrible thing at present is, how to survive after Khal Drogo dies.

Drogo is already ill to the bone and has also been subjected to black magic, let alone a rookie surgeon, even a miracle may be useless.

Daenerys, who changed in mind and, perhaps, soul, touched her heavy belly, abandoned the distracting thoughts in her heart, and began to pay attention to the environment of this new world.

The golden sun is gently scorching the earth, and in front of her is an uneven, poorly planned field, with rye half-green and half-yellow straw, thick and long ears beginning to fill, and low-lying soybeans. Occasionally there are vegetable fields for growing vegetables and fruits.

Silver-maned fillies(Young Female Horses) walked by, occasionally hearing the clanging sound of pods being stepped on and split open.

Dany turned her head away from the dazzling sun, and whispered, "What a sin, it's time for a good harvest, but I met this group of Dothraki."

In the Khalasar of Khal Drogo, There are nearly 50,000 screamers, and the entire group adds up to more than 100,000 people.

(P.S: Khal: the title of the leader of the nomadic Dothraki people, similar to the Mongolian "Khan" or the Turkic "Khan".

Khalasar: One of the Dothraki words. Each Khalasar has a Khal.

Khaleesi: The Dothraki language's name for a Khal's spouse, and Daenerys' identity at this time.)

Dothraki is a standard horseback nation, each family has at least one horse, and one hundred thousand families represent more than one hundred thousand horses that have trod across this land.)

The low muffled sound of hooves "rumbling" seems to be announcing loudly: This year, the land of the Lhazar people will be completely lost.

In fact, the Lhazar people, who are contemptuously called 'sheep people', have no regard for their own harvest. Before the Khalasar of the strongest Horselord in the steppe, their minds are gripped by the fear of death.

Turning her head to the side, Dany saw, for the first time, a dilapidated farmyard, with residents watching them uneasily from the plastered walls, with Dothraki-like almond pupils, flickering with great fear and…hidden hatred.

Located in the southern part of the Dothraki sea, on the southern bank of the Lhazar River, inhabited by small and weak people.

They have a certain similarity with Dany's family today, with bronze skin and almond-shaped eyes, but the Dothraki, who are relatively tall and savage, and the farming-based Lhazar, who are short in stature, flat in the face, and milder in temperament…and more cowardly.

"Ta Ta Ta…"

The sound of horses' hoofs came from behind, Dany lifted her silver hair that was swaying in the wind to her ear, and saw. Eight Bloodriders emerged from the rear team.

Bloddriders are like the Chinese Jurchen Warriors, with thick, long, dark braids. But Dothraki didn't have a moongate(Hairstyle) in front of their forehead, and their hair was adorned with a string of bells representing victory, which jingled as the horses danced.

Flicking through the memories, Dany recognizes them as Bloodrider by Khal Drogo, Cohollo, Haggo, and Qotho. The remaining ones should be Drogo's remaining, Ko Jhaqo, Ko Pono…

(Bloodrider: both Khal's personal guard, and his partner and brother, the blood of my blood. Except for the Khal's horse, they share everything about him, including his wife….well, for the Dothraki, a wife is not even as well regarded as a horse…thankfully, Drogo didn't share the idea of ​​a wife, and Daenerys escaped such a fate.

Kou: the head of the Khas.

A large nomadic group is called a 'Khalasar', and a Khalasar is often composed of many small groups, the small group is called 'Khas', and the leader of the Khas is the Khal's 'deputy', known as a 'Kou'.)

They passed Dany blindly and came to Drogo ahead, Ko Jhaqo pointed to an earth and stone manor, and first asked aloud: "Khal, around there's a tribe of 'Sheep men', shouldn't we go up and take them?"

They came to Drogo for a 'hunt'.

The Dothraki are nomadic people. They have no industry, handicrafts, or manufacturing. Everything they need is plundered. In the evolution of countless generations, the most savage and tyrannical predatory genes were born.

Drogo's head was dizzy, and his consciousness was almost plunged into chaos. At this time, he lifted his head and had difficulty recognizing the identity of the person in front of him. His cracked lips opened and closed, and the voice was inaudible," Okay, I…"

Dany felt bitter in her heart, according to the plot, this man is dying, and she will be a widow as soon as she crosses over.

She doesn't miss this man she just met. The problem is that the horsemen's system is too fucked up.

George Martin has 100% referenced the nomadic peoples of Chinese history. The Dothraki in his writings is an assortment of Mongolian history.

But Dany would rather travel to that time period instead.

Unfortunately, the Dothraki don't like this. In this nation, there is no concept of a queen or dowager, and it's even more of a problem to listen to the government under the curtain, a shadow government.

"Can't you see that Khal is sick?"

Dany patted the horse's belly, took a few steps, ignoring the cold eyes of the Bloodrider and Khas, and shouted, "Everyone around me. These are small villages, with no food or water, and no value to attack… At least, Khal doesn't need to attack himself."

The tall Haggo looked at Dany cruelly, "Khaleesi, you are not here to speak. A copy of—"


Dany raised her hand to a whip, the tip of the whip pierced the air and made a loud and clear sound, but her body was bloated and her movements were too heavy and slow, Haggo leaned back on his horse, dodging easily.

"You dare to hit me?"

With a "bash!", Haggo pulled out his Arakh from his waist and stared at Dany with dark eyes.

Dany just guffawed, looked at him without any timidity, and said in the Dothraki language inherited from her predecessor: "I am Khaleesi of Khal Drogo, from the noble Royal Family Targaryen, you dare to speak to me like so and draw your weapon?"

She is not stupid and bold, through a brief reading of her predecessor's memory, Dany found that Dothraki understands hard tactics but not soft ones, the tougher you are, the more the other party will treat you as a 'human'.

Well, weak people can't be considered people in the eyes of horsemen.

For example, Dany's older brother, Viserys, for example, the Lhazar people who were plundered, were called 'sheep people'.

Of course, being tough is not being reckless. As Drogo's Bloodrider, Haggo will never hurt the Khaleesi, who is pregnant with Drogo's child, in front of Drogo's face.

And, Dany is not alone.

No, after a few words, her guards came on horseback.

Jorah Mormont dexterously steered, and stepped up to Dany, drawing his sword and glancing solemnly at Haggo and the others.

Behind Dany, her Khas also bent a bow and placed arrows, pointing blankly at Haggo.

Drogo owns the entire Khalasar, a Khalasar consisting of many Khas tribes. Fortunately, the Khaleesi also has a Khas that belong to them, Dany is the Khaleesi, but she is also a Kou.

Well, her Khas is small, with only one to two hundred people, mainly to guard her safety and serve her daily life.

Cohollo, with gray hair, and a tangled and complicated face full of hideous scars, glanced at Daenerys coldly and said, "Put away your weapons, Haggo, you are fighting on behalf of blood of my blood. Remember, you must get the most heads. "

Drogo is thirty years old this year, Haggo and he are about the same age, only Cohollo is the oldest, and even though he looks like a young man, he is actually fifty.

When Drogo was young, Drogo's father's enemies stole little Drogo, and Cohollo desperately rescued the young Horselord.

It can be said that Cohollo is almost equivalent to Drogo's half-father.

Drogo's own Khas is managed by the Khas of Cohollo. In other words, Cohollo is still 'strong'.

Therefore, he has the highest status and prestige in the Bloodrider.

Haggo grunted when he heard Cohollo's words, spat a mouthful of phlegm on the ground in resentment, turned his horse's head, and trotted away.

Qotho and the rest of the men glanced at Daenerys with wolf-like eyes and galloped away.

As the neighing of the war horses faded away, Cohollo said indifferently: "As the leader of the Khalasar, the Khal must take the lead in charging the enemy, and he should be the first to climb the city wall of the Lazhar, this is his responsibility, and his glory."

Daenerys was grateful, knowing that old Cohollo was explaining it to her.

Among Drogo's three Bloodriders, he is the only one who treats Dany kindly…or, he treats Dany as Drogo's wife, and the other Dothraki sees her as the noble reproductive tool Drogo bought from Illyrio.

What Princess of Dragonstone, Targaryen of Stormborn, means is nothing to these horsemen.

Daenerys pulled out a stiff smile and said, "I'm worried about the Khal like this…"

Cohollo interrupted her with a hand up, "You should be worried about the crowd. The screamers started raiding without the Khal's permission…though your worries are useless."

Dany watched him sadly ride away.

Soon, the shouts of Warriors and the cries of sheepmen, mixed with the stench of blood and fire.

Standing on the hill, the lush weeds crossed the horsehair leggings on her calves, itching her tender skin like a cats lick.

Turning around to look, you can see a plume of flames burning one after another, like a finger sticking into the sky from a nearby Lhazar manor.

Daenerys holds her big belly, and closes her eyes sadly, trying to make herself not think about how many pregnant women like her will be slaughtered today, and how many children and women will be forced into Drogo's Khalasar, plundered as slaves.

"It's a cruel world."

The Young Kas of Daenerys is busy with people leveling the soil on the hills for stakes, tents, and others stand, carry, and remove the big boxes containing Drogo and Dany's blankets and belongings.

The Khal's tent is located in the center of the entire Khalasar, centered on the hills that Dany chose, and the yurts are like mushrooms after the rain, filling the fields in sight all of a sudden.

horse men are reluctant to settle in earth and stone houses, they are used to living in tents.

The scene of more than 100,000 people working together seems to be full of vitality, which makes Dany, who has been depressed for the first time in this world, hold a little interest.

"Ser Jorah, walk around with me."

Jorah Mormont, nicknamed 'Big Bear', from the Westeros North, originally Lord of Bear Island – Son of the Wall Lord Commander of the Night's Watch 'Old Bear' of Bear Island from Game of Thrones.

Because of selling slaves, he was to be beheaded by North's Guardian Ser Eddard Stark, he fled to the Essos continent on the other side of the strait.

He swore allegiance to Daenerys when she married Drogo.

After Drogo crowned Viserys with gold juice (melted gold), He turned into Daenerys' Sworn Knight.

When he first joined Drogo's team, Big Bear wore the standard Westeros Knight attire: wool jacket, wool pants, lining, leather armor, and plate armor.

After living in the prairie for nearly a year, he became accustomed to horsemen's clothing, leather sandals, mane leggings, Dothraki sleeveless painted leather vest, and bronze medal belts.

"Khaleesi, don't you want to see Drogo's injury?"

Jorah is side by side with Daenerys' filly, followed by four young Dothraki Knights.

"A dozen hairless people are around him, it's too crowded. After they leave, you and I will check again."

There are two kinds of people in Khalasar who specialize in Medicine, infertile women, and eunuch slaves. The herbal woman heal with potions and spells, and the eunuch used sharp knives, needles, and fire. They are collectively known as the 'hairless people' in the horsemen group.

In the tents that are almost covered by the earth, there are slaves and women holding firewood, and there are screams of livestock being slaughtered. Carefully sharpen the machete for the Warrior just after the battle, and the long-haired Dothraki warrior giving orders, the barefooted child running and frolicking in the crowd, the smell of sweat, horse dung, blood, and the smell of mixed barbecue, held Dany's nose to be tortured.

Turning around a yurt, in a clearing where firewood is being piled up, a large group of Knights laughing and surrounding a dozen naked women messing around, even if they see Daenerys on the silver horse, they don't have the slightest thoughts of cover-up…

Drogo's Khalasar doesn't just have bronze-skinned Dothraki battlers, more things serve their slaves. White people, like Dany, milkmen who are whiter than white people, eunuchs with red skin, black people from the Summer Islands, and Asshai people from Shadow Lands are also dark-skinned. Dany can't tell their race based just on the memories in her mind.

Even the Dothraki are not all the same.

horsemen roam the Essos continent, plundering the slaves of many ethnic groups. They have no concept of husband and wife and like to mess around with their desires. Their ethnic origins are already messy.

Only one thing, all Dothraki have almond-shaped eyes.

"Khaleesi, you seem to be getting a little…has something happened?"

Jorah has felt that something is wrong with Dany since the afternoon. It was all the more bizarre to stop the horsemen from the Lhazar woman in that way.

Well, the original Daenerys was a kind little girl. The first time she saw the captured women of the Dothraki Warrior, she went over with pity and forcibly stopped them, and suggested that the Dothraki Warrior marry them as wives.

This goes against Dothraki's tradition.

A Dothraki Warrior has the right to deal with the slaves plundered by him. It is their right to rape, kill, and sell, and even the Khal cannot interfere arbitrarily.

And there is no conjugal system in the Dothraki, the Horselord marrying a wife is only a special case.

"I see what you're saying, but even if I stop them, without Drogo's backing, who will listen to me?" Daenerys lowered her eyes.

This Jorah deserves to be the Number One bootlicker under the skirt of the Mother of Dragons, such keen perception. You must know that since she crossed over in the afternoon, she has been talking less and watching more, trying to imitate the behavior of the original Dany.

"Khaleesi, as long as you give me an order, I will kill them." Aggo, a young horseman, shouted with a long bow.

Drogo still loves his wife. Although the Khas he gave to Daenerys is very small, they are a group of outstanding young Warriors, Aggo, Quaro, Jhogo, and Rakharo even have the potential to become Bloodriders.

A Bloodrider is a 'one-in-a-million' Warrior, equivalent to the Ten-Thousand Man Leaders in Genghis Khan's time.

Ser Jorah's pupil shrinks, warning: "This is someone else's Khas tribe, if you dare to do it, you will die."

He knows a Dothraki's temperament.

"I'm not afraid of death." Aggo rounded his black almond eyes, his imposing manner undiminished.

"We are not afraid of death." The remaining Warriors also roared.

"Don't cause unrest and possibly hurt the Khaleesi," Jorah said, pointing to Dany's belly.

This topic is a bit awkward, Dany looks around, suddenly raises her whip, and points at a fat black man, "You, stop."

The black man is probably in his forties, The bald head, dripping with sweat, with a humble smile, asked, "Khaleesi, what are your orders?"

"gā gā gā", a large white goose flapping its wings, it struggled with the mans fingers, occasionally pecking at his rough arm with his yellow beak.

"I want this goose," Dany said.

Dothraki eats horse meat as their main food and think horse meat is the best food, but after recalling the memory of the original Dany, Daenerys began to feel nauseated when she thought of horse meat.

Diverting the topic is one thing, but improving the food is also a reason.

The black big bald-headed man had more and more sweat beads, and his face showed a pleading look, and he refused with difficulty: "Khaleesi, I am Lord Jhaqo's chef, because Lady Lilith is not used to horse meat, I finally found a few geese at the Sheepmen Manor this afternoon… I really have no right to agree to your request!"



Aggo hearing this was furious, and could not help but whip the large man with a whip, which only caused a centipede-like crack in the flesh on his right cheek. "scoundrel, this is the Khaleesi's request, even Jhaqo himself can't refuse."

The chef squatted on the ground with his face covered, screaming, and even the white goose caught in his hand 'quack' fled out.

The whole process went up and down, Dany's mouth opened and closed, the whip had already been pulled out, and it was too late to stop it.

"Who is going to rob my goose?!" An angry shout came from the sky-blue tent next to it.

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