I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 133

          "Are you a merchant who delivered materials for the Ghis Alliance?" Dany stood tall on the big horse, looking at the white-skinned fat man with straight black hair below through the gap in her face armor, "Although you are Ghis, I don't deal with you merchants as I had dealt with the Wise Masters, the punishment for half of the property is not unique to me, and there are many precedents for this in the city-state war."

Dany is right, in the city-state war, In order to make up for the loss of the war, one side will probably extract most or even all of the property from the captured merchants.

After all, war profits are lucrative. Maybe the two city-states were destroyed, but it was the merchants of the third city-state who finally benefited.

This time, for example, what Dany seized from the Ghis slave masters was not even as good as one-third of the property from the merchants.

After 600 kilometers, most of the Gold Honor carried by the Ghis coalition was spent on the group of traders behind.

"Your Majesty, I'm not Ghis."

"You have their hairstyle, you're wearing a Tokar robe, and you say you aren't Ghis?" Dany sneered: "Don't fear, I'm not targeting the Ghis, in fact, most of the Ghis in Astapor are better off than they used to be."

That's big talk.

The Ghis people who became slaves because of bankruptcy are now turned into free commoners. They are allotted dozens of acres of land and can get a large interest-free loan from Dany. Of course, life is better than before.

But the Ghis people who were originally slaves were a minority after all. Without the privileges of high-ranking citizens, those Ghis master craftsmen who mastered superb crafts even wanted to leave Astapor.

"Your Majesty, how can I be a pure-blood Ghis with such fair skin? I dressed like this just to get more respect from the Ghis slave masters, you see…" he undid the cloth belt tied to his forehead, revealing the green-striped tattoo on the left forehead.

Dany felt weird, looking up and down, he had a black unicorn hairstyle, a fat face like steamed buns, a humble smile on his face, dark narrow eyes, and a very small nose.

He is not tall, about 1.65m, a little shorter than Dany, but his body is very thick. Well, he is not simply fat. Like eunuch Belwas, who is a solid "fat".

"You were also a slave before, from the Free Cities?"

Free Cities slaves will have different types of tattoos on their faces according to their occupation.

For example, slave warriors tattooed larger, fierce animals on their faces, and servants tattooed mild animals or sundries, such as turtles, grass, kettles, and wheels.

However, prostitutes are generally more uniform, leaving only a teardrop mark on the brow so as not to affect their appearance.

Slaver's Bay's slaves generally don't have tattoos on their faces, mainly because Slaver's Bay is a slave processing factory, and the "products" are to be exported. Maybe slave masters who buy slaves in other city-states don't like products that come with tattoos.

The fat merchant laughed and said: "Your Majesty, I'm from Volantis, my name is Feat Duzimu, I was a Tiger Cloaks Sergeant Head before, because of his many achievements in battle, he gradually became a member of Volantis. I have gained some fame.

It should be my good luck too, a grain merchant bought me as his son-in-law because his daughter was too ugly to marry. After the death of my father-in-law, I inherited his property.

Your liberation of slaves is a big buzz in Slaver's Bay, Meereen, Yunkai's big slave masters are throwing money frantically and hiring sellsword groups around the world.

As for me, I also wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune. With 400 carts of sesame oil, I followed the Second Sons across the Dothraki Sea to Meereen in Slaver's Bay. After selling the sesame oil to the slave masters, I went wild I bought grain and livestock… heh, and then I came all the way here."

"You shouldn't lie about this, your Father had to buy you back as a son-in-law, right?" Dany doubted.

"Your Majesty, why do you think so?" big Feat said in amazement.

"Have you never looked in the mirror? Or is it that the Volantene hang sausages around their lips?" Dany laughed.

"Your Majesty, you don't understand." After he reacted, he touched his mouth and said triumphantly: "A man with thick lips looks honest! My heart is good, and I have not my wife down yet! Although I have raised seven or eight little lovers and given birth to fifteen children, Darlin has always been my wife, and her children will inherit my family property one day."

Dany lowered her head and said, "Maybe I should kill you and let your wife and children inherit your property immediately. Your dead father-in-law must be more at ease."

"Your Majesty, it makes no sense for you to say that." The scumbag man was not afraid of her at all. Hearing the threatening words of Dany's intentions, not only did he not beg for mercy, he also said shyly: "You don't know how ugly my wife is. I don't have to look in the mirror daily when I wake. Seeing her is like seeing me in the mirror."

"hehe... ' Dany couldn't help laughing.

Seeing that Dany was amused, he showed a forlorn look and said: "There are only two kinds of people who can't find a lover with such an ugly person, the poor and the people who can't do anything, and I just–"

"Okay, I don't have time to listen to your ramblings." Dany waved her hand, interrupting the glib guy's dirty jokes, and asked directly: "What are you looking for from me?"

"Your Majesty, you took half of my pack horses and forcibly bought the rest, but you are not interested in the carriage and the food on the carriage, this…"

his face wrinkled slightly, and he complained repeatedly: "Even the slave workers were taken away by you, so much grain is piled up in the wilderness, how can I transport it?"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't think it through," Dany said straight.

Feat was stunned.

Mother of Dragons said "sorry" to me?

So bluntly confessing to me, a small businessman?

Inexplicably, an urge arose in his heart: Long live Queen, go and liberate Volantis!

"So, I will buy all your food at the market price of Astapor?" she said.

Feat said with a weird face: "Your Majesty, the market price of Astapor is even lower than the price I bought from Yunkai. It's not as good as even one-fifth of what I sold to the Ghis coalition, and if I sell it like this, I will definitely go bankrupt."

His words are not exaggerated, plus the food consumption during transportation, the cost will be at least ten times higher.

And Astapor had a bumper harvest for two consecutive quarters. Except for Dany and the winery, no one bought the grain at all, and the market price was extremely low.

Even if Dany uses macro-control measures to not harm the interests of farmers – increasing the government's grain reserves, the price of grain is only half of what it was before Dany entered Astapor.

And because the pyramids and village granaries are full of food, Dany has no interest in the vendors' food.

"What do you want?" Dany asked.

"As long as I don't lose money."

"You don't want to lose money if you lose the war?" Dany sneered.

Grinding his teeth, he seemed to have made a difficult decision to lose money, "Then…it's okay to lose a little bit."

Dany just wanted to taunt again After two sentences, suddenly a thought flashed, and she said with a smile: "Feat, are all businessmen losing their money?"

"No, those prostitutes who raised a group of prostitutes made a lot of money, tonight you have to make another fortune in the hands of your soldiers. Now those bitches are gearing up for a big fight!" The businessman said sourly.

Dany thought for a while, and said to an Unsullied: "Notify those prostitutes that the Mother of Dragons will give them the freedom to give up their career and become Astapor Small Folk."

"Hahaha, Your Majesty, why would those women give up their rich life and go to Astapor as peasant women? To be textile workers?" Feat said with a smile.

Dany glanced at the fat man and continued to the Unsullied: "Ask those women if they want husbands, and if so I can help them find a good home."

"They all want to marry a good merchant, a rich man, and become the lover of a rich man is better than marrying a military man," Feat said laughingly.

"You best take care of yourself first." Dany coldly said.

"Oh, Your Majesty, you must help me." Feat immediately stammering begged.

"In this way, I will still buy your goods at the market price of Astapor, and then compare the price you sold to the Ghis slave merchants, and I will make up the difference for you as a Queen personally."

he squinted his eyes, almost bulging, and stammered: "Your Majesty, are you crazy?"

Dany glared at him and said, "The price difference will not be paid to you in the form of Honor, you can buy goods in Astapor, no matter what you buy, no matter what the price, I will return 40% of the cost.

The cumulative rebate amount does not exceed the total price difference of the food.

Of course, there is no need to use up the total amount of rebates at one time, you can register your name and the name of the Trading Company at the customs office, and the amount of rebates will be recorded in your name, and it will be valid when you come to Astapor again."

"This…" Feat was still a little confused at first, but gradually, his eyes became brighter and brighter, his eyes looking towards Dany were full of reverence.

"Your Majesty, I'm sure now, you are a genius!" He said solemnly, slowly: "Wisdom, courage, kindness, justice, the perfect Ruler.

The world will be changed because of you, the first major abscess in the history of human development, the slave system, may really come to an end."

Oh, I'm wrong, the merchant Feat is obese, although Lustful, although greedy, it can be seen that he has a good mind!

With all the ugliness, Dany felt that he looked like a fat rat.

Who knew that he'd immediately become wretched and flattering again, pleading with tears: "Your Majesty, that…you are so good, you can do good things to the end, why don't you just give me Gold Honor directly? 20% off? Or, how about 30% off? I can't go bankrupt, if I go bankrupt, my whole family will die!" Dany felt annoyed.

Her right hand couldn't help but press on the hilt of the sword, as long as he said something unpleasant, she would immediately swing her sword at his fat face.

"Your Majesty, your policy is good, but what's worth buying in Astapor? It's not going to be Unsullied, right?" he said with a bitter face.

"Heh, your impression is still that of Astapor half a year ago, shut up and just go and see it by yourself – eh…"

While speaking, Dany suddenly changed her face and said to Feat: "I have something to do now and I need to leave immediately. If you have any questions, go to Astapor to talk to my clerk."

"What's the matter?"

"It doesn't matter if I tell you, the Ghis Navy has entered the Worm River." Dany turned her head and said lightly, and quickly rushed to the White Poplar Slope.

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