I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 135


It was as if a napalm aviation bomb was detonated, and the 40-meter-long sea ship was shrouded in a dazzling fireball for a moment, with it a ring of airwaves could be seen with the naked eye. Mixed with more than a dozen involuntary sailors, it spread out rapidly and pushed the nearby ships three or five meters away.

Through the spyglass, Dany even saw that the battleship with the words "Grazdan" painted on the hull was disintegrating, and countless sailors were struggling and crying in the flames…Then, their bodies were pushed into a distorted shape and burned.

Like a fiery snake with tongues of fire, bolts flew from the ballista windows below the deck, and hundreds of sailors threw themselves into the sea like lit torches.

Such an exaggerated burst of flames caused the entire battlefield to turn silent for a few seconds, and then 20,000 soldiers cheered wildly: "Long live the Mother of Dragons!"

"Long live the Mother of Dragons, long live Daenerys!"

"Dragons are invincible, Dragons are invincible!"

The soldiers even put down their work and waved towards the Dragons hovering in the sky Arms, shouting loudly, and their commander did not reprimand the soldier's behavior but instead swung his sword and joined the cheering crowd.

The crowd's cheers seem to encourage the Green and White Dragon, they also imitate the Black Dragon and flew up to 3,000 meters high, then put away their wings, like an arrow, they free fall from the air.

Below are two giant battleships.


They descended 1,000 meters all the time. During this process, they kept swinging their tails and fine-tuning the direction of the fall.

In a Dragon's eyes, there seems to be a crosshair, which has been aiming at the highest building of the battleship – the bridge.

They puffed out a small gout of flame, and then they flicked their wings, and their bodies drew a graceful arc in the sky, flying towards Dany on the city wall.

But the giant incendiary bombs they dropped were still falling vertically at a very high speed with a piercing scream, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Dany made the bricklayer's special Molotov cocktail look exactly like a missile.

The pointed head of the bronze casting keeps the center of gravity of the "missile" head down (bronze is denser than the clay pot), and the bulging pot body is stuffed with white phosphorus, kerosene, and asphalt— – The amount of white phosphorus is small, and it is also soaked in kerosene and cannot be exposed to air.

The missile tail section also has a tail to ensure that it does not deviate from the direction, and there is a rope behind the tail– a thick long hemp rope, tied to the Dragon's claws.

When the three Dragons are 1000 meters above the ground, they use the Dragonflame to burn the ropes on their claws, then the Dragons fly away, and the bombs continue to fall freely.

At 3,000 meters, the kerosene bottle weighing 80 pounds, the "warhead" is still cast in bronze…

With a "boom", the combustion drilled into the bridge.


The hard but brittle clay pot burst, and fuel and white phosphorus were sprayed into the cabin. Very high, the white phosphorus began to burn when it met the air, and then the fuel, which was almost misted in the collision, was ignited – "BOOOOM!"

The bridge was lifted, the hull was torn, wood and people on deck burned in explosive fire…

"So scary! If I change the fuel to Wildfire…"

She pictures Big Black as an adult, capable of carrying a thousand pounds, and then he flew 10,000 meters above King's Landing, carrying a ten-fold magnified "bomb" in his claws.

It was cast in iron, filled with green Wildfire, 800 pounds, and then threw it to the Red Keep…

Dany felt a shiver, what else do you need to spray Fire Dragon, you can directly transfer to a bomber.

"Go ahead, put incendiary bombs on my Dragons! Burn the slave masters!" She drew her sword and ordered the soldiers loudly.

"Long live the Mother of Dragons, burn the slave masters to death!"

In the square behind the city wall, the Three Dragons landed on a take-off platform, and more than a dozen militiamen pushed their wagons to the bottom of the platform.

The wagon is filled with soft straw, and a two-meter-long "missile" is placed vertically in the center. The hemp rope as thick as chopsticks is woven with a net pocket on the missile body, and the net pocket is in the missile tail section. Knotted into a rope as thick as a thumb, the soldiers squatting beside the Dragons tied the seven or eight meter long rope to the Dragon claw…

Big Black was the first to complete the mission, the first to come back, and the first to flap his wings again, dragging the missile into the air slowly.

Because there is a short gliding distance, the soldiers below must follow the speed of Big Black and push to run forward for four or five meters, so that Big Black can take the missile into the sky.

Seeing that the missile only swayed slightly under Big Black, Dany couldn't help but praise the Dragon's sense of balance and stable flight.

About ten minutes later, it was "whiz whiz whiz –bang bang bang!"

Three incendiary bombs took away three battleships.

The cost of a battleship starts at 10,000 Golden Dragon, and 40,000 or 50,000 Golden Dragon is not too much.

And a Molotov cocktail, kerosene is only one or two Silver Stags, white phosphorus…white phosphorus is a bit expensive, only a few Pyromancers in the city can make it, and it costs Dany three Golden Dragon per pound.

Even so, a Molotov cocktail does not cost more than 5 Golden Dragons.

This is bloody earning!

"You really think Astapor doesn't have a navy, so you have the confidence to fight me at sea? This Queen is going to make you slave masters go bankrupt." Dany was proud of the three clouds gradually raising on the sea.

However, the tenacity of the enemy was beyond imagination. Four consecutive waves of incendiary bombs were thrown, destroying 12 battleships with the largest tonnage, and still no ship retreated.

Not only did the enemy fleet not retreat, but the sailors who fell into the sea also swam to the pier one by one, and 12 ships were destroyed within an hour. At the same time, the pier gathered two or three thousand lost seafarers.

The distance between the city wall and the coastline is 70 to 80 meters. Between the two is the spacious red-brick line, as well as brick and stone buildings such as restaurants, shops, and warehouses.

Of course, the residents of the dock area had long since evacuated, but those buildings were still preserved, and the sailors who swam ashore did not attack the city wall dozens of meters away.

A black Unsullied glanced at Dany, hesitated for a moment, and went to Ser Mormont, who was shouting for soldiers to attack the enemy ship, and asked him for instructions: "Commander Mormont, do you want to send Unsullied down to clean up those sailors?"

The military regulations formulated by Dany clearly stipulate that in the process of marching and fighting, junior officers only need to report the military situation and ask for orders from their immediate superiors, and must not defer to others because of their higher status. Military secrets, let alone obey the orders of non-direct officers without a clear order from the superior officer.

It is also stipulated in the military regulations that if one's superior is killed in battle, or the immediate superior cannot be contacted in a short time in an emergency, the non-commissioned officer can follow the orders of the person with a higher rank than them on the scene.

Of course, the above regulations are invalid for the Queen, no matter when and where the Queen's instructions have the highest authority.

So the Unsullied Captain saw Dany hesitated and wondered if he should ask her for instructions.

In the Unsullied 50 people make up a squad, ten squads make up a platoon, three platoons make up a battalion, and all 8,600 Unsullied make up an army.

The commander of the wing is Grey Worm, and the Great Captain is also an acquaintance of Dany and Mossador of Secretary Missandei.

Missandei was sold to Astapor with her three big brothers, she became the Good Masters clerk, and the brothers became Unsullied.

One of the brothers failed the test and was killed by the Good Masters, leaving two, Mossador and Marselen.

Perhaps the Missandei family has better genes. The 10-year-old Missandei is proficient in more than a dozen languages and can be called a child prodigy. Her two big brothers also have superb martial skills, can read and write, and have high military literacy and strong learning ability.

As such, Mossador and Marselen were promoted as Great Captains by their Unsullied comrades.

Dany wasn't mad at Mossador's choice, because she had clearly ordered all the officers before leading the expedition a few days ago: Jorah Mormont was the Lord Commander of the Astapor Defence Force, and he had the highest command during the war.

"Don't worry if they don't come to attack the city," Jorah said directly without hesitation.

"Commander, those sailors are shrewd, they jumped into the sea when they saw the Dragons fly to the top of their battleship, and almost none of the sailors of the last nine ships died after that," Mossador said.

"How many people can there be at most? There are more than 100 ships, and there are 40,000 to 50,000 crew members, but the people who fall into the sea have no armor, most of the sailors have no weapons, and 50,000 have no armor and no horses. How can an army without siege equipment siege a city?" Jorah said evenly.

"I see." Mossador deferred.

At this time, Dany interjected: "Ser Jorah, do you think the other party is too brave? In just over an hour, with a loss rate of more than 10% of their sea-faring ships, why are they rushing under such crazy circumstances? Are they running away?"

Jorah frowned and sighed: "I really hope they are waiting for it to get dark, so they can avoid the Dragon's pursuit after dark. But I'm very worried that the other party has some plans that we don't know, That's why I responded to the changes without changing, and let the Unsullied stick to the city and never take the initiative."

Dany looked up to the west, the blazing sun had turned dark red, it was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, about an hour or two before dusk.

Although it is slow to reload ammunition, three Dragons can launch three waves of attacks in one hour, six waves in two hours, 18 ships…

It doesn't make sense.

Even if they raise their sails and flee at full speed, how many ships will they lose? Did the Ghis Navy guess that she has something specially equipped for sailboats?

Uh, incendiary bombs the size of beer bottles, tied together in a series to burn sails.

A Dragon can throw four or five times at a time, and because there is no need for high-altitude diving, a height of two hundred meters is enough, and the round-trip speed is faster.

At the same time, Capitan Groleo will lead the fleet to pursue. 'Viserys' can be called the fastest ship in Slaver's Bay. It can be used as the "aircraft carrier" of "Dragon fighters" to provide ammunition supplies for the three Dragons.

It can't be said that more than 18 ships were lost.

"Huh—" Dany's face changed when her eyes swept across the Great Pyramids behind her, she hurriedly picked up her spyglass and looked again…

Sure enough, her Dragon horn is gone.

"Big Black, don't drop the bomb yet, go to the top garden of the pyramid." She immediately sent a message to the Black Dragon in the sky.

Big Black was so fast that it flew to the pyramid 500 meters away with just one flap.

With just one look, Dany frowned, two dead bodies were hidden in the flowers on the north side of the top garden, two Unsullied with childish faces, their faces turned upside down, and all orifices bleeding.

Six months ago she got 8,600 Unsullied trainees and 5,000 Unsullied trainees.

5,000 Unsullied followed her to the White Poplar Slope, 3,600 Unsullied guarded the city on the city wall, about 1,000 children under the age of 10 were not counted, and half of the 4,000 trainees went to the countryside to maintain Village order, two thousand act as guards for the city of Astapor.

During this time her Great Pyramid was guarded by trainee Unsullied.

Now the pyramid has been infiltrated by the enemy and her Dragon Horn has also been stolen.

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