I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 143

     "Your Majesty, it's getting late. A scout ahead has found that there is a well for travelers a mile away, and a lake three miles away, where we can camp." Barristan on a large black steed shouted out to the Queen beside him.

Dany, the cavalry spear, pushed for another three miles before slowing down the horse's speed. She stopped slowly at the narrow long lake berth, raised her right hand sharply, and shouted: "Stop!"

As soon as an order is issued, the army will obey!

A moment later, 50,000 mounted soldiers came to a stop, along with another 50,000 horses with bridles tied to their saddles and sacks of shriveled wheat on their horses.

"Encamp on the spot, the White Banner Army builds camp."

Grey Worm came out on horseback and relayed.

With the Black Dragon looking out over the endless fields, Dany added, "Wings of Freedom graze the cattle and horses."

"Yes!" Symon Stripeback, along with Mollano, agreed.

"The guards are to watch in the Southwest of the woods, and the three Dragons will drive their prey from the northeast." Dany glanced at the Green Dragon and White Dragon who had already flown to the western mountain range, said with a smile.

"As you bid!" Jon replied in awe as Dany looked at him.

"Yellow Banner Army Commander, Aggo, Toraq," Dany shouted.


"Your Majesty."

Aggo stood up with a black man.

"20,000 militiamen are to be divided into two, 10,000 will set up tents and stoves, and 10,000 will go to the beach to fish up fish," Dany said oddly.



"Chirp…zhi zhi…hoho.….."

The three Dragons are almost close to the treetops, roaring over the forest in three directions, spewing fire from time to time, wild boars, elk, deer, mice, and rabbits in the woods, and even some tigers mixed together like crazy, fleeing blindly forward.


The sound of thousands of animals running became louder and louder, and the soldiers waiting outside the forest clenched their shields nervously and stared straight ahead for a moment.

"archer, wind up!" the red-haired Ser Lyra growled loudly.


The mixed herd of beasts rushed out of the woods like waves, heading for the shieldsman in the front row.


"whiz whiz whiz…"

A thousand arrows were fired, and the wailing of all kinds of animals sounded.

Lyra smiled and said to the bearded Brus beside him: "It's a bumper harvest. It can be eaten for several days after smoking it. This is a great way to collect military rations."

"Dragons drive out the forest animals, how did Her Majesty think of it?" Brus was filled with emotion as he watched the long spearman stab to death a tiger who had been jumping over the shields.

Dany has seen too many scenes of Big Black and the others hunting. As soon as they enter the forest, they roar, and the beasts run wild, and then swoop down, spraying the largest with a mouthful of Dragonflame.

"Don't talk about the prey in the forest, look…" Lyra pointed at the three Dragons flying towards the sea and said with a smile, "The Dragons can also dive into the sea to find fish and drive them away. We can have fresh fish soup tonight."

It is true that before dark, amid the cheers of ten thousand people, a piece of silver white fish waves cut through the sea and jumped onto the front beach on broad sand.

Then they rushed to the beach with arakhs, daggers, notched longswords, axes, and other weapons, picking up cod, and salmon that were still bouncing, chopped off their heads and tails, washed the organs with sea water, put the torsos into the weaved baskets, and then pick up the next one…

Yes, for the fish head and fish tail, Those civilians just threw it away, it was very extravagant.

However, there are also people who will collect some fish bubbles, fish roe, and big fish heads, which are prepared for Her Majesty.

There is no doubt that steamed fish heads, stir-fried fish bubbles with Dragon pepper, or stewed fish roe in beef bone soup are a hundred times more delicious and more nutritious than simply grilled fish.

Dany has promoted Chinese food to the young men many times, and they don't think it tastes bad, it's mainly because the production process is too cumbersome.

As Queen, Dany has a special chef to process the ingredients for her, but those people are so tired after a busy day, they can almost fall asleep when they lie down. Steaming the fish head, or waiting for a few hours just to get the bone soup ready?

If Dany hadn't told them that eating bone marrow would strengthen their body and taught them a way to split a jelly with a sword, those people would have thrown away the wrist-thick bison leg bone after eating the meat.

It's night.

The bonfire in the center of the encampment made Dany's cheeks flush, but her eyes looking towards the letter in her hand were extremely sharp eyes and angry.

"Yunkai decided to stay strong," she coldly said.

Barristan wondered: "We've already considered that situation."

Dany's face was gloomy: "The most complete fortification, the Grand Wise Master Mureno has ordered that the manors be removed as much as possible. They have already thought about burning the grain and destroying the water sources.

But that one Grand Wise Master also encouraged the slave masters to clean up the 'instability factor' – slaughter the slaves in the manors to prevent them from defecting to me."

Letters were delivered in the hands of the generals around the map table, and everyone saw the people on the parchment all pursed their lips and looked heavy.

In the end, Jon Snow broke the silence and sighed: "Finally there is a piece of good news, the fleet of the Ghis Alliance will take out 2,000 sellswords, 10,000 yellow silk cloaks, 10,000 Pit Fighter slaves, Hundreds of Scorpions, kerosene, etc., were all delivered to Yunkai."

"Why so many yellow silk capes? I remember two months ago, Meereen only had 2,000 yellow silk capes to maintain order." The Guards Great Captain Helman Tallhart wondered.

Jon sighed: "It must be new recruits. There are three city-states in Slaver's Bay, and Meereen is the best location, with sea transportation and river transportation connecting the Lhazar people, and the Dothraki Sea backing it up…

Meereen can be regarded as the capital of Slaver's Bay, with the largest urban area, the largest number of Ghis nobles, and the largest Ghis population, which is almost 150,000."

"hehe, fifteen to one, almost all the Meereen young Ghis went to Yunkai?" Symon Stripeback said silly with a smile.

The fat Mollono Knight touched his chin and wondered, "Why isn't there an Iron Legion? Even Meereen is working hard, why didn't the Iron Legion of New Ghis move?"


"What about the Iron Legion of New Ghis? It's our ace, why didn't it come?" The next morning, Yunkai Pier, the Grand Wise Master watched The fleet on the sea pale.

The newborn Sun shed a piece of golden and red scales on the blue sea, and more than 500 dark red, white, black, and brown painted ships crashed through a thin layer of haze. The pier brings wisps of cheerfully jumping golden sunlight.

A kind of thing called hope follows, just like the sun shining on the earth, filling the hearts of those who watch on the city wall and on the pyramids.

"Look at that, the blue and white fork tail flag, it's Windblown!"

"Windblown is one of the strongest sellsword groups in the western continent, with 2,000 pacers riding a mix of members ."

"Wow, so many yellow silk capes, all the Meereen warriors to defend Yunkai!"


Normal Ghis rejoiced at the arrival of reinforcements and were so proud of boundless's white-sailed giant ship, the evil Mother of Dragons seemed to be no longer able to rely on her name, so the children stopped crying, the adults were silent, and the Wise Masters changed.

But the Grand Wise Master was very angry and asked the Fleet Commander: "Meereen brought us ten thousand Ghis warriors, why didn't you send even a square of the Iron Legion?"

Among the four Ghis city-states, New Ghis in the Summer Sea has the strongest navy, so the Ghis Alliance Fleet Commander is a New Ghis captain.

The skinny captain with black and red upright short hair was not frightened by the imposing manner of the Grand Wise Master and said neither humbly: "Grand Wise Master, the previous coalition was divided into three routes by sea and land, Meereen and Yunkai. The coalition forces moved from north to south. The 3rd New Ghis Iron Legion, 2,500 warriors, crossed the Ghiscari Strait, from the east coast of Old Ghis to the Worm River Plain.

It is 600 kilometers from Yunkai to Astapor, and from Old Ghis to The Worm River Plain is a similar distance, but the Old Way is too difficult to cross the mountains and forests, which is the way built by the Old Empire of Ghis thousands of years ago.

It is difficult to get in, and it is difficult to get out, and they are still stuck. In the swamp land at the end of the Worm River!"

"hmph, a dignified regiment was blocked, this kind of disgrace to the ancient Ghis Legion is impossible, but the New Ghis has five wings, ten more can be mobilized if necessary, and at least 5,000 men should be sent to Yunkai," the Grand Wise Master coldly said.

The captain said dissatisfiedly: "Not only five hundred, the enemy has a total of 2,500 soldiers, and they still occupy a dangerous place in the level…

I don't know why the woman is so alert, she seems to have discovered the raid of the 3rd Wing long ago and targeted the narrow valley with kerosene and rolling stones.

Every member of the Iron Legion is of noble blood. Sons of the Harpy, most of them even have the surnames of great Legendary heroes.

Every loss of a Warrior will cause a great shock in the New Ghis Council. Are you expecting the council to send two more wings?"

New Ghis' "Iron Legion" is modeled after the historic Legion of the Old Ghis Empire, and the free male citizens of New Ghis Island are required to serve in the military for three years, training and equipment were similar to the Unsullied.

In other words, the Unsullied are also modeled after the Legion of the Ghis Empire.

The most elite Warriors in the service can choose to become professional soldiers, that is, join the Iron Legion.

New Ghis can stand up to the golden waterways of pirates, and there is no doubt that the Iron Legion is really iron, and it may not be worse than the Unsullied.

In the first "anti-Dragonmother campaign", New Ghis also made great efforts, not only sending an elite fleet to participate in the war but also sending a wing to sneak into the Worm River basin, trying to destroy Dany's ruling foundation in one fell swoop.

Because of the Raven's fast and steady delivery of information, the three-way army could attack Astapor at almost the same time as originally planned.

Even if the navy and sellswords can't take down Astapor all at once – The Ghis people are not stupid, fully considering the power of 8,600 powerful Unsullied – The Iron Legion can freely traverse the Worm River plain and burn Dany's manors and granaries, and the newly freed slaves will also be slaughtered.

To be honest, the Ghis plan would have been successful without the Dragons.

Dany is a newcomer to Slaver's Bay, how can she know the ancient Ghis of 6,000 years ago?

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