I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 150

             "Ghadi, for the great House Dhazak, for Yunkai, for Slaver's Bay, for the post-Ghis Empire, for a peaceful future go! Walk to the Lord of Light R'hllor!" In the arms of the Grand Wise Master, looking at his nephew who was dragging the chains with a clanging sound, his eyes were red and swollen.

His eyes are not the swollen eyes that one grieving family has, but rather like a man who lost most of his funds, gritted his teeth, and completely dropped the last bet at the betting table.

"Your Majesty Grand Wise Master, you are mistaken, your nephew will not enter the kingdom of the Heart Of Fire, the object of your sacrifice is the God of Night and Terror!" The Croner next to him dressed strangely cackled!

The Crone is leaning on crutches, hunched over, with old yellow skin, sparse hair, goose skin cheeks inlaid with a piece of ruby, and wearing black tight clothes with her breasts exposed.

Two holes were deliberately opened in the chest, like a shriveled eggplant that had been drying under the sun for 10 days. It swayed left and right as the  Crone walked, and the top of the eggplant was inlaid with hand-sized iron rings.

Judging from this outfit, the Crone should be from one of the three fortress cities of the descendants of Hyrkoon.

Well, the Patrimony of Hyrkoon was destroyed by the Jogos Nhai people, and the remaining remnants fled into three fortresses, and gradually developed three fortress cities of Samyriana, Kayakayanaya, and Bayasabhad.

Perhaps too many men died in the war, maybe they disliked men for being useless, as they could not live up to the likes of the Legendary hero Hyrkoon (Azor Ahai), and after the horsemen destroyed their lands, the Patrimony of Hyrkoon in the post-era has become a pure, true, feminist society.

Women of the new age must learn how to ride and climb before they can walk, and from childhood, every woman must be proficient with bows, lances, knives, and slingshots.

An adult female Warrior who passes the test will have a ruby on her face, her breasts will hold iron rings, and she will not shy away from revealing her breasts…

As for men…

Unfortunately, there aren't many men anymore.

The three fortress cities strictly enforce a policy: for every hundred boys, ninety-nine will be castrated before they reach adulthood and become eunuchs, helping the city do various service jobs – Scribes, Cleric, Scholars, Servants, Cooks, Farmers, Artisans, etc.

Only the most intelligent, strongest, most polite, and most temperamental boy can keep their penises, continue to grow and develop, and then have offspring with one hundred "Spartan girls".

Is this policy good?

Even the Maesters of Westeros can't judge, but since women came to power, those who wish to can no longer tyrannize the Patrimony of Hyrkoon like in previous years.

And the Crone in front of him is one of the "fighting girls".

It took New Ghis half a year to invite her from thousands of miles away.

Grand Wise Master glanced at Crone and said, "Aren't the Lord of Light and the Great Other enemies?"

He looked towards her with a deep look in his eyes of fear.

The Grand Wise Master is not an idiot either, and will not be superstitious about a Crone from the Far East continent for no reason.

A few days ago, when the Captain solemnly introduced the Crone to him, the Grand Wise Master told her directly: If she can't let him experience the real power of the Gods, he would rather waste more time, and go to the Volantis Red Temple to find a Red God High Priest, and will never hire her.

The Crone then did something unimaginable in his Great Pyramid.

That night, under the red light of a bonfire, countless shadows climbed out of the walls and took ten souls of slaves as sacrifices.

Seeing a twisted shadow tear another shadow from the living, the Grand Wise Master no longer dares to do the sacrifice ceremony in his own pyramid.

"gē gē gē…" the Crone cackled strangely, "Grand Wise Master, the Lord of Light is the Red God, a God of Flames, the Great Other is the shadow of light, the devil of darkness.

The Great Other is God.

If you want to get back the dead Dragon's soul from Death, you can only turn to the Spiritual in the dark God, the Great Other.

The kingdom of the Lord of Light belongs to those Red God believers, but Death ruled by the Great Other is Hell, do you understand?

Your nephew is going to Hell!

Your grandson, granddaughter, illegitimate child, and other fifteen relatives who have sacrificed before are all waiting for poor little Ghadi in Hell, Oh ho ho ho…"

The Grand Wise Master turned pale, and murmured, "Sure enough, we are right to forbid the spread of the Red God's beliefs in Slaver's Bay, the devil is only found here, in this encroaching darkness!"

"gē gē gē, if the great R'hllor is the devil, what are you who ask him to come?" Crone taunted unceremoniously.

"And as I said earlier, the Heart Of Fire and the Great Other are completely different, and the Red Priests for whom believe in the Lord of Light are not the same as the Maegi, who study the black magics.

I don't believe in the Lord of Light at all, and a Priest who believes in the Lord of Light won't necessarily be able to officiate a ceremony for you – unless she believes in the Lord of Light and has studied Black Magic.

So, for New Ghis I traveled all this way as an expert in Black Magic, instead of you going to a Red God priest.

You fool, do you understand?"

This Crone, like Maegi Mirri who cursed Dany at that time, believed in the Great Other but studied Black Magic as a study.

And The Great Other doesn't care whether the Maegi believes in them or not. As long as the other party masters the skills of offering sacrifices to them, they will give different responses according to the sacrifices.

"You…!" Grand Wise Master's slender face turned red, and said with rage: "Why did I sacrifice fifteen…no, counting my three sons who died under your fires, 18 of my blood have entered these flames, why hasn't the Dragon egg hatched yet!?"

Crone shrugged and said nonchalantly: "I don't know either."

"Are you toying with me!?" The Grand Wise Master was furious.

The Crone sighed and then said: "I said it long ago… In theory, by sacrificing blood relatives, it is possible to exchange some of the Dragon's Soul wisps from the Soul of Ice. I even demonstrated it for you, using ten slaves to save a dead man—"

The Grand Wise Master interrupted her with a wave, and said impatiently: "You rescued a retard who can't speak or think!"

"Yes, you are very lucky to meet such an idiot." Crone nodded and said seriously.

"Lucky? Is there something wrong with your head?" The Grand Wise Master scoffed.

"hehe…" The Crone's Dark-red eyes flashed countless dark shadows in an instant, and the voice Faintly said: "Who do you think the object of sacrifice is? Where did he return from?

"The Great Other, Soul Wisps from Hell!"

"What can Hell have? It's not the Spirits that return to us, It's time to shout 'Lord of Light R'hllor blesses'!"

"Okay!" The Grand Wise Master understood the meaning of the old witch's words and gritted his teeth: "Even if a stupid Dragon hatches, as long as it can fly and breathe fire, I also recognize it.

But that woman only had three close relatives die, and she hatched three Dragons. Why do I have 18 of mine perish, only for one crazy Dragon?"

"You are stupid!" The old witch looked down on him and asked, "What blood are they, and what blood are you?

Your ancestor is indeed a side branch of the great Valyrian nobles, but how many generations have they been mixed?

In addition to the high-quality pure blood of Valyria, how many Dragons have been hatched in Targaryen's history?

The dozens or hundreds of Dragons, now all dead, have returned to Death, but as soon as they hear the master's summon, they immediately break free from the shackles of death and return to the world from Hell.

For example, that one Black Dragon, must be the reiteration of Balerion.

You have no Dragons in Hell, you can only pray to the Great Other to be merciful and reward you with a Dragon wisp."

"Then could they be willing to grant me a little mercy!?" shouted the Grand Wise Master.

The Crone stared at the golden Dragon egg on the stone platform for a while and said in a ghostly voice: "Maybe, they have already responded to you, I saw a few tiny strands in the Dragon egg the shadows of God.

The Grand Wise Master is pleased to understand that Gods are never kind, but devils are crueler than Gods.

It is a good thing to exchange a little for a Dragon, but it won't happen again.

Thinking about that Dragon Queen, her father, big brother, nephew and niece, mother, loyal servant, second brother, husband, only son, all dead, there is only one Targaryen left in the world…"

"What about you?" The Crone turned her head back, and her dark red eyes met with the Grand Wise Master.

"deng deng deng…" The Grand Wise Master staggered back a few steps, turned his head away, and said in a hoarse voice, "Really…does it have to be like that? "

"It should be said, even then, you may not get what you want. Just like if you wanted a completely living person, I can only help you resurrect an idiot."

Well, Daenerys' life experience is too miserable, and the process of Dragon Hatching completely mirrors the Black Magic theory of The Great Others 'exchange a soul for the dead'.

Dany just randomly said a few speculations that she had seen on the forum in her previous life, and the others felt that they had finally realized the truth.

The Grand Wise Master held the wall with trembling hands and asked with great difficulty, "Then… can I stop."

"Yes, of course. Yes, you can exit at will," the Crone pointed at Ghadi, who was still howling, with his crutch, "Why don't you burn today?"

The Grand Wise Master looked towards his nephew quietly….

"Mureno, you mule idiot, I curse the Dhazak clan to Hell, hahaha…you know Diya? Your secret little lover, I know her well, at night I would fuck her relentlessly behind your back…hahaha, long live the Mother of Dragons, long live the Dragons, Yunkai must be broken, hahaha…"

"It seems we will be continuing the burning!" the Crone cackled happily.

The Grand Wise Master spit out a word fiercely through gritted teeth and rising blood pressure, "Burn!"


The Crone slammed a black wooden staff and pestle on the stone slab, she shouted in the ancient language: "Lord of Night and Terror, you are the terror in the night, the only god beyond the shadow! Lord, I offer you a blood sacrifice, please cast wonders for the people around me!"


The holy mark on the anti-spiral vortex pattern suddenly ignited a circle of flames and Ghadi drenched in olive oil was lit into a rising flame…

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