I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 156

    There is no doubt that when the six thousand Yunkai cavalry were blocked in the ruins of the former camp, all the soldiers on the scene understood that the Dragon Queen had ambush cavalry and infantry at either end of the camps.

Ambush cavalry behind the rear battalion in the northeast, and ambush infantry in the west of the front battalion, which was burned to rubble.

It is normal for the scout to find their hiding place. After all, the scout also has a detection range.

But when more than 20,000 Ghis mixed troops entered the camp and rolled over to the rear battalion, the ambush should have come out of the ambush point, otherwise, they would not be able to block the fleeing cavalry.

In fact, nearly 30,000 infantrymen occupied the key terrain and blocked the 6,000 cavalry, but Grazdan did not receive any news.

You must know that he had spread four or five hundred scouts within a 20-kilometer radius. Grazdan is not stupid. Even if he is the veterans of the Tattered Prince will not allow him to be.

Although the large force has entered the enemy's camps, although it was absolutely certain that the Mother of Dragons and at least 45,000 enemy soldiers were at Meereen at that time, although there are so many favorable factors, Grazdan, and other generals still did not lose their due vigilance.

Under normal circumstances, four or five hundred cavalry is enough to ensure that the Yunkai army will not be completely unprepared for the enemy.

But Dany is capable of fighting a battle with completely asymmetric information, just as she led the soldiers to "silently" take down Meereen.

Well, Denzo, the Tattered Prince, Grazdan, and the others got it right.

In this world, it is impossible for anyone to lead a 50,000 large army to run 600 kilometers in 12 days, then, after a night of hard work, and finally, in two days, run 250 kilometers… with the whole process being so quiet that hundreds of thousands of people didn't notice.

Dany is not a God. Although the soldiers under her command carry the title of "Liberation Army", their quality and will are in many ways behind hers behind.

If she really dared to do that, she wouldn't have need to fight the Ghis' castle, her troops would crumble during the raid.

Running 600 kilometers in 12 days, thanks to the abundant resources of Slaver's Bay, for the army is not impossible, since they don't need to carry too much dry food, and the three Dragons can allow everyone to eat meat and fish…

Even if the supplies are small enough, even if there are at least two horses per person, Dany's army was almost at its limit when reaching Yunkai.

So, to take down Meereen through a "lighting war", her soldiers couldn't be too many, three thousand men…well, two thousand of them are Unsullied.

One person and three horses, the war horses are tired from running and release them into the wilderness… There are very few horses, but there are not many war horses that can run 200 kilometers.

The key is concealment!

Meereen's slave army was buried in the White Poplar Slope by the Great General Grazdan, and the Pit Fighter slaves were all transported to Yunkai, along with 10,000 yellow silk cloaks – Meereen carried out a great mobilization, its army died in the White Poplar Slope.

Even so, Meereen, which has a total population of more than 600,000 (including manors outside the city), is impossible to be captured by 3,000 people in an instant, unless they hide their tracks and directly break into Meereen City.

How to hide the huge army of 3,000 people?

Why a Dragon of course!

Big Black has been monitoring the living people within 10 kilometers ahead from high altitude, and then Dany personally led 200 Dothraki cavalry to clear them out.

Not all of them are killed.

If it is a bitter slave, they will be liberated on the spot, and the team will serve as a militia.

Well, the three thousand cavalry did not specifically avoid the manors.

The manors started to be encountered 50 kilometers outside of Meereen city, the Dothraki shooters and the Black Dragon were responsible for blocking the information of the manors, hunting Ravens who flew out of the manor.

Dany then takes Little White, Little Green, and a few hundred Knights to besiege the manor.

The sudden attack made the unguarded manor unable to resist, and almost all of them were taken in one swift attack.

Replenishing supplies, changing horses, gathering slaves, imprisoning Ghis people…

When Dany came to Meereen, she already had 20,000 Warriors.

As the sun sets in the west, the city guards who had worked all day dragged their tired paces, thinking numbly, this ordinary day is over again.

Suddenly, Dany rode the Black Dragon and led the White Dragon and Green Dragon. It seemed to drill out of the fading sun and landed directly on the city gate fortress from a high altitude. A dozen guards took a few breaths. It was solved by one person and three Dragons.

Then, the cavalry entered the city, the slave soldiers took over the city defense, and Dany took the Great Pyramid and became the new master of Meereen before dark.

Well, that's how Dany took down Meereen with a "silent lightning war".

After taking Meereen, Dany spent another night and a morning freeing all slaves in the city. During this period, the Black Dragon has already flown back to Yunkai and has been monitoring the movements of its army.

This morning, Dany in Dreki state saw Grazdan mobilize soldiers in the city through the Black Dragon's perspective, then rode the Green Dragon and took the White Dragon back to Yunkai together.

After that, the information was blocked again, and the scout at key positions was cleared by Dany at a fixed point-it was easier than LoL opening the full map view to besiege the enemy's single hero.

What is a key position?

Block the area between the ambush and then ambush!

It should be noted that manpower is limited. A cavalry is impossible to patrol all the nearby areas. There is only one squash cavalry in each area. When the cavalry team in key positions is cleared, Grazdan becomes blind and deaf.

Of course, if the Great General does not receive information reports from riders in a certain area for a long time, he will definitely notice the abnormality.

The key is that it doesn't take too long to get the ambush in place. When the cavalry team finds out that something is wrong, Dany has already taken down the Ghis infantry and is heading towards Grazdan's cavalry with thousands of armored cavalry.

From 3:30 p.m. with the yellow silk cloak that reported the first message, to 6 p.m., seventeen or eight riders came back from the east gate of Yunkai one after another, and these messengers were all in non-critical positions scouting.

"Report–" Another yellow silk cloak dashed into the Great Pyramid Palace, the Grand Wise Master sat on the high-backed chair, staring blankly at the ceiling, ignoring the messenger.

The large oval conference table, at this time only four or five "low-level" Wise Masters in silver fringed Tokar robes, all of them as if their asses were on fire, stood up and took a few steps, hesitated, went back to sit down, and stood up again after a while…

"Grand Wise Master, it's a major event!" The yellow silk cloak gasped.

"Which Wise Masters ran away with their families?" the Grand Wise Master asked in a hoarse voice.

the first messenger brought a blizzard to all of Yunkai, making all the Ghis feel icy cold, Yezzan, the shit man, was the first to leave the Grand Wise Master's palace, and the first to lead his family and servants on board the ship to leave Yunkai.

As the richest man in Yunkai, Yezzan's business spreads all over the world and has huge industries in New Ghis, Volantis, Qarth, and even Lys, and the Jade Sea city-states.

Leaving Yunkai, he is still wealthy enough to rival entire kingdoms.

Seeing the situation collapse, the Yunkai wise man didn't even think about the reason for his defeat and ran away with his entire family.

Because of his cleverness, he realized how critical the situation was at this time – if the Grand Wise Master hadn't killed the 50,000 slaves, he would probably still stay to mediate and negotiate, but saying anything now is useless.

House Targaryen's motto is as such: Fire and Blood.

A terror-inducing future awaits those who dither in front of the Dragon's maw.

With Yezzan taking the lead, Wise Masters and Great Masters began to run to the dock with their families and large boxes of treasure.

It's too late and the boats are gone, run away overnight before the Mother of Dragons is free!

Even the employers have begun to flee, will the sellswords who take money to do things stay?

Finally, even the great merchants in the city and the people of Ghis also began to flock to the pier.

"Grand Wise Master, run away, East City Gate has fallen!" the yellow silk cape wailed.

"What!?" As if struck by a thunderbolt from the blue, the Grand Wise Master almost slipped off his chair, stared with blooded eyes, and shouted in disbelief: "When did the enemy come, why haven't I been told a siege was in progress yet!?

We still have 15,000 guards and a few thousand Scorpions! Are you still willing to die for Yunkai at this time?"

"Grand Wise Master, it's not because our army doesn't work hard, but the enemy is too cunning!" the old guard in his early fifties cried!

Well, the Grand Wise Master recruited at the Yunkai Limits, and even twelve or thirteen-year-olds and fifty-sixty-year-olds were recruited into the city guard.

"That woman…" The Grand Wise Master said in scathing hatred, before he asked with a trembling voice and a pale face, "What did she do again?"

"Just now….."

The time returns to half an hour ago, outside the east gate of Yunkai, the sun sets behind the western mountains, the sky was dark, and the guards on the city gate tower suddenly shouted: "Be careful, there are a large number of enemies drawing near!"

The guards were immediately alerted, and soon, the guards on the city wall also saw a dark shadow running towards the city gate, and before they could ask questions, they ran noisily shouting loudly: "Quick, open the city gates, there are chasing soldiers behind!"

Are they a fleeing procession of the Great Generals' men?

With a few torches thrown far out of the city, the Ghis soldiers on the city wall sighed, a group of Ghis infantry wearing yellow silk cloaks.

About more than 200 remnants, all covered in blood, with broken armor, and many people's yellow silk cloaks with obvious burn marks.

But the city gate Commander did not open the city gates immediately, but instead warned: "This is a special period, in order to prevent spies from entering the city, you must stand under the torch and let us see your faces clearly, and report your name and home address."

The remaining soldiers below cursed in dissatisfaction for a while, and finally, an officer with a clearly higher status stood up and rebuked the irritable soldiers with a few words "Keep the overall situation in mind", "Evil Mother of Dragons is a bitch" and the like.

Then, the officer was the first to stand directly under the city gate, raised his face in the firelight, and introduced himself: "The one above is the city gate Commander, General Hyle? I'm from Meereen House Ghazeen, Lijad Ghazeen, Great Master Susikiya's nephew, for the Great Masters Commander Infantry Regiment."

"There is this man, I remember that Great Master Susikiya did bring a nephew to Yunkai." A guard immediately whispered to the city gate Commander.

"I am the city gate Commander, Hyle Kalaz, personally appointed by General Grazdan." In response to Lijad's sentence below, General Hyle turned back and whispered to the guard: "Look if it's him."

The guard looked at him and saw that the man below had lost his helmet, his once upright black and red hair was scattered over his shoulders, and there were black smudges on his dark face.

"Probably." The guard said uncertainly.

"Captain, what about Lord Great Masters?" General Hyle asked again.

"Bring the Great Masters here." The general named Lijad beckons with the hand behind him.

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