I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 16

"ao~~~~~~"  The Lhazar priestess howled in the flames, her voice high-pitched and full of pain.

She's still not as strong as she imagined.

Dany sat cross-legged beside Drogo and threw the torch into the pyre herself.

"whiz whiz whiz…"

The tiny blue flames, following the wet traces of the sesame oil, sprang out from all over the pyre like swift snakes.

The sesame oil first ignited the twigs and hay, and after a few seconds the wood began to crackle, and a wave of heat rose from the fire, hitting the crowd around the pyre, like a lover's caress at first, gentle and warm, but the flames that jumped up quickly were transformed into a terrible Fiery Dragon, hovering in the air, with whipping fangs and claws, squandering its light and heat.

Ser Jorah looked at the flames and heard nothing but the crackling of the wood and the singing of the priestess.

At first Mirri sang loudly to cover up her fear and to vent her pain, and as the flames rose and the fire grew stronger, her singing became louder and sharper…then the smoke came, She gasped suddenly, gasped, gasped, and then the song became a shaky howl.

The smell wafted into the crowd with the heat, and it seemed to be the same as the smell of roasting horse meat over a campfire, and Jorah felt nauseous.

Is the princess in there?

Thinking of this, he really vomited with a "wow".

The cross-shaped pyre was completely lit, like a roaring dragon, with a loud voice that overwhelmed the gradually faint screams of the priestess.

The fire spits out its long tongue to the sky, in all directions it licks the belly of the night sky, and gnaws at the skin of Dothraki.

In the thicker and denser smoke, Dothraki couldn't bear the suffocation and burning, so they coughed and retreated away from the fire.

The Fire Dragon roared in fury, bringing a strong wind from purgatory, which rattled nearby flags, hissing firewood burst, and glowing embers rose from the smoke toward the boundless. The night drifted away like thousands of new firefly.

At this time, Dany in the fire seems to enter a strange world.

While the painted vest and silk trousers sandals were smoking and burning, Dany was still mocking priestess Mirri for covering up her wailing with singing, but soon her attention was drawn to the black dragon egg in her hand.

The dragon egg felt hotter than flames, and she couldn't help but toss it away.

Dany immediately forces herself into Dragon Dream state.

The fundamental principle of Dragon Dream is that Dany is chimeraed with the Dragon Soul.

Her own Soul is a complete "1", "Black Dragon's Soul + Dany's Soul" is still equal to "1", a more complete "1".

(P.S: Martin has no detailed introduction to Dragon Dream, the explanation here refers to Wolf Dream and Warg.)

In Dragon Dream state, she can have the perspective and perception of the Black Dragon .

At this time she saw herself in a scarlet fire purgatory, with her Black Dragon in front of her, covering the skies, shielding the sun as before.

The Black Dragon has a large jaw, raised its head and roared, and there are countless small firefly colored light spots in the sky that converge into a river and flow into its throat.

Gold, silver, green, purple, red… Dany can't count the richness of the dots.

"This is…" Dany suddenly felt blessed, "Dragon Hatching!"

She immediately contacted her magic treasure and found the character panel….Except The Unburnt and Dragon Dream, the bloodline talent of 'Dragonmother' and the peculiar ability of 'Dragon Hatching'.

——Dragon Hatching: Give flames and spirits to dragon eggs, so that fossilized dragon eggs that retain their Soul's origin, dead dragon eggs, and healthy dragon eggs hatch young dragons.

"What is spirit?"

As soon as he thought of it, a message flowed into the Soul, and Dany inexplicably had a more essential understanding of the Mother of Dragons "Dragon Hatching" talent.

Essences, the essence of soul with life activity, they exist between The world, and exist in the soul of life.

In a world where there is no reincarnation, it is the collection of spiritual substances that allows organic matter to give birth to the Wonders of life.

For example, a newborn baby is composed of Soul and body, its physique is inherited from its parents, and Soul comes from the enrichment of the spiritual substance between The world in the body.

The three dragon eggs given to Dany by Pentos Magister Illyrio have become fossils due to the vicissitudes of thousands of years of history.

The dragon egg fossil met Daenerys Targaryen, her bloodline is too rare, almost the ultimate achievement of the Valyria Dragon Magic civilization.

Not to mention House Targaryen, maybe Valyria in thousands of years of history has almost never seen a "Mother of Dragons" like her.

Perhaps, Dany is a mutation.

Her "Dragonmother" talent can impart the essence between The world to a dragon egg while unconscious.

The fossilized dragon egg is indeed a wonder to gain new life, but the dragon itself is the Magic life representing Wonders, so it cannot be judged by common sense.

The original Dany just subconsciously hoped that her dragon egg would give birth to a Darling Dragon. She hardly ever actively developed the talent of Dragon Dream and Dragon Hatching.

The new Dany knew that at this critical moment, she had better do something.

"Big Black, I'll help you," she called to the Black Dragon above her head.

The next moment, her position changed, from the flaming ground to the dragon head with black stone scales.

She rides on the back of the dragon's neck.

Seeming to have come to the place destined to belong to her, Dany has a different experience in this brief moment: she fuses together with the dragon, and the dragon and her are reborn in the fire.

In an instant, the spiritual light spots on the top of the Black Dragon's head became more and more dense, and gradually a colorful vortex appeared above the mouth that opened to the sky.

"Ang, Ang!" After some time, Dany sensed the dragons other than Black Dragon, White Dragon and Green Dragon for the first time.

Even if she was holding a dragon egg before, she couldn't have a Dragon Dream connection with the White Dragon and Green Dragon like she did with the Black Dragon. At this moment, she clearly "sees" the White Dragon and Green Dragon flying towards her. .

She rides the Black Dragon, White Dragon and Green Dragon surround her like wingmen, and the four of them roam freely in the colorful ocean together.

They are so happy, so proud, the sky is trampled under her feet…

She is the Mother of Dragons, from the bloodline destined Mother of Great Dragons, maybe fate had her birth, but her talent has nothing to do with any other God.

"Only death can give life" comes from Maegi, speaking as a servant to the devil in the shadows.

And Lord of Shadow is an Evil God, a devil, and another identity of R'hllor, together with "Lord of Light" to form a complete God of 'R'hllor'.

Targaryen belongs to the Old Valyria nation, Valyria has their own Gods: Balerion, Meraxes, Vhagar.

There is no Lord of Light R'hllor.

During the Valyrian era, the civilization of Dragons and Magic developed to the peak, and nothing happened to R'hllor at all.

The Lord of Light may also covet dragons, but he has no connection with dragons.

Dany's giving "Life" to dragons is also unrelated to Lord of Light, her Mother of Dragons is derived from Valyria's transcendent Blood Magic.

In the middle of the night, the fire weakened to the point where the open flame was invisible, but the redwood charcoal covered with ashes still scorched the ground and the air.

Until the cold fog of the night was dispelled by the morning light, Jorah Mormont, who had suffered all night, could finally endure the scalding ground, and he found Dany in the center of the cross-shaped ashes.

She squatted on the ground, surrounded by charred soot and glowing embers, as well as the charred bones of people and horses. She was naked, her lower body was covered with soot nearly half a meter thick, and she could see her naked arms and back. If it weren't for the conspicuous silver threads all over her head, he could hardly distinguish this body of the same color as charcoal.

(P.S: In "Song of Ice and Fire", Dany's hair is not immune to fire, but in "Game of Thrones" her silver hair is not damaged. Dany with a light bulb head I really I can't accept it, the setting of the television drama is used here.)

"The Seven bless!" He exclaimed in ecstasy, and bent down to help her shoulders.

"Hi–ga–" a "snake head" swiveled out from Dany's hair, neighing and exhaling a few wisps of white smoke from his nose and mouth.

The surprise on Jorah's face immediately turned to horror, and he retracted his right hand like an electric shock, and looked at the red eyes of the "snake head" for a moment.

"Dragon?!" he said abruptly.

Although I really don't want to believe it, but behind the snake head's long neck, the pair of flapping wings with a burst of soot… It's not a snake, but a Wonder of the fire. A born Dragon.

The Knight said nothing, took a few steps back, one-knee kneels with a look of respect he had never seen before.

Dany woke up from the strange state, slowly raised her head, glanced first at Mormont, then to the Khas behind him.

Those Dothraki, men and women, young and old, even the ten Odo warriors who were detained, each one, put down their arms, put their faces close to the smoking ground, and knelt in awe on the ashy and sandy ground .

Dany knows that from this moment on, they fully acknowledge allegiance to her, today, tomorrow, and forever. Not afraid of Drogo's might allegiance, but from the bottom of their hearts to her.

She bathed directly in the soot and stood up naked – all with their heads bowed.

"Irri, go get my clothes, Doreah, Jhiqui, prepare hot water for my bath." She instructed to her maids.

The Black Dragon lay on her shoulders, a snake-like neck almost wrapped around Dany's neck. The other two hung on her chest, and she wrapped her arms around them.

Irri trotted to get a silk robe and cautiously put it on Dany, she looked at the two young dragons sucking, and her face changed suddenly, muttered: "Stallion Who Mounts the World. This is Stallion Who Mounts the World! Khaleesi, you gave birth to Stallion Who Mounts the World, and Crone's prophecy came true."

"You talk too much." Dany indifferently said.

"Squeak-squeak–" The Black Dragon immediately turned his head and roared at Irri, and his two brothers released Dany at the same time, joining his hiss in unison.

"Woo…" The poor Dothraki little girl covered her mouth and was about to cry.

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