I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 160

      The eastern sky was already glowing red, and the Ghis cavalry could vaguely distinguish the Dragon banners behind the ballista, the Red Banner, the White Banner, and the Blue Banner, fluttering from the sea breeze.

It is all too clear to everyone: once again you are surrounded by the guards of the Mother of Dragons.

On the balcony of a four-layer tower on the side of the square, Dany held up a tin horn and shouted: "I am Slaver's Bay Conqueror, Yunkai soldiers, the war is over, lay down your weapons, surrender and avoid death!"

Ozul looked left and right and saw that he had the highest status, and without hesitation, he rode forward and shouted from below the tower: "The great nation of Ghis will never be conquered, bitch, the Sons of the Harpy don't surrender to you!"

"Surrender or die!" Dany coldly said.

"Hahaha," Ozul only laughed.


A two-meter-long iron crossbow bolt slid through the space between soldiers and pierced through Ozul's chest armor, and flew straight for ten feet with his corpse, It also killed and injured seven or eight cavalry soldiers along the way, and the spilled blood dragged a long trace on the square.

"Lying… trough, that… woman…!" The first red light cast from the east fell on Ozul's twisted cheeks On, "I…just wanted…to surrender with dignity…"

After finishing the last words, the Yunkai War General died.

The tin horn reflected the red light of the sun, Dany yelled at the Ghis below: "Who else!"

"Treading…" The cavalry close to her side shuffled back together with their horses.

"Prepare!" She raised her hand, and a "crash-bang" sound of bows and arrows rang out.

"Don't shoot, I surrender!" A sellsword threw down his long sword, got off his horse, and yelled on his knees.

"You—" A Ghis General was furious next to him, pulled out his sword, and was about to behead him.

"I am what I am, Call me a coward if you will, but we only have more than 5,000 people in total, not including the archer on the opposite side, not the Dragon in the sky, only the Scorpions have more than 2,000 units, how can we fight this?" the sellsword cried.

The general was silent, and the raised sword fell down.

"I surrender…"

"I surrender!"

The sellsword surrendered first, with only a few moments of hesitation, the Ghis cavalry also dropped their weapons one by one in silence, dismounted, and got on their knees.

Under the golden and red sunlight, five thousand two hundred and fifty-seven Ghis cavalry and sellswords knelt on the ground.

"It's over, it's over!" The Grand Wise Master, who was watching from the gate of the Great Pyramid Palace, slumped to the ground and muttered to himself.

Red warm sunlight shone on him, but it couldn't hide the paleness of his cheeks, nor drive the cold and despair away from deep in his spine.

"Ai, we can't blame those children, what else can they do except surrender?" said the old Wise Master helplessly next to him.

"What's the matter with that idiot Grazdan? Half the city of Yunkai is burning in the middle of the night, can't he see!?" another young Wise Master cursed loudly.

Of course, he can't see it. Dany's former camp is five kilometers away from Yunkai. If it was on the plains, Grazdan might also be able to see the red rays of light burning from the dock area, but the former camp is on the hills.

Simply put, the front, middle, and rear camps are three camps that stretch for ten kilometers.

After 20,000 Ghis entered the ambush, the front battalion was occupied by Dany's army. Before the Ghis cavalry retreated, Dany personally led people to block their back path.

In this way, more than 5,000 cavalrymen were stuck in the valley between the two hills.

To be honest, the hills of the former camp were not high, only a gentle slope of thirty or forty meters, but this slope could completely block the vision of the Ghis cavalry.

Not to mention Grazdan and the others, even the defenders on the hills of the Middle Camp didn't see the Yunkai fire.

Although Dany has a more flexible mind, she is not a genius. She didn't expect tonight's event, and the camp was also chosen by Ser Barristan.

To be honest, Grazdan's breakout in the early morning was unexpected.

If Dany hadn't transferred 40,000 troops to Yunkai, and he dared to break through, she would have had to let the 5,000 cavalry not see the sun the next day.

The reason is very simple. The Dragon roars in the dark night, and the opponent's horses can't rush. The cavalry that loses the impact is the spearman's target for training.

A series of coincidences led to this situation.

Of course, the Wise Masters who didn't go to the battlefield didn't know these things, and they all cursed the Yunkai Great General loudly.

While cursing him, the old witch of Hyrkoon was stomping on crutches, shaking two dried eggplants with her chest low, and while running, she howled: "Grand Wise Master, it's not good! "

The Grand Wise Master, who was standing at the gate of the palace watching the sunrise, seemed numb. After a while, he turned his head blankly and asked, "Is there a slave uprising in the pyramid?"

"No… oh, I don't know, oh!" The old witch stomped her hardwood cane and cried, "The Dragon egg has been stolen!"

"What?" Grand Wise Master was stunned for a while, before showing an eager expression, and excitedly said: "Which bastard stole my Dragon egg?"

Because of the fear of the slave's mutiny, the protection in the palace where the Dragon Hatching resides is very low. There are no slaves there, the Grand Wise Master thinks if the Dragon egg is stolen it can only be done by Ghis spy.

"It doesn't seem to be your bodyguard, he's at the door, I didn't see…" Old Maegi was uncertain.

The upheaval in the square interrupted the sacrifice ceremony, Wise Masters and the guards almost all went out to check the situation, but the Maegi was not interested in the life and death of the Ghis people, just took a look and returned to the sacrifice hall, and when she came back, she found that the Dragon egg was missing.

"Grand Wise Master, there are traces of someone crawling through the skylight." Soon a guard noticed something unusual.

In fact, the vent above the Dragon egg was the first place to be inspected, and upon inspection, it was found that the passageway blackened by thick smoke had clear creeping marks.

Don't think about it, there was someone who took advantage of the time when everyone left and hooked the Dragon egg away through the skylight.

The Grand Wise Master was furious and yelled at the guards: "Search carefully for me—"

Suddenly a guard rushed into the hall, and yelled: "It's the Mother of Dragons! "


"You guys go out and see, outside the pyramid, the Mother of Dragons stole the Dragon egg!"

The Grand Wise Master and others couldn't hear it clearly, their movements were not slow. Some people ran to the window position quickly, and some people ran directly to the gate of the palace.


In the golden morning sun, a Black Dragon flew towards the square in front of the Great Pyramid, with a seven or eight-long hemp rope tied under his right claw. A little girl in gray clothes held the rope in her left hand, and held a golden stone egg in her right hand, floating in the wind in mid-air.

"Damn it, damn it!" The guards fired arrows, but the arrow couldn't get close to the girl.

"It's over! Even the last hope has been taken away…" The Grand Wise Master slumped over as his legs softened.

"Phew…." The old Maegi let out a long relaxed breath, feeling a little grateful to the unmasked Mother of Dragons.

The Dragon egg was stolen. Well, the Grand Wise Master's family only has a 13-year-old son who died. If the Dragon doesn't hatch in the end, he will probably burn her.

"It's not that it didn't work. Obviously, the Grand Wise Master loves the child named Kaliga, so…" The old witch told the desperate Wise Masters and said helplessly: "It's too late to say anything now."

"It's not too late!" The Grand Wise Master, who woke up faintly amid the shouting of several guards, struggled to get up, and stared at the old witch with dead eyes, "Sacrifice Kaliga!"


"But… "

The old Wise Master and the old witch spoke in unison, they looked at each other, the old witch closed her mouth, and the old Wise Master said: "But you have only one blood descendant left in Kaliga."

The Grand Wise Master spat out one mouthful of foggy morning air and coldly said: "In this situation, it is impossible for Kaliga to survive. I was blocked by magic before, so I left him at the end."

"But the egg was stolen." The old witch said immediately.

"I ask you, is the Great Other a god?" The Grand Wise Master stared at the Maegi with bloodshot eyes.

Although she was scared to death, Maegi shook her head and said, "He is not a god, but a demon, a devil of evil and fear."

"No matter if it is what it is, it has been received. I have sacrificed so many, it is impossible to know what I want. What is the loss of one more to the Lord of Darkness?" The Grand Wise Master growled.

"I'm not sure." Maegi could only say that in the face of a  madman on the brink.

"You better be sure, 100% sure!" said Grand Wise Master feeling overflowed.

Dammit, this 200,000 Gold Honor is really hard to earn!

Maegi secretly sighed and said: "Grand Wise Master, you must understand that the sacrificing ceremony has its own rules. Let alone several hundred meters, as long as the glyph and incantation are even a little wrong, the ceremony cannot be done.

Even if you are lucky, and the Great Other answers your prayer, the young Dragon will fall into the hands of the Dragon Queen, isn't this the enemy?"

"Do what I tell you to do, shut up and do it!" the Grand Wise Master roared frantically.

This time the Maegi understood, in despair, that the Grand Wise Master only had the obsession of Dragon Hatching, this is the only thing to look forward to, and this is the only thing to do now.


Around eleven o'clock in the morning, when Ser Chainbreaker hurried with ten cavalry, Dany was smashing the Dragon egg, and she didn't know why, the fake egg that hatched a Dragon really had…how to say, a purple-black goop, evil, vicious, she doesn't know what it would create. A monster, or was it just pure symbolism of the evils done?

If Dany hadn't been able to "see through" the elixirs, she would have thought Maegi's sacrifice had no effect on the fake eggs.

Looks like the sacrifice really does get a response.

Dany didn't dare to absorb that kind of spirit of unknown origin and was afraid that it would really hatch something evil, so after hesitating for a while, she planned to smash the stone egg.

The butcher took a total of 500 riders from Astapor. Yesterday afternoon, when he was 80 kilometers away from Yunkai, he got a message from Dany who asked Dothraki to visit the ride.

Two things: First, cooperate with the Dothraki rangers to clean up the remaining soldiers who fled south from Yunkai; second, come to Yunkai as soon as possible to help her fight the pyramid, and after Yunkai, go to Meereen to continue fighting.

Well, Meereen has the most pyramids. Except for the Great Pyramid, which is controlled by Dany, most of them are surrounded by the new commoners. After all, there are only 3,000 elites, and it is difficult to maintain order in the city.

Ser Butcher handed over 490 of his soldiers to Aggo, and he galloped toward Yunkai.

"The Queen needs me!" he told Aggo.

Dany really needs him. She is a righteous and merciful Queen. Playing the pyramid often leads to the destruction of the large slave master family. Although they deserve it, if they do kill the whole family, it is not a good look and leads to a bad reputation.

It's better to let Ser Chainbreaker play for the Queen, after this, Dany will give him something in return.

Taking a hint from the Queen's words, Ser Butcher clapped his chest and assured, "Your Majesty, don't worry, you're guaranteed to live in the Great Pyramid tonight."

Then, Dany posted a sign to announce to all Yunkaii citizens and merchants that Ser Chainbreaker would temporarily take over the role of "Yunkai City Lord", and she would ride the Dragon back to Meereen to continue liberating the slaves.

Outside the city of Meereen, there are still manors with a radius of hundreds of kilometers that have not been won!

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