I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 167

       Queen Dany once explained to the people: "Palace of Compassion and Tranquility" written in Dragon script, means the Palace of Compassion and Tranquility.

As the "Mhysa" of hundreds of thousands of slaves, the Queen Mother gave away houses, land, and wives, so don't be too kind.

It is obvious that under Queen Dany's rule, all the people are living a happy and peaceful life…maybe.

So the beautiful name "Palace of Compassion and Tranquility" was quickly accepted by the Yunkai people. In their spare time, the citizens were happy to go to the Grand Plaza in front of the pyramid to do some entertainment.

It's not square dancing…

There are jugglers doing a show in a circle around the square, and there are also two shirtless wrestlers with hundreds of spectators rolled into a ball, and vendors shouting loudly to sell their goods…

Two months later, Yunkai once again returned to its former glory….no, more alive than before, there seems to be a mysterious power that has changed the mental outlook of the townspeople.

Denzo thought.

"Who are Shryke and Hill?" Redbeard said curiously on the side.

Bill smirked and explained, "Shryke…"

"Shryke, you're a slave! Do you know what a slave is?"

Before the Culture Minister could explain, there was loud shouting not far away, making his words come to an abrupt end.

Edward Redbeard and the old sellsword Denzo looked in amazement and saw a wooden stage built under the pyramid, almost flush with the first layer of the pyramid – in fact, the two were next to each other.

The wooden stage is backed by a blue curtain, with common stage props placed on it, as well as a few exaggeratedly dressed… Tokar robe slave masters, and bronze-collared slaves.

The stage was crowded with people on three sides, and there were almost a thousand spectators.

The three took a few more steps forward, and the voice of the theatrical performer became clearer.

Because the stage is three meters high, under the golden and red rays of light of the setting sun, Denzo and the others can even see the expressions on the actors' faces clearly.

They saw a fat "slave-master" with long black and red hair standing upright and wearing a gold tassel Tokar robe. The whip pointed at an old man kneeling on the ground and scolded: "I'll tell you what it is, slave!"

The slave master has a fat body like a pig, and the makeup on his face is exaggerated to the extreme. He has a red mouth and white teeth, and his face is ferocious. He looks like a heinous bastard; the old slave has a withered visage, his body is as thin as a hemp rope, and his face is full of misery, which makes people feel sympathetic when they see it.

The slave master beat the old slave with his Harpy's whip, and shouted arrogantly: "Your life is not yours, the money you earn is not yours, your daughter is not yours, as your master, this Lord has everything you have, everything! Do you understand?"

"But Hill is only 11 years old, and she is still but a child! Lord Good Master, please spare her such a dismal fate!" The old slave with the collar hugged his head and wailed.

"Okay, you want my kindness? This Good Master shall grant you 'kindness'." The fat slave grinned and said to the "yellow silk cloak" standing on both sides: "Tomorrow I will bring Hill to the arena and let Old Shryke have a good night's rest, my 'kindness' is not so easy to enjoy."

Denzo was attracted by the superb acting skills of the two actors and did not immediately enter the pyramid, but just stood there, Watching quietly…Soon, the scene changes to the Colosseum. It turns out that the 'mercy' of the Good Master is a one-eyed wolf.

Well, it's called 'Kindness'.

Old Shryke had an arm bitten off by "Kindness", right at the Colosseum, in the cries of Hill, as the wolf devoured the old man's arm, the Good Master laughed and took possession of her.

The Good Master didn't make Hill his bed slave. In fact, in the past two days, the disabled Shryke and the virgin Hill were left behind by him.

The scene changes scene by scene, maybe it's time to turn, Hill gradually grows up, and recovers from the pain of childhood, she meets a handsome slave boy Mott.

Mott and Hill met, knew, and fell in love with each other. Since then, the two have loved for ten years, and even the background music has become sweet and cheerful.

Edward, couldn't help feeling relieved: "Mott is a smart boy, Gods bless, Hill also has a good ending."

Redbeard had been clenching his fists, his teeth were clenched, and his muscles were rising. If the stage was not a little high, he would have rushed up to beat that evil Good Master.

"This scene was added at the request of Queen Your Majesty," Bill looked at the stage with a complicated look, "I couldn't understand her intention before, now…"

"Ai, keep watching." The Culture Minister sighed inwardly.

10 years later, the little girl Hill grew up, under the witness of Shryke, married Mott who grew up as a childhood sweetheart.

In the second year, the two gave birth to a lovely little baby.

In the past ten years, they have not been all smooth sailing.

How many times has Hill and Shryke faced life and death, and how many times has the beautiful Hill been coveted?

Fortunately, Mott is extremely smart and uses clever means to defuse the crisis every time.

It can be said that Mott on stage is almost the smartest person Redbeard has ever seen in his life, so he is happy for Hill.

Unfortunately, when the child was five years old, they were taken away by the Good Master and castrated as Unsullied.

Even Mott, witty as a god, can't save his son, because the main business of the Good Masters is to make the Unsullied.

Redbeard clenched his fists again, gnashing his teeth again, even more angry than before, just furious!

But this is just the beginning.

In the 16th year, Old Shryke was hanged in the Plaza of Punishment by the Good Master for sneaking away to visit his grandson.

In the 17th year, Mott and Hill had a daughter, but before they even had a chance, an Unsullied came to Hill, dropped a Silver Stag, and chopped off the child's head in front of her.

Mott and Hill cried and were pushed to the ground by the yellow silk cloak, and watched as the laughing Good Master took the Silver Stag.

The musicians behind the stage curtain played sad and low music, which reminded the audience again what the Good Master said before: The life of the slave belongs to the master, the property of the slave belongs to the master, the child of the slave belongs to the master, Everything on the slave belongs to the master.

Smart and capable like Mott, virtuous and industrious like Hill, honest and forbearing like Shryke, cautiously managing a comfortable life for more than ten years, but it is more fragile than the sand castle on the beach, but because the slave master had a casual idea, it collapsed immediately.

A slave cannot control their own fate.

A slave needs to master their own fate!

"Let me go, I'm going to kill that bastard!" Redbeard felt that he was Shryke, and Hill was his daughter, burning all his sanity with rage, and he struggled, screamed, and rushed to the high platform, to kill the Good Master.

The dagger from his waist was pulled out!

"Edward, calm down, it's just drama!" Denzo grabbed his companion and yelled.

"Hu, hu, hu…" Edward's blood-red eyes regained some clarity, he broke free from the old sellsword's wrist and cursed in a low voice as he panted: "Slave masters....Damn them!"

But the drama isn't over yet, and Hill's tragic fate isn't over yet.

Three years later, Hill gave birth to two more children.

Mott learned his lessons from the past and didn't want the family to be separated again. As long as the child can survive, anything can be done.

Therefore, the second daughter was sold to Yunkai, and she would be trained as a bed slave; the second son was offered to the Good Master by Mott without telling his wife.

Hill went crazy when she learned that her second son would also be an Unsullied, and stabbed her husband Mott to death…

Then, Hill really went crazy.

Even though it wasn't long before her eldest son failed the training to kill puppies and was chopped up by the Good Master and fed to the dogs, Hill was just giggling on the side, without expression.

"I'm going to kill that bastard, and no one will stop me—"

Well, Edward Redbeard is crazy too.

Not only did Edward shout wildly, but the old poet, who had always been known for his wisdom, turned beet red and his face was filled with anger.

The audience nearby was even more violent, and the situation was almost out of control.

Fortunately, the Dragon Queen is here.

A woman with silver hair and purple eyes, riding a black cloth Dragon onto the stage…

When the great trial came, the Good Master was clothed When the Dragon burnt him to death with a mouthful of Dragonflame, Redbeard's intuition seemed to have a valve opened in his chest, and his anger and resentment all at once vented out.

So cool!

"Happy, heartwarming, Long Live the Dragon Queen!" Edward exclaimed.

"Burn the slave master to death, long live the Dragon Queen!" The audience cheered loudly as if they had found peace, they were all much better.

The drama isn't over yet after the Good Master burns.

In the last scene, the Dragon Queen was holding the young Unsullied's hand and asked: What are you doing here?

Little Unsullied said: I want to join the Northern Expedition, I want to help Your Majesty take Yunkai, I want to go to Yunkai and help mother find my sister.

The actor's curtain call and the play ends.

"This is Hill's son?!" Edward said happily.

"He was Stinking Insect? That's a good story." Denzo looked towards the middle-aged person next to him.

"Well, he was Stinking Insect." Bill looked complicated and nodded, "You think this is just a story? If you have a chance, you can go to Astapor to see Hill, the real Hill, countless of them!"

Edward Redbeard and Denzo fell silent.

The Sun fell entirely under the sea, and the sky turned to night, but the drama on the high platform did not end. Better torches were ignited and inserted in front of the stage. Under the roaring fire, the characters in front of the curtain are still clearly visible.

Soon another drama opens.

Denzo watched it for a while and found that similar to Shryke, Hill, and Stinking Insect, it is also about how miserable life is for the people under the slave system.

"The stage repair is so high, are they not afraid of people like Edward rushing up to cut people?" He glanced at Redbeard and asked with a smile.

"Haha! You guessed it right. The actor who played the Good Master had a broken leg the first time he performed this kind of play on the street." The middle age man with deep eye sockets said with a smile.

"Isn't this kind of theatrical performance charged?" Redbeard looked around while holding a Copper Penny, but did not see the troupe who came to put it away.

"The nearby audience are all new Free Folks, and they don't have much money left. Afterward, the Queen gave subsidies according to the number of performances by the troupe."

Denzo's eyes flashed, probed: " I'm afraid the Queen is going to bleed a lot, I guess there are many similar troupes in Slaver's Bay?"

"Not many," Bill said lightly, looking into his eyes, "very many, as many as there are around here in Slavers Bay's knows the Twenty Years a Slave series of stories."

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