I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 190

       As the street reached its end, the sights expanded abruptly. From an elevated vantage point, the two flanking rows of wooden and stone structures vanished, giving way to the expanse of the Grand Plaza. Here, numerous carriages, sedan chairs, and pedestrians converged, weaving a tapestry of activity.

The dwarf elephant, guided by the Hathay, hesitated, its trunk held firmly, breath laboring. Kadlik reclined beside its massive ears, offering solace for a moment before urging onward.

Amidst the dim glow of yellow candles, the fishmongers in the square vociferously peddled their catch from the day's bounty. In an era lacking the means to transport live fish over great distances, the denizens of Volantis predominantly relied on fish as their primary meat source. Hence, Fishmonger's Square witnessed a bustling trade, with residents thronging to purchase fish for their three daily meals.

Navigating the plaza, Dany observed Cod, Sailfish, Tilefish, and Satin heaped directly on the ground. Buckets of mussels and clams were neatly stacked nearby, and the fishery man intermittently lifted a spout jug, showering water on the gaping mouths of the sailfish.

A gray-robed, hump-backed Old Lady pulled a copper plate from her pocket. A shirtless slave, visage adorned with a flying fish motif, accepted the copper penny without recourse to scales. The Satin fish was promptly deposited into her vegetable basket, the transaction ending only when the elder insisted, "Enough, enough, leave space for my vegetables."

Dany's eyes roved at the fishmonger's treatment of the old lady as a refuse collector, longing to take all the discarded fish.

Further along, she encountered a colossal tortoise stationed in front of a shop's entrance. Its dimensions matched that of an elephant, its shell resembling a hedgehog adorned with arm-long black bone spurs.

Several slaves stood atop the tortoise, deploying triangular shovels to scrape away moss, aquatic plants, shells, and other debris. Chained limbs and feet rendered the giant tortoise immobile, emitting a sound akin to a prolonged horn.

"This... must be the Old Man of the River," Dany mused, a frown creasing her brow. "Is Volantis so audacious as to dare kill and consume the Old Man of the River?"

In the beliefs of the Rhoynar, the Rhoyne River embodied the Mother Goddess, presiding over a pantheon of lesser Gods—her sons. The giant tortoise held a place among them, known as the "Old Man of the River," embodying luck. Witnessing the Old Man of the River in the river itself was deemed a fortuitous sign.

"Perhaps it's not for sustenance; with the recent Triarch election, someone may seek to offer it as a tribute to those in power," Barristan opined.

"Indeed, the meat of the giant tortoise may be substantial, but it lacks true delectation," Dany concurred.

In addition to the fishmongers, the square housed various food stalls. Vendors sizzled fish steaks on iron plates with onions and beetroot, emanating a peculiar sweet aroma. A Crone pushed a trolley adorned with a small stove, simmering spicy fish soup. Large food stalls bustled with patrons, their tiers laden with stacks of steaming red-shell crabs.

Dany's mouth watered, expressing her desire to descend and indulge.

"Look, Merchant's House lies directly ahead, offering its own delectable and pristine cuisine," the old man whispered.

The Hathay neared the square's center, and across from it stood a brilliantly illuminated, four-story building. Through the windows, glimpses of activity could be discerned. Their destination for the night—the grandest inn and hotel in Volantis, Merchant's House.

In the square's center, a circle of people congregated around a makeshift stage beneath a headless Triarch statue. Dany paid little attention until a resounding cry echoed through the crowd. A man, grasping his throat, voiced fervently, "I am the Princess of Dragonstone, successor to the 'Mad Blood' Mad King, Horselord's consort, Mother of Dragons. Swear fealty to me swiftly…"

Standing on tiptoe, Dany spotted a towering figure, nearly two meters in height, with a visage resembling a wooden washbasin, featuring a bulbous nose and cavernous mouth. A loose silver wig adorned his head, a powdered countenance chalky and pale, lips smeared with crimson. Clad in gray lacquered wood armor embellished with the Targaryen family emblem—a blood-colored Three-Headed Dragon on a black background—he brandished a large wooden sword and straddled a makeshift dragon fashioned from broom and cloth. It was none other than... Big Black?

Two individuals stood beneath the stage, holding a long bamboo pole from which dangled two pillow-sized fabric dragons—White Dragon and Green Dragon—suspended above the performer's head.

The rotund man wasn't a solo act; positioned opposite him were five Ghiscari individuals draped in yellow silk capes.

True Ghiscari, with amber-brown skin, long black and red hair, and facial features unmistakably Ghiscari—ordinary folk could not convincingly imitate such traits.

"I am Grazdan Eraz, Great General of Yunkai, hailing from the noble Royal Family," declared one of the Ghiscari figures, striking a resolute and unwavering pose—death as a homeland, heroic and free.

For some inexplicable reason, Dany couldn't help but perceive an air of greatness in his stoic countenance.

"I am the wise man of Yunkai, Yezzan zo Qaggaz, the wealthiest man in the world," proclaimed another individual, head held high, eyes widened, mirroring the expression of the previous speaker.

"I am Mureno Dhazak, Yunkai's Grand Wise Master, the custodian of an eight-thousand-year Royal Family legacy."

"I am the Great Masters of Meereen…"

"I am of the Iron Legion of New Ghis…"

After their self-introductions, the five Ghiscari heroes bellowed in unison: "Death to disaster, death as our abode! The heads of the Ghiscari shall remain held high, and the wicked Mother of Dragons shall never subjugate the noble Sons of the Harpy!"

"Ah ya ya ya…" The corpulent "Mother of Dragons" lunatic would typically shake its massive head, emitting a spine-chilling howl.

"I am livid!" "She" exclaimed before charging forward atop a makeshift Dragon.

What followed was a "riveting" display of the "Five Heroes Against the Dragon mother," a clash characterized by a cacophony of wood smacking wood an incessant exchange that resembled a group of imbeciles.

Nevertheless, the audience below the stage seemed to revel in this animated spectacle, applauding, and laughing, and a few robed spectators even tossed a few coppers onto the stage.

"Ah, ah, ah…" After countless skirmishes, "Mother of Dragons" took a few steps back, contorting its portly face and shouting, "I— have lost?!"

"Haha, we are—" The five Ghiscari War Generals on the opposite side huddled together, adopting a formation of ferocious generals led by 'Grazdan,' and collectively shouted, "—Admiral Ghiscari's Five Eagles, the demon-Dragon shall be killed by us today!"

"Kill! Kill the Dragon! Kill the Mother!…" After reshaping their formation, the five engaged once more with the 'Mother of Dragons.'

The 'Mother of Dragons' retreated to the edge of the stage, and when there was no more space to retreat, it waved down with its pudgy face, "slaves, come here!"

Nine emaciated slaves, dragging chains and moving numbly, ascended the stage.

These were genuine slaves, faces marked with tattoos resembling those afflicted with tuberculosis, pallid and listless, their movements labored.

The 'Mother of Dragons' discarded the wooden skirt armor with a jerk.

"Hahaha…" The audience erupted in laughter because the man wasn't wearing pants, and his white smooth buttock was fully exposed.

Upon turning around, the revelation of him being a eunuch triggered another round of laughter, even heartier than before.

However, the ensuing scene was harrowing. he knocked down a slave, leaped onto his head with an obscene gesture, and bellowed, "I will absorb your souls, slaves!"

Rising and leaving a corpse with a broken neck, he then pushed down another slave, jumped up, and sat on his waist.

The audible sound of vertebrae fracturing—"ka-cha"—accompanied the slave's eyes bulging, emitting a piercing wail before succumbing to death.

Third, fourth…

the large man ruthlessly executed seven slaves with the "Way of the Seven Sighs," and then swung back. The remaining two shivering slaves laughed and shouted at the five Ghiscari warriors, "Drain the Souls, offer to the Seven, and bestow upon me their power! Ghiscari, I shall slay all your women, empower your men and boars, and feed your children to Dragons, Ahhh, perish!"

What followed was a tragic and melodramatic battle, with the five warriors fighting to the death, sacrificing their own bodies to shield their comrades from the Mother of Dragons' sword.

Soon, the Great Masters of Meereen and the Iron Legion Commander clutched their hearts, proclaiming "Justice will never die," before collapsing to the ground, their heads askew.

"Go, both of you, go!" pleaded Grand Wise Master Mureno, gripping the sword embedded in his heart, tears streaming down his face. "Go, you must go. I will hold this devil!"

Grazdan locked eyes with the maniacally laughing 'Mother of Dragons.' "No, I refuse to leave. I will stay and fight with her!"

"Go, go, keep the flame alive. The entire army will fight again in the future."

"No, there are thousands of Ghiscari heroes, and I am not irreplaceable. Today, I will meet my end here!"

At this moment, the silhouettes of countless martyrs seemed to merge with 'Grazdan,' embodying the greatness of a true hero!

"Go, go, it's not worth the sacrifice."

"No, I won't go…"



The 'Grand Wise Master' and 'God of War' from Yunkai engaged in a duet, a rap that lasted for seven or eight minutes, with Grazdan slowly persuaded. Originally bent on reckless sacrifice, he took the "Ghiscari Spirit and Faith" from the Grand Wise Master, undergoing a transformation towards maturity and stability.

The intense emotions in his eyes, coupled with the dying teachings of the Grand Wise Master, gradually settled into the depths of his heart, serving as nourishment for the unyielding soul.

He underwent a sublimation.

The emotional progression, and layered changes in expression and mentality, captivated Dany and the audience alike.

Using classic cinematic moments—what more can be said?


Wise Yezzan played a minor role, with few lines, and departed swiftly.

With the reluctant roar of the malevolent 'Mother of Dragons,' Grazdan slowly retreated from the stage.

A gradual retreat.

Behind the stage curtain, musicians began playing melancholic tunes.

The God of War from Yunkai gazed at the sky and let out a tragic scream. "Shame be to today, never to snow. When will the grief of the Wise Masters cease? I swear, I will start anew, reform the old ways, and honor the spirits of the Wise Masters."

"Is this show a regular performance, or do they often do something like this?"

As the actors took their bow, Dany clapped and inquired of the person next to her elephant.

A girl in a green robe, with blonde hair and purple eyes, and a beautiful oval face, held a large basket containing onions, carrots, and turnips.

She seemed to be a commoner from a household near the square.

Looking up at Dany, the girl replied, "Since the fall of Yunkai, the Ghiscari troupe has been touring city squares every day."

"The Ghiscari? Touring?"

"Yes, after the Ghiscari embassy arrived in Volantis, they incited the Triarch to send troops against the Mother of Dragons while organizing a troupe to perform acts that defame her."

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