I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 24

"The blood comet's tail is really getting longer, and Wason has joined Khal!" Aggo exclaimed in amazement, pointing to the blood-colored trail in the sky.

When ordinary Dothraki are cremated, they don't actually need to look for signs in the night sky, but Dany does what she says. After putting the old man's body on the small pyre, she really shouted a few times to the sky .

Then Dothraki were amazed to "discover" the comet's tail is little longer.

The comet is constantly approaching the planet, and theoretically it will become brighter and brighter, and the comet tail will become clearer and clearer, but in just a few hours it is impossible to see such a significant change.

Illusion, everything is an illusion.

But Dany didn't correct them, but ordered with a solemn, unfathomable expression: "Kill the horse!"

A stubborn horse was brought over, um, Sure enough, it's more robust than Wason's previous mounts.

Two warriors hold the horse's head, the third Dothraki's arakh shines, and a white line reflects the torch's fiery light, piercing the dim night sky of the dawn.

The horse neighed and struggled, only to make the blood squirt harder from its neck.

"crash-bang", the dark red horse blood waterfall generously falls into the copper basin below.

"Bring over the grass horse." Dany added.

An elderly Dothraki warrior hearing this came out, carrying a grass horse made of sticks and Devilgrass on his shoulders.

"Soul leave the body!" She pointed her right hand dying and struggling horse, and shouted continuously in Chinese, English, Westeros Common Tongue, and Dothraki language.

To her Khalasar clan, Khaleesi appears to be chanting a string of mysterious rites.

"Mommy, Mommy!" After chanting a few words of "incantation" that they didn't know the meaning of, she slammed her arm and pointed her left hand at the grass horse, "Soul return!"

Under the awe of the Dothraki and the dazed gaze of Jorah, Dany gasped for a while, then glanced at everyone and said. "Okay, the horse's spirit has entered the grass horse, this will be a rare precious horse with the docility of a horse of grass  and a high-spirited horses strength, old Wason no longer has to worry about not being able to catch up with Khal, and he does not need to be afraid of falling off the horse!"

"Put the grass horse on it, it's almost dawn, and prepare to set fire to it." She waved and ordered.

"Then how to deal with this?" The warrior, who was holding the horse to blood let , pointed at the horse's corpse with tears in its eyes, and asked nervously.

Khaleesi is not only The Unburnt and Mother of Dragons, but also knows the Magic used by Priests, so awesome!

"You're stupid, of course we use it for meat." Dany rolled her eyes, said ill-humoredly.

She is so poor and frustrated, isn't it just to save food as much as possible while completing the tradition of Dothraki.

Wason's body was roasting in the fire, and a group of Dothraki in a frenzy were busy outside the fire. Some people roasted horse meat, and some people cooked soup in iron pots – horse blood, horse bones, barley, Dried apples, turnip chunks , peppercorns are aromatic even without adding salt.

Well, I don't know if it's the aroma of the food, or the burnt aroma of burning Wason, or a combination of the two?

The bizarre taste increases appetite, Dothraki and Jorah are both snoring.

Dany couldn't stand it by herself, she carried a bamboo basket on her back and a basket of barbecued meat, and ran away with the excuse of training the dragons.

Day 4 of Khalasar, like the previous days, set off at dusk, with puddles marked by rocks and stakes constantly visible along the way.

The situation is a bit better than Dany's worst-case scenario. Most of the puddles are still visible with shallow water marks even after the second batch of warriors have taken the water.

Dany didn't let it go. Khalasar went all the way, and the water reserves were consumed. She used the empty water bag to fill up all the seepage water mixed with sediment, and then poured it when she set up camp to filter it out.

Even if the water resources were temporarily relieved, after about three hours of walking, there was still a dead person in the team, a half-year-old baby girl.

Her mother cried heart-breakingly, and the entire team could hear her pain and despair. Dany felt very uncomfortable, but couldn't do anything.

She didn't even know the cause of the baby girl's death, there was no heat stroke, there was no lack of food and drink, and she then went in her mother's arms for a long time.

According to Dothraki tradition, the poor child was too young to ride a horse. She cannot enter the endless black grasslands of Night Land, she must be reborn again.

The child was buried in the sand on site.

The Khalasar hardly stopped, just like the old Wason who dealt with the fall from the horse yesterday, only Dany and the company where the mother was were staying.

Maybe extreme sorrow turns to joy, in the morning light of the second day, Dany smiled and waved to the sky, cheering for the first flight of her darling Dragons.

And when the Black Dragon hovered high into the sky and disappeared into a small dot, Dany was anxious and unexpectedly entered the Dragon Dream state.

It is also the first time that she has long distanced Dragon Dream without touching Black Dragon… In fact, it is not appropriate to use "Dragon Dream" to describe this state at this time. .

Dany could call it a "Secondary Dreki" if the "Warg" of House Stark's siblings was used as an analogy.

Warg, also known as Skinchanger, refers to a human who can invade the consciousness of animals or, in taboo, other people and control their behavior.

For the Skinchanger, this is easier to do if there is an emotional bond between them and the animals. Therefore, the dog's close relative, the wolf with loyalty in their blood, is the most common Skinchanger partner.

The man who controls the wolf is called Warg, not that he can only communicate with the wolf.

House Stark's Bran, Rickon, Arya, and the Song of Ice and Fire's titular True character, Jon Snow, are all Wargs with an enviably powerful Skinchanger talent .

It's just that they haven't been trained in the system, and have been subconsciously denying and rejecting their talent, and the ability has not been fully revealed.

Bran's strength does not need to be repeated. When he is sublimated from Skinchanger to Greenseer, he can walk the timeline of Westeros continent, change the past and observe the future.

(P.S: The ability to modify the timeline, has not yet appeared in "Ice and Fire", but the plot about Hodor in "Game of Thrones" should be in line with Martin's settings, Martin In an interview personally admitted Hodor's "stalk".)

Well, Old Gods observed the world through Weirwood, and Weirwood only exists in Westeros continent, the power of Old Gods should not be able to reach Essos continent.

Jon's talent makes the strongest Wildlings Skinchanger – "Sixskins" Varamyr jealous, so how strong is Varamyr?

Strong enough to be beaten to a bloody pulp by the Red Priestess, yet he still has the energy to possess other healthy humans.

Even if his fate is bad and the possession fails, Varamyr does not die, but is possessed by his pet wolf.

Well, in the end, unfortunately, I met Westeros number one Skinchanger Bran…

God didn't want him to live.

Let's talk about Arya, her Nymeria was released a long time ago, and they all went to Braavos to become Faceless Men apprentices. Her wolf and Arya are separated by the strait which is  thousands of kilometers, and they can still communicate through Wolf Dream from time to time. .

(P.S: Unlike the television drama's sloppy handling of Nymeria, the wolf in the original Arya played in major plots, not to mention saving Arya several times, Arya still saved her  mother in a stupefied Wolf Dream state...corpse, um, the corpse can also be resurrected.)

Finally, Rickon, who was only three years old, could see the limited Future in Wolf Dream.

'Lady' Sansa died too early, and her experience and life values ​​are very "Northern", so it is impossible to guess whether she has Warg talent.

But Robb Stark should also have a very strong talent, his Direwolf can foresee the crisis of its master, and has reminded its master several times, "there is danger", or "this person is untrustworthy" like a pokemon.

It's just that Robb had forgotten about the wolf when he had a wife, and had always rejected the premonition of crisis that he received from the wolf subconsciously.

Warg is recognized as an "evil creature" of the same level as Whit walkers, Snarks and Grumkins. As long as a Warg is found, everyone will kill it. The reason for such public opinion is also closely related to the history of Westeros continent.

As said before, except for fantasy species such as Children of the Forest and Giant, all humans in Westeros are past invaders and refugees of Essos continent.

Children of the Forest are a dark and beautiful creature, short in stature, and adults are about the same height as the children of humans.

They have deep maroon skin and big ears and big golden eyes.

However, some Children of the Forest with Greenseer talent have green or red eyes. Such Children of the Forest will become Greenseers and get Greensight if they merge with a Heart Tree.

The key is here, Skinchanger originated from the Children of the Forest, and are a representative of a dead civilization.

Twelve thousand years ago, the first generation of invaders, armed with bronze weapons, competed with the natives for a place to live.

One side is small and weak, with a small number of ethnic groups, but has a strange Magic; the other side is tall and strong, with advanced bronze weapons and more people, but no magic.

The two sides "pecked at each other", barely tied, and signed an "oath" to distribute spheres of influence in the Isle of Faces, a small island in the center of the Gods Eye.

This process lasted 4000 years. Because the first generation of invaders, "First Men", had seen the "Magic" of the Children of the Forest, and their own beliefs were also very "loose." Gradually, First Men began to worship the Old Gods of the Children of the Forest and became Followers of the Old Gods.

Maybe it's faith, maybe it's bloodline hybrids (don't doubt, don't say "child"-sized Children of the Forest, the Westeros even have Giants, and their appetites are scary), From the First Men also began to appear Skinchangers.

There is one Skinchanger in one thousand people, and one Greenseer in one thousand Skinchangers.

This ratio…seems a bit low, but just think about it, there are one or two Greenseers in almost every generation, so…

Every generation has one or two Bran-like characters…it's kind of scary!

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