I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 30

"Freeriders are a type of sellsword. They don't have Knight status, but they have horses. They know a little bit about how to fight on horseback, and the only difference from ordinary mercenaries is that they have horses."

Dany nods, a good horse is more than a Golden Dragon, including the harness, daily feeding and care, no ordinary sellsword could support it at all.

"A Knight…is more troublesome. Under normal circumstances, a child aspiring to become a Knight is sent to a Knight at the age of seven to act as a Page, doing some wine pouring, running errands, etc. An easy job that can build a close relationship with a Knight.

Of course, this process is not without the teaching of martial skills, and there is a sword Instructor who is specially responsible for helping the children learn.

Of those over 12 years old, about puberty, a Page is then promoted to squire. The Knight will then personally teach the squire the skills of using weapons and horses, and teach them the experience of battlefield survival.

Well, the spirit of being a Knight is also a very important teaching project.

A squire also has the obligation and power to accompany the Knight on the battlefield.

Preparing the horse and armor for the Knight and fighting with him… In this process, a squire can learn warfare skills from the Knight – if that Knight really has that stuff.

Many squires are squires their whole lives because they don't have the money to buy horses and armor for themselves."

Dany clicked her tongue, "Can't his Knight give him a set of armor and a horse?"

Ser Jorah took a deep look at Dany and laughed to himself: "Because I have repeatedly competed in tourneys and lost my armor and horse to my opponents, it didn't take long for me to run out of my last savings and have to borrow a huge debt from the Braavos vault. I am the Earl of a Fiefdom, which House Mormont has inherited for thousands of years."

"I heard that House Lannister borrowed millions of gold from the Usurper." Dany added.

"Was it that much?" Jorah wondered, and after a moment he shook his head and sighed, "There's a saying in Westeros that all the shit Duke Tywin shits is flecked with gold. The Nobility of the Westerlands is different from nobility everywhere else. There are many mountain ranges, and many mountain ranges are buried with an inexhaustible amount of gold and silver mines."

It turns out that there are mines at home!

"You go on." Dany raised her chin.

"Continue what? The Knights or my story?" Jorah licked his lips, feeling that he had said a lot and his mouth felt dry.

"Let's talk about the Knights first."

"Any Knight can canonize another Knight. So, if a Knight thinks an adult squire qualifies as a Knight, he will lay his sword to rest on the right shoulder of the squire as they Kneel on one knee, loudly announcing the name and family of the man…

The process is more complicated than what I have said, the Knight-to-be will also accept a Septon's anointing, you have to go to the Sept for the night before. It is a process of converting to The Seven, so North people who believe in Old Gods rarely become Knights."

"Then...you are a fake Knight?" Dany tilted her head to look at him.

The Knight blushed and argued. "There's nothing real or fake. North nobles don't need to be ordained to be recognized as Knights."

Soon he added: "I am one of the few Knights in the North who has received baptism. In addition to the formal methods mentioned above, there is a faster way to become a Knight.

If you make a contribution in war, you can be directly Knighted by the King, and canonized as a Knight, and that's how I came to be a Knight."

"Helping the Usurper end the Targaryen Dynasty war?" Dany asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, it's not." He hurriedly denied, "It was the war that quelled the King Balon rebellion."

He didn't know, Dany, who had changed souls, didn't care about Targaryen at all, or War of the Usurper whom they lost the throne too. Immediately he changed the subject and said: "Besides Freeriders, there is also talk of hiring Knights and Sworn Knights.

A Sworn Knight is a Knight under the faction of other nobles, and they swore an oath to serve, so they are called Sworn Knights. Mostly they are a small noble with the title of Knight, but no Fiefdom.

Well, I was the Sworn Knight of your older brother Viserys before, and then he…I became your Sworn Knight again until you give me the higher honor and make me Queensguard."

Listening to his emotional remarks, Dany complained in her heart: You were "embellishing yourself" and came to be Viserys Sworn Knight, yet you asked me to be my Queensguard when I was just trying to make Jhogo and them my Bloodrider…

Knight Jorah didn't know if someone got a bargain, and continued: "Big nobles often hire some Freeriders to patrol their territory. Compared with Sworn Knight's lifetime loyalty, hiring Knights is more flexible and cheaper.

Bear Island is not small, I can't afford to support a Sworn Knight, and I have a few Freeriders under my command who patrol the forest."

Speaking of this, he sighed with emotion and said in a low voice: "I was bankrupt, and I couldn't even give salary to the cook and Harpist, and as soon as Lynesse heard that I had the idea of ​​pawning those jewels, I…

For the money, to keep Lynesse's jewels, singers, cooks, I…

My hired riders caught a few poaching civilians, traditionally they had to a chance to choose between having a hand chopped off, or being dispatched to the Wall to join the Night's Watch, but…for the sake of money, I finally gave up my honor completely.

I sold them to Tyrosh slave merchants, which is against the laws of the Seven Kingdoms – slaves are not allowed under the Faith of the Seven."

"You've been exiled? It's a bit harsh, you can be fined to warn others from following bad examples first, and warn you just this once." Dany said.

"More honorable than exile, and more cruel than exile, I had committed a capital crime and would be beheaded."


"According to the tradition of the First Men, Eddard Stark is to judge me himself, and after hearing my dying confession, he must also cut off my head with Ice."

(Ice: House Stark's ancestral sword, Valyrian steel, used by the Duke to execute prisoners—all equal to Ice's blade)

Dany looked at the sketch of Westeros that Jorah had just made on the slate and said: "Winterfell is a little far from Bear Island, you escaped?"

"It's almost a thousand kilometers, I kept changing horses and galloping, you can go to the beach in two days at the fastest, and you can board Bear Island on the third, but Three days was enough for me…enough to run away with Lynesse and her jewels."

"If I remember correctly, you are the only son of House Mormont."

Jorah's son nods, "Yes, I am the only son, and I have an aunt, but her five children are all daughters."

"Has your father put on a robe?"


"You served as Eddard Stark's escort in the War of the Usurper?" Dany asked again.

"I also fought in the Trident campaign," he said softly, his voice like a breeze in the air, with caution and a vague pride.

"You were lived and died for Winterfell for so many years, accompanied him as a traitor, accompanied him to put down the rebellion, and because of a few poachers, he was going to cut off the head of the only male in House Mormont?!" Dany's tone was complicated, although it is a question, it is straightforward.

"Stark is that kind of person," Jorah said, still annoyed now, apparently also feeling that his monarch was too harsh on himself.

After a while, the Knight sighed again: "This is also one of his rare charms, fair and just, strict with himself, and strict with others."

hehe, It should be "strict with himself, lenient with others" to be considered as a good personality charm, right?

Jorah's affairs are unimaginable in any dynasty of earth.

This has gone beyond the category of impartial and incorruptible. Bao Qingtian still had a moment of extrajudicial reconciliation. Otherwise, how could the Seven Heroes and Five Righteous survive? It can only be said that Eddard Stark lives too comfortable and lost in his way of living.

Dany couldn't help thinking: Is it so easy to guard the kingdom in this world? With House Stark doing this, the King in the North's location remains as secure as a mountain.

How did Targaryen lose the dynasty? Could this body's dad, "Mad King" Aerys be… more capable than Eddard?

It is a pity that they, who are so incapable of scheming, can maintain the kingdom for hundreds or thousands of years while working hard. If the last emperor of the Chinese Dynasty knew about this, they would probably drool with envy.

In fact, only North people are rigid in nature, such as Lannister, Tyrell, Martell and other families, and their power and conspiracy are not inferior to any famous monarchs of the Dynasty.

"Okay, you continue." She felt that she still had a lot to learn, and the gap between this world and the oriental principle familiar to herself was too great.

She can only adapt, to change…at least  have dragons that are too strong to kill with a crossbow – a dragon that doesn't seem to be killable?

Do you want dragon to learn from Westeros' Knights and get full body armor to wear?

If the duel is naked, in only the current small Khalasar can she find ten Dothraki Warrior who can hack Jorah to death, but if he puts on armor, none of her Bloodriders are his opponent.

Dany was cranky, Jorah continued, "I told myself that only I and Lynesse truly love each other, honor, identity, hometown, nobility, family, etc., everything is not important. I took her to escape. To Lys, that great ship is still worth a little money, we lived a rich life for half a year."

As soon as she heard the word "true love", Dany knew that Jorah's tale was going to be tragic.

Sure enough, his bear-like ferocious eyes turned red, his eyes were watery, and his beard square-faced twisted into one word – "bitter".

"I can only be a sellsword, and I don't have any survival skills except helping people fight. That day, I received a mission to leave Lys and go to Noyne and Noyne is beyond a thousand miles. The Braavos are taking territory, she …"

His tone held inexplicable sadness, "I gave her the deposit, and she took the gold dragons and her jewelry, and after I left, on the second day, she moved into the bedroom of Merchant Prince Tregar Ormollen."

What a shame!

Dany looked at Jorah now, and felt that the word "suffering" on his big face has become the bright word "miserable".

In the original plot, Dany, whom he loved and devoted the rest of his life to, also kept sending him Good Person Cards, which…

If Jorah Mormont stood up and shouted loudly: Who claims to be worse off than me?!

Dany thought hard, it seems that only the future Theon can say: Maybe, I can reach your waist.

Actually, she as a authoritative fan is forgetting that there is a person who is ten times more worse off than Jorah Mormont.

That's her herself.

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