I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 39

"I've heard people say that only those who believe  the old gods in Westeros' North can become Wargs. Does Asshai also have Weirwood, and also believe in Old Gods?" Dany asked.

"Daenerys, do you know what Old Gods and Wargs are?" Quaithe asked rhetorically.

Dany looked towards Jorah, "Old Gods are big trees depicting a human face?"

"That's a Heart Tree, the Old Gods are the collective name of many distant Ancient God spirits." Jorah slowly said.

"The Old Gods is a belief that all things have spirits. As believers, the Wargs awaken the Nature Spirit and can fuse together with other animals with spirituality." Quaithe said to Dany, "That man was one who seeks The wise old Wargs, and told me he was from beyond the Sunset Continent Wall."

"Beyond the wall Wildling?" Jorah exclaimed, "How did they get to Asshai, tens of thousands of miles away?"

"The Wildlings you speak of are also intelligent people. They have desire to seek wisdom and civilization, but when he left the Wall, he felt deep despair, because you hate and fear Wargs.

So he came to the temple of the Last Light in Asshai." Quaithe said slowly, the wooden lacquer mask always facing Dany.

"Daenerys, Westeros of Andals can't hold you…and your dragons." The words floated in Dany's ears, but the others didn't respond at all.

A Whisper?

Dany is taken aback.

Dany had been so apprehensive for the next few days that she didn't dare to be alone with Quaithe again.

She asked Jorah and the Warlock that neither Sorcerer nor Mage can make "materialized" attacks like Fireballs or throwing Ice, and can only hurt others indirectly through incantation, shadows, and blood.

She was afraid that Quaithe would secretly "Shadowbind" to her, thus she began to let the maids take turns to accompany her when she went to bed at night.

But Dany seemed to think too much. After that night, Quaithe never took the initiative to talk to her again, nor did she intend to find a chance to be alone with her.

It wasn't until they left the Red Waste and entered the realm of Qarth that Dany finally couldn't help it and asked Shadowbinder: "Lord Sorcerer, do you know the witchcraft incantation of Old Valyria?"

"You want to learn?" Although Quaithe didn't take the initiative to talk to her, she never rejected her.

"Ai, the world is tough and I don't want to be hurt by an evil Sorcerer again." Dany sighed sadly.

"I don't understand Valyrian incantation because it's useless for me, but if you want, go to Asshai and there should be someone there who can teach you."

Quaithe faintly said: "Rumors have circulated in the Shadow Lands that the descendants of the Old Valyria Bloodmages are still active somewhere."

"Too far, I'm going to be Queen of Westeros." Dany shook her head.

Second day at noon, Dany came to Qarth, which had been described by the great merchant Xaro as a city in heaven.


The crunchy gong banged on the sandstone city wall of the same color as the Red Waste, "Targaryen of Stormborn, Mother of Dragons Daenerys, come!"

Someone shouted into the city, even Dany, who was half a mile away from the city gate, heard the sound.

Before she could ask Xaro what was going on, "swoosh wu—"

There was another long, loud horn.

Looking up, on the 10-meter-high city wall stood a circle of black brawny men with shiny skin. The upper body exposed from the battlement was naked, and the fit body was coiled like a giant bronze snake with a peculiar horn.

"da da da da…"

A group of camel ran out of the city in order, the camels were dressed in colorful blankets, and there were gorgeous flowers between the humps the ultimate saddle, inlaid with rubies and garnets gleaming in the sun.

The riders on the camels are also well-equipped, wearing uniform red copper scale armor and a long-snouted helmet with copper teeth and long black feathers – Dany can see that it is too imitate the head of some animal.

It seems to be specially prepared for Dany, there are no idle people on this side of the city gate facing the Red Waste. Two camel Knights start from the city gate in order and extend for a full 200 meters outside the city.

"Ho ho ho!" The Knights shouted in unison, raising the shiny bronze lances in their hands.

The lance is tied at the tip with laced satin, and as their arms are raised and lowered, the ribbon floats like streamers.

Qartheen didn't shout polite words like "Welcome Mother of Dragons to Qarth", they just welcomed the guests with the warmest action.

Dany rode a camel alongside Xaro who was walking ahead, Jorah, Bloodrider, the Warlock, and Quaithe follow closely from behind.

After approaching the city wall, Dany discovered that the red rock-stacked city wall was carved with all kinds of animals: slithering snakes, flying birds, swimming fish, Wolves on hills howling at the Moon, and even horses and elephants.

But when Dany approached the city gate, the copper-inlaid solid wood gate that was closed just now creaked an opening to both sides.

Qarth has three city walls, passing through the city gateway of the outer wall, a group of children ran over immediately, they carried flower baskets, laughing as they followed Dany's camel, throwing multi-colored petals on her, Dany kept looking with the sweetest smile.

In fact, she has been complaining about the weird customs of Qartheen, those children are wearing golden sandals on their feet, yet they wear nothing, but they are not naked, they are all painted bright colors.

The middle wall is 12 meters high and is made of gray granite. There are also many pictures carved on it, but it is not of beasts, but lifelike war scenes. Warriors swords intersect, striking at each other, arrows fly over the city Like rain, heroes fight, children are slaughtered, cremation mounds are roaring…

The iron-inlaid solid wood gate is wide open, and the noise and cheers are like a flood. The sound rushed towards Dany who entered the city gateway, and there were countless people cheering and shouting.

There is a long street between the middle wall and inner wall. The two sides of the street are crowded with buildings in rich tones, including dreamy rose-colored stone buildings, towers painted in violet, and inlaid with green emerald bronze arches…

The balconies of these buildings are filled with onlookers of Qartheen, women in tokar robes that reveal one side of their breasts, and men prefer beaded silk skirts.

Those fair-skinned Qartheen threw down red rose petals, or waved colorful silk scarves in their hands, or moved towards Dany and shouted…

"cang cang cang!" The bell on the city tower rang, and Dany suddenly smiled oddly.

At this time, there should be a song "Undead Overture". She is the Arthas who rushed to the palace to kill her father while receiving the cheers of the people.

The inner wall is 15 meters high and made of black marble. The wall is engraved with scenes of love between men and women. Well, it is commonly known as the Erotic Palace.

This shows some of the customs of Qartheen.

As Dany approached, the gate of the inner city with densely packed golden eyes opened slowly, such like the mouth of giant beasts.

Only the pedestrians on the street stopped and looked at the entire group with curious eyes. There was no special welcome ceremony in the inner city.

Dany saw the towers like Wonders in this world. The towering spires were as dense as jungles, and in every square there was a beautiful fountain in the shape of animals.

Under the noon sun, a small rainbow hangs in grand beauty.

The great businessman Pyat proudly said to Dany: "Qarth is the greatest city since ancient times, it is the center of the world, the gateway between the north and the south, the bridge connecting the east and the west, ancient and long, far beyond people's memory. It makes all the cities in the world ugly and eclipsed."

This bullshit…I can't believe it, when Old Valyria existed, you dared not say such ramblings too the Dragonlords.

"Yes, I've been to almost all of the Nine Free Cities except Volantis. None of them deserve a mention on equal terms with this pearl on the strait." Dany happily complimented.

She couldn't help but notice the statues placed on both sides of the arcadian street, the ancient heroes of the city standing majestically on white Dali stone pillars.

They seem to be waiting for the Dothraki to come one day too plunder them to the Vaes Dothrak, and place them on Godsway along with the other thousand-absolutely stone-carved sculptures.

Crossing the beautiful street, the Khalasar stopped in front of a bazaar. This is where several streets and alleys meet, and it's time for Dany to decide which way to go next, and where to visit.

The bazaar is housed in a massive building with openings on many sides, and its latticed ceiling is home to thousands of colorful birds.

There are lush trees and flowers growing on the platform above the store, and inside the store, there is a dazzling seal of goods, and exquisite creations from all over the world gather here.

"Oh, Daenerys, my absolute beauty, no matter what you fancy, just lift your hands, and I will immediately send them to you." The big businessman said exaggeratedly.

"The whole Qarth is hers, she doesn't need these bauble." Blue-lipped Pyat Pree exclaimed from the other side: "Listen to me, Khaleesi. Follow me to the House of the Undying, where you will sip on truth and wisdom."

"Hahaha, what can your Palace of Dust offer her?" Xaro proudly said to Grand Warlock. "The Thirteen will give her a crown made of black jade and fire stone halo."

Dany immediately smiled and politely rejected Warlock: "Lord Pyat, you know my background, you can also clearly understand the desire in my heart. Although the House of the Undying is good, it is not the land of long-term love. I will not hide that I long to return to the Red Keep of King's Landing day and night, that is my palace."

You better not have any crooked thoughts, or one day, I will lead 100,000 Dothraki screamers to sack the city.

She was ruthless, but on the surface she had to convince Qartheen that she had no threat or ambitions for the city.

Pyat Pree's blue lips are upturned and he seems to be smiling gracefully, actually mocking Dany's naivety in his heart for believing the words of the shameless businessman.

Wait, you will come to me one day.

"Khaleesi, you are wise beyond your age. Please accept my gift and we'll talk another day." He handed over a jar of ointment and nodded to Dany, "On the way to Qarth, you have shown your thirst for mysterious power and this jar of holy oil will help you see the Spirits of air."

When Dany took the gift, he rode his camel in the other direction.

"Her Majesty, you made the wisest choice." whispered the merchant, looking at the silhouette of the Warlock's departure. "Qarth has a saying—a warlock's house is built of bones and lies ."

It's all jackals of the same tribe, why talk like you do not have bad motives as well?

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