I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 7

Unlike modern people who stay up late for more than early morning, Dothraki go to sleep after dusk, wake up without waiting for the morning light, and when Daenerys gets up and gets dressed and walks out of the camp, Drogo's Khalasar are already boiling.

The women shouted to the child, the Warriors loudly ordered the tent to be pulled out, the horses neighed…

The gray-black fireworks, the steam from the iron pots, Dany's sight caught the tumbling horse meat in the hot water, the fresh and warm horse manure outside the tent, and the broken grass under the horse's hooves, mixed with a strange and vibrant atmosphere.

Based on the yolk-red Sun just emerging from the horizon in the distance, Dany guessed that it was no later than five in the morning…well, she doesn't know if she was right because she didn't even know the seasons here and for now she can't figure it out.

The world of "Ice and Fire" has no fixed seasons, and House Stark's motto "winter is coming" is not a joke, but the most severe warning.

This is often a season for several years. If the cold and unproductive winter lasts too long, humans will starve to death if not freeze to death.

Every time the world encounters the 'Long Winter', more than half of Westeros North will die. If it is more unlucky, 'Long Night' comes, it is not uncommon for the entire continent to have been wiped out to 90% of the population.

Breakfast is mutton soup, barley, onions, carrots, turnip, and mutton sprinkled with pepper, saffron and other seasonings, and stewed for more than an hour – before Dany got up, her maid had already started cooking .

Dany eats a big red copper bowl the size of a lunch box in the cafeteria. After eating, she is surprised by how much pregnant women eat.

Or, because of the awakening of the Mother of Dragons that resonated with the Soul in the Black Dragon Dream last night?

She's not sure if her physique has strengthened, but she wakes up refreshed and full of energy…

Daenerys, who follows the Drogo black horse, looks down at The black dragon egg in her arms and felt thoughtful in her heart.

It was less than half an hour after breakfast, bathed in the golden red morning light, the huge Khalasar dark cloud generally moved forward slowly, leaving a mess behind him, as if smearing a piece on a green curtain with Brown smudges.

Khal's horseshoe points to the direction of Khalasar's progress.

Drogo is even more groggy than yesterday. When he woke up in the morning, he didn't even recognize Dany, let alone the mutton porridge. He didn't even drink much mare's milk. He would collapse if he is not supported by the jagged skeleton.

At noon, the lush green grass and farmhouse wheat fields gradually dwindled, and eventually disappeared, replaced by low hills and yellow-brown sandstone ground.

The merciless scorching sun is like a rich tycoon, wantonly giving off harsh light and heat.

The ground in front of her formed distorted air folds in mid-air, and sweat was like a slender stream flowing slowly from Dany's chest.

Between The world, the only sounds remaining were the firm click of a horse's hoof, the rhythmic light sound of Drogo's hairline bell, and the whispered conversation behind her.

The delirious Drogo lost his way, veering away from the Lhazar River basin, further south into the Red Waste.

But the direction of Khal's head is the direction of the Dothraki…

Dothraki only have breakfast and dinner, and eats meat on horseback when they are hungry at noon.

Reddish-brown horse meat is light and thin, and the muscle fibers are clearly visible. It is completely original, and from the previous life is a good thing that money can't eat, but it is so hard that it almost pierces Dany's gums.

She had to take a mouthful of mare's milk, bulging her mouth, and waiting for the meat strips soaked in it to soften slowly… At last she tasted a strange sweetness.

"Hoo ho ho..."

The sound of hooves from far to near, Dany looked up, and Aggo's warhorse stepped out a thin line of reddish-brown smoke, from afar running to Drogo.

"Khal...Khaleesi, it's deserted, uninhabited and not dangerous, but the direction seems to be wrong." Aggo said to Dany with a hesitant look at Drogo.

Khalasar doesn't blindly follow Khal forward. Every moment there are scouts scattered in all directions. While exploring the environment, it also has the purpose of avoiding other Khalasar's sneak attacks.

Daenerys drove her horse to Drogo's side, just about to remind him to change course, when her pupils shrank suddenly, pulling the reins to drive the little silver horse to turn around in small steps, during which Daenerys looked around. Dothraki are struggling to move forward in a dark red Gobi Desert.

She immediately had an idea in her mind, "Don't ask anything, just move on… Well, go ahead and find a suitable place to set up camp."

When Aggo left, Daenerys was worried about looking towards Khal Drogo beside her. The conversation between the two was not small just now, but he didn't react at all.

Swarms of Bloodfly swirled slowly around Drogo, the buzzing of wings echoing around the edge of Dany's hearing.

Bloodfly is as large as a bee, heavy in shape, slightly purple, emitting a sticky and disgusting light, living in swamp lands and stagnant pools, feeding on the blood of humans and horses, and dying in carrion or if dying lay eggs on humans and animals.

Drogo once hated them, and whenever a flies approached, he would grab them like lightning and never miss them. Then he would hold the fly in the giant palm, let it buzz wildly, and finally squeeze it tightly, and when he opened his hand , the fly had become a red splotch in his palm.

At this point a Bloodfly was crawling up and down the hip of his mount, and the horse was wagging its tail angrily, trying to drive it away. The other flies flew back and forth around Drogo, getting closer, but Khal didn't respond .

His eyes were on the brown hills in the distance, the reins slack in his hands.

One Bloodfly then landed on Khal's bare shoulders, the other hovered for a moment, stopped on his neck, and crawled towards his mouth. Khal Drogo swayed slightly in the saddle, his hairline bells rattled softly, and the mount continued at a steady pace.

Finally a daring Bloodfly crawled up his long beard, up his cheeks, and stopped in the crease next to his nose.

Khal Drogo wobbled on the saddle, leaning slowly…while keeping an eye on him Dany's left hand sprang out like a serpent and pulled him back.

The Bloodfly group was agitated, scattered for a heartbeat moment, then wandered back and stopped on top of him.

next moment, the whispers that had always existed in the crowd behind turned into a raucous heat wave, all Dothraki were shocked.

"Khal almost fell from the horse!"

"Khal who fell from one's horse..."

Khal is the leader of Khalasar, The direction of travel, the focus of everyone's eyes, his behavior seems to be observed under a magnifying glass.

Dothraki, who cannot ride a horse, is not even qualified to be a normal Dothraki, let alone Khal, the leader of the tribe?

"Shut up, Khal is still on horseback." Dany yelled back, before letting go of Drogo's right hand.

Drogo, who had been awake for a moment of horror, was now in control of the reins.

"moon of my life…"

For the first time in a few days, he consciously looked towards Dany, and also called her 'lover' for the first time .

Daenerys was embarrassed for a moment, searched her memory, and said, "my sun and stars, do you want to stop and rest?"

At that moment, her face must be distorted.

But no one paid attention to her expression, Drogo's Bloodrider had already arrived by now.

"blood of my blood."

"blood of my blood, how are you?"

Daenerys announced loudly without waiting for Drogo to speak. : "Khal has an order, it's getting late today, so we camp here."

"Here?" Haggo looked up at the sun hanging in the sky, about two or three o'clock in the afternoon, and then looked around all Around , the plants are dry and brown, unfit for human habitation.

His triangular eyes stared, "You can't camp here."

"Women have no right to stop us," Qotho said, "even Khaleesi."

"Order from Khal Drogo." Dany stalked his neck and falsely preached the decree.

Old Bloodrider Cohollo gave her a deep look and said to the two companions: "Look for the nearest water source and set up an oval camp between the Khal Palace and the lake."

Qotho was startled. Startled, and Haggo led the way.

Cohollo then began directing the construction of Drogo's straw-curtain palace in the shadows behind a hill.

Soon news of finding the stream came ahead, and the battalion continued to move towards the water source over Daenerys.

"Help me, water…I want to drink water, help me…"

There was a burst of fine debris from the wooden cart passing by The cry for help was weak, but Dany felt a sense of familiarity.

Silver Lilith!

She heard about Lilith from Doreah after she went back last night.

Like Doreah, a prostitute that Illyrio bought from Lys, a gift from Drogo to Ko Jhaqo when he got married.

However, Doreah is the current number one, and Lilith can only be regarded as the former 'first prostitute' in her late thirties.

At this point, she was lying alone on the creaking wooden cart, her dress soaked with blood dripping from her lower body, one of her golden sandals fell off, and her pale calves swayed unconsciously with the bumpy carriage.

"Wait a minute." Daenerys stopped the woman who was driving the car, covered her nose to cover the pungent blood-reeking smell, and asked, "What's wrong with her, why not help her heal? Where is the maid, have been asking for water, didn't you hear?"

"Khaleesi, Lady Lilith fell off her horse…" The black woman hesitated, not knowing what to do or how to continue the wording.

This…Dany was stunned, because she deliberately provoked her yesterday, Lilith really tried to ride a horse today?

In fact, even the bravest of Dothraki women could not continue to travel long distances on horseback as they approached giving birth.

So, in the Dothraki tradition, pregnant women will not be discriminated against when they sit on the carrier.

Daenerys is a special case, and until now, Dragon Dream is helping to restore the body.

Seeing that Dany was still looking at her, the woman continued in an ambiguous tone: "Because of inappropriate words, Ko Jhaqo deprived her of the status of Lady, and now she is a slave like me, so naturally there is no maid, the hairless people won't heal a slave…"

"What did she say?" Dany asked, and there was actually a little guess in her heart.

Before the skinny black woman could talk, Lilith on the wooden cart groaned dazedly: "My child, the son of Khal Jhaqo, save him…he is the Jhaqo tribe. The future Khal…I'm Khaleesi, help me…"

Uh, is this woman really from the windy field? How come there is no understanding.

The black slave immediately collapsed to the ground, her numb face filled with fear, "Forgive me, Khaleesi, I…I'll drag her out to feed the dogs immediately."

"Feed the dogs?" Dany asked in disbelief.

"Ko Jhaqo asked me to pull her to the outskirts of Khalasar to feed the wild dogs." the slave woman said.

"Jhaqo is crazy? She is pregnant with his child!"

"She can't give birth." The black slave woman pointed at Lilith's deformed belly and explained: "She fell off the horse in the morning. Ko Jhaqo originally sent hairless people to take care of her, but she kept bleeding, and the doctor said she couldn't be rescued, but she insisted on not dying, and kept saying some outrageous words… "

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