I Became the Mother of Dragons

Chapter 9

There was a loud noise from outside the tent, Daenerys, holding a black dragon egg sat cross-legged and burned herself in the fire, opened her eyes in chagrin.

She is disinfecting herself!

The temperature of more than 1,000 degrees is more efficient than any antibiotics and penicillin…well, it is also cleaner and has no side effects.

Clenching her fists, Dany actually felt more relaxed and stronger than before.

Stepping out of the fire, she washed the stains on her body with scalding boiling water, and she picked up the down package she had already prepared—a duck feathered pillow.

Soon, Daenerys, who was in exactly the same shape as before, had a big belly, opened the ox hide curtain with difficulty, and walked out.

The scorching sun slanted westward, dragging a long shadow behind the hills. The weather was extremely hot and windless. A group of Dothraki warriors hid from the sun in the shadows of the hills.

Drogo's straw-mat yurt is surrounded by javelin-like guards, and Ser Jorah is like a tin can, placed three meters outside the camp gate.

He's scolding a Dothraki.

The other party pointed at him with a machete and scolded: "Coward, cowardly Andal back in the iron!"

"Andals" is the name Dothraki call Jorah Mormont.

The story of "Song of Ice and Fire" has three lines: North Wall of Westeros continent – ​​biting cold wind, Others threaten the entire human race; Westeros capital King's Landing – Game of Thrones; Essos continent, Nine Free Cities, Daenerys' slave road to liberation.

In other words, the core location of the plot is located in Westeros.

The Westeros continent consists of four races:

1, the aborigines, the Children of the Forest, Giants and other fantasy races, with a history of millions of years, understand the Magic of stone tools, Complete primordial beings, now mostly living north of the Wall;

2, the First Men, indigenous people who migrated from the Essos continent 12,000 years ago, bronze civilization, they are the first generation of North invaders, Most of them are descendants of the First Men north of the Wall;

3.Andals, the invaders who came from the Essos continent 8,000 years ago, brought iron civilization and the Faith of the Seven;

4. The Rhoynar people, who took refuge in the sea a thousand years ago – Valyria (super civilization, similar to Atlantis) who avoided the dragon and Magic civilization, they do not have a higher Rank civilization and cannot invade Westeros and develop the Knight civilization. Can only choose to integrate, and it is still the relatively desolate Dorne – the southernmost point of Westeros, desert and Gobi lands.

So the title of King of Westeros continent is, 'King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men'.

Jorah Mormont is North Earl of Bear Island and should belong to First Men, not Andals.

It's just that the Knight culture was created by Andals, and the Knight is almost the main impression of the Sunset Continent Warrior by other peoples. Jorah is also dressed as a Knight…

Well, Jorah is not necessarily a Knight, Knight comes from a belief – The Seven Septon anointed it with holy oil and was 'sworn' by another regular Knight.

Jorah Mormont, North Earl, First Men, believes in Old Gods rather than The Seven.

He has full Knight training, a set of Knight armor, a warhorse, but is not necessarily a Knight.

Such as Winterfell's House Stark, from Duke Ned down, none of them are regular Knights.

The 'primordial' tribe on horseback, the Dothraki, consider men in steel armor to be cowardly cowards.

Wearing iron armor = fear of death = cowardly cowards, this is probably their logic chain.

The Dothraki caught a glimpse of Dany walking out of the tent, not only did they not restrain himself, but laughed more vigorously.

Jorah pressed the sword with his left hand, pointed and poked at the Dothraki Warrior with his right hand, and cursed back unceremoniously: "You rubbish of a primordial tribe, a bastard on a horse. I understand this plate armor of myself can take of you a hundred heads!"

He scolded in Dothraki language for a while – for Dothraki Warrior individuals, and for a while in Westeros with a North accent Cursing – venting against the entire Dothraki nation, spewing out all sorts of nasty words – the others barely understood.

Because he was always alert to the person on the opposite side, he immediately noticed the change in the sight of the Dothraki Warrior. He glanced back at Daenerys, and probably guessed that after his guard mission was completed today, he made a 'bass'. Pulling out the Knights two handed sword and charged towards the Dothraki.

The Dothraki Warrior was also waiting for him. It didn't happen before because it was the Khal's tent. If he dared to break in, he would be speared into a hedgehog by the guards.

This Dothraki, who Dany thought was a miscellaneous warrior, was so fast that her eyes couldn't keep up. His Arakh almost danced a curtain of blades composed of silver.

Jorah is wearing a full-body armor made of dark gray steel. The giant helmet pulls down the face guard that only shows two slits for the eyes, and then there are throat guards, knee guards, hand guards and boots – all of them . It is iron armor with a metallic luster.

Wearing such heavy armor, his movements were not slow at all, two handed greatsword was swung into a round of fans…

"ping ping peng peng", The two of them come and go, the collision of swords is as dense as the Raindrops song on the leaves in front of the window during a rainstorm.

You can see the yellow spark between the swords and along Ser Jorah's armor, like a firefly flying around him.

The whole process is a long story, but in fact, Jorah stepped back three steps in a row, holding the sword with both hands, and the sound of heavy and dense breathing came into Dany's ears from under the face armor.

The Dothraki Warrior fell on the red sand and graveled ground, struggling with limply with howls in his throat, the dark red blood flowed out of his chest before being swallowed by the cracked earth, like a devil.

Dany estimated in her heart that Jorah took at least three stabs during the four or five seconds of the battle, but nothing happened… Maybe there were a lot of fresh dents on the steel breastplate.

The Dothraki Warrior has always had the upper hand, and at the last moment, probably when he was breathing, his movements slowed by a beat, and he was stabbed in the chest.


Jorah and her Khas guards greeted her one by one.

The Dothraki in the shadows pointed their fingers towards Dany with a relaxed expression, and they also laughed at "Andals" for cowardice just now.

Now their comrade is lying on the ground struggling, bleeding to death, they seem to think he deserves it, and they don't care and have no sympathy for what happened to him.

"Khaleesi, you left Maegi alone in the Khal Palace?" Cohollo rebuked angrily as he rode over.

"Not with Khal, she was helping Lilith give birth, didn't you hear her Song of Childbirth?" She told Aggo to raise the straw curtain outside the birthing room.

The scene inside was revealed to everyone at once, Mirri Maz Duur sings the melodious song of the Moonlight Land while fondling Lilith's swollen and shiny belly, as if to help her straighten the child's position?

On the simple bed made of rushes, the square face of the pregnant woman is waxy white, her temples' hair on both sides is wet, the silver teeth are clenched – the veins at the cheeks are bulged out, the small painful moans and the faint bloody smell, crossed the curtain door and assaulted the senses to the crowd of onlookers.

A caesarean section is more than half an hour long, while in normal delivery, but in the case of dystocia it takes four or five hours to give birth to a child.

Maegi has been singing for more than an hour, and her voice is a little hoarse. At this time, when the grass curtain is opened, everyone looks over. She shakes her head to Dany, who is three feet away, the Song of Childbirth didn't stop, and hurriedly reached out and pulled the curtain back up again.

Seeing that Maegi did not cast the black magic, everyone quickly turned their attention and continued to work on their own.

"Water…Water…" The Dothraki Warrior, who was lying dead on the sandy ground, begged someone to give him water to drink.

Dany walked over and threw a bag of mare's milk on the ground, and told the maid Irri to untie his painted waistcoat – she remembered that she is a pregnant woman with limited mobility, and can't bow her head to feed him, let alone squat and lower her body to check for injuries.

"The sternum blocked the sword and didn't hurt the internal organs." Daenerys looked at it and instructed: "Irri, go to that cotton cloth to hold the wound and stop the bleeding first. Quaro, you go and call The hairless people and helps him sew up the wound."

Quaro said in Dothraki language, "Khaleesi, he failed to challenge Andals, accept the fate, don't move him, don't help him heal you can not, being able to live is up to the Horse God in heaven…it is known."

"It is known." The maid Irri replied.

"It is known." Jhogo agrees.

Dany glared at Quaro, said ill-humoredly: "Are you going to make it known that you disobeyed Khaleesi's orders?"

Quaro also rounded his almond eyes.

Seeing the persistence in Dany's eyes, he muttered something of indeterminate meaning and then kicked his horse and left.

The Sun, like a wounded animal, splattered blood red light on the barren land, staggering and falling below the horizon.

Mirri Maz Duur who "studied" in many countries and received many medical "diplomas", really impressed Daenerys. Before night fell, the first child fell to the ground.

A boy with silver hair, Dothraki's bronzed skin, almond eyes…light purple eyes.

Daenerys crossed the beast-wood screen, cut through the thick straw curtain with a dagger, and took the naked baby from Maegi's hand through the gap.

"Khaleesi, twins, and one more." Mirri Maz Duur said hoarsely.

"You continue."

Dany dawdled for nearly two minutes before turning around the screen.

"You wash him with hot water." In the hall, she handed the baby wrapped in a wool blanket to Jhiqui.

Ko Jhaqo also came to Drogo Palace when the second child was born.

"hahaha, a man and a woman, the boy is big and the girl is petite, symbolizing sun and stars, this is the fate bestowed on me by the Horse God in heaven!"

Ko Jhaqos' emotions excited, holding a baby in each hand. The left-hand baby boy faces the sun, which is almost hidden in the horizon in the west, and the right-hand baby girl faces the Horse God star adorned with the dark purple sky in the east.

Seeing the happy backs of Jhaqo and Lilith leaving with the children and Lilith, Maegi, who had just washed himself from the small tent on the side, wondered, "How can he see that the boy is bigger, aren't the two about the same?"

"These stupid Dothraki are weird." Shaking her head, Mirri turned and walked towards Drogo's straw-curtain palace.

Perfect proof of her ability, she has the right to become Khaleesi attendant, before Khaleesi's child is born, she has to follow Khaleesi's Young Kas and must not leave without permission.

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