I became Voldemort

Chapter 20 The Restricted Book Zone

Ever since Cyrus and Ginny said not long ago that Dumbledore might have discovered her affairs, Ginny had been looking very uneasy.

Percy and the twins may have misunderstood and thought she was worried that Ron and Harry might be expelled. Ron thought that she was worried about the cat.

"But you don't really know Mrs. Norris. To be honest, we're more comfortable without it. It doesn't happen very often at Hogwarts," Ron reassured her. "They'll catch the one responsible soon."

He looked at Ginny who was still worried, "Don't worry, the madman who caused the trouble will be expelled for sure. Haha, I just hope he has time to petrify Filch before he is kicked out."

But when the murderer was mentioned, Ginny thought of what happened that night, her face suddenly turned pale, and she ran away with her head lowered.

"I was just joking—" Ron was at a loss for words.

But in any case, as the professors failed to catch the murderer, and Filch's cat's petrification did not get cured, the theory of the prank gradually became untenable.

More and more people began to believe that Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets had been opened, and the attacker was none other than Harry Potter.

Ginny relayed all the gossip to Cyrus.

"Students at Hogwarts often make secrets. Even if the Chamber of Secrets is really opened, I won't believe that the heir is Harry Potter." Cyrus comforted her.

"I know, I'm not worried about Harry, I'm just a little worried about... you."

Since Halloween, the attack has not happened again, and the upperclassmen have almost stopped talking about it, but the younger students still enjoy it.

After that night, because Dumbledore seemed to have taken no action, Ginny's hanging heart gradually relaxed.

However, she originally wanted to investigate Malfoy, but now she was completely out of the mood. On the contrary, out of the golden trio, Harry seemed to have decided that Malfoy was the real successor, and they gathered together mindlessly all day long, not knowing what they were plotting.

Ginny faintly heard words like "potion", "Lockhart", and "month".

On the contrary, Cyrus was very aware of their every move.


Hermione got a signature from the silly Lockhart, got "Powerful Potions" from the restricted book section, and planned to refine the compound potion. Because of this, the three of them occupied Myrtle's bathroom, making his movements in the night, a lot more troublesome.

Fortunately, Cyrus rarely went to the Chamber of Secrets. He mostly hid in the Room of Requirement to practice spells, or found time to strangle the roosters raised by Hagrid.

Because of Dumbledore's suspicions, Cyrus often felt that time was running out. He was unwilling to waste a single second.

He was eager to increase his power and ensure that he would be able to face the worst situation even with Dumbledore.

Not only fighting face to face but also being able to escape.

The basilisk could be his assist, but it was impossible for the basilisk alone to stop Dumbledore.

It can even be said that even if he absorbed all the magical memories of Tom Riddle when he was a student, he would not have been able to escape from Dumbledore's hands.

"I need more power!"

He set his sights on the forbidden book section.

Maybe there will be new forbidden books after all these fifty years?

The collection of books at Hogwarts has been slowly accumulated since the school was founded, that is, a thousand years ago. Therefore, the books are very complicated. Most of the magic books in this world have originals or copies.

Among them, most of the books that are considered banned are books that have powerful magical powers or are extremely evil.

There are so many books that even if Dumbledore stayed in school for nearly a hundred years, he would not dare to say that he had read all the books. What's more, there are many books which could curse a reader just by opening them, so there is no need to mention reading.

The way to break the situation lies within!

At night, when Ginny put the diary on her pillow and fell into a deep sleep, Cyrus possessed Ginny's body with his consciousness.

She suddenly opened her eyes and sat up straight like a doll.

Then, Cyrus got out of bed and quietly left the tower.

Ever since Mrs. Norris was petrified, Hogwarts has become much more peaceful. Many fewer people dare to go out for night walks in the evening. Fred and George were bolder, but without Mrs. Norris, they didn't rely much on the Marauder's Map.

Filch, who lost Mrs. Norris, was like losing his eyes, and it was impossible to catch the two of them.

This provides Cyrus with great convenience. Now, it is almost impossible for anyone to know his whereabouts.

Of course, it is still not easy to enter the forbidden book area.

Like the movie version, it is impossible for a first-year wizard to open the forbidden book area's lock with just an opening spell. If it were that simple, the restricted book area would have been emptied out by the naughty Gryffindor twins or the knowledge-hungry Ravenclaw students.

Cyrus came to the library door on the fourth floor and used the unlocking spell to gently open the library door.

So far so good.

He slowly walked into the library, then closed the door, walked through the rows of bookshelves, and came in front of a staircase in the corner of the library.

In the middle of the staircase, there was a rope separating the books upstairs and downstairs which looked very simple, and it seemed that you only needed to bend down to pass through.

But Cyrus did not dare to be so bold.

This seemingly ordinary rope is actually a magical barrier that separates the forbidden book area from ordinary books. If you are not alert and careful, the alarm will be triggered quickly.

He picked up Ginny's yew wand and began to gradually break the magic on the rope. After almost ten minutes, the knot in the middle of the rope automatically untied, and the originally tangled rope now looked like a straight rope. It seemed like a snake in the night light which was simply lying in a corner.

"It's easier than I had imagined. I really didn't expect that after so many years, the protective magic in the restricted area of ​​Hogwarts has not changed at all."

Cyrus thought he would experience some twists and turns, but the result surprised him.

With the memory of Riddle, who was a frequent visitor to the Restricted Zone fifty years ago, Cyrus now feels as comfortable coming to the Restricted Zone as he would feel in his living room.

"The One Hundred and Twelve Books, The Darkness of the Mysteries, The Hermetic Documents, Natural Magic... The Jewish Book of Abraham?"

Cyrus passed by the banned books one after another. Almost all of them contained names that were not mentioned in the original books, but there was one book that still interested him greatly.

"The Book of Jewish Abraham, I remember it was a mysterious book that Nico Flamel got from his dream. He was able to refine the Philosepher's stone because of the inspiration from this book.... I didn't expect a copy of that book to be here.." Cyrus picked up the book, and opened it.

After taking a quick look, he immediately became more surprised.

"It is indeed an authentic work..."


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