I became Voldemort

Chapter 6: Secrets and the Patronus Charm


"Fred! George!?"

Ginny looked panicked and screamed in horror. However, Fred, who had quick eyes and quick hands, covered his mouth.

"Keep your voice down, Ginny, Filch is not that far from us!" George said quickly.

"Why are you here?" Ginny lowered her voice and said in panic.

Her heart was beating so fast, it felt like it was about to jump out of her little chest!

'When did they appear next to me? '

'Did they see me talking to the diary? '

These two questions kept echoing in her mind.

Ginny felt like she was a prisoner being pressed onto the execution platform.

She was just waiting for the executioners George and Fred to speak, and they were about to swing their axes to separate herself from the diary!

But surprisingly, neither of them mentioned the diary.

"Haha! Sorry for scaring you." Fred slowly let go of her and said with a small laugh, "I'll explain to you later, come with us now!"

With that said, the two of them couldn't help but pull Ginny out of the medal display room and start walking in one direction. As she walked, Ginny heard a sharp voice getting closer and closer.

"Ssh! Stay calm. It's Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts. He's probably the most annoying person in the entire school." Fred explained in a low voice in her ear, "Oh, and don't forget Snape."

"It would be terrible if we get caught. Professor McGonagall will deduct points from us. To be honest, it's nothing. But it would be too boring if we were put in solitary confinement and asked to write a review." George said, "It's okay. He hasn't caught us since first grade, right Fred."

"That's right!" Fred proudly led Ginny to a stone statue of a witch.

At this time, she could hear that the administrator named Filch seemed to be very close. Maybe he would catch them when he turned a corner!

"Then what should we do?" Ginny was no longer as panicked as before. Fred and George did scare her, but she panicked because she thought her communication with the diary had been discovered.

"Of course, we have a secret weapon!" Fred proudly pulled out his wand and hit the one-eyed witch twice on the head, "Dissendium!"

The next moment, in Ginny's surprised eyes, the stone statue actually separated from the middle, revealing a dark secret passage.

"Get in quickly!"

The three people immediately got in, and then the stone statue slowly closed.


"Wait here for a while." Neither Fred nor George suggested continuing to walk along the secret passage.

"Where does this secret passage lead to?" Ginny asked her brothers in excitement.

"We can't go anywhere because the front is blocked." Fred lied, pretending to be relaxed.

Although he was glad that his sister wasn't as boring as Percy and was even better than Ron, telling her about the secret passage away from the school in first year was not a good idea.

Fortunately, Ginny had other things on her mind right now, so she didn't doubt them at all.

"How did you find me?" Finally, she asked the question she was most concerned about.

"Heh! To be honest, we saw you as soon as you came out of the tower," George said with a chuckle.

"Have you been following me?" Ginny's eyes widened!

If so, wouldn't they have discovered that I communicated with Mr. Riddle in the diary from time to time?

"Of course not! We are not that boring." Fred immediately denied it.

"Actually, we were planning to go to the Forbidden Forest to have a look, but we were only halfway there when we discovered that you were almost caught by Filch, so we came here to save our little sister, right George!?"

"That's right." George smiled and nodded.

"But how did you know that Filch and I were here?"

"This is our secret!" Fred and George looked at each other in tacit understanding and laughed at the same time. "For now, we don't plan to make this secret public. Even you can't do it, Ginny."

"Secrets-" Ginny looked at them with a scrutinizing gaze, but neither twin gave in. "Well, I'm used to it anyway. Besides, who doesn't have secrets?"

As she spoke, she subconsciously hugged the diary in her arms tighter.

Fred and George didn't notice her little move, but laughed: "Come on, Ginny, Bahaha... you can't call it a secret! Almost everyone in the family knows that you like Harry."

"Except little Ronnie!" George added with exaggeration.

"You're right, except for our little Ronnie, he is really a kid who doesn't grow up." Fred laughed and shook his head.

Hearing this, Ginny immediately blushed.

But surprisingly, not only was she not angry, but she felt lucky and proud.

'I'm afraid you will never know what my real secret is!' She thought proudly.

After a while, when Ginny didn't notice him, Fred took out the Marauder's Map, glanced at it quickly, and put the map away again.

"Okay, let's go. Filch is on the sixth floor now. Peeves is hanging out with him, maybe causing trouble for him." He gloated.

"What? But how did you know?" Ginny asked again.

"I told you, it's a secret, and secrets can't be told!" George opened the door of the secret passage.

As expected, there was no one outside.

"By the way, this secret passage is also a secret. Don't tell anyone, okay? Since I don't want to make this- the Gryffindor common room."

"You two won't tell me your secret, but you want me to keep this a secret for you?"

"Don't forget why we're here in the first place- to save you! Otherwise, you would have been doomed!"

"You would've definitely been suspended!"

"Well, I don't want to be ungrateful," Ginny said helplessly.

Then the three of them returned to the tower together.

The Fat Lady was not surprised at all when she saw them: "Password, child."


Returning to the dormitory, Ginny climbed into bed quietly so as not to wake up her roommate.

She originally wanted to talk to Mr. Riddle about the Special Contribution Award and other things that happened tonight, but before she could pick up the pen, she felt sleepy. The thoughts came to her heart, making her head dizzy. In the end, she could only write hastily: Good night - and then fell asleep.

"Good night and have a sweet dream, Ginny."

After Cyrus replied, he started studying the magic spell again.

Although Voldemort was very talented in his youth, he still had little experience and knowledge, and there were some spells that he did not know.

Expecto Patronum —— 'The Patronus Charm.'

To successfully use this spell, the caster must focus on recalling the happiest memory they can think of. Sadly, Voldemort, who does not understand what "love" is, naturally does not understand what "happiness" is.

Of course, with Voldemort's abilities, it made no difference whether he knew this spell or not.

But for Cyrus, he still hopes to learn this magic spell.

The Patronus Charm is very useful in defending against dark magic and dark creatures, and driving away Soul Eaters is only a small part of its usefulness.


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