I become light in American comics

Chapter 3 The Dark Knight, but eating lunch

My name is Shen You, I am 5300 years old and unmarried. Interning at the Science and Technology Bureau of the Land of Light, I never work overtime and go home on time every day. I always take a plasma bath before going to bed, so I never leave fatigue and stress until the next day. The Silver Crusaders all said I was normal.


Yes, Shen You is a time traveler and an ordinary young Ultraman who is only over 5,000 years old in the Kingdom of Light.

Of course that wasn't the case at the beginning. In the beginning, he was actually an ordinary student from China. He just occasionally closed and opened his eyes one day, and his whole life passed like this.

He traveled through time.

However, I was very lucky in that rebirth. Compared with the various apocalyptic starts of the online protagonist in the novel, he was a proper European Emperor. Reborn directly in the famous Kingdom of Light, he was born into Ultraman, a race at the apex of the universe, a god-like race in fantasy.

When Shen You crossed and landed, he couldn't help but shout, "There has never been such a wonderful start." If he hadn't considered that the Ultra clan's weakness was their fear of breasts, he might have opened the champagne at halftime.

Youdao is a civil servant at the end of the universe. Shen You, who was born and worked his way into the civil service ranks of the universe, originally thought that this time he would be able to get an iron job, and from now on he should embark on the comfortable path of living forever in the Kingdom of Light.

Studied at Ultra College, graduated with the first place in this class, and was directed to join the Science and Technology Bureau of the Land of Light as an intern and strive to become a full-time student.

Yes, that's right. Although he graduated with excellent grades and once received a letter of recommendation to join the Space Guard at the top of the Kingdom of Light, he refused and finally chose to join the Science and Technology Bureau.

It's not that he is really more interested in science than his own cultivation and strengthening. It's because joining the garrison means you have to risk your life on the front lines.

Even the big guys in the police force who have the aura of being the protagonists in TV have an average of two or three fights per person. Although Shen You is considered an outstanding graduate, he can only play in a group in Ultraman TV. The background board, without the aura of the protagonist, God knows which mission, there is no way to come back.

Immortality is one of the greatest advantages of the Ultra clan. Since they have been reborn as immortals, they will naturally have to take full advantage of this advantage. Anyway, his goal is to study black technology while leveling up in the spring. Occasionally, within his ability, he will go to surrounding planets to complete simple tasks to gain experience, and he can reach full level before leaving the mountain.

He was supposed to reach the top of Aosheng step by step, but fate played a big joke on him. He was so meow that he crossed time again.

This time it was a laboratory accident. Senior scientist Hikari, who is known in the Science and Technology Bureau to be blue and skinny if he doesn't die for a day, has newly developed a time-travel bracelet. According to the original plan, it will allow the Ultra Warrior who holds it to gain the ability to travel through free space.

The process is not important, anyway, after the bracelet was sent, the laboratory exploded, and a handsome intern Ultraman who happened to be passing by was sucked into the whirlpool together with the bracelet, and when he came out, he time-traveled with a confused look on his face.

After landing this time, I found out even more unfortunately that the landing spot this time seemed to be DC.

What kind of place is the DC Universe?

There are real gods everywhere, there are many freaks who can blow up planets with one punch, and there are a lot of destroyers who have annihilated thousands of worlds in the multiverse.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about the Earth’s resident superhero, the signature character of the DC universe, Superman. It’s unreasonable to play.

And he, Shen, is just an ordinary young Ultraman.

You must know that even among the same Ultra clan, the gap in individual strength is very huge. The most common Ultra brothers on the screen in the Space Guard are all top bosses. Compared with ordinary Ultraman, the gap is about the same as the gap between high school students and academicians with a lot of papers in top publications.

The boss at the top just wants to do it for fun, but he doesn't have the ability at the moment.

As the blue-skinned director of their Science and Technology Bureau often says, we are just scientists and do not have the power they do.

In short, for the time being, he relied on his racial talent to transform back into a human form and quietly blended in. And even though he could change into anything now, he still chose to become the person he was before he traveled through time.

At best, it was slightly adjusted according to beauty standards and became a little bit more handsome.

I don’t know if he should be considered lucky, but at least he still has this bracelet produced by Hikari.

Who is Hikali?

The chief scientist of the Kingdom of Light, the ultimate source of 90% of the Ultra Clan's black technology, has a lot of heaven-defying and world-destroying equipment made by hand. You don’t have to trust Hikali’s security, but you certainly can’t doubt the plug-ins he produces.

As we all know, all the technology of the Ultra clan is based on the energy called "light". This light is energy in the physical sense, but not completely. It belongs to a subtle range between materialism and idealism, but is relatively more in the direction of idealism.

Therefore, the leading scientist Hikali introduced the idealistic technological concept of the Ultra clan when designing, so that the bracelet can be charged through idealistic light. It feels a bit like using someone else's Wi-Fi hotspot to supply energy with the help of light in a large area.

However, by chance, Shen You fell into the DC world. And this was before the Justice League came along.

At this stage of the earth, the crime rate curves in various places are taking off like Popeye after eating spinach, and they are vying to be the first to be the best. With the current situation in the world, let alone this bracelet, even if Senior Diga comes in person, he will probably have to spread his hands and say that it can be boiled into soup. There is no hope, so leave.

Okay, just saying that. This is not how it is taught in schools in the Kingdom of Light.

At least that's what all the teachers said when Shen You was in class——

——Where there is no light, it is up to us to become the only light.

So for Shen You, this is like a built-in system cheat. Everything that makes an organism produce positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, enthusiasm and positivity will be directly fed back into its experience value.

Or directly killing the source of powerful darkness, the existence that contains great evil and darkness, can also achieve similar effects.

At the same price, you can upgrade by killing monsters. The stronger the monsters, the higher their experience will be.

One day ago, he saw the star falling from the sky in the mountains on TV news. From a distance outside the blockade, the reporter captured footage of the giant beast dozens of meters in the sky, as well as the scene of an exchange of fire between an unknown organization and that thing.

At that time, Shen You's long-lost comic memory was touched.

Who doesn't this thing look like?


Starro, the iconic DC villain with the shape of a starfish, is a cosmic monster floating among the stars. He is the enemy that the Justice League fought against when they first assembled in comic book history. Appeared in the live-action movie "Suicide Squad 2".

The origins and abilities of Starro in the movie version have been adapted to suit the strength of the protagonist group, so they appear weaker than in the original work. In the end, he was bitten by rats all over the city.

If it were the original version, it would be stronger, but it's only too strong. Its main threat method is actually its face-hugging parasitic mind control ability. In terms of frontal combat power, most of the senior members of Zhenglian can defeat it alone.

No matter which version of the setting is adopted, Starro's threat coefficient to the current Shen You is not high, and it is probably just a matter of sending Specium.

Do you think that the moving thing in the news is some kind of space monster? It’s just a self-propelled experience pack shaped like a starfish!

And Shen You knew that if this thing was dealt with a little slower, the consequences would be disastrous when the facehuggers it used to brainwash spread.

Of course that doesn't matter.

Because he will take action.

So there was the scene yesterday.

The Giant of Light descended from the sky and blew the starfish into a ball of rubbish with just one incredibly powerful blow.

That's right, it's Ultraman's iconic ultimate move, Specium Ray.

Specium Rays is a compulsory course in the practical department of the college, and Shen You has studied it specifically. This move is much more difficult than it looks on TV. It took him a hundred years of practice to master it freely.

Of course, one hundred years is not as exaggerated as it seems, because after his rebirth, he soon discovered that the growth cycle and time view of immortal species were different from those of previous humans. He is actually very young in the Kingdom of Light. From a human perspective, he is probably still just a student.

The official has not issued any statement yet, but public opinion has exploded.

"The Mysterious Giant Defeats the Behemoth".

"is God? Or aliens? 》.

"Definitely an alien!"

a young man in a leather jacket speaks emotionally to the camera.

"My home is nearby, and I saw it with my own eyes! You can't even imagine that such a thing does not exist on earth!"

"Aliens invade and the world is about to end!"

There was an even more excited guy who grabbed the reporter's words and forced his way into the camera: "I've told you before, I've warned you before! This world is hopeless, even God can't see it. He went down, so the old man came in person!

Soon the world will be leveled with its greed and sin, like the great flood in the Bible."

"There are kids in Gotham who call the giant 'Ultraman' (Superman)."

In fact, the original text of Ultraman is Ultraman, but it is just a transliteration. The literal meaning is Superman, which is similar to the code name of a certain alien wearing a red cape outside his underwear who has not yet debuted in this world.

The benefits this series of chain reactions have brought to Shen You are also visible to the naked eye.

The time and space energy of the bracelet has seen the most significant improvement since his time travel, and there are even unexpected gains.

"Energy reserves are increased, new modules are unlocked, and the headquarters of the Science and Technology Bureau of the Kingdom of Light is being searched. Search."

When this prompt appeared, Shen You held his breath and waited for a moment, hoping that its signal would help him find the organization across the multiverse.

Unfortunately, the last line that popped up was "Search failed and the headquarters of the Science and Technology Bureau could not be located."

Shen You was a little disappointed, but not surprised.

But then the bracelet continues to display a prompt: "Technical reserve information below the Science and Technology Bureau's authority level three has been unlocked."

Shen You: "!"

This is really an unexpected surprise. It may be difficult for outsiders who have never been in the Science and Technology Bureau to imagine that the top laboratories in the Kingdom of Light, led by their blue-skinned director, are churning out perverted black technologies all day long.

For example, a cannon with the same power as the time bomb used by Beria in the TV series can destroy an entire universe with one hit.

For example, in the final scene of the first-generation Ultraman, Zoffie mentioned "I brought two lives from the Kingdom of Light" when he first appeared. What he used was the ultimate black technology life solidification technology. It can create "life" and store it, and it can resurrect the dead. It can be plugged and played. It is even more outrageous than the eyes of a certain ninja clan member.

Of course, these are high-end technologies, and even in the Kingdom of Light, they are content that only high-level executives are qualified to have access to. Shen You quickly checked the list of technologies he currently had, and quickly found a technology that was relatively basic to him, less difficult to reproduce, and more practical.

Specium light cannon.

It is similar to the Specium Ray Gun designed by XIO of the Earth Defense Force in TV works. Although its power cannot be compared with the Specium Ray released by the original Ultraman, the principle and properties are the same.

It is a black technology for humans, but it is not difficult for the Science and Technology Bureau of the Kingdom of Light. With the drawings and instructions complete, it was easier for Shen You than some practical classes in the academy.

It's just that the basic materials he can get here are definitely worse. It feels a bit like Stark picking up trash and rubbing the Iron Man armor with his hands in a cave.

Of course, this is not a problem for the recent top graduate of the Kingdom of Light.

After completing the assembly, he put on the cannon in his private laboratory in the basement of his home. Looking at its smooth lines and shiny metallic body, he felt more and more satisfied with his masterpiece.

After nightfall, Shen You was dressed in all black, including a combat uniform and helmet, with almost no distinguishing features. If I must say, the image may be closer to Snake Eyes in the special forces movie.

Regardless of whether he is Batman or not, having a dangerous kidnapping addict hanging out at your door is still a cause for concern. It was not easy to talk things over with the gangsters in the community and reach an agreement. Shen You didn't like new variables in the community environment.

Shen You took criminal investigation as an elective when he was in the Kingdom of Light. In one class, he was lucky enough to hear the school invite the famous Taylor from the Space Guard to give a lecture. Oh no, it was Senior Seven.

Different from the criminal investigation science of the people on earth, the criminal investigation training of the Ultra clan mainly relies on the eyes in addition to logical thinking ability.

The trained eyes of the Ultra clan can emit light waves of various spectrums, and can also see far, see through, see through camouflage, etc., and can even scan various traces left by actions many days ago from any scene, allowing them to "Saw" the incident at the scene.

Shen You is not a professional investigator, but he was lucky enough to get full marks in this elective course, and he is quite confident in his eyes. If you go to the scene and take a look, you will probably see traces that ordinary people can't find.

The original plan was to go to the address where Mr. Grim mentioned that his child was kidnapped, but unexpectedly when he passed by the top of an alley, he glanced down unconsciously, and with the help of his superhuman eyesight, he happened to catch a glimpse of the shadow in a remote corner. black vehicle parked inside.

An all-black metal chariot with a weird shape, a long strip structure, and a jet propulsion engine at the tail.

It is definitely not a car that normal people would drive on the street.


Shen You stopped, stopped on the roof, and looked at the chariot below from a distance.

The overall design and structure are still far from those handsome sci-fi Batmobiles in Shen You's memory, but there are already prototypes of the future Batmobile.

Blue light flashed in his eyes, and the vehicle quickly zoomed closer in his field of vision. The penetrating rays emitted from his eyes passed directly through the thick metal body, and the situation inside the car was reflected back to his eyes.

Sure enough, he saw at a glance the legendary Dark Knight, the mysterious messenger of revenge, the greatest detective in the DC world, and the embodiment of the fear of all criminals.

Sitting in his Batmobile eating a box lunch.

Shen You: "."

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