I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 156

~ Xu Guo Is Trying To Dig Out The Roots Of The Us Federation


The first night of coming to Zhenhai City is destined to be a night of tossing and turning for all outsiders.

That night, almost no one could sleep.

As for the reason.

Some are looking forward to tomorrow’s new product exhibition.

Some are unable to sleep because they come to a strange place.

There are also people who are worried and unable to sleep because of the power displayed by Xu Guo.

The next day, after breakfast.

People sat in the dining room, talking in low voices.

“What do you say will be in Xuguo’s new product launch conference today? Will there be a new panacea?”

“There should be new panacea, but compared to Xu Guo’s panacea, I am more interested in the magic technology mastered by Xu Guo.”

“Many technologies in this underwater city are like products of science fiction works. If we can crack the key here, human technology will be improved several steps.”

“I don’t agree with this view. Xuguo does have unique advantages in certain technologies, which may be related to Xuguo’s background. But in some aspects, we can see Xuguo’s obvious weakness. For example, the details of supporting facilities , everyone slept well last night.”

“To be honest, I didn’t sleep well, but what does that have to do with the details?”

“I think he meant the amenities in hotel rooms.”

“Toilet, bed cabinet, lights, etc.”

“To be honest, Xuguo’s toilet is actually made in Vietnam. I don’t know which **** purchased the product. Maybe it’s part of the goods that Xuguo obtained in previous transactions. God, can’t they buy some more high-end products, This level of product is matched in a place like Zhenhai City, it’s like building a thatched house in a gorgeous palace.”

“Oh, I really can’t disagree with that statement.”

“Except for the toilet, don’t you realize that the entertainment facilities are surprisingly expensive. I was lying in the room last night, and I couldn’t find anything to pass the time. It doesn’t matter if there is no TV, even radio, newspapers and other things nothing.”

“I have to say that Xu Guo did a terrible job in these small details.”

“Yes, it is these seemingly inconspicuous places that make people feel bad. Compared with the overall development of our human science and technology, behind Xuguo’s seemingly majestic atmosphere, the details are very weak.”

“This may also be because Xuguo doesn’t know much about humans, and has never developed technology that is too close to humans before.”

“From the two areas we have been in contact with so far, it can be seen that these places are obviously new areas specially built by Xu Country for human beings. I think it is already very incredible that Xu Country can complete such a project in just a few months .Your demands seem reasonable, but they are also very demanding.”

“Oh, how can this be said to be harsh. Xuguo intends to open the underwater city, such a living experience is very bad, this is by no means our personal evaluation. We believe that there will be many people, very many people, who have the same experience. feel.”

“I don’t think there is any need to dwell on this issue. No matter how well Xuguo performs in terms of details, we cannot ignore their powerful technology. Whether it is the construction of an underwater city or a complete set of facilities that allow people to live under the sea, these are all Something we need to consider.”

A group of people were arguing endlessly.

Some people think that Xu Guo’s handling of details is a failure, while others defend Xu Guo, and some people don’t care about it.

Yang Hua didn’t care.

He held a bowl of rice porridge and drank it happily.

Although it is rice porridge, it is not ordinary rice, but a special rice carefully cultivated by the Nuwa people.

Every grain of rice is like jade.

The processed rice porridge seems to exude a layer of white luster, which is very wonderful.

This is the culinary art that some chefs in Xu Country understand.

They learned the color and fragrance from Yuan Xingguo, and then sublimated the color and fragrance to the realm of light effects, sound effects, and special effects!

A dish that cannot shine is not a good dish!

Therefore, Xuguo’s evaluation of good cuisine is not only good in color, fragrance and taste.

It also depends on the special effects, whether it can emit light, whether it has other benefits to the body, or directly affects the body. Only when all the above conditions are met can it be regarded as qualified Xuguo cuisine.

Of course, to be able to do all of this, the work of the Nuwa tribe is naturally indispensable.

Now there are more than 20,000 Nuwa people in Xu Country.

It is naturally unrealistic for so many people to engage in scientific research.

Not to mention how much space is needed for more than 20,000 Nuwa people to conduct scientific research, and not everyone is suitable for scientific research. Some of the Nuwa people are also very interested in eating, so they set up a food research association to study all kinds of fancy ingredients and the cooking methods of these ingredients.

This association is also known as the Food Research Association. At present, in addition to the Nuwa clan, there are many Qingqiu fox clans, Jiaoren clans, blue bird clans, and even dragon clans joining it.

After all, people depend on food.

Food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, as long as there are creatures with natural desires, they cannot escape the temptation of delicious food.

As a result, Xuguo’s unique food style has been created!

After drinking it all in one gulp, Yang Hua praised: “It’s delicious, it’s really delicious.”

“I used to drink the thousands of bowls of imperial porridge in Xiangjiang, but it didn’t have the taste of one-thousandth of it. The difference is too far.”

After admiring the perfect food, Yang Hua glanced at the people who were still arguing, and shook his head.

“It’s really convincing, even such a trivial matter can cause quarrels. We didn’t come to the Seabed City this time to enjoy it, but to understand the situation in Xu Country and find more opportunities for cooperation.”

“Hey, I remember that in December, I heard that ambassadors from various countries contacted Xuguo and wanted to cooperate with Xuguo in various aspects. I don’t know what happened afterwards. I didn’t hear the following. Not smooth?”

Yang Hua looked at Mrs. Qiong, the representatives of the United States and Japan, and others.

These people represent a country behind them.

Lei Ming followed Yang Hua’s gaze, and said calmly: “Xu Country has not given a direct answer to the ambassadors of various countries, and it should be that it has not reached the step in the plan. But judging from Xu Country’s current performance, it won’t be long. It should be there.”

Yang Hua was thoughtful and didn’t continue talking.

Time passed slowly, and Bei Yao didn’t come to the hotel restaurant until around nine o’clock in the morning.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Bei Yao, everyone came to a huge conference hall.

It is similar to the shape of a lecture theater, like a movie theater.

The front row is the shortest, and the rear seats are gradually raised to ensure that everyone can see the content of the venue in front.

The seats for two hundred people have already been arranged, and each seat has a label, arranged according to the level of the invitation letter. Grand invitations sit in the front, and those with the lowest rank sit in the back.

After everyone was done, Bei Yao stepped onto the podium gracefully.

Facing two hundred big shots from all over the world, Bei Yao behaved extremely calmly.

“After the opening of the underwater city, we will launch eighteen new products.”

The first sentence at the beginning immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

There are not eighteen kinds of products sold by Xu Country in the past.

Now there are 18 more products at once, which is simply not too many. Whether it was envoys from various countries, businessmen seeking business opportunities, or other people with ulterior motives, they were all excited at once.

“Oh my god, eighteen new items, that’s pretty **** good.”

“Yeah, don’t know what merchandise will be in here, but I think it’s going to turn out really good.”

“Hopefully there will be something special.”

“Special things, are there any non-special things that Xuguo sells?”

“Hahaha, that’s the truth. The things Xuguo sells are always very special.”

Amidst the excitement of the people, a delivery maid came to the podium holding a wooden box.

The wooden box is one foot long and fifteen centimeters wide.

The box seems to be carved from jade.

The wooden box is opened.

It reveals a dark blue particle.

Irregular round shape.

Some are like soybeans.

“This is the sea cloud bean, a crop carefully cultivated by our Xu country. It can grow in sea water and is eaten in a similar way to wheat. After drying, it is ground into powder. It tastes slightly sweet, soft and delicious. The yield of this product is extremely high. It can produce up to two thousand catties.”

“Long-term consumption can regulate endocrine, reduce the probability of various diseases, and have the effect of strengthening the body.”

“The planting method is simpler. You only need to circle an area near the shallow sea, use wooden boxes or plastic boxes to make square wooden grids with holes in the bottom, and put the seeds in it. The harvest cycle of sea cloud beans is three months. It can adapt to any climate below the cold zone and is extremely resistant to natural disasters.”

When everyone heard the words, their expressions were different.

Seeds of food crops.

This is something they never thought of before.

Hearing that this thing can strengthen the body, many businessmen showed great interest.

Physical fitness, this is a very special concept.

No one can resist the temptation to keep fit.

Whether rich or ordinary.

The most important thing is that the planting environment of this thing is very interesting. It doesn’t need fertile fields, it doesn’t need land, it only needs a vast and useless sea area. This is a godsend for many island countries with vast sea areas.

The ambassador of Dongying was thoughtful and showed great concern.

Japan is a country with a huge population, but compared to the huge population, their land area is very small. It is naturally not easy to feed so many people with barren and small land. Japan’s annual grain imports exceed 60% of its needs, which is enough to reflect the huge demand for food in Japan and the huge gap.

If the sea area resources can be utilized and turned into a piece of fertile land, it will be no less than Amaterasu’s manifestation to Japan.

The gospel of grace to all beings!

After the introduction of the first item, a maid from the human race delivered the second item.

Same wooden box.

But this time it was different.

The jade-yellow wooden box is about one foot long and fifteen centimeters wide, without any complicated patterns.

When the wooden box was opened, it was an oval object the size of a grain of rice, which was earthy yellow in color.

Bei Yao introduced.

“This is a water spirit fruit carefully cultivated in our country. It can be grown in desert areas where water resources are scarce. The fruit produced has extremely high medicinal value. Taking it directly can improve the skin condition and make the skin delicate and smooth. It is extremely A good cosmetic spiritual fruit. Long-term use can also strengthen the body.”

“In addition to the above effects, the biggest use of the water spirit fruit is to improve the land condition. It can decompose sand and gravel particles, accumulate natural water resources, and effectively change the environment in the desert. The effect can be seen in three years, and the desert can be transformed into a fertile field in ten years. , to meet the planting needs of common crops.”

Hearing this, many people couldn’t sit still.

Especially the oil veterans from the Middle East stood up abruptly.

They stared at the wooden box dumbfounded and covered their cheeks with their hands.

The desert problem is a global problem.

But for many countries, the desert is actually a very strange topic, because they have never seen a real desert.

For other countries, the desert is already the scythe of death hanging over their heads, which may destroy a country at any time.

Many parts of the Middle East are desolate lands covered by deserts.

In this barren land, they simply cannot grow effectively. Compared with the vast land, the utilization rate and output rate can hardly be seen directly.

If the desert soil can be improved, it will be an unprecedented change for those desert countries!

Enough to be recorded in the annals of history, a great achievement that has been passed down through the ages.

The importance to the development of the country is self-evident.

Although capital representatives from other countries were not as excited as the forces in Japan and the Middle East, they also showed great concern for the two new products displayed by Xuguo.

Yang Hua said in amazement: “This thing is really magical. If it can be planted in sea areas and deserts, it will really benefit the whole world.”

Huaxia is also a country with vast sea areas and desert areas.

It’s just that compared to the vast land, the desert area is relatively small.

However, if the desert area can be improved and such a vast land turned into fertile land, the impact will be unpredictable.

Yang Hua immediately realized the business opportunity and significance.

But compared to Yang Hua’s high spirits, Lei Ming was thoughtful and speechless.


This is an interesting topic.

Why does Xuhui sell seeds, what is their purpose, just to help human beings improve their living environment?

Lei Ming didn’t believe it.

He believed in Xuguo’s strength, and believed that the seeds that Xuguo took out had that kind of incredible ability, but he also believed that Xuguo’s purpose for taking out the seeds was definitely not simple.

While Lei Ming was thinking, many people had already smiled.

Lady Joan is one.

Because she saw Xu Guo’s purpose.

A very favorable purpose for the sun never setting.

At least judging from the current situation, it is very favorable.

It’s just that compared to Mrs. Joan, the face of the representative of the United States Federation has become particularly gloomy and cold.

They also understood Xu Guo’s thoughts and guessed Xu Guo’s purpose.

The seed is small, but the relationship is big.

Even ordinary people who are not in touch with farming know that to obtain more food and more crops, an excellent seed is essential.

But few people know how difficult it is to get a good seed!

In order to study hybrid rice, the old Mr. Yuan Longping began to search and ponder in the farmland day after day and night after 1960. It was not until 1975 that he successfully developed hybrid rice.

And it’s not just an individual effort, it’s an effort of fellows across the country.

In order to develop hybrid rice, research groups from dozens of provinces and cities across the country have joined in the search for excellent hybrid rice.

Power of a nation.

It still takes more than ten years to develop a hybrid rice.

How many plants do humans need?

Obtaining good seeds from countless crops requires large-scale planting experiments. It requires a lot of observation data and a lot of time.

It takes time to plant rice, and it takes time to grow, and it takes years to find good seeds.

The seed business of the United States began as early as the nineteenth century.

This is also an important reason why the US Federation can dominate the seed industry.

A small seed means the hard work of countless people and years.

Xu Guo took out only seeds.

But what the U.S. federal representatives saw was a very serious threat.

These two seeds are clearly the weapons Xu Guo extended his hand to the Sea God’s Kingdom to expand its sphere of influence on Earth.

The representatives of the United States did not believe that Xuguo would not tamper with these seeds.

Just like all seed companies around the world.

You can get a good harvest from the seeds you buy, but if you plant these fruits as seeds, you will basically either reduce your yield a lot, or you will not be able to grow them at all.

Some ruthless seed merchants will produce matching pesticides, which can kill all plants except their company’s seeds!

That’s right, this is what the famous US Federal Seed Group has done.

The U.S. Federation should not understand this kind of thing too well.

Once a force accepts the seeds of Xu Country and plants them on the earth.

They will no longer be able to get rid of Xu Guo’s control over seeds.

This means that they will form a close relationship with Xu Guo.

Although there are only two seeds now, what about the future?

If there were only two seeds, the US federal representatives would not be so nervous.

The key problem is that Xu Country does not accept the currency of any country, and all forces that want to trade with Xu Country can only use the credit points issued by Xu Country, which is the currency system that belongs exclusively to Xu Country.

For the rise of the United States, 10,000 people may give 10,000 reasons.

However, it is easy to reach a consensus on the important basis for the US Federation to dominate the world.

Beautiful knife!

Military is just a continuation of politics.

The US knife is the cornerstone of US federal rule.

A currency system that is globally recognized, circulated around the world, and trusted by countless countries.

With the kidnapping of the global economic system by the US knife~www.mtlnovel.com~, the US Federation can harvest the assets of countries around the world in economic crises and relieve its own pressure. And through this kind of blood-sucking to strengthen its own armament, a virtuous circle has been achieved.

The scope of application of Xuguo’s credit points is very narrow, and the scope of circulation is negligible.

But with the emergence of seeds, Xuguo’s credit points will inevitably flow to the world and become an important currency that affects the world economic system.

For the time being, it is impossible for this currency to compete with the dollar.

But the technology mastered by Xu country is unmatched by any country!

Now there are seeds, a commodity that can reach the general public. As Xuguo displays more and more products, its influence on the global economy is growing.

If things go on like this, the dominance of American Knife will inevitably be seriously challenged.

Xu Guo is trying to dig out the roots of the American Federation!

The two representatives looked at each other and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

very serious.


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