I Built An Empire And You’re Telling Me That I Wasn’t Transmigrated?

Chapter 171

~ Expansion! Go To Earth!


“Can your majesty still feel the power of wish?”

On the sky-reaching giant tree of the Nuwa tribe.

Jiang Yaoxi listened carefully to Yang Xu’s miraculous experience, and did not show any surprise, but asked directly thoughtfully.

“Yes, but very weakly.”

Yang Xu’s eyelids drooped slightly, and he concentrated on sensing the direction of Mermaid City.

Although separated by hundreds of miles, they can still perceive the situation there.

May the power condense and not disperse, gathering around the temple. It was as if there was an invisible cage gathering these scattered forces, unable to leave the range of several miles around the temple. And when Yang Xu wanted to pull these forces with his thoughts, although the drawn forces could escape the scope of the temple, they would dissipate at a very obvious speed after being tens of miles away from the temple.

He considered it and explained.

“But when the wish force is farther away from the scope of the temple, it will dissipate directly.”

Jiang Yaoxi thought about it, but did not give an answer immediately, but continued to ask: “Did your majesty perceive the power of wish in the king’s city or other temples before?”


Yang Xu replied firmly.

If there had been a wish before, he would never have failed to notice this special situation.

Because it’s amazing.

Since coming to this world, Yang Xu has been looking for ways to strengthen himself. But no matter Tai Chi, other martial arts, or even the Taoist method of self-cultivation, none of them can bring obvious results. Later, I learned from Mo Qilin that although the so-called cultivation method cannot be said to have no effect, it is only an auxiliary effect.

It is the innate blood that can really make a person stronger and surpass the limit.

That is the so-called spirit root.

The purity and characteristics of the spiritual root determine the upper limit of a person.

This is something that cannot be changed.

Unless the spiritual root is changed.

Originally, Yang Xu also thought that this might be the case. There is no so-called cultivation method in this world. But today’s experience changed his perception.

He was very sure that when his divine thoughts descended on the temple in Mermaid City, the power of wishes from all directions merged into the domain like a stream flowing into a river, and then became the nourishment of his will.

It is clear.

Jiang Yaoxi didn’t answer immediately, but turned around to discuss with a group of Nuwa scholars.

Speech is fast.

Too many professional terms.






There are a lot of professional terms that every Yang Xu can understand, but when they are linked together, they are like a bible.

After ten minutes, Jiang Yaoxi turned around.

She considered it: “According to the king’s explanation, we guess there may be two reasons.”

“One is the king’s own reasons.”

“The other one should be that the temple in Mermaid City uses a new type of experimental equipment.”

Hearing that Jiang Yaoxi had guessed, Yang Xu couldn’t help paying attention.

Jiang Yaoxi didn’t keep Yang Xu waiting.

After a slight pause, he sorted out his thoughts and explained slowly: “The technology used in Mermaid City is our latest experiment, and it has greatly changed compared to the communication equipment we built in other places. The biggest change is that there is an extra energy Stand, this stand can automatically capture the free elements between heaven and earth, some very tiny forces.”

“Usually, the energy position will gather these energies in the energy storage device of the **** statue, provide energy supply for the communication treasure during communication, and also provide follow-up reserve energy when the king descends, further improving the long-distance combat of the king ability.”

“Your Majesty can still perceive the power of the will gathering around the temple. It should be the energy position that binds these energies around the temple. But because our energy conversion device cannot transform the power of the will, the power of the will has not been absorbed and transformed into energy storage. Instead, it forms an energy gathering effect around the temple.”

Yang Xu nodded slowly and understood a little bit.

To put it simply, the experimental equipment of the Nuwa tribe collected the willpower, so Yang Xu sensed the willpower in the Mermaid City.

But there is no corresponding equipment in the temple in the town of Xu Country, so naturally there is no way to collect wish power.

Jiang Yaoxi raised her hand to comb her snow-white hair that was blown by the strong wind and blurred in front of her eyes, and continued to explain.

“Another reason is the particularity of the king himself.”

“Although the king can sense the existence of the will power, we did not notice it during the experiment. The energy analyzer we made did not show the existence of this force.”

“It’s a force beyond our comprehension and recognition.”

Yang Xu’s hole tightened, quite surprised.

The Nuwa tribe hadn’t even discovered the existence of wish power before this.

This was quite beyond his expectation.

“We speculate that the reason why your majesty is able to perceive the power of the will is related to the fact that your majesty has fused the bloodline gene of the thunder beast. The thunder beast is a very special creature, and the growth stage of this creature is divided into three stages.”

“The newborn thunder beasts are energy bodies without physical bodies. The parents of the thunder beasts will send them to the thunderstorm environment specially bred for the baby thunder beasts. These baby thunder beasts will live in the thunderstorm for three to five hundred years, until They grow the first spine. This spine is not only the energy storage device of Ultralisk, but also the foundation of Ultralisk’s survival.”

Yang Xu’s lips parted slightly.

After death, a person becomes a ghost, a spiritual body without a physical body.

Yang Xu had heard many such legends.

But it was the first time he had heard of the fact that he was born as an energy body and grew into a living creature with a physical body.

This reminded him of the legendary Ghost Cultivator.

According to legend, the evil spirits who have lost their bodies can reshape their bodies if they devote themselves to practicing.

Its thinking is not similar to the growth process of Thunder Beast, it can only be said that it is almost exactly the same.

“When the Ultralisk goes to the outside world, it will draw energy from the spine to supply its own survival. If there is no such spine, the Ultralisk will die quickly due to the unsuitability of the environment. It is like ordinary people entering the water, and fish in the water entering If the land is lost, and the environment on which to live is lost, even a powerful Thunder Beast will perish.”

“During the growth process, Ultralisk absorbs electrical energy, as well as some very special energy, which is similar to the combination of life energy and spiritual energy.”

Let’s go and give it a try. 】

“Our ancestors have studied it for a while, but no concrete results have been obtained.”

“Your Majesty has sensed that the wish power contains spiritual power and energy fluctuations. It should be because this energy is similar to the power absorbed by the Thunder Beast when it was a child. Therefore, only Your Majesty can absorb the wish power effortlessly.”

Jiang Yaoxi’s bright eyes sparkled with brilliance, and she said happily: “This discovery is amazing.”

“We still need the cooperation of the king to do some experiments to obtain more rigorous experimental data. If it is confirmed that it is the above reasons, the king will reach an unprecedented level.”

Jiang Yaoxi raised her white arms and clasped them tightly in front of her chest, her holy face was full of anticipation and joy.

She has also heard the saying that incense becomes a god.

Although there is a slight difference between Yang Xu’s current situation and Xianghuo Chengshen, the essence is almost the same.

Ultralisk cubs can grow rapidly in a special thunderstorm environment.

Although Yang Xu didn’t have a thunderstorm environment, if he got the wish power, he would grow up as quickly as a thunder beast. The power of wish is different from the violent energy of the thunderstorm environment, and the efficiency of absorption and transformation is higher. The most important thing is that this kind of energy is almost endless. There are as many wishes as there are creatures.

Jiang Yaoxi couldn’t imagine what stage Yang Xu could grow to if he got the power of the world.

Maybe it will surpass the real Ultralisk.

Become the unique true **** in the world!

Just like the true gods in myths and legends!

Thinking of Yang Xu’s bright future, Jiang Yaoxi smiled brightly, like a blooming peony, and was sincerely happy for Yang Xu.

Yang Xu naturally had no objection, and readily agreed to cooperate with the experiment of the Nuwa clan.

The energy position of the Nuwa tribe has produced three, except for the one that has been put into use in Mermaid City, the other two are still being improved and further observed in the research institute.

Because the equipment is local, it can be assembled in less than an hour.

The Goddess of Nuwa City, which was equipped with an energy stance, also had wish power soon after.

These vows are purer and far stronger than those produced by humans.

Jiang Yaoxi immediately made a guess. It should be because the spirit of the Nuwa tribe is far stronger than that of humans, and their belief in Yang Xu is also purer, so the energy produced is stronger and purer.

After Yang Xu absorbed the wish power of Nuwa City, he finally confirmed that it was not an illusion that he was in the Mermaid City before.

He can really perceive the power of will and transform it into a special energy for his own growth.

Coming to this conclusion, Yang Xu was overjoyed and wished he could cry up to the sky.

This means that his plan to become a **** with incense has completed the most important link.

The only problem now is how to solve the problem of remote transmission of wish power.

Because there is a limit to the aspirations captured by the energy standpoint, and these aspirations will gradually dissipate as time goes by. Although they do not dissipate as quickly in the natural environment, they do dissipate. This is the nourishment for Yang Xu’s growth. Of course, he can’t just watch the nourishment evaporate and dissipate.

Such a waste!

Prodigal behavior.

Therefore, solving the problem of long-distance transmission of willpower and the loss of long-distance transmission has become an urgent problem.

Jiang Yaoxi already had an idea about this question.

The easiest way is naturally to improve the coverage of the energy stance and expand the coverage of the energy stance. Just like cell phone towers and satellites in the human world.

The coverage of a single signal tower is limited. Simple, let’s build 10,000, 100,000, 1 million, until every inch of the earth is completely covered.

Temples are equivalent to signal towers.

The city in the sky is equivalent to a satellite.

If the city of the sky is successfully established, it can expand the coverage area of the energy position like a satellite, so as to achieve the level of long-distance transmission of will power.

Of course, it is a huge project to cover the whole world.

For now, it’s too early.

This method is simple and crude, but effective.

Problems can be solved immediately.

As for the storage of wish power, it will take a long time to study.

Because so far, apart from Yang Xu, the Nuwa tribe has not discovered the power of will, nor has they developed an instrument that can detect it.

But as long as the remote transmission problem is solved, storage is not a big problem.

After learning the results of the experiment, Yang Xu made a decision immediately.

Increase investment in the temple.

Expand the size of the temple.

Increase the speed at which temples infiltrate Earth.

This year, at least one hundred temples will be built on Earth!


Go out of the kingdom of the sea **** and expand to the earth.

This is no longer a political need, but Yang Xu’s own growth need.

He needs a lot of will power to make himself stronger!

Strong enough to fight any threat!

Not only the threat of human beings, but also the threat from deep underground that Mo Qilin couldn’t explain clearly.

Yang Xu’s will is Xu Guo’s will.

When he decided to expand the scale of the temple and march towards the earth, naturally no one objected. Many people are even eager to try, full of expectations for the future.

Jiang Yaoxi.

Qing Luan.

Qingqiu Ziyue and so on.

They have longed for the human world.

Jiang Yaoxi is eager to obtain the most cutting-edge scientific and technological theories and experimental equipment in the human world, so as to improve the theories and achievements of the Nuwa tribe.

Qingluan’s thoughts are very pure, to conquer.

Let the world tremble in front of Yang Xu.

Qingqiu Ziyu’s idea is simpler, becoming a fox who is very important to Yang Xu.

A fox who can help Yang Xu.

Yang Xu needs the willpower of human beings, so she is naturally very happy to be a pioneer and open up the earth for Yang Xu.

Xu Guo is united as one.

The effect is of course nothing to say.

That night, Yang Xu issued the first order.

Strengthen the training of priests of all levels, and it is estimated that 30,000 priests will be trained within two years!

Strengthen the strength of the Temple Guard Army and divide it into three branches.

One: Knights of the Temple.

Their duty is to keep the temple safe.

Two: Temple Expeditionary Force.

Their duties are as simple and crude as their names. When there are forces that are not friendly to the temple, the temple expeditionary force will eradicate all obstacles on behalf of the temple.

Of course, the Temple Expeditionary Army represented only the Temple, not the will of the Asahi Kingdom.

These are two completely different concepts.

Just like Lu Xun and Zhou Shuren.

What Lu Xun did has nothing to do with Zhou Shuren.

Three: Temple Judgment Army.

The Temple Judgment Army is mainly responsible for internal cleanup.

When there are priests, believers, or very bad incidents that tarnish the prestige of the temple and the prestige of the God Lord, the Temple Judgment Army will conduct a comprehensive review of these things and these people.

Yang Xu’s plan is to expand the 100,000 temple guards within a year.

Knights of the Four Thousand Temples.

Fifty Thousand Temple Expeditionary Force.

And a Pantheon Judgment Army.

At that time, the total population of Xu Country can reach about one million, and it will not be difficult for the 100,000 temple guards.

In addition to Xu’s internal reforms, Yang Xu added one of the most important decisions to the future development of the temple.

Human beings are allowed to become the priests of the temple and enjoy all the treatment of the priests of the Asahi Kingdom.

This decision will greatly increase people’s enthusiasm for preaching, and ordinary people’s acceptance of the Asahi Kingdom Temple. Yang Xu could foresee how bright the future of the temple would be, and how much ordinary people would accept the temple.

Of course, there will definitely be many people who are dissatisfied with the development of the temple.

But Yang Xu considers himself to be a very reasonable person, and for these dissatisfied people, he chose the nuclear harmony method of persuasion.


Or physical degree.

And when Xu Country was carrying out rectification and mobilization, everything that happened in Mermaid City had already been transmitted to Earth.


The third uncle was dressed in a white jacket and glasses, like a scholar, talking slowly to the camera.

“Just say that the sharp-billed hummingbird is as dark as a dark cloud. Looking at it from a distance, it makes people’s scalp numb and their hairs stand on end. The guards in Mermaid City also reacted quickly. They spotted the sharp-billed hummingbird early and sounded the alarm. .But their speed is fast, but the speed of the sharp-billed hummingbird is even faster. After coming within the range of Mermaid City, these sharp-billed hummingbirds suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the urban area at a terrifying speed beyond the speed of sound.”

“What is the concept of the speed of sound? It’s like a bullet flying in front of you. Not to mention ordinary people, even the most elite special forces can’t react to it.”

“The guards in Mermaid City hadn’t fired a few shots when they saw tens of thousands of sharp-billed hummingbirds breaking through the line of defense and entering the urban area.”

“These monsters are more than two meters long and extremely fast. It’s not bad to be rushed to the urban area by them.”

“At that time, the urban area was in chaos. People were pushing and crowding on the streets, and they all wanted to hide in nearby buildings as soon as possible. But how could their reaction speed be compared with the speed of sharp-billed hummingbirds? People are still pushing and pushing , This sharp-billed hummingbird has entered the urban area, and there is no end in sight.”

“Our photography brother was stupid at the time. He came to attend the ceremony of the Xuguo Temple in a good manner. How could he encounter such a thing?”

“Seeing the sharp-billed hummingbird approaching in an instant, the photographer called me dead.”

“What happened?”

“However, I saw that the temple was shining brightly, and the sky changed color.”

“A thunder giant appeared in the sky above the temple, its height was unknown, as if it stood up to the sky.”

“The giant raised his hand, and the thunder was instantly thunderous. Countless thunderbolts descended from the sky like magical soldiers. Most of the terrifying sharp-billed hummingbird army disappeared in an instant. Seeing this, the remaining sharp-billed hummingbirds fled in all directions.”

“It can be said that Lei Shentian manifested his supernatural power, destroying all beasts with a flick of a finger.”

“The power far surpasses the sea giant.”

Having said that, Third Uncle picked up the tea bowl and took a sip.

At the same time, the barrage took off.

“Fuck, it’s true, it’s too strong. But these sharp-billed hummingbirds came at such a coincidence, it just happened to be such a time, maybe it was arranged by the temple itself.”

“I agree, otherwise how could it be a coincidence that it just happened to catch up.”

“Let’s not talk about whether it was arranged by Xu Guo, but let’s talk about this strength, this power, God Lord Xu Guo is definitely a true god.”

“Must, there is thunder at the flick of a finger, not to mention the strength in ancient times~www.mtlnovel.com~ Even in modern times, it is at the destructive level, and human-shaped nuclear warheads are no more than that.”

“In theory, nuclear weapons are more destructive.”

“Hehe, the nuclear bomb is strong, but your theory is too fake. It still depends on the durability of the God Lord Xu Kingdom and whether this is the full power of the God Lord Xu Kingdom. Personally, I feel that this is definitely not the full power of the God Lord Xu Kingdom .If it breaks out with all its strength, I’m afraid it won’t be able to destroy the entire Mermaid City in an instant.”

“Think about it, destroying a city with one move is nothing more than the gods in ancient Greek mythology.”

The hustle and bustle on the Internet is mainly concerned with whether the strength of God Lord Xu Country can be compared with nuclear bombs, and how it compares with the mythical figures in ancient mythology.

The places where the big forces pay attention are completely different.

All they care about is one problem.

Is this a threat or an opportunity!

As for this issue, different forces have different views.

82 Chinese Network


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