I Can Read Unlimited Files

Chapter 70

Qin Yulu quickly recovered from the blow of failing the exam. After all, it was only a monthly exam, which did not represent the final result, but Qin Yulu would definitely be scolded by her family when she returned home. And the parents after this must not feel very good, after all, the ranking in the class has dropped by ten places.

For this, the teacher also criticized Qin Yulu mercilessly. Liu Huaxing actually felt that it was very unfair. Most of the time, Qin Yulu's grades were very stable, and it was a bit too harsh to blame her just because of a temporary loss.

But correspondingly, Liu Huaxing and Yang Xiaoxiao were named and praised.

Needless to say, Yang Xiaoxiao's grades have risen from the bottom of the class to the top ten in the past two months, and the teacher's attitude towards her has also changed. Even Ren Xia, who used to dislike her, no longer talks about her anymore. But Liu Huaxing is the one that all the teachers are full of praise this time, because not only is he the first in the class, but he also ranks fourth in the whole grade in terms of total score.

Of course, for Liu Huaxing, luck also plays a part. Chinese, political history, and English are not so easy to get points. Students with good grades basically get high marks in these subjects, and the score difference is often within ten points. It is very difficult. There was a huge distance, and this time it happened that the difficulty of mathematics, physics and chemistry was relatively high, so Liu Huaxing was able to successfully widen the gap with other top students.

Moreover, Wang Xue, the chemistry teacher, promised to be the first in the chemistry grade, and now he has it.

It's ok, brat. Wang Xue rubbed the top of Liu Huaxing's head, Chemistry is quite difficult this time, you know? It's almost full marks, it's ok.

Liu Huaxing just snickered in his heart, this time he was really lucky, if the chemistry test paper was easier, he planned to get a full score in the test, so he would be considered as the first in the grade.

After the grades are released, the day will be about the test papers, and the highlight will be the change of seats in the afternoon.

Liu Huaxing went up and wrote down his name in the second row of the first group by the window, and then he was left to his fate.

He wrote his name in the second row because both Yang Xiaoxiao and Qin Yulu had options for this position. Even if they didn't sit next to him, they could sit in front of and behind him, so after writing his name, Liu Huaxing returned to his seat to type. Yawned.

However, at this time, something that surprised everyone happened.

Zhou Weiwei was the second in the class, so naturally she followed him on stage to write her name. However, after Zhou Weiwei took the stage, she wrote her name next to Liu Huaxing. This situation stunned everyone in the class.

Liu Huaxing stayed on the spot by himself, and Yang Xiaoxiao and Qin Yulu were also quite surprised.

Afterwards, Ye Jiaxin stepped forward and wrote her name on the right front of Liu Huaxing, so that Qin Yulu could leave a place directly in front of him. However, Ye Jiaxin's popularity in the class is quite good, and Qin Yulu is not the only girl who has a good relationship with her. Before Qin Yulu went up to write her name, another girl wrote her name next to Ye Jiaxin.

The situation became awkward now, but fortunately, the others didn't mean to sit behind Liu Huaxing, so when it was Yang Xiaoxiao's turn, she stepped forward and wrote her name behind Liu Huaxing. When it was Qin Yulu's turn, she didn't have many choices, but could only write her name next to Yang Xiaoxiao.

Then there was a sound of dragging the table, and the students finished changing places before the evening self-study started. Yang Xiaoxiao and Qin Yulu sat behind Liu Huaxing, staring at Liu Huaxing and Zhou Weiwei in front of them.

Hi. Liu Huaxing waved his hand to Zhou Weiwei as a greeting, after all, he will be at the same table in the future.

Zhou Weiwei just smiled at him, and then began to organize the books on the table.

Liu Huaxing didn't understand Zhou Weiwei's thoughts. In the two weeks since the start of school, since he experienced the milk tea incident and the biscuit incident, his relationship with Zhou Weiwei is indeed pretty good, but he probably wouldn't sit next to him on purpose. .

Generally speaking, the girls in the class would not choose to sit with the boys. After all, what the kid at this age likes to play the most is the set of XXX likes XX, and everyone will have some scruples about it. There are also several girls who have a good relationship with Zhou Weiwei. Why did they choose to sit next to him? Liu Huaxing really can't figure it out, but it's a done deal...

Liu Huaxing didn't think that Zhou Weiwei fell in love with him, judging from her communication with him just now, she didn't have that much affection for him. The current situation is really embarrassing. The girl sitting in front of him is Guo Xi, who is almost a tomboy like Yang Ying, with short hair and a straightforward personality, but her facial features are more refined than Yang Ying's, and she is more girl-oriented.

But Liu Huaxing didn't know her well, and Yang Xiaoxiao and Qin Yulu were sitting behind him, unable to see or chat, it was really uncomfortable. And the next month will be so uncomfortable, Liu Huaxing wants to read the file when he thinks about it.

But this matter is basically not easy to change, unless Liu Huaxing adjusts his grades to the second place in the class, then Zhou Weiwei will be the first place. But in that case, he felt that the impact on Qin Yulu's parents was not enough...

Let's do this first. Liu Huaxing thought helplessly, then opened the book and began to prepare for evening self-study.

Zhou Weiwei didn't do anything special after sitting with him. She didn't ask him about the biscuit recipe, how he improved his grades so much, or anything, just sat together in class in a very ordinary way.

This made Liu Huaxing even more confused, and Zhou Weiwei didn't say a word to him until after school.

Hey, Liu Huaxing, do you think Zhou Weiwei has taken a fancy to you? Ye Jiaxin teased on the way home.

To be honest, I don't know what she's up to. Liu Huaxing sighed, Tell me, she took the initiative to choose the seat next to me, and then she didn't say a word to me during self-study all night, see You don’t even look at me, what’s your plan?”

She is a good student, she definitely doesn't talk in class. Yang Ying said disapprovingly, I sat with her for a while before, and she is always very serious in class.

I'm so upset... Yang Xiaoxiao bit her thumb and muttered, I feel like being provoked, as if saying, 'If you want to sit next to you, you have to pass my test'...

It's a bit difficult to pass Zhou Weiwei's exam. Liu Huaxing looked at Yang Xiaoxiao sympathetically and said.

Why? Look down on me! Isn't he the second in the class? I'll show you the test! Yang Xiaoxiao gave him an angry look.

Liu Huaxing looked at her lovingly, maybe Yang Xiaoxiao could really do it.

After all, she has jumped from the bottom of the class to the eleventh position in the class. Liu Huaxing can see her hard work, but it cannot be denied that this little girl is really smart. Such a smart girl, I believe that as long as she works hard, it is not impossible to get the second place in the class.

Qin Yulu was still a little depressed at the moment, and did not participate in their conversation. This time her grades have plummeted, and before the next monthly exam comes, she may find it difficult to cheer up.

Come on this month, try to get back next month. Liu Huaxing patted her on the shoulder and said.

But Qin Yulu just turned her face away in a little upset: My car is here...

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