I Can't Be the Head of Chaldea

Page 40

A chill came over, and the hairs stood on end.

He immediately gave up his plan to go out, subconsciously threw Jiesta's body away, and quickly locked the door of the director's room.

【It's not over yet】——Du Lin judged the result in an instant by observing through the gap in the door.

That's definitely not Simon from Engineering!

Is that Jesta's companion?Or is it just Jesta himself?

In the world of magicians, examples of resurrection from corpses do not exist in Du Lin’s leisurely memory. For example, an old monster who has lived for more than 90 years and looks like a young man—stopped in Romania’Tulifas The patriarch of the "Tree of Thousand Worlds" of the "Land Boundary" [Danick Preston Yugdomirenia]

"How to do?"

Du Lin's heart was full of fear.

The three magic-cooled Chaldean suit options were abandoned, the rescue of the servant Da Vinci, Du Lin glanced at the cursed arm, and last time, the other party completely cut off his connection with Da Vinci.This group of guys in the magic world will never give him a chance to come back, just like what Olga said.

What other way, damn it...

Tuk Tuk!

Before Du Lin could continue to think, there was already a knock on the door.

"Mr. Director, Professor Leif asked you to go to the control room."

Damn it, how could I believe it!Du Lin's face was pale when he heard the footsteps stopped in front of the door.

'Simon' waited for three seconds without getting an answer, and let out a strange laugh: "Mr. Godot is very sensitive. However, through the way you handled the corpse like a child, I also thoroughly figured out that you are really not a threat up.

The curse on my dagger destroys your cells, should you start transforming into a corpse?With no more magic to use, what's left of you?open the door!Durin Gordo. "

Chapter 38? μυνα

Is there any other way...

Du Lin turned to look at the phone on the desk.

He immediately walked to the desk with light steps, and immediately took out the phone and dialed the number of the library.

The call was connected quickly, but it was [Hello, this is Da Vinci.I'm not in due to something, please leave a message after the 'beep', I will reply as soon as possible?~~]

Beep your sister!


Du Lin punched the phone angrily.

As if aware of the movement inside, 'Simon' stood at the door and couldn't help laughing: "Are you calling for help? It's useless. Everyone is in front of the control room, otherwise why do you think I would Let’s start at this moment. There’s a period in the East called ‘the sky should not work, the earth will not work’—it’s referring to your current situation, Mr. Godot, right?”

Du Lin: "..."

Du Lin looked at the door in despair. The magic dress on his body was used up, and his body was also cursed. He had no cards at all.Even carrying the 'brain settings' by oneself will not help at all.


Olga's reply letter suddenly popped up in the lower right corner of the computer, which made Du Lin slightly startled.

【Director Chaldea trembled at you. 】

Seeing this, Du Lin was furious, he was about to be slaughtered, and he was still shaking... But thinking about it from another angle, maybe he didn't care about her mood because he deliberately shook her before?

〖Are you there?Doolin. 〗

〖I just met someone at the hotel today, and she seems to know your rune information. 〗

The two messages were sent with a delay, and Du Lin couldn't help smiling wryly when he saw the messages.This news may have been useful before, but it is completely tasteless now.

"I'm going to die, a Dead Apostle is outside of me..."

〖Are you joking? 〗Room 302, Emerson Hotel, London, UK.Olga snorted, and immediately looked at the orange-haired woman next to her.

The other party shook his head: [For the time being, let's judge according to the truth! 】

After finishing speaking, she pushed Olga away to occupy the computer, and quickly typed a large paragraph of information.

After Du Lin received the news, he was taken aback.

The tone of this message is completely different from Olga's girl form, and the other party doesn't care whether he really wants to accept death, but at least the other party is sure that he is on the verge of crisis:

〖Durin, the original rune【?】Thursiaz represents the unconscious resistance to the consciousness generated in the universe.It expresses a purposeful and tyrannical force.An active destructive and protective force.This resistance can be said to be an instinctive, primitive, strike against the enemy and defense against the self, thus embodying the two most important aspects of this rune, defense and attack.If you are in a dangerous situation right now, what you need is sheer will; resistance.To transform the form of magic - you need to "awaken the will to act"

If you have achieved this step, then you need to break the blockage of the body, mind and soul a little → target the use of spiritual power → combine the left brain and right brain to produce stronger cognitive abilities, I will tell you how Do it, next...〗


Before Du Lin could continue to look, the locked door of the director's room exploded with a bang, and the huge impact splashed the debris from the door, and it also hit Du Lin at the same time, making him unable to hide his face.

'Saimen' kicked open the door of the director's room, defeated Du Lin's last line of defense and walked in.

Du Lin took advantage of the situation and fell down next to the body of 'Jesta', his face was stained with blood, and he quickly grabbed the black dagger.

'Saimen' walked into the door and saw the chat on the side of his computer, he couldn't help but sneered: "Your last plan is to use technology to ask for help? This is a shame for a magician. Also, I have to Remind you that the dagger is of no use to corpses, it is only interested in living bodies. Ah, you look so ugly, Mr. Godot. I am almost disillusioned with your image..."

"Don't think of me as that guy, I don't know you!" Du Lin faced the enemy in front, holding the knife tightly behind his back, and drawing an eight-pointed star pattern with his little finger with blood.

"Hey, don't say such naive words, it doesn't fit your personality. In fact, you see—"'Simon' glanced at the blade that Du Lin was holding: "Even if you conceal the outside world's knowledge of your existence , Deleted my own memory. But as a completely ignorant child, I even killed one of my bodies. This is actually proof...

Du Lin simply looked at him vigilantly 'ignorant', and the fingers behind his back began to quickly draw patterns following the memory.

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