I control dreams in Marvel

Chapter 65 There is only one truth

Chapter 65 There is only one truth

"Investment? Tony Stark? Are you talking about the Tony Stark of Stark Industries? Not his imitator?"

When he received the call, Shang Wen was crashing into a car with someone in the game. Car crashes are very addictive and can't be stopped at all.

So, this call was answered on the 18th.

"Well, he showed the proof that he purchased the property rights of our company's floor three hours ago. Models don't have the financial resources." Felicia said.

Crashing a car in the game world in the morning, and rushing to invest in the company within a few hours?

Is Tony really that boring?Shouldn't he be fighting wits and courage with Obadiah Stan? How can he invest in online game companies in a leisurely way?

After thinking about it, the 18th replied directly, "One billion US dollars is exchanged for 10% of the shares, and the maximum is no more than [-]%. Come if you want, don't leave!"

A new company that has only been in operation for less than a month dares to directly value it at 1000 billion US dollars. On the 18th, I can even imagine the expression on Tony's face when he heard it.

Then, Felicia called again less than 5 minutes after hanging up the phone, with indescribable shock and joy in her tone.

"President! He agreed! Buy it in full! 100 billion! Dollars!"

The tone of five consecutive exclamation marks showed how excited she was at this time.


No. 18 was also stunned, and Shang Wen even quit the game world directly. A car crash would affect his thoughts and cause illusions such as auditory hallucinations.

100 billion US dollars accounted for 700% of the shares, and nearly [-] small targets were acquired in an instant. What is the market value of Wanda!

Also, is Tony Stark such a tiger? 100 billion US dollars to buy a [-]% stake in a game company, rich people don't take money for money, even if you pay back the price, I can still reject you with your insincere reason.

"The other party wants to sign the contract as quickly as possible. When is it convenient for you to come to the company?"

Obviously, Shang Wen still muttered about Tony's sincerity and determination, and this guy's thoughts have never been easy to control.

Shang Wen had thought that "Bulma Company" would become a big hit in the capital market, but he didn't expect that the first fire would come from Tony Stark, and it would be so fierce.

At the same time, in places unknown to Shang Wen, countless capitals, consortiums, and giant companies are also conducting endless discussions on the unsolvable holographic technology developed by 'Bulma'.

First of all, various technical masters agreed that the technology of 'Bulma' is 100 years ahead of the entire earth's technology, and it is likely to come from alien technology.

The government and some capital giants behind the US regime did not question this, because they all know the existence of aliens and alien technology more or less.

If the research is not thorough, you can only blame yourself for being too backward.

For those established game companies, the emergence of holographic games is a huge technological innovation that may overturn the entire industry.

Therefore, it is a question of whether to join forces to smear, restrict and suppress the other party to force them to disclose their technology, or take the initiative to move closer and surrender to promote their own games on the other party's technology platform.

The global game market share reaches hundreds of billions of dollars every year, and it is still growing at an accelerated rate. Every decision is a ten-digit interest gap, which is related to the company's future development policy. It cannot be made hastily, and it must be considered in the long run.

As far as the government is concerned, this matter is actually simple. A piece of alien technology that surpasses earth technology by more than 100 years must not be only privately mastered and used to develop games.

The hardliners headed by Alexander Pierce, a senior official in the government and the current minister of the World Security Council, and the hawks in the military, represented by General Thaddeus Ross, agree that this may have an immeasurable and huge boost to the future of mankind. The advanced technology of the role must be controlled by the government and the military.

In order to prevent it from becoming bigger and stronger in the future, and being too entangled with various departments to deal with, it is strongly recommended to start immediately and uproot it when it is still in its larval stage.

Of course, the government of the United States also needs to show some face. Even if they want to start a company, they can't be too blatant, so this matter fell to SHIELD, and the FBI was responsible for assisting.

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. office, a stack of documents was spread out in front of Fury, which contained the information of Bulma's senior management, and the documents of Dr. Connerson and Felicia were impressively listed.

The information of these two people is very transparent, including Dr. Connerson's research projects over the years and Felicia's old father who is in prison. He is a salesman who is actually a thief. The experience is very detailed.

Although it is outrageous for the two of them, a biological scientist and a high school student, to become an executive of a game company, they are still much worse than the latter.

Lazi Ligero, 23 years old, was born in Honolulu, which is Hawaii.

What is so magical about this place in Hawaii, can you learn any ghost skills?The holographic technology has been invented!
Everything that No. 18 did can’t stand scrutiny at all. Even her identity was bought from hackers. Bulma Company is also an empty shell subsidiary that has been registered for less than two months. Gaming equipment and previous products The auxiliary sleep device is wholesaled from the Riwu Small Commodity Market in Xiazhiguo.

False identities, shell companies, and wholesale counterfeit goods, these things have supported a great technological invention across the ages, and no one will believe it.

Fury basically agreed with the superior's conjecture that this No. 18 might really be an alien he didn't know. Among other things, Kerry seems to have such a technology.

Then, after reviewing the recent events in New York, Fury quickly connected the previous drug running incident with the holographic game.

A white light suddenly flashed behind Fury's head, starlight flickered on his teeth, he clapped his hands, "I see, the truth is..."

Squeak ~ boom!
The door was blown open by the wind and slammed against the wall, but Fury laughed.

"Perhaps, this is not some unbreakable virtual technology at all, or even technology, but extraordinary power! An extraordinary power that can pull people's consciousness into other levels or dimensions."

"So, this is a person who has mastered extraordinary power. Although it is not sure whether it is an earthling or an alien, the technical support behind this Bulma company is very likely to be the same person behind the drug running incident!"

Fury can become the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., obviously not because of his mixed qualifications and kneeling all the way, he really has hard power.

However, after guessing the truth, Fury didn't know how to arrange it for a while.

When the book is used, there is less hatred, and so is the person.

S.H.I.E.L.D. sees a lot of people, and there are really not many who can stand on their own and can use it with confidence. After so many years, they managed to cultivate a Coulson, but they were stuck in Los Angeles for several months without any results, and then they got involved again. A black widow.

"Tony, you little bastard is really worrying, you are far from your father!"

(End of this chapter)

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