I Developed Gta 5 And Was Hunted Down By Global Anchors

Chapter 5 Police And Bandit Racing! Old Mai, The Car God!

Chapter 5 Police and Bandit Racing! Old Mai, the car god!

I didn't know that a group of dicks in the live broadcast room were crazily praising this game.

After several deaths, the experienced sister Zhou finally killed all the servants unscathed.

After killing all the people outside the door, Sister Zhou and Mike Xiaobu walked out of the side door of the bank.

I thought it should be over this time, but I didn't expect there to be more outside! !

Looking at the police cars with alternating red and blue lights, what can sister Zhou do? It's not just that they can only shoot together with Mike Xiaobu.

This scene was indeed a novice training. After the shootout at the side door of the bank just now, Sister Zhou already had enough experience in this kind of shootout.

Using the vehicle as a cover to probe and shoot, Sister Zhou and Mike Xiaobu cleaned up all the servants in just a short while.

But it's meaningless to clean it up, because a steady stream of yamen servants are on their way, this situation, one after another...

"Oh! Shetfak!! These bloody scorpions, they really have a pair of dog noses!"

"Stop arguing, hurry up and leave, if you don't leave, there will be more people later!!"

"Oh! Shetfak!!"

After killing the unknown batch of yamen servants, Mike couldn't help cursing.

Then, after cursing furiously, Mike took the lead and rushed outside. Seeing this, Sister Zhou and Xiao Bu hurriedly followed.

The three of them fought and advanced, and after a while, they successfully walked to the side of the road at the side entrance of the bank. Sure enough, there was a jeep on the side of the road, which seemed to be the bumpkin that Mike just mentioned.

Without any hesitation, Mike got into the car with his black bag, and Sister Zhou and Xiao Bu got on it quickly.

Before sitting still, the vehicle is a catapult and starts directly.

The whole person fell directly on the seat. Sister Zhou couldn't tell whether she was in the game or not. This game is too real! ! It's so real! !

Thinking about the process from when I entered the game, it was as if Sister Zhou really robbed a bank once! ! I really don't know what the plot of the game is like.

I don't know how exciting it is!

But no matter how exciting it is, it has nothing to do with Zhou Jie.

The bank has also been robbed, the money has been taken, the yamen servants have been beaten, and now the car is in the car, the novice tutorial should be over, right?


A loud gunshot rang out, and the driving hillbilly went limp, his face hit the steering wheel directly, and then the car began to shake a little.

Sister Zhou went numb after witnessing all this, and her relaxed body tensed again.

Cao Nima, after robbing the bank, you still want to have a car battle with police and robbers? are you serious? You are so exaggerated in a novice tutorial? Do you want me to die for you? ?

Before Miss Zhou regained her composure, Mike, the co-pilot, directly opened the driver's door, and then pushed the bumpkin's body out.

The corpse directly stopped a police car behind, but more police cars passed the bumpkin's corpse and continued to chase sister Zhou and her party.

"Woldfake!! What are you waiting for, old Cui! Shoot them and stop them!!"

She didn't come up in one breath, and sister Zhou almost shot Mike and collapsed, stupid, you remember me for everything? ? You call me whenever something happens? ?

Forced to endure the impulse in her heart, Sister Zhou reluctantly picked up the gun in her hand, leaned out of the windows on both sides with Xiaobu and started shooting.

"Da da da!!"


"Da da da!!"

The sound of tires rubbing against the ground crazily, and the smell of gunpowder from the tires or the muzzle of the gun in his hand, and the police car chasing after him.

In the live broadcast room, seeing such a high-energy scene, the originally stable barrage directly turned into a small climax.

"What the hell, this game, really, I love it!!"

"To be fair, this game is pretty good, but it's too exciting, and I feel like I might not be good at it."

"This scene is more enjoyable than watching a movie for me. Sister Zhou can be regarded as the protagonist of a movie! Envy envy."

"Hahahaha, you should be envious. You didn't look at Sister Zhou's face. I felt like he wanted to kill the driver just now! Hahahahaha, this is the first time I've seen Sister Zhou's expression."

"This picture, I think it must be the hit of this year! Brothers, do you want to gamble, I bet his sales will be tens of millions!"

"Okay, I also bet he sells tens of millions."


The live broadcast room was full of excitement, but sister Zhou felt bitter for a while.

When watching a movie, I always feel that it is cool to lean out of the window and shoot, but when I do it myself, my mentality is different.

I have to endure the vomiting of this crazy racing, and I have to endure the numbness of my scalp and lean out to shoot... This shit, sister Zhou wants to commit suicide...

But fortunately, sister Zhou didn't have to endure it for a long time. A roadblock suddenly appeared in front of the road.

If it was just a simple isolation fence, Mike would definitely rush over, but what the hell, ground locks, isolation fences, ground spikes... Mike turned around decisively and drove towards the trail on the side of the road.

The path was very narrow, enough to accommodate the next car, and there was a railroad track on it. The most important thing was that there was a train coming towards the three of Mike on the side of the railroad track.

Because of the urgency of the situation, Mike didn't have time to take care of the train on the small track just now. Although he saw that one of the trains had tried his best to avoid it, he was finally hit by the train and hit the rear of the jeep.

The world was spinning for a while, and sister Zhou's stomach was rolling.

For the first time in her life, Sister Zhou felt that it was too realistic, but it was not good. For example, now, the simulation of a few overturned cars is so realistic! !

It's like being pregnant with morning sickness! It's so uncomfortable...


The vehicle stopped in place emitting green smoke.

Mike, the co-pilot, kicked open the car door, and Ms. Zhou and Xiao Bu left the car quickly.

The three got out of the car.

The jeep hit a rock on the side of the road, and it was obvious that it couldn't be driven.

Sister Zhou stood there with a numb face, ready to see how the plot develops next, just do whatever you want, tired...

Obviously, this accident also exceeded the expectations of Mike and Xiaobu.

The two are arguing about what to do next.

Mike: "We should go to the helicopter. Our place is not far from the helicopter. It only takes a short time to get there. We should go..."

Xiao Bu: "No, the yamen servants are waiting for us here! The plan has been exposed!! We should find a place to hide!!"

Mike: "How to hide? There are government servants everywhere, where can we hide?? We should leave immediately, the more time is lost, the more dangerous it is!!"

Xiao Bu: "We..."

The two quarreled, and the numb Sister Zhou waited for the result of the two.

In the end, Xiao Bu was successfully persuaded by Mike, and the three continued to walk towards the place where the helicopter was.

The wind and snow were so strong that Sister Zhou couldn't open her eyes because of the blow. Of course, maybe this also had something to do with Sister Zhou carrying two big bags of money.

As for why he didn't throw it away, fortunately he robbed the bank just for this little money, so he threw him away? Sister Zhou guessed that if she suggested throwing away the money to Mike and Xiaobu, she would definitely throw him away first...

The three of them carried the money with great difficulty, and finally walked slowly to the place where the helicopter was.

"Where's the helicopter? Where's the helicopter?? Fake Fake Fake Fake!!! Ahhhhhh!!!"

After arriving at the place where the helicopter was planned, Mike fell into a frenzy, and the helicopter that was supposed to be here disappeared! ! !

Xiao Bu next to him also had a furious expression on his face at this time.

Just as he was about to look left and right to see if the helicopter was somewhere, a bullet suddenly hit him in the chest.


Looking at Xiao Bu who fell on the ground, a group of people in the live broadcast room praised the plot of the game again.

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