I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!

Ep. 1209 Return to the Tower Part 2

However, I still have a lot of things to take care of before I can lose myself in the library. Yui listens to my entire story without interrupting even once, it is a nice change. Of course, she has a ton of questions, but she saves them until I finish the story.

Yui says "That sounds like the story of someone's entire life, not just a single adventure. You really can't stand to sit still, can you? Although, out of everything that you told me, there is one thing that concerns me."

"Only one? What is it?"

Yui says "The portal. If the demons can build one, then they might be able to build another. If they can and they can keep it hidden, then we would have no way of winning the war to come. Even if we could manage to defend ourselves, they would just keep coming endlessly."

"I've thought of that, but it is not as bad as you might be thinking. If it comes down to it, I have a plan that would reduce the entire demon territory to a wasteland where nothing lives. Of course, that isn't something that the goddesses want to see happen, but if I need to then I will do it."

Yui says "That is both reassuring and terrifying! How could you have gained such power in such a short time?!"

"Lin and I would use the mana crystals that I created to cast joint spells like the one that destroyed the gate, repeatedly."

Yui says "Channeling that kind of mana repeatedly has a cost. Chances are that it would kill both of you!"

"That is why it is a last resort, but Lin wouldn't die. I would be the one doing the majority of the channeling and I think my body could handle it. Or at least I hope it will be able to by the time that becomes necessary."

Yui says "Well, I am certainly not going to underestimate your ability to grow. Let's try and prevent things from getting to that point, shall we?"

"Sounds good to me. I have a number of plans that we need to talk about, but a lot of it is going to depend on how much you are allowed to let me do to the tower."

Yui says "You know that I will do absolutely anything that is within my power to help you. What do you need?"

"Well, first of all I would need to use the tower in a spell. You see, I am pretty convinced that demons have infiltrated the empire. I want to use the detection spell that we came up with in Demon Hunter City, but I want it to cover the entire peninsula. I have two ideas on how to do it based on what you are allowed to do. One would be to just cast it with the tower as a booster. The other would be to enchant it into the tower so that it is a permanent effect."

Yui says "Unfortunately, only an archmage has permissions to add enchantments to the tower, but I can allow you to use the tower as a booster. Is casting the spell once even going to have an effect though?"

"Part of the spell breaks the demon's shapeshift and prevents them from shifting again for a few hours. Trust me, that will have an effect."

Yui says "Oh, I see now. You want the demons to be exposed for what they are. That is likely to cause a lot of chaos, but you know that right?"

"That is the purpose of this. Not only will most of the demons be killed, but those that they have influenced are likely to suffer as well. Not to mention that I have a plan to take advantage of that chaos."

Yui says "Alright, that sounds good. Oh, if Lin is able to become an archmage and inherit the tower, she would be able to grant you the authority to change and add enchantments."

"She will be able to, trust me. It will just take a while for her to go through all the trials. Besides, she will want to read the entire library before then. Oh, speaking of the library, I have half a dozen chests of holding full of books that I collected for you."

Yui says "New books?! Great! Thank you!"

"By now Jarvis should have moved them to Core's room. You should be able to send sprites through to retrieve them."

Yui says "Alright. What's the next plan?"

"I've made golems for Jarvis and Athena so that they can move around outside their normal areas. I plan to do the same for you, but I will need access to the tower's core to do so."

Yui says "Normally, that would be against the rules, but since I already broke those rules to get your sacred power I can do so again. You just won't be able to make any changes to the core."

"I shouldn't need to. I just need to study it enough to make a golem core that will resonate with it. I want to study it anyway now that I have made cores, I should learn a lot from it. I also want to spend some time in the library first, but I'm not sure when I will have the time."

Yui says "No worries, I can be patient. I appreciate the fact that you came up with the idea and are willing to try. Being able to leave the tower would be an entirely new experience for me. I will be looking forward to it."

"Since I can't modify the core, the range you will be able to move will be fairly limited for now. I will be able to extend it once Lin becomes the tower's owner."

Yui says "If you can make it so that I can go through the teleporter and visit Core, that will be more than enough."

"I should be able to manage that. Oh, that reminds me, before I left I asked you to create more sensors so that we could extend your range of sight, I will do that soon."

Yui says "No need. Kechara spread them out for me. We even put some in the underground so that I could help Core keep an eye on things. There is no way for any of the spiders or driders to escape without one of us spotting them."

"That's good. I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to do that for you."

Yui says "Don't worry about it, I know you didn't mean to get lost. What's the next plan?"

"Um, I was thinking about taking the trials if I can find the time. Not just the commanders trial, I am pretty sure I can pass all of the mage trials now as well. The problem is that I don't know how much free time I am going to have and I won't until I deal with a lot of other things."

Yui says "I understand. There are going to be a lot of demands on your time. Especially once you become the king."

"Actually, I am already the king of the beasts and the elves. The beastmen will be next, but maybe not the last."

Yui says "What do you mean by that?"

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