I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

Chapter 41: Recolutionary Period - Western Front

Translated by – Mara Sov

༺ Revolutionary Period – Western Front  ༻

Reims Fort – Revolutionary base at the northeast of Lumiere.

General Raphael Valliant, the commander of the Republic’s Northern Army greeted the commander of the Southern Army with a smile on his face.

“It’s an honor to meet you. Commander Millbeau! I’ve heard much about your reputation!”

“Ahem-. Likewise, General Valliant. Please refer to me as Count Millbeau in the future.”

As soon as he heard those words, Raphael’s smile stiffened.

There was an uncomfortable silence between the two.

‘Fuck, was it too much?’

Just as Damien’s back began to be covered in cold sweat, Raphael smiled once again.

“Hahaha…Of course. Once again, welcome, Count Millbeau. Please come inside.”

“Very well.”

Inside the tent serving as the command center, a table with a strategic map was laid out.

Although the table wasn’t small, with the arrival of Damien and Raphael Valliant, the men inside had completely surrounded the table.

Valliant gestured to one official, who bowed to Damien before speaking.

“It’s an honor to meet you. I am Alexandre Berthier, chief of staff for the Northern Army. I shall explain our current situation.”

Berthier picked up a baton next to the map as he continued.

“A week ago, an army of 10,000 from the Northern Alliance arrived in the Duchy of Lorenne.”

“Since they have waited until the Northern Alliance’s forces arrive, it means they will launch an offensive during springtime, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, that is our opinion as well.”

“In the Duchy of Lorenne, there are 6,000 soldiers from the Royal Army under the command of King Louis and Duke Lorenne. 10,000 troops from the Germania Empire led by Duke Heinrich, while the Northern Alliance’s army that’s a force of 26,000”

Murmurs of concern were heard all around. Although they knew the enemy’s numbers were overwhelming, this was still too much.

Berthier then pointed with the baton to the area labeled ‘Alsace’.

“In the Alsace border region, there are 20,000 Germanian soldiers under the command of Grand Duke Leopold. Although their numbers are fewer, this man is a hero of the Empire, renowned for his significant contributions to the war between the Empire and the Kingdom of Kraft, so special attention is needed.”

After Berthier stepped back, Valliant spoke up.

“Currently, our northern forces have 13,000 troops, and the southern forces have 12,000, making a total of 25,000 against their 46,000. We are at a significant disadvantage in terms of numbers.”


Damien swallowed a lump.

When he received command of the Southern Army, all he could think of was the opportunities this would grant him, but now, all he could think of was survival.

Damien deeply regretted that the Marquis took 1,000 with him when he marched south.

“Our military goal, for now, is to hold out until the additional troops conscripted from the Republic finish their training and the Marquis joins us.”


“Both sides are threatening, but the most menacing force is certainly the 20,000 troops of Grand Duke Leopold stationed in Alsace.”

Damien De Millbeau shivered every time he looked at the ‘Alsace’ region marked on the map. 

Grand Duke Leopold – He was well aware of that name.

He was the only man capable of fighting the ‘Great King’ of Kraft on equal grounds.

After being repeatedly outsmarted by the Marquis of Lafayette, the last thing Damien wanted was to fight another monster like this one.

Especially when the monster had twice the soldiers than them……

“Hmm….Perhaps if the southern army takes on Lorenne—“

“I do not doubt that the Count will lead a valiant offensive against Alsace!”


“I have heard of the illustrious reputation that precedes you! You’re proven capable enough to become the acting lord despite being the second son!”


While Damien became overwhelmed by the praises, Raphael took this opportunity to continue his spiel.

“And what’s more, you’ve fought the Marquis who became the most dreadful commander in the Civil War! And he even trusts you enough to give you, a former enemy, the command of his forces!”

By this point, Damien was getting rather pleased by those words.

Only he knew how much he had suffered after those repeated defeats by the Marquis’s hands.

How long has it been since someone recognized his greatness?

“Oh and let’s not even speak about the Southern Army! They are the cream of the crop! The veterans among veterans! Honestly, my army is no match……I’m kind of jealous you know?”

“Ahem-Ahem. Even a man like you can recognize this, huh? Hahahaha-.”

“If I couldn’t recognize a hero like you, I wouldn’t deserve my rank, Isn’t that right? Hahaha-.”

As they both laughed, Valliant made a polite bow towards Damien.

“Though it shames me, I believe that the Count and your army are more suited to face that old hawk. So please, lend us your strength. We don’t even need a victory, just keeping them busy will be enough.”

Even Damien, arrogant as he is, felt a slight prickle in his conscience as he heard Valliant’s words.

He would only need to hold the enemy back. And since there hasn’t been much chance for him to collect achievements, this could be the perfect opportunity.

Besides, the Northern Army was going to engage the superior force, and since the Marquis seemed to respect the commoner……

“Since you’ve insisted so much, then leave this to Damien De Millbeau! I shall halt that old coot!”

“Ah, the Marquis was right about you! Such a gem he picked up! Very well then. Let victory shine upon you Count!”

“For victory! Hahaha-.”

From the outside perspective, this discussion would appear more like a festive banquet than a war meeting, but after some time, Damien and the other officers of the Southern Army departed.

“Ugh….The Cringe is too strong!”

While Valliant shuddered, his aide, Alexandre Berthier, approached him and said.

“It might be easier to manipulate them without the Marquis here, but are you sure this is okay? I find the idea of the Count holding back The Grand Duke Leopold with just 12,000 soldiers a bit……”

Valliant interrupted him with a snort.

“What, you think it’s crazy? Since Duke Lorenne has done us a favor and divided his army into three, we can exploit that. But to fight 20,000 soldiers under the Grand Duke’s command? Even I am not that stupid……”

“Well…Shouldn’t we send some men as reinforcements then?”

“We’re already facing an enemy with double our troops. Do you think we have the luxury of lending some of our troops? I thought you wanted to aim for a sweet promotion, my dear chief-of-staff.”

“Well, that’s true, but……”

Valliant looked at his aide and smiled.

“The Germania Empire isn’t fighting with their all. They are just pretending. After all, they wouldn’t benefit much from handing King Louis an intact Kingdom. So that’s why they won’t fight for real. Well, at the very least we can hope that the Grand Duke won’t.”

“……And what if the Grand Duke is feeling…Let’s say…Motivated?”


Valliant clasped his hands behind his back.

“We will have to pray the Southern Army won’t get annihilated.”

After our victory in the Assembly, time flew by.

At the end of winter and at the cusp of spring.

I led a small regiment of 1,000 soldiers to subdue Count Lionel.

By the time we reached the south, winter had ended.

Halfway to our goal, another 1,000 troops led by Eris and Sir Beaumont joined us.

There were freshly conscripted soldiers from the western provinces.

Since we managed to stop the religious persecution, the Church’s properties were returned while Eris did wonders to appease the public sentiment, so the people of the western provinces decided to join the army without much fuss.

And since they seemed to trust me, they joined in my campaign against Count Lionel, the ‘mastermind’ behind that mess.

While they still harbored some resentment towards the Republic, and the Republic had some suspicions regarding them, fighting in this conflict should help both parties to trust each other.

“It’s been a while, Marquis!”

Even with a veil, I could see Eris’s pleasant smile as she waved at me from her horse.

It’s been over a month since I left her in charge of appeasing those provinces.

Urging my horse closer to them, I noticed Sir Beaumont, in the back, giving me a quick salute.

“You’ve worked hard, my Saintess. You as well, Sir Beaumont.”

“Eww, just hearing that gives me the heebie jeebies.”

“Well if this is how you’re reacting now, imagine how it would be in the future. Your Majesty the Queen.”


Eris hugged her shoulders while trembling, but she soon stopped when she looked toward my chest.

Oh, no.


I quickly turned my face away from her, and started shouting orders.

“We will reorganize the troops and continue our march.”


“You! Make sure these new soldiers have their meal.”

“Yes, Sir!”


After giving my orders to my aide, I unfortunately had no one else to talk to, so I resigned myself and looked at Eris.

“…..What is it, Eris?”

“That brooch, it was a gift, wasn’t it?”

Although her face was obscured because of her veil, I could see her smug smile from miles away.

“It’s an artifact enchanted with a protective spell.”

“Aha~. And perhaps the Countess was the one who gave this to you?”


Suddenly I recalled how Christine marched towards me and slapped the brooch on my chest in front of everyone……Ah, my face was heating up.

“How sweet~~”

“……Whatever you’re thinking, I assure you, it’s not like that.”

“Well, it’s true that both of you aren’t in a relationship right now, officially that is.”

“Right, so there’s no need for misunderstandings or absurd conclusions……”

“Ah, but did you know how many rumors about you two are circulating in the Capital? And the fact that you’re always together is doing wonders to help those rumors.”


I frowned a bit as I recalled Christine’s deep black eyes.

She’s the one I trusted the most, and even before putting her charms into question, we’ve been together for a long time now. So I would be lying if I said I didn’t have any feelings towards her.

But in the end, I was the one responsible for that look in her eyes. I was the one who made her kill her family.

Considering that her little brother would be in a difficult situation if she married, it would be beyond shameful for me to seek affection from someone who had no intention of marrying.


Eris studied my face for a while as she seemed to reach a conclusion in that head of hers. Soon, she straightened up and said in a clear tone.

“‘I have received a grace and favor that cannot be repaid. Thus, I shall honor the Marquis’s name on this land for as long as I live.”


“That was the message Bishop Johann asked me to convey.”

“Ah, alright.”

As a smile came over my face, Eris leaned closer to me and patted my shoulder before whispering.

“Well done, Marquis. This Princess is overjoyed by your efforts.”

Smiling at her, I said.

“……Thank you, Your Highness.”

Eris then retreated as if nothing happened and defaulted to her joyful behavior.

“Well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!”

“I wanted to ask this sooner, but, are you sure you will be alright?”

“Hm? What do you mean?”

“Weren’t you the one who said you wouldn’t stand in a battlefield? The enemy we will fight are people whom you’ve seen before.”


Eris sighed, and after a moment of silence, she opened her mouth.

“I’m fine. If nothing else, I have my reputation as a Saint to fall back on and you Marquis, the locals will also help. If I refused to come, and acted all high and mighty, I would be no different from those hypocrites from the Theocracy.”

I chuckled at her answer. That’s my Princess.


Turning my head, I looked to the horizon.

The House of Lionel.

-I wish you the best of luck, Marquis.

I remember my last talk with the Count’s eldest son, Gilles De Lionel.

-I’ll always be grateful for all the help the Lionel family has given to me……Should you ever reconsider, I’ll make sure to return the grace given to me, so please do not hesitate to ask.

Those weren’t just empty words.

-I thank you for those words, I’ll remember them.

But perhaps, Gilles already knew,

From the moment they left our side, we would find ourselves on opposite sides.

Shiting my gaze, I looked at the fluttering flag of the Republic.

I don’t have the same conviction as Jidor, who can write off countless lives under the guise of ‘necessary sacrifices’.

However, if I stand still, I won’t be able to change anything.

Therefore, the only thing I can do is to move forward.

Never stopping, never retreating, in the hope of securing a better future for those under my care.

TL Note:










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