I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

Chapter 55: Revolutionary Period - Breakthrough (2)

Translated by – Mara Sov

༺  Revolutionary Period – Breakthrough (2) 

The defense lines became chaotic as the soldiers witnessed the absurd sight of their enemies breaking through their magical bombardment.

The Germania Empire’s infantry, who tried to hold against the enemy, could do nothing against the bombardment of steel at close range.

Wails of agony and despair echoed on the battlefield.

A storm of shrapnel tore through the bodies of those unlucky enough to stand on the frontline. Some soldiers recovered their senses and tried to flee, but the hailstorm of steel was uncaring of their decisions.

With their mission completed, the mounted artillery returned, giving way to the cavalry led by Knights as they began their charge.

“Foward men! Charge-!!”

“For Francia!”

The cavalry charged toward the shattered enemy lines, followed by a wave of infantry soldiers.

As he watched this scene from his telescope, the Grand Duke dropped the instrument onto the ground with a loud ‘clatter’.

This was a tactic never seen before.

No, calling something like this a ‘tactic’ was being generous,

This was nothing more than a desperate move, a ridiculous bet relying on the irregularity known as the ‘Saint’ of Francia.

Although the enemy’s intentions were obvious, the Germania Empire couldn’t do anything to counter it.

With a bitter laugh, the Grand Duke muttered darkly.

“……This war is a mess.”


The enemy infantry screamed as they were torn to shreds.


“Kill them all!”

Knights and cavalrymen rushed into the enemy lines, striking down any enemy in a frenzy.

Drawing my bow, I quickly notched an arrow.

After a swift observation, I aimed at a helpless mage who was panicking as both armies clashed.

As soon as I released the string, the mage fell with an arrow lodged in his forehead. Drawing another arrow, I looked at the Witch hovering in the distance.

The magic circle looked to be about one-third complete, rotating clockwise making the woman seem like a goddess looking down on us.

She was still too far.

“For the motherland!”

“Long Live the Republic! Follow the Marquis-!”

Looking back, I could see the revolutionaries breaking through the enemy lines as they followed our charge.

Amidst the song of steel and the desperate screams of the fallen, Sir Gaston’s shout reached my ears.

“Marquis! Enemy cavalry incoming!”

Letting go of my bow, I unsheathed my blade.

Most of our spears had snapped during the initial charge.

“Cavalry, form up! Knights! To the front!”

The Germania Empire cavalry trampled any soldiers in their way as they approached.

I couldn’t help but swallow a lump as the Empire’s cavalry made the ground shake with their charge against us.

“Hold your positions!”

My hand became slick with sweat.

“S-Shouldn’t we retreat now?”

But Damien’s frightened voice made me scoff.

“Knights! The commoners, the ones that were once looked down upon are now following our charge! They have put their trust in us! Tell me! If one runs now, could he even deserve being called a Knight?!”


“Then, advance! We must move forward! Those who flee will die by my hand!”

With the signal given, the horses moved.

Slowly at first,

Then, a light trot,

Soon the trot turned into a gallop.

Thousands of cavalry faced each other on this battlefield.

The wind screamed past my armor, and the ground quaked, our charge created tremors on the battlefield.

As the enemy lances approached, I raised my blade and yelled.

“For Francia-!!!”

As if answering my challenge, the enemy also screamed.

“Sieg Heil Kaiser!”

Imbuing my blade with mana, I sliced through a lance, cutting a Knight’s throat.

My sword, backed by the momentum of my charge, shattered the Knight’s defenses, cleaving through his bone in one swoop.

But at that moment, my horse let out a pitful scream.


Pierced by another Knight’s lance, my horse fell. With a roll, I was quickly able to get up and face the enemy coming at me.


Drawing my dagger, I quickly infused it with mana and threw it, piercing the Knights helmet.

The very next moment, I ducked to avoid a lance of another cavalryman approaching from the side. With a horizontal slash, I severed the legs of his horse.


With a gruesome scream, the rider tumbled to the ground, pinned under his own steed.

All around me, countless screams erupted as the combat continued.


Sir Gaston urged his horse towards me as he bisected two Knights with a single slash of his greatsword.

“Are you alright, My Lord?”

“I’m fine, concentrate on our enemies for now!”

Drawing another dagger, I planted it on the brow of another foe. As the carnage went on, I lost count of how many enemies I had killed and Sir Gaston approached me once again.

“Marquis! The enemy cavalry is retreating! Your orders?”

I immediately turned my gaze towards the high ground.

Through the broken line, I could see a considerable number of enemy infantry approaching, while their cavalry tried to hold us. Among the incoming tide, I could see the fluttering banner of the Grand Duke Leopold’s house.

Was that the legion under the Grand Duke’s command?

“Damn it. This won’t be easy.”

The Witch’s magic circle was about half done.

If the battle turned into complete chaos, there was a chance the Witch would cancel her spell to avoid friendly fire. But until now, there were no signs of this happening.

Perhaps the plan failed?

Should we retreat now?

I found myself looking back for a moment.

Tens of thousands of soldiers from Francia, were desperately fighting while yelling ‘Long Live the Republic!’ as they followed us.


After getting this far, there was no turning back.

“Those who have lost their horses, grab whatever you can! I don’t care if it’s the enemy’s own horses or of a fallen comrade! Prepare for the charge! We will break through them-!!”

“By your command!”

“Cavalry! Prepare for the charge!”

I mounted on a horse brought to me by a Knight and surveyed our formation. Our numbers had been reduced to a third due the initial charge and the battle against the enemy cavalry.

Charging head-on into their infantry with these numbers would be suicide. But my cavalrymen have been trained to learn how to wield their mana from the Knights.

Therefore, our suicidal move will work.


No, It must work.

“Men! Chaargeeeee!”


Those who were trying to recover their breath now spurred their horses to join our charge.

At that moment, I could see the infantry line bearing the banner of the Grand Duke fixing their bayonets, their muskets already aimed at us.

Then, giant fireballs flew from the sky.


“Don’t falter now! Full speed ahead! Hesitation will mean your death!”

“Follow the lord!”

Those in the front, including me, accelerated to avoid the fireballs, but one spell exploded right in the middle of our formation, scattering the inferno in all directions.


“Arghhh, M-My Lord!”

Some Knights were engulfed by the flames, while the cavalrymen with their rudimentary training in mana were rendered to ashes.

Seeing one of the Knights from Millbeau be devoured by the flames, I shouted.

“Snap out of it! Protect the front, they are firing!”


The muskets of the Grand Duke’s regiment spat fire in unison.



My men fell, their mana shattered as they tumbled to the ground.

The terror in Damien’s eyes, who was riding next to me, was clear to see.

Those who were following my lead panicked as they started to lag behind.

With a curse, I raised my sword high and shouted.

“Don’t stop now! We either emerge victorious or die trying!”

“Follow the Marquis!”

“Better a warrior’s death, than a cowardly life!”

Sir Gaston answered my call. Shouts of resolve erupted from behind me as I spurred my horse and thrust my sword forward.

I cut down the muskets and bayonets, and with another swing, blood splattered on my face.

Some of my men were unhorsed by the bayonets, others jumped into the enemy’s formation, wreaking havoc within their lines. It was then that I heard a multitude of screams from behind.

“Attack! Attack! Glory to the Republic!”

Looking back, I could see men in blue uniforms panting as they chased after us waving the banner of the Republic as they fought the enemy infantry trying to surround us.



I killed a soldier who rushed at me with his bayonet as he screamed.

“Victory is within our reach men! Don’t stop now!”


I swung my sword with all my might, cleaving an enemy soldier in half.

Amidst the chaos of battle, I have lost my horse once more, and my arms have long since gone numb from the countless times I’ve swung my sword.

My other senses have gone numb as well, but my blood-soaked armor seemed to trick my brain into smelling the iron stench.

The Witch’s magic circle was already 80% completed.

“Long Live the Grand Duke Leopold!”

Though we had managed to kill more than half of his troops, the Grand Duke’s regiment was like cockroaches, refusing to let us pass.

Amid the fighting, a gunshot blasted beside me.


Ignoring the searing pain erupting from my left arm, I pulled out a dagger and stabbed the head of the soldier who had shot me.

In a rare moment of respite, I tore down a piece of cloth and wrapped it around the gunshot wound.

However, despite all my efforts, the Witch’s magic circle showed no signs of stopping.

“Huff, huff.”

My breathing was erratic, and the sky was already darkening.

Only the screams, curses, and yells of soldiers echoed around the battlefield. The cacophony of noise was such that it became impossible to distinguish ally from foe.

“Huff-. M-Marquis…….Huff”

Sir Gaston, who appeared to be just as exhausted as I, hurried over to me while I issued my orders.

“We’re almost there. I need to conserve my strength, so clear the way for me.”

“By your command!”

While Sir Gaston dashed off, I cleared the blood on my sword and sheathed it, however, my hands couldn’t stop trembling.

Sweat poured from me like a waterfall, making it hard to keep my eyes open. I tried to wipe out the blood on my face, but I quickly realized that it was a pointless struggle, so I focused on Sir Gaston’s charge.

He must have been tired as well, but he continued to swing his greatsword like a vengeful spirit, cleaving enemies apart.

Finally, the blue-clad infantry, rushed towards us as they managed to push back the enemy, and followed Sir Gaston’s charge.

“Vive La Francia!”

“Vive La Revolution!”


For some reason, I couldn’t stop laughing.

Not just me, but everyone must be at their limits.

Even though they can see that the magic circle is nearly complete, everyone keeps charging ahead.

I was the one who made them do this.

I made Eris fool these poor soldiers into thinking that they had divine grace on their side.

Yet, despite all of this, this mad charge towards certain death sent shivers through my spine.

What could have made these men fight with such fervor?

I slowly followed in their wake, waiting for my hands to stop trembling.

“The enemies are fleeing!”


“We are almost there! Keep charging!”

The absolute carnage of this combat was brutal, in time the once unshakable regiment of the Grand Duke collapsed, and their banners fell in the mud.

The Witch’s magic circle was nearly done.

Yet, despite certain death, our forces continued their mad charge. This clearly unsettled the enemy lines.

Since my arms were finally steady enough, I took the bow settled on my back, and notched an arrow.

In the end, I wasn’t enough.

-I will lead the charge. And the proud Knights of Francia will follow me. We will be the spear that will pierce the enemy’s heart. So, follow us.

Even when I spoke those words, it was merely a speech to motivate the troops. I didn’t fully believe in them myself.

-If we all stand together we will win!

But at this moment, I must admit.

These people weren’t merely fodder to open a way for us. No, they were the main actors in this play.

I drew my arrow, our trump card, an arrow brimming with ‘Divine Power’.

For them, and for the trust Eris has put in me, I would draw this arrow she had spent days imbuying with her strength.

My left arm, the one that was struck by a bullet screamed in pain, as I pulled back the bowstring.

I had a single target.

The Witch who hovered above us, arrogantly chanting spells as if she was a goddess.

Imbuing the arrow with all the mana I had left, I released the bowstring.

Just as her Grand Magic was nearing its completion, Frau Wilhelmina Von Weinfeld sneered.

The desperate struggle of the Francian army and their breakthroughs were noteworthy. For an army composed of ignorant barbarians that is.

But in the end, they failed to reach her.

Wilhelmina, after using dozens of amplification crystals shuddered with bliss as she felt the boundless magical power infused in the circle.

In such a chaotic battlefield, her Grand Magic would result in severe casualties for both sides.

However, the plight of such uncultured barbarians was of no concern to her. After all, here she was, wielding power once reserved for the Divine! After this day, her name would become a symbol of awe and terror.


At that moment, her subordinate yelled, as an arrow shot into the sky was flying towards her.

“Tsk, what foolishness. Nothing more than a desperate struggle.”

The Witch raised her hand, conjuring a magic barrier to block the puny arrow.

However, the arrow, unable to contain the energy within it, burned like a comet leaving a bluish golden trail in the sky and stuck Wilhelmina’s barrier, as the Witch herself couldn’t help but be astonished at this development.


The arrow easily shattered her barrier, as Wilhelmina quickly raised both hands to conjure more layers, one over the other.

Yet, the arrow didn’t stop.

Like breaking a frail glass, all her barriers shattered.

One by one, the layers of magical defense were broken in an instant, as the arrow continued its trajectory.

“It can’t be!”

Wilhelmina screamed like a banshee as she realized her magical power would be insufficient to block such an arrow after pouring all her power into the Grand Magic.

In her desperation, she considered using the mana she had been building for her Grand Magic, but she hesitated.

What sort of heresy would be to use her spell, the Grand Magic she had poured her entire fortune into, a feat that bordered on the divine, just to block a single arrow?

Could she, a being recognized as a Sage, really fall to a single arrow?

In that moment of hesitation, Wilhelmina’s last barrier shattered and the arrow pierced her shoulder.

The arrogant Witch, the woman who believed herself to be a Goddess, had fallen.


Amidst the soldier’s cheers, the magic circle crumbled.

Even the Grand Duke’s regiment hesitated for a moment as they watched the Witch fall.

I pressed forward, cutting down anyone who stood in my way with Sir Gaston at my side.

The other mages who were assisting the Witch seemed completely drained of their mana, so they chose to flee rather than fight us.

After cutting down a few dozen soldiers, I finally reached the Witch.

The once mighty Sage, now had an arrow stuck in her shoulder as she glared at me with bloodshot eyes.

“You! Filthy mongrel, I’ll never forget this humiliation.”

When I was about to rush her, I noticed a huge magic circle forming between me and her, so I hesitated.

The Witch extended her finger tracing something in the air,

By reflex, I reached for my belt to throw a dagger at her, but my hands came out empty.

The next moment, a huge pillar of fire surged.

By instinct, I stepped back from the suffocating heat the fire emanated, as the Witch continued to conjure more flames on the ground between us.

“My Lord the Marquis, are you alright!?”

Sir Gaston reached me, as he asked through his heavy panting, but I could barely answer him, feeling all my energy draining away.

The fire wall, hot enough to melt even steel stood as a barrier in our path to Victory.

After all those sacrifices to reach her,

She would get away,


I clenched my teeth.

This opportunity was akin to a miracle. We would not have another chance.

Due to their arrogance, they didn’t foresee our desperate charge, and even with all those sacrifices we barely had a chance!

How much blood had been spilled today for me to give up now?

There would be no victory for us if we were to fail here.

If we meet that Witch again we will lose, and regardless if the Republic surrenders or not, both Christine and I will surely be executed.

She put her trust in me, the woman who was willing to crawl towards death’s embrace for my sake.

The woman whom I failed in my past life, leaving her to die.

And in this life, she was almost taken from me again.

After all of this, would I put her life at risk for a third time?

Taking off my water flask, I poured the contents over my head.

“M-My Lord?”

Sir Gaston cried out to me, but I ignored him as I charged into the inferno.

It’s hot.

Even when I squeezed whatever mana I had left to shield myself from the flames, my magic was quickly depleted.

I couldn’t breathe.

My body screamed at me, the pain was unbearable, but a burst of magic from my chest spread out to my body, protecting me for a few precious moments.

I closed my eyes to avoid burning them, so I had no idea what was happening or for how long this inferno would stretch.

But the moment I finally stepped out of the flames.

Right before my eyes,

The Witch was limping away.

I lifted my sword tempered by the flames, the handle burned my skin, melting my flesh.

However, I ignored it all,

With a single movement, I threw the sword with all my might.

The Sword cut through the wind with a whistling sound.

And it pierced the head of the Witch who had turned back to look at me.

In her eyes, I could see her confusion and dread.

The Storm Witch, the woman who thought herself to be a Goddess, collapsed without uttering a single word.

Seeing the inferno behind me disappear, I finally collapsed.

“My Lord!”

I could hear Sir Gaston’s desperate voice.

In my fading consciousness, I saw light coming from the black rose on my chest slowly being snuffed out.


Then, the darkness claimed me.





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