I Don’t Want This Bad Ending


"I can't wait here anymore!"

Gil straight up ran to the plaza as the energy of Ishid slowly vanished in the air.

"Let's go…!"

The rest of the contracted spirits of Evelyn decided to follow Gil who is more agitated than he lets on.

Of course, the others, like Cathy, Alisha, Bern, and Chrsifold also felt the fluctuations in the mana that was happening during the fight and once the noise quieted down they knew that they should quickly go there.

"Please… let Evelyn be safe." 

Cabel desperately mumbled as he ran beside them however how quietly he whispered it, the rest of them could hear it clearly.

Because it was also their desire to see Evelyn safe in sound. Especially when they heard the explosion and the continuous attack that was happening.

They couldn't even afford to get close to where the battle was happening because the suffocating mana made them bend on their knees and hold their necks as if they were being struggled.

And for Gil, Alisha, Bern, Cathy, and Chrisfold who are more sensitive towards black mana of the demonic race, they knew full well that they would just get in the way, especially that the mana occupying the body of Evelyn was a part of her awakened blood.

They could not afford to take her mana and use it and become corrupted by it. The complication will be more severe if they don't pull themselves together.

And it's not like it's new to them.

They have been in this kind of situation and have been repeating it for so many years. The contracted spirits of Evelyn have seen this a lot of times and they know that what they need to do is to focus there all to make Evelyn go back to her humanity. 


Evelyn was standing at the decapitated corpse of Ishid. 

"How boring… you've been struggling to defeat this fake?"

The awakened Evelyn said as she was talking to the other girl that was sleeping deeply within her consciousness.

After a while, she heard a lot of movement that was getting close to her. Slowly glancing around, the armored clattering in the air slowly came into sight.

"Isn't this a pleasant surprise…"

It was knights of the Royal Palace that were dispatched as a support for the previous knights that came first to evacuate the civilians in the plaza.

Their heavy silver armor and spike in their hands was pointing towards her as they surrounded her with a shield.

"Hah! You humans are really funny~" the awakened Evelyn said.

"Is this what I'll get after I kill your enemy?"

No one answered but based on their faces alone, she could think about what thoughts are swirling around the knight's head.

"You do know that I'm the missing daughter of Duke Emsworth, right?"

The evil Evelyn enjoyed the faces of the knights that were confused about what was happening in front of them.

Surely, her face was known in the capital as Evelyn knew how desperately the "father" of her other self was trying to find her.

"Shut up! You're a demon!"

Evelyn heard one of the knights that seems to be the leader of the group. She turns her head and smiles like the demon that she is.

The knights who saw her dampened smile felt shivers all over their body but for the leader who didn't see it clearly as he was at the back was one step late for saving himself.

"Know your place! How dare you cause terror in this land!"

The leader in command was trying to boost the morale of the knights as he saw the fear in their eyes.

"Do not fear as the Kingdom has been blessed by the Goddess of Light!"

"Oh my~"

Evelyn continued to smile but then vanished the moment they blinked their eyes.


Quickly disappearing and appearing in front of the knight who just blabbed anything that he thought, he gasped in fright.

The next thing he knew he was up in the air and choking.

"You have a very loud mouth… should I close it for you?"



In that short amount of time, Evelyn made the leader of the knights soar in the sky and into the pile of rubbish.

"Who's next?"

She turned around with a smile that one could think she was just a lady touring the plaza for the first time.

But her crimson eyes that have snake-like pupils made them aware that she's not some ordinary lady that is here to tour the Capitol.



A familiar voice with a domineering tone made an entrance. The Royal Knights whose spear was still pointing at her made way for their King.

"If it's not His Majesty, the King. It's a pleasure to meet you…" Evelyn said after mimicking the memory that she saw in her other self memories.

"... meet me?"

Confused at his words, Edickart can't help but ask.

"Are you Lady Evelyn that I know?"

Evelyn blinked, her eyes were like a seductress.

"I wonder…"

Edickart gulped. He had heard about a simple report of what happened and the proof that Gab arrived at the Royal Palace with his life hanging on the line.

He quickly left the palace as he knew that he needed to see it for himself. The report that Lady Evelyn became a being that was strong and cruel. And the appearance and demeanor that was different to the ones in the report of his intel.

"But Your Majesty… Is this how you treat your citizens?" Evelyn said as she looked around where the spear and swords were pointing at her.

"We're just trying to be more careful."


Her pause seems to make Edickart sweat.

"I was your former fiancee… how can you be this cruel?"

The words that Evelyn spoke can warrant sympathy from the onlookers.

However, Edickart could only silently observe her as her attitude was different and her words are like daggers that were hidden before you got stabbed in the back.

His guts are telling him to be more careful around her. And his guts has never failed him before except when it concerns Evelyn.

That was why Edickart was contemplating what to do. Is it to act as the King or as a friend that still has feelings for his former fiancee.

While Edickart is observing her from head to toe, the important people arrive at the scene.

All of them stopped when they saw the new change in Evelyn, in particular, the five contracted spirits of Evelyn were shocked.


Alisha bit her lips as she thought how useless they've become after a thousand years of waiting for this kind of opportunity to happen.

For a new kind of fate to appear for Evelyn that was reincarnated more than times that they could count on their hands. 

To confirm, everything that they see, the memories that the Plaza was once etched in their mind vanished in a day. The structures were destroyed, the fruits in the stalls splattered on the ground and the cement floor and paved way are all tattered like some meteorite just happened to land there.

And in the center of knights pointing their sword and spear there was Evelyn and Edickart.

"What the hell is happening here?"

Cabel asked. And Evelyn turn around in response.

"Hmm~ I'm not really into meeting you people. Evelyn will wake up if you are being too loud."

Then she made a gesture of putting her index finger in front of her lips. However, Cabel was impatient.

"What do you mean Evelyn will wake up? Then who are you? Where did Evelyn go?" Cabel replied.

And in a split second, Evelyn was now looking at Cabel's eye as she put her forefinger in his lips.

"Ssshh..I told you don't be too noisy and…"

Cabel could clearly see that the sunset eyes that he always got mesmerized with were not there.  And her seductive countenance made him aware that the lady in front of her was not the Evelyn that he knew.

"What did you do to Evelyn?!"

He tried to ask the question that was bugging him since he saw Evelyn's change in appearance. Without leaking the trembling in his voice as things started to swirl negative thoughts in his head as to what happened to Evelyn.


At her answer, Evelyn push Cabel and his ruby eyes were shocked at the sudden turn of events as he landed in the rubbles.

"Evelyn! Please… this is not who you are." Gil, the person closest to Evelyn said.

"Really? I wonder about that." 

She smiled then her mana soared into heights. The suffocating pressure was enough for them to get on their knees.

"What are you doing, Evelyn?!" Bern asked in a loud voice as he put his arm in front of his face as a shield. The others did the same while the knights scattered in the area as they were pushed back by the sudden burst of pressure in the area.

"I just saw the surface and you want me to give Evelyn to you right away? No~ I'm not giving up on this body. Ha-hahaha!"

"Evelyn! Stop this and wake up!" Cathy screamed in desperation.

"Please! Evelyn… don't give up on yourself! Your family is waiting for you. We are waiting for you." Alisha also screamed.

Evelyn laughed at the desperation that the contracted spirits were showing to her.

"Stop being a hypocrite when you know full well that the reason why Evelyn is in this situation was because of you higher-spirits! Don't give me crap that you are worried about her! You only want this world to be saved by her even at the expense of her life!"

The awakened demon blood that knows the history of all the lives that Evelyn has put up with was angry at the higher spirits that contracted Evelyn even in this life.

"That's not true, Evelyn! You know that's not what we want!" Gil replied, his smokey eyes were clouded with moisture.

"Evelyn only needs me… So, I'll get rid of all of you!"

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