I Don’t Want This Bad Ending

Chapter 37: Aftermath: Part 2


The butler Jede went and report the recent outcome of Doctor Llyod. The news that Evilyn was not only stabbed but also poisoned.

A quiet room greeted the butler and only the back of the Duke was seen in the light provided by the moon.

*knock *knock

Duke Keene didn't turn around and only listen to what the butler would say.

The butler readily himself to speak the unfortunate news of Evelyn.

He knew that the Duke will respond furiously.

"Your Grace, the sage healer found out that..." before he continued, the butler glanced up at the Duke warily.

*ahem* "... that Lady Evelyn was also poisoned."

The butler who was ready to accept the animosity of the Duke bowed his head deep. But contrary to his expectation, what greets him was complete silence.

Only the Duke's "hmn" was heard. He looked up hesitantly and saw that the Duke was still facing the glass window behind his work table.

It was so serene that the butler doubted himself if what he saw was really the Duke. But as he was only a butler, he pushed himself not to ask questions and left the Duke by himself.


Evelyn was grunting while her worn eyelids slowly blink. She gradually rises up to sit and her pale-colored right hand touched the white cotton sheets to found support to her weight and placed the other hand on her temples to aid her aching head.

Looking down, Evelyn saw her bandaged body, and remembering what occurred she decided to finally put her plan into action. But first, she needed to find Gab and recuperate.


Knowing that Evelyn was now awake, Doctor Llyod warned her to heal properly and to prevent practicing her normal routine, which is taking her swordsmanship and mana manipulation class.

Taking this lesson will take a toll on her body as it needs physical ability and mental stability, and a weak body with simultaneous injuries from the coincidental events that she had these past few weeks will not help her to restore her strength. Complete rest was needed.

Doctor Llyod sigh and said...

"You do know that you were close to death this time, right?"

Evelyn only blinks and smiled while her eyes express deep sadness.

"... your condition was critical when I arrived here, and your coughing blood nonstop. I needed to do extreme measures to save your life and make the poison out of your system. Fortunately, I was in time and prevented the worst-case scenario from happening."

"... and after that, you were in a coma for two weeks." Lloyd looked at Evelyn's eyes and sincerely said..

"Lady Evelyn... Please do not let me visit you again. I do not want to see you covered in blood when I'm called here."

"I'm sorry, doctor Lloyd..." Evelyn only hangs her head down.

Doctor Llyod sadly smiled and continued.

"It's not like it's your fault, but seeing a young Lady like you constantly getting hurt, worried me... You're still young, Lady Evelyn..." The Doctor pats her hunched shoulder and Evelyn looked up.

"A young Lady such as yourself should be doing tea parties or leisurely doing her hobbies and not... getting into some trial exam or getting in between with politics schemes and ended up hurt." The Doctor continued and Evelyn silently listen.

"It's not your fault, Lady Evelyn so, held your head high, ..." Lloyd emphasizes.

"...it is not your fault. You just want to be strong and I know, I can see it from your determined eyes. But do take note..."

"Nothing can be done and you'll achieve nothing if you carelessly take short cuts to be strong. Let your destiny lead you to your path but let yourself choose to decide what is for the best." Lloyd continued and ruffled the black fluff with a silver-blue tone at the ends of the strands of Evelyn's hair.

Laughing, Evelyn answered.


Evelyn was touched by what Llyod said and genuinely give her a smile.

A smile from the bottom of her heart.


It's been a week since Evelyn woke up from her coma, the Duke comes in her daughter's chamber and saw her daughter's face that has a vivid color, comparing it to her paled face before, that seemed to be in a deep slumber wherein, any moment can cross between the world of abyss.

Without thinking the Duke unconsciously sighs a relief.

Walking to her daughter's bedside, he talks to Evelyn and she just blinks twice. Before ending her stupor.

"Good day, Duke." Evelyn gradually lowered her head to give respect although she was still in her bed, sitting.

The Duke stared at her daughter's face before his expression turned into a frown and back to being his indifferently self but before he knew it, he uttered words that left Evelyn confused.


Evelyn blinks and turns her head to the side, confused about what the Duke is suddenly saying.

"You called me papa before..."

"I did?!"

Perplexed, Evelyn asks in a heartbeat.


'What is this guy suddenly saying? Me calling him papa? When?!' Evelyn thought.

But with the prolonged unanswered question, Evelyn stops her doubt because the Duke's face was looking at her with his knitted brows and straight-line mouth.


"You did call him that, Child."


"When you're delirious."


Evelyn was left speechless.

The question was answered by the voice in her head and Evelyn just shut her mouth. Breaking her attention the Duke speaks again.

"Repeat it."

Stunned... Evelyn asks again to make sure that she didn't hear it wrong.

"I'm sorry, Duke but what..." Before she asked, the Duke repeat his words.

"Papa... That's what you'll call me from now on."



With no choice left, Evelyn nodded hesitantly while feeling puzzled.

'What's with him? He hates me right?'

"I also don't know, Child." Gil said indifferently.

While the two were talking, the Duke told his intent when he made a visit to Evelyn's room.

"Tomorrow... You'll train with me. Jede will tell you the details."


"...your answer, Evelyn?"

Looking at the Duke, Evelyn answers belatedly.


But the Duke who isn't satisfied raised his brow and folded his arms.



Evelyn's father left after he was satisfied and Evelyn was left uncomfortable with what happened. It was strange for the Duke to suddenly demand her to say "PAPA" that she unconsciously said while fainting.

She was left to think...

'What's wrong with the Duke? Did he hurt his head? He does realize that what he wants was embarrassing, right? It's awkward when he does things he usually doesn't do.'

"And me? Calling him "PAPA"? When did he become a father?" Evelyn smirk when she remembered the Duke's command.

Evelyn plopped down on her bed with a grunt.

"Ahh, whatever! This stupid novel isn't following the storyline anymore!"

She kicks her white cotton bed sheets to express her frustration.

With her wounds already healed, she has no choice but to plainly accept her Father's authority.

Evelyn who was left alone confused was looking straight into nothingness.

"I'll personally train you."

It was the Duke's words before he walked out. The words ring inside Evelyn's head.

"I don't get to have a rest, am I?!"

Clicking her tongue, she frustratedly swings both arms and feet in the air, rebelling her unending hardship when the door swung open.

Evelyn halt and sit upright as nothing happened. But what came from the door let her sour mood deepen into a whole lot level of annoyance.

"Don't you know how to knock?"

Evelyn glared at the silver-blue hair that was walking leisurely with a smirk on his face.

"Why should I? It's just you. The spoiled Evelyn. I don't need to knock." Allan said poking fun at her sister.

'... ha. Mocking Allan? You made the wrong choice to be my opponent, I've had enough of you. I'll let you know how to taste real frustration.'

"I didn't know that the heir of the Emsworth Family doesn't know how to practice his etiquette. What a disappointment." Evelyn scoff while she twirls the stands in her hair, looking without care.

Then a bright idea suddenly came to Evelyn's head.

'Let's use that...hohoho'

"PAPA" should think twice about his decision."

Allan perked up with words that left in Evelyn's mouth.

"Papa?! Ha... since when did you become so shameless?! Calling him papa?!"

Evelyn then eyed her brother from top to bottom, observing and criticizing him, then she smirks and replied.

"Am I? But that's his request..."

"...I had a hard time pursuing " PAPA" that I shouldn't be calling her that since I'm a big girl now... but what to do?! He insists on doing so." Evelyn pout and grinned.

"Do you mind Allan, to tell "PAPA" about what I said?!"

"...Oh never mind, I forget that "PAPA" doesn't listen to you. RIGHT? ALLAN?"

Allan was red like a tomato with his angered flared up.

"What did you say?!"

"Did you just call me Allan?! without my title?!" Allan continued, losing his composure.

"Title? Do you have one? I'm sorry "ALLAN" you understand that I had amnesia, right?"

Evelyn sheepishly smiled, while Allan was gritting his teeth.

"...Oh! Is it the " young master" of the Emsworth household? but you didn't EARN that. "PAPA" gave it to you, because apparently, he has no choice."

Evelyn's mood brightened up and she cracked to laughter looking at her brother who was looking like a red bull with smoke coming from his red ears and defeated by his younger sister and left with no words to argue.

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