I Don’t Want This Bad Ending


The Crown Prince was walking with all vigor as he swept every hallway with his emerald hawk eyes. He's searching every nook and cranny for Evelyn who was yet again the center of attention this time.

As his long strides help him reach places that was desolate, he saw what he was searching for, an ombre hair swaying as the wind whisper a soft air, her black hair that was braided at the back of her hair and the silver-blue tip that majestically shines like gems reach her small waist curled like waves. Her back was familiar for him as he visits the lady almost every day for the past year after the assassination attempt. And she was always at the back garden where she swings her thin looking hands with all her might, she trains every single day that whenever he visits, her back always faces him so he was certain that he knew it was her. She was one of the human beings that he finds entertaining.

Evelyn was at the back of the dormitory, she was sitting at one of the shades of willow trees, as much as it was news to her, she finds it relaxing to sit under the willow trees though it was her first time to see this mass of willow tree in this world. She finds the refreshing smell to be one to help her calm her heart. So, as always when she was bugged with problems and her heart and mind was heavy with burdens, she sits in this certain willow tree that overlooks the swamp.

She was certain that this place wouldn't be found but to her expectations she heard long strides that accompanied with force in every step, she heard the crackling sound of twigs breaking under pressure.

She turned her head around and saw the dashing look of a certain Prince of this country, she sighs and stood to welcome the unwanted guest that disrupted her peace.

"Greetings to the little sun of the Kingdom of Levingstone, may the sun guide your path, your highness, the Crown Prince." She gracefully spread her skirt imitating a fan as she bows to make it curtsy.

"You may rise, Lady Evelyn." He said.

Edickart, who was now standing in front of Evelyn who bowed to her, acknowledged her greetings. She stand straight, he can see the graceful stance that he knows was embedded to her at the young age but right now he have more things to discuss with this Lady who's face was neutral and her butterfly lashes that flaps beautifully under the bright rays of the sun that make her cat-like sunset eyes alluring and her cherry lips that glisten with moist.

He gulps his dry saliva, he coughs as he tries to erase the inappropriate thoughts that swirl around his head.

He glances at her, he tries everything that he can to gain the attention of this Lady that he was interested in. He even tried to make her jealous by using the girl he saw for the first time at the assessment day who has a light magic to make her a little envious but only disappointment came back to him.

Because Evelyn was disinterested, she looked bored that day that he made fun of her just to have some reaction to her stone face, but she just excuses herself and leaves him behind, speechless after he was dissed.

That was also the day that he made a wrong move because the pink hair girl that he just used to make her jealous was stuck to him now like a glue. But because of her light magic that he was certain will be useful to the future Kingdom that he will reign once he is crowned as the King, he kept her by his side. Which now made some troubles for him.

Because the girl he thought was innocent, meek, and naïve, was spreading rumors using his name. And making moves at his back and the target was the lady in front of her. But how come he knows that it was Elise who spread such malicious rumors? Only he knows.

He sighs and calls her name in a soft voice. It was the first time that he would do this to anyone.

"Evelyn…" He smiled and looked at her with his warm emerald eyes.

"Why are you here alone?" He asked what made Evelyn crumpled her beautiful face. He was amused by that, but he can't let her see it. His the Crown Prince that was he thought, masking his feelings was one of the things that he knew he needed to survive.

"I'm just here because there's a lot of small flies who keep on buzzing behind my back" she said.

Meaning, she wants to get out of the gossipers who're shamelessly talking about her. He looked at her again. This time, he made eye contact with her.

He knows that Evelyn doesn't have a good impression of her. He's aware that his attitude towards her was the one responsible and the reason why Evelyn was not paying attention to his schemes to get her attention. Though he wants her to become the sole candidate to become his fiancée, the rumors circulating around her was making the other families and senate think twice about picking her.

He sighs again.

"Evelyn… the rumors surrounding you, do you wish to clear it?" He asked. That was the only option that he could give.

As she's one of the candidates, he can't be involved with her or the ladies who are competing to become the winner of a political marriage. That was against the rules, but Evelyn wasn't doing anything to compete or to clear her name. With this, he was certain that Evelyn doesn't want to marry him, as what she said to him a year ago.

"Let them be, your highness. You don't need to bother about some nonsense talk they whisper for their own entertainment." She said. Getting him out of his thoughts.

He grips his palm to a ball of fist that he kept hiding behind his white cape. The cape was part of the uniform, one of the unique things that Elite forces have. He accepts this position so that he can have a power within the academy that will be able to help Evelyn when she enters the school. But what he didn't know, even this power can't help to clear the rumors that she has.

"You really… don't want to marry me?" He paused and asked through gritted teeth.

"Yes." She answered without missing a beat. She looked up to him, he needed to know that she was serious.

His pupils shook when he heard the answer that he wished he didn't know. Even though he kind of anticipated her answer, he wished that it was just a dream.

"Your highness, I told you this a lot of times, and I won't change my mind." She explained her sweet voice echoed.

He confronts her not because of this, but because he wants to know her feelings. He wished not to be on the sidelines this time. He had enough of only looking at her in the back.

"You won't change your mind? You'll be the future Empress if you become my wife…" He said, he bit his lower lips. It seems to him that he was pleading to accept her, though he would do that if his pride accompanied by his title wasn't a hindrance.

"Your highness…" she steps forward. She sighs inwardly.

"I don't need a position that will only lead to heartaches, full of schemes, heavy responsibilities, and infinite loneliness…" she added.

She smiled but her eyes were filled with sadness. "When I was young and naïve, I thought that being your highness bride would bring me happiness but I was young and full of hopes and dreams, I tried everything to gain his highness attention…" she continued but was interrupted by him.

"I won't tell you that you won't feel lonely. The responsibility accompanied by having the highest position was not something that was full of roses and confetti. It's not a paved road but a bumpy one. Constantly thinking if you'll wake up the next morning with your life intact, or having helpless nights where even a wink of sleep won't be there for you to help you ease your worries… I know, but I will still tell you this, Evelyn…" he reached for her pale hands and kissed the back of her hand.

Evelyn bulged her eyes wide, she was shocked on how sincere the Crown Prince now. She thought that he was here because of Elise who was said to have isolated herself because of what happened. She never thought that Edickart was here for this reason.

'I don't know why he asked this, but it was time to clear some things to him. Though it's partly my fault, I mean the old Evelyn who craved even a little attention did everything for this to happen, it was me right now who needed to cut ties with him. My life is more important than any position in high society.' She thought as she breathed to gain confidence to explain everything.

It was the old her who pestered him and made everything possible that resulted in this, but she's not the old Evelyn. So, the changes would bring confusion to his highness who accepted the political marriage with open arms.

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