I Gave Up on Conquering the Heroines

Chapter 12

“Whoa, damn. That really hurts.”


The moment I used the technique, my wrist automatically twisted, and that’s the sound it made.

The techniques of Merida-style Swordsmanship were all developed assuming the elf’s physique.

In other words, there are techniques that are impossible to execute with a human body.

What would happen if I tried to forcefully use those techniques with my trait?

The answer is simple.

I would push beyond the limits of my body in any way I could.

Even breaking my own wrist in the process.

My wrist, swollen and throbbing, felt like it was about to explode from the pain.

“Did I… did I lose?”

Yerina still seems to be in disbelief over her defeat, staring blankly into space.

Is the shame of her first defeat that profound? Her face quickly turns crimson.

‘Was I too sneaky?’

Even I feel a slight pang of conscience.

First, I pressured Yerina using my most skilled Dakia-style Swordsmanship.

Once a flustered Yerina began using her techniques, the system window appeared automatically.

[You have gained the trait ‘Frost-style (lv.1)’.]

I successfully acquired Frost-style Swordsmanship.

Originally, this trait could only be acquired by receiving swordsmanship training from Yerina, but it seems that a match also counts as a form of training.

Thanks to that, I was able to exploit Yerina’s openings using the copied Frost-style techniques.

And then, I finished off the duel with an elf’s swordsmanship at a completely unexpected timing.

‘From the start, it wasn’t a fair fight.’

I approached the duel knowing everything about Yerina, while she fought without knowledge of any of the three swordsmanship styles I was using.

Know thyself and know thy enemy; you will never lose in a hundred battles.

With such an overwhelming information gap, it’s only natural I could win, no matter the physical differences.

“Why… why did you stop your sword mid-fight?”


She’s quick on the uptake.

Going straight for the sore spot.

The reason I stopped my sword in front of Yerina wasn’t by choice.

It wasn’t that I stopped; it was because I physically couldn’t move my broken wrist anymore.

Yerina seems to suspect that, but she doesn’t seem fully convinced.

“Then why didn’t you strike my face? You clearly said you had an excellent healer…”

“I couldn’t dare to leave a mark on the Duke’s face. It would be unfortunate if a scar remained, wouldn’t it?”

“It wouldn’t be a problem! A scar on a beast-folk body is a mark of glory!”

“It’s a problem for me! Every time I look at the Duke’s face, my heart feels like it might break.”



Yerina absentmindedly bites her lip, and her face turns beet red.

It seems she took it as such a big insult that she can’t control her blushing.

Huh? Or maybe not?

Given her ears are flopped back, she doesn’t seem to feel too bad.

“I admit my defeat. I’ll get healed and put on clothes; my attendant will guide you to the banquet.”

“What banquet?”

“It’s a courtesy offered to guests visiting Palana. I’ll treat you lavishly during your stay here, so don’t refuse.”

Yerina speaks in a cold tone, as if she’s reluctantly offering something.

I’m utterly flabbergasted.

There’s no reason to refuse such a gift.

It saves on travel expenses too.

Soon after, kept wearing her fur coat and crown, Yerina whispers as she passes by me.

“The details of today’s match. If you blab about it, you won’t live to see the next Palana.”



Chills run down my spine.

If I had fixated my gaze on the ground, not noticing her pointy ears twitching, I wouldn’t have figured it out.

That means she’s feeling very pleased.


I’m starting to understand the situation.

Could it be that capturing Yerina might be easier than any other heroine?


“Let’s calm down…”


Yerina slaps her cheek and forces herself to calm down.

She previously announced her intention to marry someone stronger than me.

But that doesn’t mean she has to marry the person who defeated me in a duel.

Now, one more candidate for marriage has simply appeared.

Given the will and situation of the counterpart, it’s impossible to push the issue.

Moreover, the counterpart isn’t even beast-folk but human.

“That man doesn’t know anything anyway; what does it matter that he won against me in a duel?”

He’s from a distant land, so he can’t possibly know the declaration I made before.

I even threatened that I would kill anyone who blabbed about the duel results.

Right now, he probably thinks I’m just a bitter woman clinging to a loss.

“Oh, I really don’t want that…”


The hand that covered her face slowly lowers, smudging her makeup all over.

I guess I have to redo it again.

Yoo Jin is probably already at the banquet hall.

But lacking the courage to see his face again, Yerina unconsciously keeps ruining and fixing her makeup over and over.

“It’s late.”


In the grand banquet hall.

He stood out even in the noisy atmosphere.

The human man, sitting at an empty table, enjoying his meal alone.

He still wore that cheeky expression from before.

“Did everyone greet you? This is Yoo Jin, who traveled all the way from the far southern continent. Thanks to this gentleman, we haven’t had a banquet in a long while, so please give him a round of applause.”

At last, Yerina introduces him, and the room bursts into applause.

It’s a royal family known for its simplicity.

They seldom hold banquets unless it’s for an important event or celebration.

As the applause from the hundreds gathered in the banquet hall began to die down, Yerina sat across from Yoo Jin, facing him.

“I don’t know how to thank you for the warm welcome.”

“It’s nothing much, so don’t feel burdened. You deserve this treatment.”

After all, he is the only person who has defeated me in a duel.

Currently, he’s the one and only candidate for marriage.

Even if he’s from a different race, no one knows what the future holds, so I can’t treat him casually.

“So, what brings you to Palana?”

“I came for sightseeing. I’ve heard it’s a beautiful place.”

“But did you really travel all the way here from the southern continent without proper planning? There must be another reason.”

“You’re sharp. Actually, I came here to find a bride. I’ve heard there are many beautiful women here.”


Yerina droops her ears in disappointment.

So he has a penchant for women.

That’s a deduction of ten points as a candidate for marriage.

“So, was the rumor true?”

“Yes, it wasn’t wrong. Still, while there were indeed many beautiful ladies, only one caught my eye.”

“Hmm, I see. Where’s your hometown?”

“I don’t really have a place I could call home. I wander from place to place.”

“What about family?”

“There’s no family tied by blood left in this world.”

“Oh my. So you’re living by your learned swordsmanship?”

“Yes. I travel around doing bodyguard work and such…”

The banquet (which I could read as a census) went on for quite a while.

Every question was one I couldn’t discard.

With each exchange of questions and answers, Yerina’s opinion of Yoo Jin fluctuated.

An orphan without a single blood relative.

A commoner, but someone who seems well-educated.

Remarkable talent in swordsmanship.

No romantic relationship.

No hometown to go back to.

Somewhat handsome. No, actually very much so.

‘I really don’t want to miss this…’

If you exclude being human as a drawback, he’s practically perfect.

Even searching across the whole continent, finding a better marriage candidate will be difficult.

And this man even defeated Yerina in a duel.

Perhaps I began to feel attracted from the moment we met.

To the man wandering the snowy mountains with a brave look in his eyes.

To the man who drew his sword against a bear for a woman he’d just met.

To the man who even risked hypothermia to offer a fur blanket to a stranger.

To the guy who seemed flippant yet had remarkable swordsmanship skills.

‘If I let this person slip, there may never be another chance.’

Perhaps no one will ever defeat Yerina in a duel again.

Even if someone does show up, it will likely be a time when Yerina’s strength has weakened beyond her prime.

This is a one-time opportunity.

In this once-in-a-lifetime chance, aside from being human, he’s the best candidate for a husband.

I must capture this man.

Yerina shivers as her ears tremble.

“Speaking of my bride, I don’t plan to take my time.”

“Huh? What do you mean by that?”

“I’m in a hurry. I want to find someone soon and hold a wedding ceremony.”

“Haha, that might be tough. Beast-folk tend to have long relationships before marrying, right? Humans often marry first without love, though, don’t they?”

“Yes, that’s true for the nobility. Commoners, however, tend to have longer relationships like the beast-folk.”

“How intriguing. It’s fascinating how marriage customs differ by class. But may I ask why you’re in such a hurry to find a bride?”


“Hang on.”

Something feels off.

With her ears perked up, Yerina briefly excuses herself to Yoo Jin and scans the atmosphere around them.

People are giggling while glancing at the table where Yoo Jin and Yerina are sitting.

And not just a few; the entire banquet hall is caught up in the mischief.

They seem to be sharing some funny story here while we are the only ones in the dark.

Yerina quickly calls over a servant to inquire.

“What’s going on?”

“My lord, it seems a rumor is going around.”

“What kind of rumor?”

“It’s rumored that you lost the duel on purpose because you want to marry that man named Yoo Jin…”

“Wha-what?! What are you talking about?!”

In an instant, Yerina’s face turns bright red.

The contents of the duel have leaked outside?

Among the bodyguards and attendants, there’s not a single person who would spill such secrets.

If that’s the case, then it can only be one culprit.

“You! How could you spread such nonsense?!”

Yerina bangs her hand on the table, her face blazing red.

The sound reverberates loudly enough to draw everyone’s attention, filling the banquet hall with silence.

Even so, Yoo Jin continues to eat calmly with his gaze focused on his plate.

“I don’t recall spreading any nonsense. I only disseminated the fact that the Frost Duchess was defeated by me. The rest must have been exaggerated in between.”

“Didn’t I clearly say? If you blab about the duel, I’ll kill you.”

“I completely overlooked that. So, are you going to kill me?”


Faced with Yoo Jin’s shamelessness, I find myself at a loss for words.

To so lightly disregard the warning of someone holding absolute power in this place…

His nerve must be of steel.

Or could it be he’s caught on to my kindness?

That shouldn’t be the case.

I’ve treated Yoo Jin coldly this entire time, hiding my good will.

“My position has become very awkward, thanks to you! This makes it seem like I’m enamored with you!”

“That wasn’t my intention, and I sincerely apologize. But may I suggest a way to resolve this situation?”

“What is it?”

“You should marry me.”

Yerina’s ears slowly perk up.

Moments ago, the recent conversation piece starts to piece together in her mind.

The woman Yoo Jin is urgently looking for to marry.

And the one that fits his preferences perfectly.

She just realized who all of this is about.

“Although the Duke is not of human descent, and I am not of noble rank, why not follow the customs of human nobles this once? Since it’s come to this, even if our love is somewhat lacking, let’s start with marriage…”

“M-M-Me? You madman!”

“My lord!”


In the midst of all the attention, unable to contain her embarrassment, Yerina overturned the table and made a run for it.

As she stormed out of the banquet hall, her tail wiggled side to side behind her.

Even in the midst of it all, Yoo Jin simply sat back and waited for the attendants to right the table.

Once the table was back in place, and the food was served again, Yoo Jin leisurely resumed his meal.

Since this was a rare opportunity for a banquet, he planned to enjoy it to the last bite before leaving.

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