I Gave Up on Conquering the Heroines

Chapter 38

“The color in your face seems to be a bit better. Or is it just my imagination?”

“No. I really do feel full of energy today.”

Is it because I didn’t drink a day’s worth of poison?

Or maybe because so many good things have happened today?

Today’s Cornelia is completely different from yesterday.

“Ahhhh. I didn’t realize how nice the morning air could be. I’ve been forgetting it while gasping in pain.”

Of course, even yesterday, despite being thin, her beauty still shone, but it was like a poor flower on the brink of withering.

In contrast, today, her colors are much more vivid.

It’s not an outright dramatic improvement, but there’s a promising view for better days ahead.

One thing’s for sure: Cornelia has crossed the life-or-death threshold.

“I’m sorry for being late.”

“Huh? You arrived early enough. Thanks to you, I’ve kept my life.”


Cornelia waves her hand dismissively.

No. It’s too late.

Twelve years late, in fact.

Cornelia suffered abuse at the hands of a villain who worships demons no fewer than twelve times in the blind spots I couldn’t see.

Where could I report this unspeakable grievance?

The fact that I didn’t notice despite being near pricks at my conscience.

“The mansion feels a lot quieter now.”

“Yeah. I think I can finally relax. Even when the mansion was bustling and noisy, it always felt like I was alone in all that racket. But today, even being just us two makes the mansion feel full.”

As I stroll through the quiet hall, I enjoy the sound of footsteps echoing throughout.

Our two footsteps overlap, resonating together.

It feels strangely like wandering through an empty house after everyone has left.

When I glance to the side, I see Cornelia quietly clasping her hands, fixing her gaze on my face.

“Um… Yoo Jin.”


“Feel free to speak casually.”

“I’m a commoner; is that okay?”


“Alright, I’ll do as you say.”

“Yes, this does feel easier for me.”

Did Lawrence drop the formalities?

I actually prefer casual speech too.

Since I’m about to say something harsh to Cornelia.

“So, what do you plan to do from now on, Countess?”

“Um, first, I intend to resign from being the Countess.”

Cornelia smiles and replies.

Of course.


She terribly despises that word which reminds her of Lawrence.

“There’s no one left to stop me now. Sure, the family will likely slander and try to undermine me… but as long as I don’t voluntarily relinquish my position, all the authority of the family head is mine.”

The light in Cornelia’s eyes glimmers.

The lifeless, puppet-like eyes regain color.

With the excitement of a teenage girl sharing her dreams, she starts to elaborate.

“I’m going to sell this mansion, liquidate all assets, and drive everyone away… Ultimately, my goal is to dismantle the Briam house. After all, the head of the family was a demon-worshiper. Once that becomes public, dismantling the family shouldn’t be too hard…”

“Cornelia, I’m sorry, but that can’t happen.”


But I must shatter Cornelia’s dreams like glass.

As I cut her off, confusion washes over Cornelia’s face.

She seems to wonder why I’m saying such things.

“We made a deal, remember? I’d kill Lawrence for you.”

“I’m here to empower you.”

“Good memory.”

“H-Hardly. I’ll support you. Hildegart is a quite substantial family in its own right. Whatever help you need…”

“Honestly, I primarily need financial support. I heard Hildegart is still struggling with financial issues. If I’m mistaken, please correct me.”


It seems she finds it hard to counter that; her lips seal shut.

Biting her reddened lips, she’s rendered speechless.

Yet, her gaze remains fixed on my face with pleading eyes.

Please, don’t say that.

“The fact that Lawrence was a servant of demons won’t be disclosed. I won’t dissolve the Briam house either. Cornelia, I hope you take charge of Briam as the Countess.”


Delivering such a cruel demand feels like delivering the final sentence to Cornelia.

Once again, I ask her to relinquish her dreams.

Bearing the stigmatization of the Briam name that she so despises, I order her to lead the very family that tried to take her life.

I can’t bear to meet Cornelia’s eyes.

I’m too scared of her resentful gaze directed at me.

How does it feel to receive the most brutal demand from the one you thought came to save you?

It’s too much to imagine.

“I… understand…”

After a long silence, Cornelia finally speaks.

The answer is, of course, affirmative.

She can’t bring herself to refuse and agrees to my unreasonable request.

When I glance back, Cornelia is fidgeting with her fingers, her head lowered.

It seems she’s quite heartbroken.

Disappointing someone I’ve seen betray countless times is more painful than I expected.

Slowly, I lift Cornelia’s chin to meet her gaze, and I see tears welling in her eyes.

Ignoring it, I slip my hands into her collar.

As my fingers brush against her collarbone, Cornelia shivers, letting out a moan.


“Cornelia, don’t feel too hurt hearing this. I actually didn’t come here to save you.”

Just in case she might misunderstand, I clarify.

You’re not a princess trapped in a castle, and I’m not a hero come to rescue you.

I just stumbled across you while searching for treasures.

“It’s hard to explain, but I came here with another purpose…”

Whispering quietly, I reach for the pearl necklace around Cornelia’s neck and gently touch it.

One bead, and then another.

As I sift through the pearls, I’m searching for my real ‘goal’ for coming here.

“Saving you was merely a secondary objective.”

Found it.

The real goal for coming here.

As I touch one of the pearls, a system window appears before my eyes.

[Achievement Unlocked]

[Legacy of the Former Hero Discovered!]

[You receive the trait ‘Weak Point’ as a reward for achieving this.]

[Trait: Weak Point]

[You can see the weaknesses of monsters. It is effective against all types of monsters.]

In fact, I almost forgot that while hurriedly trying to save Cornelia.

However, the primary purpose for my trip to Cologne was indeed, the trait Weak Point.

It’s essential for conquering the Final Boss.

“I’m not a philanthropist. With something given, something must be received in return.”

“I understand… It’s cheap compared to a life…”

“Thank you for understanding.”

With a quick motion, I place the pearl necklace back around her neck and take a step back.

Before I know it, tears have begun to stream down Cornelia’s cheeks.

Drip. Drop.

Her tears fall endlessly, soaking the carpet beneath us.

I thought I was used to seeing a woman’s tears.

But in the end, I can’t resist and take a step closer.

“Just don’t forget. I’ll always be on your side.”

“I… uh…”

“While I look tough, I do take my responsibilities seriously. If you ever run into trouble, just call me. I’ll come running.”

Wiping away Cornelia’s tears, I speak words of assurance.

How much weight they’ll carry, I’m not entirely sure.

But given that I’m the one who just sliced Lawrence’s throat, I suppose it sounds quite convincing.

I plan to take full responsibility to the end.

After all, human hearts are fickle; once they’ve been shown kindness, they tend to forget later.

If my aftercare falls short, Cornelia could swiftly betray me and dismantle the Briam house.

That’s not something I can allow.

Briam must remain, ever as my solid ally.

Thus, I have no choice but to position myself as Cornelia’s only ally amidst enemies.

“You still have that scar on your face.”

As I finish wiping her cheeks, Cornelia approaches and touches my face.

Just as her fingers are about to touch my skin, she hesitates for a moment.

“It’s okay. It’ll heal quickly… Ah, that stings.”

“Does it hurt?”

She gently caresses my injury, letting out a sigh.

This is the same spot I just applied ointment to with great care.

If we keep this up, the wound might worsen.

I grab her wrist and pull it away, and Cornelia lets out a whimper.

“Thank you… Really, thank you, Yoo Jin…”


“You said I could call whenever, right? Can I call you if I can’t sleep at night?”


“Haha, just kidding! I wouldn’t bother you for something trivial like that. I wouldn’t want to be a shepherdess. I also hate coming across as a nuisance…”

Cornelia forces a smile, winking as she tries to laugh.

It’s an awkward smile, but it seems more genuine than any smile I’ve seen before.

A strong and bold woman’s smile.

I feel reassured that Cornelia will rise again.

“Are you leaving now?”

“Yeah. My goal’s been achieved.”

“Don’t worry too much, and leave with a light heart. I won’t repay your kindness with malice. I won’t tell anyone your name either.”

“Can I trust you?”

“You can trust me. And you, don’t hesitate to ask for anything you might need. Whatever it is, I’ll get it to you, no matter where you are.”

“Got it.”

“Seriously, anything at all, Yoo Jin. I can fulfill any request.”


Cornelia leans closer, whispering confidentially into my ear.

I was already planning to ask for all sorts of things; thankfully, she seems eager to oblige.

“Alright. Before I leave, I’d like to ask for around five blank checks.”

“Hehe. What will you use them for?”

“That’s a secret.”

“Of course…”

Cornelia gives a slight disappointed smile as she tears off five blank checks.

She carefully signs each one and hands them to me.

Looks like I won’t have to worry about money for a while.

“Don’t worry. I won’t spend any ridiculous amounts.”

“I’m not worried about that…”

“Then what are you worried about?”


I think I’ve said enough goodbyes.

After brushing Cornelia’s bangs for a while, I tidy up her tear-streaked face and brows as a parting gesture.

As I remove my hand from her forehead and turn away, Cornelia’s mouth opens, her eyes revealing a sense of longing.

Yet, she’s at a loss for words and simply shuts her mouth again.

“I’m off now.”


“Mi Jeong. It’s all over. Let’s stop watching and head home.”


I wave my hand and exit the mansion.

As I step out the front door, Mi Jeong hurriedly runs up next to me.

Just as I’m about to take my first step outside…

“Yoo Jin!”

Her hoarse voice calling out makes me turn around.

Cornelia has made it to the doorway, gasping for breath.

It seems she still has things to say.

“I’ll be waiting. You can come back and rest anytime. I’ll always be here, waiting just for you!”


Not wanting anyone nearby to hear, I silently wave goodbye and turn away.

Even so, I can’t completely erase the joy from my face.

There’s a place for me to return to.

I have a solid ally backing me.

Just thinking that brings a great sense of relief.

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