I Gave Up on Conquering the Heroines

Chapter 65

“Acting Mayor, it’s time for a break. After all, the Cologne mayoral elections are coming up soon…”

“I need to tidy up the ongoing tasks and pass them on to the next mayor. I can’t just shrug it off as if it’s no longer my job.”

“That’s why you’re the Acting Mayor! How about running for the Cologne mayor position yourself?”

“I’ll think about it…”

Awkward chuckle and the secretary leaves the room.

Running for mayor, huh? That was a choice I’d never even considered. I only took on the position out of responsibility after Lawrence died. I thought once the elections were over, it wouldn’t concern me anymore.

‘Is running a guaranteed win?’

It’s not just unfounded confidence; objectively, my chance of winning is very high. No candidates were ready for this election, probably expecting Lawrence to keep his seat.

After he suddenly died, some candidates made fools of themselves in a panic, trying to rush their preparation and ended up self-destructing.

Meanwhile, I, the Acting Mayor, managed to handle the mayoral duties even better than Lawrence. I successfully completed the repairs on the massive sinkhole created by the collapsing dungeon.

The only flaw might be that I’m a woman. But I’m not some naive lady of a family sucking blood; I’m acting as the Count’s representative, which should mitigate that flaw significantly. So, running would all but guarantee my win.

Others would probably run without hesitation. I have ambitions for power, too. I also want to climb the social ladder.

‘Would he be happy about that?’

However, nothing is more important to me than Yoo Jin. I doubt he would be pleased if I became the mayor of Cologne.

Honestly, once I become mayor, I’ll have far more responsibilities. I’ll have auditors breathing down my neck all the time. That would mean I’d have to disclose all my guarantee payment records, leading to questions about who this mysterious man is, splurging money across the continent.

He doesn’t seem to want his name out there. If people start paying attention, I have a feeling he’ll vanish without a trace. Leaving me behind…

‘Definitely not running.’

I solidified my thoughts. It’s not happening. The Briam family is already solid enough as it is. All ongoing projects are well on track. There’s no need for me to take on the heavy responsibility of being mayor.

“I miss him…”

Uh-oh. Thinking about him just makes me want to see him again. I had decided to focus solely on work during office hours, but it seems unavoidable.


The mana stone ring made by Yoo Jin. Small and unimpressive, but to me, it’s worth more than gold. I roll it around in my hand, savoring the sensation. And with my other hand, I slide it down…


“Huh? Wha—?”

Suddenly, the door swings open. I put up a “knock first” sign on that door…

As my head lifts in preparation to vent my frustration…

“Long time no see, Cornelia. I thought of you and… uh, um.”

The unexpected visitor on the other side of the door was him—Yoo Jin.

Yoo Jin momentarily looked at me and swallowed his words.

“You seem busy.”


“Sorry, I’ll come back later.”

Whoosh The door closes as he retreats.

Seeing our surprise on his face made me realize what kind of position I was in. I had my head down on my desk, my face flushed, with my hands awkwardly residing beneath it…

“N-no! It’s not like that!”

I shot up, startled.

What a flimsy lie.

“That thing just now! It’s not what you think!”

“I’d like to know what you think I was thinking?”

“Something weird… right?”

“Isn’t it? Really?”

“I-I really didn’t!”

“Hmm, well. If that’s the case, then it must be so.”

He grinned playfully as he sat down with the little blood ghoul beside him.

I’m annoyed, but at the same time, I’m uncontrollably happy, unable to curb my laughter.

“I’m learning tea ceremonies these days. Let me brew some matcha for you.”

“How luxurious to have the Acting Mayor of Cologne personally brewing me tea.”

“Don’t tease me…”

Turning my back to Yoo Jin while pulling out the teacup, I had to work hard to calm the grin forming on my lips.

It seems that saying “Speak of the devil and he shall appear” really rings true.

“Here you go. A cup for my little guest, too.”

“Uh… N-No, thank you.”


“She’s scared of running water.”

Just as I was about to pour water into the cup, the pale-skinned girl burrowed into his embrace, whining. She used to be a bit colder, but it seems quickly she’s become close to Yoo Jin.

“Why are you sitting here?”

“The other chair is a bit uncomfortable.”

“Isn’t it the same chair?”

“It’s different.”


I poured the water into the cup and sat next to Yoo Jin, secretly edging closer to touch my thigh against his.

This warmth. This voice. This trembling.

Just sitting beside Yoo Jin washes away my stress and stabilizes my mind.

Ah, I might be wrong about the ‘stabilized’ part.

My heartbeat is racing…

“I missed you. I was actually just thinking about how much I wanted to see you when you showed up.”

“What a fantastic coincidence.”

In truth, it’s not a coincidence at all.

I spend more than half my day thinking about him. Except for when I sleep, I literally can’t help but think of him.


It feels more romantic to think of it as a twist of fate, right? I do focus on work during work hours, you know.

“The checks you gave me are all spent now.”

“Yeah, I saw all five were used. Rest assured, all payments were made properly.”

“Actually, I’d like to request about 20 more this time.”

“I’ll make sure you get a nice 30.”

“Thanks, Cornelia.”


Scrape, scrape.

I lean my head against Yoo Jin’s shoulder and rub it against him. He wraps an arm around my neck and gently pats my head.

It feels wonderful.

The sensation of being enveloped by Yoo Jin’s large hand is so pleasing. It feels like I’ve become his…

“By the way, I have a gift for you.”

“A gift?”

“Thanks to you, I could go without worrying about money, which made things so much easier. Here it is.”

“What is this…?”


From inside an elegant box glows a brilliant jewel.

Wait, is this a mana stone…?

The exquisite color made my eyes widen instinctively.

This wasn’t a combat auxiliary magical tool like the sword or ring Yoo Jin usually carries around. It was clearly a decorative piece or an engagement stone.

“What’s the occasion?”

“I stopped by Elvenguard. Picked it up while passing through.”

“Don’t tease. Are you serious?”

“I am serious.”

I was at a loss for words staring at Yoo Jin’s sincere expression.

I’ve thought every day about wanting to be someone special to him.

I’ve waited endlessly for him.

But deep down, I sensed the chance of this feeling being reciprocated was quite low…

That’s why I switched my strategy.

Rather than actively trying to win over Yoo Jin, I decided to be the woman who arrives at the very end.

‘A proposal…?’

But I never thought today would be that day.

A pricey Elvenguard mana stone. Not a cheap trinket masquerading as a proposal gift; this was the real deal.

The intent is clear. A method of courtship aimed at a woman of high nobility.

Cliché, yes, but that’s what makes it all the more meaningful.


Overjoyed, I found it hard to articulate my words. It felt like tears were on the verge of pouring out.

As I blinked back tears, Yoo Jin chuckled and wiped my eyes with his thumb.

“Uh, that’s…”

“Do you dislike it?”

“I love it! I’m so happy! I can’t believe it…”

“It seems you’re really emotional about it. I could sell it for quite a sum.”


But as he continued to speak, I realized I must have misunderstood something.

“You want me to sell this?”

“Yeah. Use the money to help the family.”


Ah. I understood.

The full context clicked in my mind. Yoo Jin isn’t a noble.

So, of course, he wouldn’t know the customs of noble marriage.

Initially, he really didn’t understand the meaning of gifting such an expensive mana stone to a woman.

Once that realization hit me, my spirits plummeted.

I felt like an idiot for feeling elated just moments before.

‘But of course…’

Yoo Jin isn’t the type to get married. He’s someone who hates being tied down to anything.

If he’s after my wealth, he’s already enjoying his life without needing to marry.

There’s absolutely no reason he’d want to marry me right now.

Moreover, Yoo Jin’s own matters probably aren’t over yet.

According to where he’s been using the checks, he’d been wandering around the Southern Continent.

As a demon hunter, he must be constantly jet-setting around the globe.

“It’s… nice…”

But suppressing all those feelings of disappointment, I forced a smile for Yoo Jin.

Finding comfort in the fact that he’s considering me means there’s at least something to comfort me.

“So, what did you do in Elvenguard?”

“This is confidential. I don’t know if I can tell you.”

“I’ll keep it a secret. You know I have a heavy mouth.”

“I know. I managed to hide that Lawrence was a servant of the demon up until now. Let me see… Where should I start?”

Before I knew it, work was forgotten.

I leaned against Yoo Jin’s shoulder, listening to his lengthy story.

He might have skipped some details since he can’t tell everything, but…

Still, his stories were captivating.

Yoo Jin’s indifference seeped into the narrative. He summarized his achievements briefly while maximizing others’ greatness, but it was still clear he had accomplished a lot.


Time passed, as I noticed the sun setting and suddenly felt gloomy.

Yoo Jin’s time to leave has come.

“It looks like the sun is about to set.”


At some moment, I had ended up nestled against him, resting my head on his chest.

I wish this moment could last forever.

I hope Yoo Jin doesn’t leave.

I hope he doesn’t go to dangerous places or meet other women.

I wish he could live here with me forever.

‘That’s not going to happen…’

But I had long since discarded any foolish expectations.

Yoo Jin would never choose me.

The reason is clear, and it’s detrimental.

‘Yoo Jin must think my body was tainted by Lawrence…’

His reluctance to accept me must stem largely from this reason.

But even saying that wouldn’t change anything.

Sometimes, truth can feel more false than lies.

How persuasive would it sound if I claimed I preserved my virginity after marrying such a violent man?

Even I wouldn’t believe it.

There’s bound to be much younger and cleaner women around Yoo Jin.

There’d be no reason for him to choose me over any other woman.

It’s bitter, but that’s the reality I’m powerless to alter.

“Huh! Is it nearly the last train? Shouldn’t we be getting up?”

“We should be leaving soon. But I feel like I talked too much about myself. What about you?”

“I… Um, nothing much happened…”

I had finally worked up the courage to push him to go, but Yoo Jin drew near, fixing my tousled hair again.

It just leaves me longing…

“Are you not tired?”

“I’m… fine.”

“Really? Your workload seems no joke.”

“A bit… a little tired…”

It’s because of you.

I’m dying to see you and it’s hurting my heart every day.

But I can’t say that, fearing it might burden him.

“Keep your chin up. You’re doing great. Thanks to you, I’m receiving a lot of help.”



Yoo Jin’s warm embrace made my entire body feel flushed.

This isn’t the soft, lovely embrace you’d usually receive from a lover, but for now, it’s more than enough.

All fatigue melts away.

Stress dissipates, and my mood lifts.

Like that, I indulged in being physically enveloped by Yoo Jin’s strong arms for quite a while.

Soon, his strength began to wane.

As the sound of his heels descended, our eyes met.

Yoo Jin’s gaze was so warm.

“Did nothing special happen in Cologne?”

“No, everything’s going well. The sewer project is complete. And that incident from two days ago when the Priestess visited…”

“What? The Priestess came here?”


But at that moment, his voice carried an air of confusion, and his face paled significantly.

He quickly realized it.

This man must be involved with the Priestess in some way.

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