I Gave Up on Conquering the Heroines

Chapter 91

“I’m not even from this generation, and here I am struggling to prevent the apocalypse of the distant future! No one recognizes it, and I’m up against an enemy that no one even knows exists! I’m definitely losing my mind! And I really like the fact that I’m going crazy! I found it fascinating!”




While Tran Silvia rambled on, she couldn’t hide her displeased expression.

This guy’s habit doesn’t change, even if she’s dragged all the way to Draken and back.

‘Aren’t you exaggerating a bit by calling me crazy?’

I’m not trying to make some noble sacrifice or become a hero.

I just want to go home.

If they want to overvalue me for that, I guess I can’t complain…

“This is the first time I’ve met an enemy like you! I’ll help you! I’m saying I’ll join you on your journey!”

Tran Silivia stood before me, laughing boisterously.

Help, huh?

It hit me hard this time that I really need companions.

I’m not talking about helpers who can assist with funding, prophecies, mana stone crafting, or communication.

I need someone who can fight alongside me like Mi Jeong, someone who can watch my back.

The term “comrade-in-arms” seems more appropriate.

What I need now is a comrade-in-arms.

The sight of Draken I saw in the other world was truly majestic.

I might have boasted that I could take him down if I hit him just right.

But alone, I’d just end up poking at him until I grow old and die.

Whether it’s a swordsman proficient in martial arts secrets or a powerful mage who knows 10-tier magic, I need someone strong.

In that respect, Tran Silivia is undoubtedly the ideal candidate for a companion.

A powerhouse who has thrown all her stats into brute strength, one of the strongest characters in this world right now.

“No. I don’t need it.”


Of course, that’s only true if she can unleash her power.

Tran Silivia can’t.

I realized that for certain after traveling to the other world.

A guy who gets scared just hearing Draken’s name isn’t exactly helpful.

It’s not like he’d just freeze up and succumb to status ailments right after going in.

Even against Belphegor, someone I could definitely slice to bits, he begs on his knees.

“What’s the reason for that?!”

“I won’t travel with a coward.”

“W-what do you mean…?”

She seemed unable to argue against being called a coward, slumping her shoulders.

As for me, I was just as mentally wrecked the moment I entered that other world.

The difference between Tran Silivia and me is that I’m the player while she’s an NPC.

Unlike me, who obtained the mental strength enhancement trait as an achievement unlock reward, Tran Silivia is stuck being terrified of Draken for the rest of her life.

It’s how she’s programmed.

She probably won’t overcome that until the very end.

‘But is that really true?’

Thinking about the main heroines who regained their memories by exceeding the limits of the timeline, it doesn’t seem like it has to be that way…

For now, the chance of Tran Silivia being helpful in the final boss fight is extremely low.

However, I just gained her favor, so it would be a shame to throw this opportunity away.

While pondering how to proceed…

“If joining is too difficult… can you take one piece of advice?”

“What kind of advice?”

“You seem to use Dakia-style swordsmanship. Am I right?”


She recognizes Dakia-style swordsmanship?

I thought it had disappeared long ago.

But I guess it wouldn’t be strange for Tran Silivia, having lived for hundreds of years, to know it.

“Your form and breathing are all a mess. I can’t bear to watch. I need to teach you swordsmanship.”


What does she mean by that?

The trait level for Dakia-style swordsmanship is 10.

That’s generally the maximum level one can achieve.

And she says it’s a mess?

“Wait, did you perhaps master the martial arts secrets of Dakia-style?”

“What do you mean by that? I’m the one who established and formulated the martial arts secrets of Dakia-style.”


Tran Silivia tilted her head in confusion.

She’s not just at the level of having learned the martial arts secrets; she’s the one who created them?

The coward who just moments ago seemed useless suddenly appears entirely different.

“Since you caught my interest, I wouldn’t mind teaching you the secrets myself.”

“Uh… no thanks. I’ll pass.”


To be honest, it’s true that I don’t like her overbearing attitude, but that’s not why I refused.

The martial arts secrets are the pinnacle that only chosen geniuses can reach.

It’s truly a realm for superhumans.

Is there any chance a mere mortal like me could ever reach such heights?

Even if I could, who knows how long it would take?

I need to finish this within two years; I can’t afford to waste time chasing after some martial arts secrets!

“Let me teach you! Please!”

“No, I told you no. I lack talent.”

“It’s true you lack talent… but still! It wouldn’t hurt to learn once! Just try it! It’s free! A chance to hear from the founder of the secrets!”

Suddenly, Tran Silivia clutched at my clothing and tugged desperately.

Why is she so stubborn about this?

“Why are you being so relentless…?”

“If you met a successor of a martial arts style that had already vanished, would you really not want to teach them anything?!”

Ah, I get it.

It’s the feeling of an old-timer meeting a newbie in a dead game.

“You’re safe! Investor!”

Tay burst in with tears in her eyes.

I’m just relieved she’s okay.

Looking around, none of the city seems damaged.

It looks like Belphegor didn’t cause any trouble during his retreat.

He must have been in a hurry to escape.

“What was that black sky just now?”


Tay’s hands are still trembling.

Belphegor said he came looking for Kali’s dead soul scent.

I’ve realized that Kali’s dead soul must always be camouflaged unless it’s a special occasion.

But the most fundamental solution is for me to leave Basel.

If possible, it would be best not to stay in any city for too long.

“Tay. Listen closely. If something like today happens again, head straight for the Clockwork City in the north. This address is a safe house.”

I write down the address of (former) Cern’s house for Tay.

If she’s in danger, she can run there.

It’s where Linda, who can contact me immediately, is.

Given that Tay is currently the only one who can process the black mana stone, her value is quite significant.

“When you get there, there will be a clockwork doll. Just tell it my name, and it’ll let you in.”

“Just say Mi Jeong’s name, right?”


Mi Jeong beside her flinched.

Did I introduce myself to Tay as Mi Jeong?

I can’t quite remember.

“Actually, my name is Yoo Jin.”

“······Mi Jeong. My name.”

“W-wait. You mean Investor’s name isn’t Mi Jeong?! Then I’ve been calling someone else’s name all this time?! Ah, arghhh!”

Tay wobbled like she might faint.

As I grabbed her shoulders to support her, she gave me a slight pout as she slammed her fist against my chest.

“I had already forgotten about the alias I used before…”

“You’re pouting… I don’t think your pout will easily go away.”

“So how do I make it go away?”

“Next time you come, make sure to bring a black mana stone. Then I’ll forgive you. I can’t increase my skills with just any mana stone. I want to process your mana stone to grow my skills.”

“Okay. I’ll definitely bring one.”

Even now, all she thinks about is growing her skills.


I’m so impressed that I absentmindedly patted Tay’s head again.

“I promise. I’ll definitely grow stronger, so Investor won’t be able to ignore me.”

“Ignore? I’m not ignoring you at all right now!”

“That’s not the point! Dwarfs grow stronger as they level up…! Ah! Never mind! Just take this and go quickly!”

Suddenly irritated, Tay swatted my chest.

In her hand was a pile of letters.

Wait. Is she…

I told her to burn them…

“I couldn’t burn them because I was out of time. No, actually, because they seemed really precious. I couldn’t bring myself to burn them.”

“Thanks. There probably won’t be any more letters coming from this side from now on.”

“That’s great news. It was a pain getting letters from big shots almost every day. I was burdened…”

I owe Tay a lot.

The workshop was in chaos, trying to send back the people who took shelter in the bunker.

Staying here any longer would be a hassle.

So, I waved her goodbye and stepped out of the workshop.

“It’s late. You said it was just a brief greeting.”

“······still here.”

As soon as I stepped outside the workshop, Tran Silivia approached with arms crossed as if she had been waiting.

Seeing her, Mi Jeong hesitated, still glued to her grip on my hand.

After witnessing me pet Tay, she hasn’t let go of my hand for a while.

“You took off your armor?”

“It was cumbersome. What am I even doing playing knight when I’ve lost my voice? I might as well quit.”

Gallia Kingdom lost a well-trained cavalry and a full plate armor in one night.

And why did they appoint such a reckless person as a knight…

It makes me solemn.

“I have a new swordsmanship disciple! There’s no time for something like being a knight!”

Tran Silivia laughed joyfully, as if she were thrilled.

It looks like she’s lost her senses after meeting a new recruit after so long.

I was forced to entertain thoughts about trying to learn the martial arts secrets after Tran Silivia pleaded with me…

But I still find it suspicious.

No matter how you look at it, even what I said about being able to learn the secrets sounds like empty words to prevent me from running away.

Swordsmanship trait level 11.

Commonly known, the martial arts secrets are allowed only to some selected strong individuals.

In other words, it’s a realm only superhumans can reach.

One of the representative martial arts secrets is the Frost-style martial arts secret called “Body and Sword as One,” which signifies the state of becoming one with the sword.

That’s precisely why Yerina is so powerful.

Then a question arises.

While the Frost-style secrets are quite famous, what about the Dakia-style secrets?

“So, what’s the Dakia-style martial arts secret?”

Dakia-style basically focuses on offense.

Most techniques are offensive maneuvers, and even the few defensive moves allow for simultaneous attack and defense.

It’s that aggressively offensive of a swordsmanship style…

So what exactly is the secret then?

“The Dakia-style secret emphasizes breaking the limits of swordsmanship attacks. Originally, you could only attack within the range of the sword’s blade, but it expands that range. The air, the wind becomes the sword that cuts the opponent. Hmm… showing you might be quicker than explaining.”

As she was explaining, Tran Silivia stopped and placed her hand on the sword’s hilt.

I tensed up, anticipating a long lecture that I wouldn’t understand.

But it seemed she was about to demonstrate right away.

“In short,”


In the blink of an eye, the blade is drawn and scatters light.

At first glance, it seemed as though she sliced through empty air.

But simultaneously, a powerful gale sweeps out forward.

“This is it.”

As a result of her swing, a long gash appeared in the ground.

Stretching out over several dozen meters, it eventually ended with a clean-cut tree trunk that broke and fell over.

At first, I thought it was some kind of sword aura, but throughout that process, there was no manifestation of mana at all.

It was purely a long-range sword strike utilizing just her sword and body.

“Well, visually, nothing beats this for a demonstration, but the intent of the Dakia-style secret isn’t just about sending out a strike; it’s a concept of extending the range of the attack—”

“Master! I want to learn!”

“What? Why are you suddenly acting so weird…?”

This is something that needs to be learned.

I absolutely must learn this.

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