I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.1 Ch.11 Mana Rush 🦴

"Ryan you're up," Joris said with a smile and nodded his head towards the Kobolds.

Ryan takes his dagger in hand and looks at the Kobolds with a frown.

"Okay, let's do this!" He said with a determined look.

He charged at the Kobolds and sliced one in half with a single swipe of his blade like it was butter. 'I have gotten stronger!?' Ryan thought. It felt surreal being that fast and strong.

Then he proceeded to cut off the heads of all ten Kobolds with ease.

'Damn! It's getting easier.' Ryan thought to himself while being impressed by his new strength. A moment later he started feeling the mana of the Kobolds beginning to enter his body, the strange warm tingling feeling spreading all over him. His eyes glowed a bright azure blue as his skin darkened to a tanner tone and his brown hair lightened to platinum silver that grew just above his shoulders. But Ryan didn't notice any of those changes happening to him because he was trying to control his amped-up sexual lust. He was disgusted with himself for how turned on he was.

"Just breathe Ryan, just breathe." He whispered to himself while still trying to calm down his raging libido. Joris came over and made a big show of inspecting Ryan. Which startled him once he realized Joris was next to him.

"Well boy, you're looking pretty good," Joris said with a wink. "But you've got some work to do. Come with me to your true challenge. It's in the next chamber."

Ryan steeled his resolve and reeled in his libido for whatever this next creature was.

'The mana that I'm absorbing must be fucking with my body?' While Ryan was disoriented from all the mana he absorbed. He would have wanted to examine what happened to his body but Joris wasn't giving him time to organize his thoughts and priorities as he brought Ryan to his true objective.


Once they reached the next chamber Ryan saw that it had a cage with three giant lizards. They looked like four-legged prehistoric dinosaurs that were as tall as an elephant and they had some weird metal device over their eyes.

"What are they?" Ryan asked with a higher octave voice. 

Joris then turned to him and said. "They're Basilisks."

"Basilisks!?" Ryan screamed. "Are you fucking kidding me!? So if their blindfold falls off they'll turn us to stone!?" he demanded.

Joris laughed and said. "Hah! Yes, they can do that. We were lucky that our hunters were able to capture these three for you and Hiro. Basilisks are loaded with large quantities of mana and since Hiro is still taking his time with his Kobolds, your reward is getting to take the first two Basilisks. Leave the last one for Hiro.”

After Joris told Ryan his orders. He went on to add, “I will say the toughest thing about capturing Basilisk is getting the blindfolds on them after chaining them up. We are fortunate to have caught three of them. Too bad the muzzles didn't hold."

"Why's that?"

"Their saliva is acidic. They were able to burn through their muzzles" Joris said bluntly. "You'll be fine! Just aim for their jugular and they'll go down without breaking a sweat."

"You make it sound so easy, Joris," Ryan says sarcastically.

"Just watch their mouths, Ryan," Joris says with an annoyed look on his face. "Get in there and finish your trial!" As he glared at Ryan as if he was losing his patience with him.

Ryan could no longer delay as he didn't want to get on Joris's bad side. So he walked towards the cage where the basilisk was with a dagger in hand. Ready to make his move.

 Ryan heard Joris and two other Dark Elves yelling something about how slow Hiro was taking. All he needed to do was kill the ten chained-up Kobolds in the other room. It's not Ryan's problem right now as he focused on the first Basilisk that was not aware of him. He took a deep breath then he pounced with a dagger in hand and started slashing at its neck.

Ryan thought he got the jugular of the first basilisk but missed high, catching his blade on its jawbone. Immediately the Basilisk snapped back at its attacker.

"Shit!" Ryan screams and rolls to his left avoiding getting bit by the jaws of the Basilisk. Then he stabbed his dagger into the ground before him and used it to stop himself from sliding across the floor. He got back on his feet and moved to try to hit the weak point properly this time.

As he prepared himself, he heard a voice in the back of his mind. "Why not use magic?" Whispered a feminine voice.

"What?" Ryan asked and looked around for the source of the voice. "Where are you?"

"Right in front of you." The voice said again and Ryan realized that the voice came from inside his head.

Ryan was astonished by this fact, he always thought he had a normal hearing ability but never heard anything like this before. He couldn't believe that the voice in his head was coming from a little ball of light that appeared out of nowhere.

"What are you?" Ryan asked.

The orb transformed into the shadow-shaped being that had been stalking him in his dreams the last two nights!

"I am the Shadow of the Dark Goddess Nils." She spoke with an airy voice. "You’ve been trying to avoid me the last couple of nights."

Ryan suddenly felt a similar dread as if he was having that same nightmare when he first came to this planet. But instead of a dream, it was real as this shadowy being formed in front of him. And his soul was screaming for him to run but his feet were rooted into the ground.

The Shadow of the Dark Goddess smiled widely and extended a shadowy hand towards him. "Come with me Ryan and you will be rewarded beyond your wildest imagination."

She moved so fast that Ryan couldn’t avoid her as her hand came in contact with his forehead. He felt a wave of heat wash over him. It was hot enough to make him sweat and gave his skin goosebumps. His vision was filled with knowledge of a magic incantation called "Dark Earthly Blade" and he felt like he knew how to cast it.

"Why did you bring me to this world?" Ryan asked in frustration.

"Ryan! Quit your daydreaming and finish your objective!" Joris yelled at him which made Ryan break eye contact with Nils for a moment as he turned his head to Joris with a confused look written on his face. 

‘Didn’t he see Nils or am I going insane?’ But Joris still had the same stern look he normally has.

Ryan turned his head back towards the Goddess and noticed that Nils's shadowy figure was gone. 'I must be going insane?' Ryan shook his head and focused on the task at hand.

He got up and moved to attack the squirming Basilisk, he felt the energy in his body circulate to his hands and arms making them glow with dark energy. 'Dark Earthly Blade' He chanted in his mind. Then the mana discharged into his dagger making it glow with a black aura and in a blink of an eye the blade extended and wrapped towards the Basilisk, nailing its jugular vein. Ryan pulled his dagger away from the creature's throat as the blade returned to its original shape. The basilisk lasted for a moment before it bled out of its neck and died. 

'T-That was Magic! So, Nils is real!' Ryan was shocked by the raw power that came from him. It was something up to three days ago he would have thought was impossible.

He looked around for his second target and noticed the Basilisk he had to kill was coming towards him. This one melted through its chains and was about to pounce on him. So Ryan used his Dark Earthly Blade again as the blade from his dagger pierced its neck with a fatal blow before it could get to Ryan.

Even though it was dead, the Basilisk's momentum was still coming towards Ryan as he had to jump and roll out of the way of the charging creature. He was lucky he didn't get crushed by the hulking beast as it was only inches away from killing him. It somehow knew where Ryan was even though it was still blindfolded. 

‘Just watch for their mouths and you’ll be fine. You're full of shit Joris!’ thought Ryan while cursing Joris under his breath after being attacked from his blindspot.

Ryan's momentum made him roll a couple of times before he could stop himself and saw the Basilisk fall over dead. Then he started to feel the effects of the mana flowing through his veins. 

His muscles were getting smaller and his shoulders weren't as broad. Luckily his stamina was improving. As he looked down he noticed that he was shrinking a little. He used to be 6' 3" but now he is 5' 10" as he lost five inches in height. And his hair was starting to grow longer than before, about a few inches down his back. That's when Ryan noticed his hair had changed color. To a platinum silver. 

'What the fuck?' Ryan began to panic some more because of the physical changes happening to him. But before his panic took hold of his mind his body got a rush of pleasurable sensation from the mana.

His rational mind was screaming at him that this was very wrong and needed to find a way to stop whatever was happening to him. But the nonstop waves of pleasure and lust were too much to resist.

All Ryan could do was moan in blissful pleasure. As his free hand slowly crept up to his slightly swollen chest. His fingers found two rock-hard nipples that were screaming to be touched.

'Come on Ryan! Don't give in!' Ryan was desperately trying to will himself not to touch his nipples but his left hand gave in and grabbed hold of his left nipple and twisted it so hard that it released the floodgate of pure ecstasy through his body. 

"Aunh!" Ryan moaned, leaning his head back.

Ryan was literally shaking with pleasure and his moans grew louder and deeper. 'Oh, god! This feeling is so great! Aunh! I-I can't stop!'

Ryan screamed internally as he grabbed ahold of his right nipple and tweaked it just as hard as the other one. The pleasure became too much as his legs gave way, causing him to fall forward onto his knees. He closed his eyes tight and bit his bottom lip to keep from moaning loudly. His entire body trembled with pleasure as he tried to will his hands away from his nipples. But he rapidly came to his climax as the feelings built up inside of him.

As soon as he let go of his nipples he orgasmed almost instantly. He quickly pulled out his pulsating dick from his pants before he squirted out some hot cum inside of them and sprayed it on the ground in front of him. It took a few minutes for the aftershock of Ryan's orgasm to fade. As he sat there on his knees he noticed his dick looked smaller too. Ryan was too lost in thought to notice Joris standing five feet away from him.

"So you like playing with yourself in public, aye?" Joris says as he looks at Ryan's shrunken penis.

Ryan blushed red like a tomato and turned his body away from Joris. Putting dick back into his pants.

“I’m not like this! It's the mana's fault for making me do this!" He retorted.

As Ryan was still recovering from his orgasm Joris continued to talk. "Sure, whatever Ryan," Joris said as he walked off towards a Dark Elf that Ryan hadn't seen before. She had short venom-red hair, purple eyes, and good hips and legs but there was no chest on her. Plus she kind of dressed as a tomboy with a choker necklace with a red orb.

'W-wait? Hiro!?' Ryan was about to call out to Hiro when he felt someone grab his arm.

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